Evil Insect God

Chapter 1045: Beast siege

The scene in front of him was nothing to Huo Hai, because Huo Hai had participated in battles of tens of millions of levels, and even participated as a commander. A large number of skeletons had been fighting every day before.

But Huo Hai does not have skeletons now, not only does not use a large number of skeletons, but he is also unhealed. Faced with such a beast attacking the city, Huo Hai will inevitably be affected. Are all so strong."

Huo Hai asked a person next to him. Just now, Huo Hai was brought to a place similar to an arrow tower by the general. In addition to Huo Hai, there are many other people here, but they have reached the realm of Spirit Emperor. Yes, there are only two people besides himself, and Huo Hai has never seen the fierce beast attacking the city, so this question is raised.

"No, this time the fierce beasts are exceptionally strong. When most fierce beasts attack the city, most fierce beasts are only in the realm of spirits. Look at this time, all the beasts are above the realm of spirits, and there are so many. ."

After a pause, the blue-clothed old man looked helpless: "It seems that in this battle, a beast of the Spirit Sovereign realm may appear."

The fierce beasts in the realm of the spirit emperor are different from ordinary fierce beasts. Even among fierce beasts, they are very rare. The general siege is due to some unexpected reasons, causing the fierce beasts to gather and attack the human fortress. .

But sometimes, as it is now, there will be special spirit emperor realm beasts organized to organize a large number of masters to attack human fortresses. "Every battle involving spirit emperor realm beasts is the most difficult, but After persisting this time, at least there will be no beasts attacking the city for at least a year, and no attacks of this scale will be encountered within ten years."

In this regard, the blue-clothed old man seems to know very well, and it is right to think about it. This blue-clothed old man is the master of the current fortress, and the old man next to him who exudes flames is completely different.

"Attention, the first wave of offensive is coming, everyone is careful." I don't know where the voice of the general defending the city came from. Huo Hai looked at it from a distance. The fierce beast is still far away from here. Huo Hai was a little strange.

However, when Huo Hai looked into the air, he finally found the problem. In the air, a large number of flying birds were crushed in black, and they rushed to this side frantically. "When these flying birds approach the mountains, their flying altitude will continue to drop. In the end, it is not as high as the top of the fortress. These flying beasts are the most dangerous in every battle."

The blue-clothed old man looked at the endless birds and beasts in the sky, frowning, every time a large-scale siege, there are these nasty birds, which are very hateful. The more birds and beasts, this time The greater the battle loss.

Now looking at the sky, these flying beasts may be more than 30,000. Hearing the words of the blue-clothed old man, Huo Hai immediately said: "If this is the case, then these flying beasts will be handed over to me."

After Huo Hai finished speaking, he smiled slightly and summoned Xiao Yun in a place where no one else could see it. "Xiao Yun, this time, it depends on your ability to fool people." Huo Hai said in his heart, Xiao The cloud nodded immediately, and then the whole body merged into the air. In just a moment, a large amount of clouds and mist began to gather in the sky, and the clouds and mist quickly enveloped the high sky in front.

Huo Hai waved his hand, but there was no spiritual power fluctuation. The two old men looked at Huo Hai strangely, but the next moment everyone didn't think it was strange. Following Huo Hai's movements, the clouds and mist in the sky flew forward quickly.

Soon, the cloud and mist arrived near the flying beast. The next moment, the cloud and mist turned into a large meat grinder, and huge vortices formed in the cloud and mist, surrounded by a large number of clouds and mist weapons of various shapes, with extraordinary power.

All the beasts and birds, as long as they dared to enter the cloud and mist, they would be crushed directly. A heavy rain of flesh and blood began immediately below. The beasts did not dare to fly forward, because entering the cloud and mist is a death, but It's not enough if you don't fly forward, because then you can't get close to the fortress. If the flight is too low, you will have to fall down and fight.

Among a large number of beasts, the birds and beasts cannot take advantage when they fall on the ground, and they are easily trampled to death by other beasts. With Huo Hai's action, these beasts and birds are in a dilemma immediately, and they are completely abolished. .

At this time, Huo Hai still ordered Xiaoyun to scatter some clouds and mist from time to time, forming attacks, and constantly harassing these flying beasts. "Okay..." Seeing this situation, a shout of applause broke out in the fortress.

The blue-clothed old man looked gratified: "Haha, I didn't expect you to be a master of the cloud and mist type. This time the battle seems to be much easier." The cloud type masters are very weak offensive and defensive, and their strength lies in a large range. Auxiliary combat, especially for those teams that are not as strong as their own, but are very dense, has extremely strong lethality.

"Where, it's just the right time." Huo Hai smiled modestly. This is not his own ability. Just now, he was just pretending, and the real attacker was actually Xiaoyun.

However, the spirit worms fight, and the credit goes to the owner. This is not a problem. The flying beasts in the air were restrained by Huo Hai, and everyone turned their eyes to the general beasts below. These beasts are also a kind of guardian. test.

Gradually, the fierce beast team approached the fortress. Suddenly, countless explosions sounded behind them. Pieces of giant crossbow arrows and a large number of rocks flew out, quickly attacking toward the front. When passing through the air, the fortress A strange spiritual light screen suddenly appeared on the edge, and the stones and crossbow arrows passed through the light screen without any hindrance.

Not only that, there was a strange light film on the stones and crossbow arrows. When these weapons fell into the group of beasts, they suddenly screamed. Many beasts were either seriously injured or killed directly.

"Hehe, this spirit formation is the focus of our border guardian spirit formation. When a long-range weapon passes through the spirit formation, it will be directly given a layer of spiritual power by the spirit formation to increase the weapon's attack ability, otherwise these fierce beasts will not be so easy. Hurt."

The blue-clothed old man seemed to have seen Huo Hai’s doubts and immediately explained. Huo Hai nodded, revealing a sudden realization. It turned out to be like this. I really didn’t expect such a magical spirit formation. Without these things, it would be so ordinary. Attack, I am afraid that even the fierce beasts in the realm of spirits are very difficult to hurt, not to mention these fierce beasts that are at least above the spirit general.

After passing through this layer of special barriers, ordinary weapons also have strong lethality. The beasts in the realm of the spirit will also be injured. The beasts injured and fallen to the ground will be followed by other beasts. The beast trampled to death alive.

"Such a weapon is not used every time a fierce beast attacks a city. This kind of barrier consumes too much spirit jade." The blue-clothed old man sighed. The powerful spirit formation also has its shortcomings.

Just as everyone was talking, the fierce beast was already close to the city wall. At this time, the fierce beast finally entered the attack range of the archers and "release arrows." The general gave an order, and countless arrows were like flying locusts. Out.

These arrows are just some ordinary arrows, at best they are well-made, but after passing through the special light screen, this kind of attack is extremely terrifying, even if it is facing a fierce beast in the realm of the spirit general, the arrow It can still easily sink into the fur of the beast, causing damage to the beast, hitting the critical position, and even killing it directly.

"It's about to enter close combat soon." Under Huo Hai's gaze, a large number of fierce beasts have come under the city wall and began to climb the stairs. These steps are specially designed, and not every fierce beast can come up.

Some things that can’t get up will become stepping stones for other beasts, and the stairs are very steep. If one is not careful, they will fall down. It is not easy for the beasts to climb up, Huo Hai It was also discovered that the spirit array on the city wall not only had a protective effect, but also seemed to disrupt the pace of the fierce beasts, otherwise the fierce beast of the spirit general realm would not be so stupid.

"Kill, kill these beasts." Some soldiers suddenly jumped out of the city wall, drew their weapons directly on the top stairs, and aimed at the fierce beasts. Those who rushed out reached the realm of spirit generals. the above.

Others who are not strong enough are at the back, using the spirit array to continuously use various long-range attack methods to suppress the attacks of the beasts. Many of the beasts also have long-range attacks, so the soldiers here are either in the front or the rear. , The loss is not small.

"Aren't we going to help?" At the beginning of the tragic battle, many soldiers fell forever. Seeing such a scene, Huo Hai was a little confused, why the two men didn't plan to help.

The blue-clothed old man said indifferently: "If you want to improve your strength, this is the price you must pay. We wait slowly, and wait for the real commander of the opposite fierce beast to come out. Those are what we have to deal with. If we deal with the spirit emperor realm, The beast, we lost, no matter how many people here, it is impossible to hold the fortress." When the blue-clothed old man said this, his voice was extremely heavy.

Yes, this is the cruelty of war. On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, people who are not strong enough are just a small fight. No matter what they are in the end, as long as the master of the spirit emperor fails, the entire war is considered lost.

Fortunately, humans have always had more masters than fierce beasts. It is difficult for fierce beasts to convince each other, and basically it is unlikely that they will unite. However, fierce beasts are fierce beasts. They give up the development of wisdom and have the same level of strength. It is stronger than the average human spirit emperor. Facing these high-level fierce beasts, even if they are masters of the spirit emperor, they dare not take it lightly.

The battle of ordinary people is not something they should worry about. Only after these ordinary people have grown to their level, can they really let people take a high look, otherwise, it will always be cannon fodder.

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