Evil Insect God

Chapter 1046: Spirit Emperor Fierce Beast

The battle intensified. At this time, the army of beasts on the wall was in full contact with the human soldiers. The soldiers had been killed and injured a lot. If this continued, the wall would be occupied by the beasts in no time.

At this moment, there was a loud shout: "Open the array." Following the general's order, a faint light appeared on the entire city wall, with lines of spirit array patterns flowing slowly over the stone bricks of the city wall, spreading all over the surrounding.

Soon, the light began to spread upward, covering the beasts and humans. Almost instantly, the light changed. The light on humans gradually became an armor, an armor composed of light. In front of the armor, even the fierce beast of the spirit general realm, attacked on the body, it was difficult to injure these masters of the same level.

The light on the beast's body has also changed, becoming a thin film, which envelops the beast, but this film is not used to protect the beast. On the contrary, this film is transmitted through long-range attacks. The light screen is almost the same.

When the attack passes through the film, the attack will be strengthened. The most important thing is that the film is unilateral. The attack of the beast will not be strengthened, but will be reduced a lot. With this layer of light, The momentum of offensive and defensive changes immediately took place. At this time, the battlefield was dominated by humans. With one enemy and five no longer a problem, the defense line was firmly held.

"Hehe, this is a special spirit formation that our border fortresses researched specifically to deal with alien beasts. Such spirit formations are only available on the border and cannot be seen elsewhere. Unfortunately, for long-range weapons, it cannot be strengthened a second time. power."

Huo Hai looked at it and found that it was so, but Huo Hai was still a little strange: "Why didn't you use such a strong spiritual formation in the first place." If you use it at the beginning, you won't lose so many people, even the entire battle. It won't hurt many people.

The blue-clothed old man shook his head and said: "The defensive spirit formation is indeed very strong, but it consumes too much. Even if we have to save it, if it is not because the enemy is too strong this time, we would rather kill more people than use the defensive spirit formation. "The blue-clothed old man looked helpless, not all spiritual formations have the ability to automatically absorb and store spiritual energy.

Such a magical spirit formation is already very powerful. It is almost impossible to continue adding special functions to it. Such a spirit formation consumes spirit stones and makes these experts in the spirit emperor realm feel distressed. Great.

While the two were talking, the front line changed again, and a powerful breath rose into the sky, accompanied by countless high-level fierce beasts. Each of these fierce beasts reached the realm of the spirit king and was powerful.

"Attention all Spirit Kings, stop the spirit king beasts and not let them cross the line of defense." Following the general's words, a group of figures appeared on the wall. These people are the spirit king realm masters who have been hidden from the beginning. , Facing thousands of spirit kings, even the general defending the city himself came to the top of the city wall, facing the fierce beasts.

When the fierce beast approached a certain distance, the spirit kings who had stayed in the same tower with Huo Hai and others finally started. This tower can be said to be the tallest building in the entire fortress.

Here, you can see most of the inside and outside of the fortress, with a wide view, and it is basically impossible to fly to such a high place with the use of flying ability. Relatively speaking, it is still very safe.

Various attacks are issued from the hands of the masters of the spirit king, lightning flames, ice sword aura, as long as you can think of attack methods, you can basically see here, these masters who are good at long-range attacks, the first wave of attacks Those spirit king realm fierce beasts caused a very serious obstacle, at least dozens of spirit kings fell forever in the first wave of attacks.

Against the attacks of the masters of the Spirit King realm, he resisted twice, the fierce beasts of the spirit king finally came to their attack range, the first fierce beast issued its own long-range talent ability, and the other fierce beasts also have one after another. Hands on.

When Huo Hai saw this, he shook his head in his heart: "It's a pity, this spirit formation seems to only work for people below the spirit king realm." Those light films did not strengthen the attacks of the spirit king masters. That little defensive power was unable to withstand the attack of the Spirit King Fierce Beast, and the battle once again entered the fierce battle.

Although there are more masters of the spirit king realm on the human side, if this battle continues, I am afraid that the losses of the soldiers will be very serious. Huo Hai glanced at the blue-clothed old man and found that the blue-clothed old man's brows were frowned tightly.

It seems that even for the defense measures of the fortress, there is no good way for the beasts of the spirit king realm. Huo Hai now finally knows how the scars on the fortress came from. Only those spirit king beasts can break the spirit formation. Defense, leaving traces on the hard city wall, this kind of ladder, there is a big reason, is to prevent the attack of the spirit king fierce beast.

"Hehe, let me do it." Huo Hai laughed and waved his hand. In fact, he had secretly ordered Xiaoyun to do it. At this time, the flying fierce beast had lost more than half of it. This was because Xiaoyun had not launched a general attack.

The fierce beasts in the air were nothing. Xiaoyun heard Huo Hai’s order and immediately controlled a part of the cloud attack and began to descend. In the air, a long sword composed of clouds and mist fell from the air. As long as the fierce beasts hit were all stabbed. wear.

Then, the mist vortex fell one by one, and the fierce beasts involved in it were torn to pieces on the spot. Even the fierce beasts of the spirit king realm have no resistance at all. Don't think Xiaoyun is not suitable for fighting solo. , But the group attack really has no spirit worms comparable to it, the attacks of the spirit emperor realm, it is not these spirit kings that can resist.

Seeing this scene, not only the spirit kings who guarded the city heaved a sigh of relief, even the blue-clothed old man next to him also relaxed a lot. The look in Huo Hai's eyes was full of gratitude and relief.

In order to deal with the beasts of the Spirit King realm, they can't shoot them casually. Besides, even if they shoot, the cost of killing so many beasts of the spirit king is definitely not small. Watching, God knows how many people will be lost in the fortress this time.

It is because of repeated losses that the border has never been able to gather too strong forces. Otherwise, the fierce beast would never dare to attack the human fortress casually. Now it seems that it can be easier, even blue. The elders all want to keep Huo Hai and join the border guard in the future.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. Unless the spirit emperor comes from the border, it is impossible for the ordinary spirit emperor to stay on the border permanently to be a guard. As Xiaoyun continues to launch attacks, the beasts in the spirit king realm lose speed. very fast.

With the addition of a large number of weapons of war, they were barely able to cause a little trouble to these fierce beasts. The human masters gradually gained the upper hand, "Kill me, don't keep one." The general screamed excitedly, and swung a big knife in his hand.

A fierce beast in front was immediately cut in half by a big knife, "Be careful." Suddenly, a voice came from the side, and the general was shocked. He wanted to defend but it was too late. I don't know when, a spirit king peak. The fierce beast rushed to his side and bit at him in one bite. The general was helpless, so he could only use his whole spiritual power and blocked it with his arm.

With a clear sound, the general's left arm armor shattered and his arm was severely injured. Seeing this beast exerted force, the general's left hand would be broken and broken. At that time, it would be troublesome to cure it.

The people next to him could only watch, but there was no time for rescue. But suddenly, a white shadow fell in the air, and the fierce beast, who was about to tear the general's arm apart, stopped immediately and took a closer look. The white shadow just now , It was the misty sword that fell from the air that pierced the brain of this fierce beast in an instant. At this time, the fierce beast was weakly hung on the general.

With a strong hand shake, the general threw the fierce beast aside and shouted: "Thank you for your help, brothers, kill me." The left hand lost its combat effectiveness, but the general defending the city still had no intention of retreating.

Perhaps only these heroes who truly protect the pure land of mankind will have such integrity, Huo Hai sighed in his heart and ordered Xiaoyun to continue to save people. I am here today and must not let the beast kill casually.

With Huo Hai’s intervention, the battlefield has gradually entered a stable state. Soldiers and masters are killing the beasts in an orderly and efficient manner. Although people are injured or even killed from time to time, this loss is not a big deal. Up.

At this moment, there was a roar in the distance, "Roar...", the sound went straight through the sky, and the mere sound made many people's hearts tremble and their faces turned pale. This situation is not only in humans, even The same is true for those fierce beasts who are charging. The next moment, a huge pressure hits everyone's hearts.

"It's a fierce beast, the commander behind the scenes has appeared, old friend, this time we must not let this fierce beast run away." The blue-clothed old man said to the red-clothed old man beside him, and the red-clothed old man heard the words and pressed harder. nod.

Huo Hai's expression was strange. Originally, he saw that the two people didn't speak very much, and thought they were unfamiliar. Who knows, the two people actually know each other, and they seem to have a good relationship, but now is not the time to consider these.

Not long after, a yellow shadow rushed out from a distance. Looking from a distance, a huge figure that looked like a tiger hurriedly approached, but Huo Hai knew that a tiger is absolutely impossible to grow so big, and inside his mouth There are also six sharp fangs, six spikes on the back soaring into the sky, looking from a distance, it looks like two huge wings.

"It's a six-toothed six-thorn tiger. I didn't expect this powerful beast to come. If I was the only one today, it would really not be its opponent." The blue-clothed old man sighed, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

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