Evil Insect God

Chapter 1047: Two

When this six-toothed and six-thorn tiger appeared, the entire battlefield was filled with tremendous pressure. Suddenly, two figures rose into the sky, and two powerful breaths dispelled the pressure brought by the six-fanged and six-thorn tiger. .

In the air, at this moment, the two old men, one blue and one red, blocked Liufang Liuliuqihu's path from two directions.

These two people are just the two old men who were just watching the tower. They released their breath with all their strength at this time. Huo Hai felt it clearly. They were both second-level spirit emperors, and six-toothed six-thorn tigers were also second-level. Linghuang realm.

However, the fierce beast is inherently very powerful, stronger than the average master of the same level. It seems that the two old men are not from large forces, so the spirit of war art they have learned is not that high, so in terms of momentum, It was much weaker than this fierce beast, but the two still didn't care, and they directly acted on the six-toothed six-thorn tiger.

When the blue-clothed old man waved his hand, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and ice began to freeze on the ground. Some fierce beasts with relatively weak strength but relatively close were frozen into ice on the spot, and when they were touched by other fierce beasts, they broke into pieces. Scum on the floor.

The red-clothed old man on the other side was the same, but as soon as he acted, the surrounding temperature suddenly began to rise, and the red flame was shot out by the old man, and a fire dragon formed in the air, rushing towards the beast.

Seeing two human masters, the six-tooth and six-thorn tigers were not polite, roared, and waved their claws, and immediately issued a series of terrifying wind blades. Under the cutting of the wind blades, the flame of the red-clothed old man was shattered into a ball. In a ball, the flames fell around, and any beast that was occupied turned into a big fireball on the spot, leaving only a piece of ashes in a moment.

The six-toothed and six-thorn tiger with its back facing the blue-clothed old man is not without defensive ability. The six spikes behind it flashed a series of lightning, and the lightning flashed on the bone spurs. These bone spurs seemed to be alive, and they would adjust their targets.

"Cracking" a flash of lightning flew out, hitting the ice emitted by the blue-clothed old man, and instantly shattered it, one after another with thunders. The blue-clothed old man's attack frequency could not keep up, so he could only dodge while attacking. Embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, with one enemy and two, the same level of beasts still won’t fall, Huo Hai silently calculated in his heart, the combat effectiveness of this six-toothed six-thorn tiger, I am afraid that compared with the masters of the three top forces of the same level, There will be too much difference. Of course, the premise is that people from these big forces have no special items or powerful abilities at the bottom of the box.

No matter how strong the fierce beasts are, they cannot be the opponents of humans who have special war spirits and methods. Otherwise, why the whole world is ruled by humans, rather than fierce beasts. The outcome of this battle is really true. It's hard to say.

Forget it, if it doesn't work, when the pressure here is less, I will go up and help, such a person, Huo Hai really doesn't want them to die in front of him, but for now, he still has to save these ordinary soldiers.

The battle between the masters of the spirit emperor ahead cannot tell the victory or defeat in a short time. Besides, they are fighting, and it has caused some trouble to the attacking beasts. If these beasts want to rush over, they must Carefully bypass the battlefield where they fight, and from time to time, they will be wiped out by the aftermath of their battle.

As a result, the pressure of the front battle weakened once again. It seems that the reason why the two elders rushed out was also to position the battlefield on the offensive line. Huo Hai sighed that Jiang was really old.

Originally, this continued to continue. After the ordinary beasts were no longer a threat, Huo Hai would directly take action to kill the six-toothed six-thorn tiger, and then such a battle would be over, but who knows, the change suddenly occurred at this time occur.

"Hmm..." high in the sky, there was a high-pitched chirp, and then a black shadow plunged straight down from the air. Those who can fly to the height of the tower can only be achieved by flying beasts that have reached the realm of the Spirit Sovereign. Yes, it was a vulture that had reached the third-level spiritual emperor's strength. This vulture looked bare, but it was not really true.

It was because this vulture had many bone fragments growing on its surface, like layers of armor, and it seemed to have a bald feeling. This vulture suddenly rushed out and surprised everyone.

"No, I didn't expect that the fierce beasts would actually unite. Oh, the fortress is dangerous." The blue-clothed old man's eyes widened, and he was almost hit by the attack of the six-toothed six-thorn tiger. Ya Liu Tinghu didn't let it go at all, and under desperately entangled, neither of the two old men dared to leave casually, otherwise, the other would be in danger.

Huo Hai did not expect that this fierce beast would actually use tactics. Suddenly, a vulture appeared next to him. Huo Hai had no time to react. At this time, the huge beak of the vulture had already dealt with Huo Hai. Pecked down quickly.

If it is an ordinary person, facing such an attack, it would be very difficult to escape. Huo Hai instinctively raised his right hand, pointing the sword to the vulture’s beak and then pierced it, flashing a fluorescent purple sword energy. Out.

With a muffled "bang", the sword energy hit the vulture's beak, and it exploded on the spot without piercing it. It just blasted a small hole, and then shook the vulture back for a certain distance. A terrifying defense is worthy of a fierce beast." These fierce beasts' bones can be made into weapons of the same level with a little processing, how can they be destroyed so easily.

It is not easy to be able to break a pit by Huo Hai. At the same time, Huo Hai was also shaken back by the explosion a few steps, his face changed, opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood was spit out by Huo Hai, his face turned Also a little whitish.

"Damn, you can't do it casually." Huo Hai just used his own spiritual power to attack. Although he didn't use his full strength, but under the flow of spiritual power, Huo Hai's spiritual pulse injury that had not fully recovered was still affected by Huo Hai's actions.

It’s not okay to continue like this. Huo Hai’s current state can’t be used for combat at all, but Star Gu is not around, Huo Hai is not capable of resisting vulture attacks, wait, resist, "Why am I so stupid? Give them away." Huo Hai waved his hand, and twelve figures immediately appeared beside him. These were twelve insects and beasts, as well as fierce beasts.

Seeing the twelve giant spiders suddenly appeared, the faces of all the people around them changed and they immediately wanted to attack. The next moment, everyone felt the terrifying power of these spiders, which they could not deal with at all.

Thinking of this, everyone was full of despair. Fortunately, Huo Hai didn't let them despair for too long. He quickly made fingerprints with his hands. Huo Hai didn't dare to cast the spell with all his strength, but it was no problem to use the spell to guide it slightly.

Even Huo Hai’s spells have very dim visions, like someone who has just learned the spells. Following the guidance of Huo Hai’s spells, the twelve spiders who have reached the second-level spirit emperor are about to align their mouths. When the vulture rushed over again, the spider webs sprayed out immediately, and when the vulture did not react, it was enveloped.

In the next moment, six spiders continuously spewed out spider webs, and the remaining six spiders changed their attack methods and spewed toxins. The "boom" vulture slammed on the top of the tower with a loud noise.

Due to the impact of the vultures, the tower shattered everywhere, and even the defensive spirit formations had blown up several formations. Among the spirit kings who were affected by the surroundings, one of the spirit kings was unlucky and even swept by the vultures. When I cut it in half with wings.

Huo Hai, who was facing the impact of the vulture, was helpless because of the inertia of the vulture, and he could only reach out and resist it again. The huge impact caused Huo Hai to step back again, opened his mouth, and spit out three mouthfuls in a row. With blood and a pale face, Huo Hai knew that his current state was really too bad, basically he couldn't do anything.

But this kind of performance is what a real worm spiritist should have when encountering a battle. Huo Hai doesn’t know what to say. Looking ahead, the vulture has been completely bound by the spider web. Up.

The vulture is a third-level spiritual emperor, but these spiders are also a second-level spiritual emperor. The difference is only one level. Spider silk is very tough, but it is not comparable to ordinary things. Six spiders use spider silk continuously at the same time, where is bald The bone eagle can break free.

Among the spider silks, the vulture struggled desperately, but couldn't break free. In the distance, seeing this scene, the two old men finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they changed into a six-fanged six-thorn tiger desperately trying to break free. , Came to support the vultures, the two old men tacitly resisted the six-tooth six-thorn tiger's side, firmly resisted it, and refused to let it go any further.

The vulture kept struggling and uttered miserable screams, but under the poison of the spiders, the body was still being eroded, but the bones of the body actually barely resisted under this toxin.

Huo Hai took a peek at his surroundings and found that some people's eyes had changed when they looked at him. Huo Hai understood that his identity might have been exposed. No, he can't continue to delay here, otherwise it won't take long. Experts will come, and in their current state, random experts are not something they can resist.

If this is the case, let's end this battle as soon as possible, "Give me to die." Huo Hai's heart moved, Xiao Jin had appeared, a dark green poisonous fire spurted out, the flame burned, and the spider on the vulture was instantly ignited. poison.

The flame was controlled very well, even though it was emitting a high temperature, it still did not hurt the surrounding spiders at all. Soon, the flame spread and penetrated into the body of the vulture. As the vulture struggled more and more desperately, it penetrated more and more. fast.

It didn't take long for the vulture's struggle to weaken, and the divine light in his eyes gradually disappeared. Xiaojin's poisonous fire was not something that the vulture could resist. Even if the vulture broke through several levels, it might not be able to ignore it.

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