Evil Insect God

Chapter 1048: Go on the journey

After a while, the flesh and blood of the vulture disappeared in the flames, leaving only the bones still burning with flames. Under Huo Hai's order, Xiao Jin would not harm these bones.

With a mouth open, Xiao Jin directly swallowed the flames again, enhancing the accumulation of his own toxins. In place, only bones and vultures left the crystal nucleus. The surrounding spiders were immediately excited when they saw this crystal nucleus. When he got up, Huo Hai squinted, did not say anything, put away the bones and crystal cores, and then put the spiders back.

This fierce beast was completely dead in Huo Hai’s hands. Even if Huo Hai took it away, no one would say anything. The people around didn’t even dare to look at Huo Hai directly at this time. Yu Guang secretly took aim.

Some people's eyes kept flickering. Even just now, Huo Hai saw someone sneaking into the corner and didn't know what to do. "Damn it, the spies of the vast empire actually infiltrated the border."

Huo Hai cursed secretly, but he didn't care too much. Not far from here is a fortress built by the Haotu Empire. Although Huo Hai doesn't know what is the use of building a fortress here, the Haotu Empire has a fortress here. It's no surprise that it has penetrated here. Many other major forces also use the border as a place for military training and experience.

Huo Hai didn't know yet. Although the previous war did not affect the border, in fact, such a terrorist warfare, the border still received a little intelligence, especially the high level of the border, who knew no less than the outside world.

For Huo Hai, the guy who shined in the entire battle, everyone knew even more deeply. Now seeing Huo Hai using twelve insects and beasts, many high-level officials have already guessed what Huo Hai's true identity is.

The twelve spiders in the realm of Spirit Sovereign, this is simply the symbol of Huo Hai. As for the bug that uses flames, they don’t know much about it. Reminiscent of the fog above, some people finally thought that there was a bug before Huo Hai The fog can be controlled, but although this is thought of, no one said anything. Some of them did not want to cause Huo Hai's misunderstanding.

The most important thing for the masters on the border is the offensive of the low-grade beasts. The battle is still going on. It did not end because Huohai killed a vulture. It was just because the vulture died, so the beasts. Some morale is low.

"Haha, I understand, this is not a union of fierce beasts at all, but the vulture suppressed the six-toothed six-thorn tiger, making it his own subordinate." The fierce beasts act like wild beasts. But it will recruit men.

It’s just that ordinary fierce beasts seldom can recruit a subordinate whose strength is similar to their own. At this time, the two old men are extremely grateful. If Huo Hai is not there, even if they can resist this wave of fierce beasts today, the whole I am afraid that the fortress will also be transferred to other forces. Although the fortress has never been destroyed, the controller of the fortress has changed many times.

Although these locations in the border fortresses are very dangerous, they are very rich in resources. Not to mention, the corpses left after every beast attack can be dealt with, and the people in the fortress can be promoted by a lot.

Crisis and opportunities coexist, talking about border fortresses. A fortress is not only a place to protect the inland of mankind, but also a good place to enhance its own power. In fact, the three top powers control the three fortresses separately.

However, the people in these fortresses are disconnected from the three top powers themselves, and they do not affect each other. The fortresses are heavy, and they are not allowed to intervene in inland matters. Now with Huo Hai, they can finally hold on this time and get this. After the secondary resources and strength have been greatly improved, it will be even more impossible to break through the fortress in the future.

Huo Hai rested for a while, with a move in his heart, Xiao Yun began to attack with all his strength, a cloud of mist sword blades fell from the sky, the target pierced the six-toothed six-thorn tiger, Xiao Yun is after all a spirit insect of the third-level spirit emperor realm, controlling the power of mist not bad.

Although the six-tooth and six-thorn tiger cannot be injured, it is easy to cause some threats to it. A part of the fog suddenly turned into a rope shape, and it began to bind and bind to the six-fang and six-thorn tiger.

After receiving such treatment, the action of the six-tooth and six-thorn tiger became slower and slower. Finally, the blue-clothed old man who found the opportunity gave out a chill with all his strength, freezing the whole body of the six-tooth and six-thorn tiger stiff, and even his face was frozen. I couldn't move anymore. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the old man in red gathered all the flames in his hands to form a fire bead.

Using both hands to send it forcefully, the fire bead instantly followed the six-tooth and six-thorn tiger's frozen mouth into the body. The six-tooth and six-thorn tiger's body became stiff, and then the whole body trembled. Under the skin, cracks appeared, and the flame continued to diffuse. Out.

Soon, the six-tooth and six-thorn tiger's body was grilled with several large holes. Under the full attack of the two old men, the severely injured six-tooth and six-thorn tiger was destroyed and turned into a corpse after a while. .

Seeing their bosses dying, the gathered ferocious beasts finally shuddered, with a miserable roar, accompanied by a huge noise, a large number of ferocious beasts ran away madly, but unfortunately there was not much left. , Because of the exposure of his identity, in order to end this battle as soon as possible, at the last minute, Xiaoyun had already exerted all his strength.

There is no blessing from Huo Hai, but it is still nothing to deal with ordinary low-level beasts. The beasts in the air are basically dead. The beasts below, because of Xiaoyun's attack, there is not much left at this time. .

"Kill, don't let them run." Seeing the beasts run away, the soldiers became excited and left their positions, holding weapons to chase the beasts. At this time, the beasts completely lost their fighting spirit, except You don't know anything about running away.

The battle that didn’t know how many days it would take to end, with Huo Hai’s horizontal thrust, actually ended within a short day. Seeing this, Huo Hai secretly put Xiaoyun away, and the whole person Leaving the tower, walking towards the two elders who had just intercepted and killed Liufang and Liuqihu, their eyes were very complicated when they saw Huo Hai coming.

"Unexpectedly, your Excellency is actually the Emperor of Insects. You really have eyes and don't know the real person." The Emperor of Insects Huo Hai, this reputation has spread in the Molian domain for a long time, even if they also learn about the situation, Huo Hai's cultivation may Not the strongest, but the most dangerous.

Huo Hai bowed his hand and said: "For some reasons, it is not convenient for me to reveal my identity. Now that the battle is over, I will leave soon and leave." Huo Hai just didn't want to waste time, so he speeded up the battle.

The two looked at each other, and finally the blue-clothed old man said: "Your Excellency, we know something about it. Don't worry, although the vast empire is powerful, it cannot interfere with the border affairs. These are some maps of the Great Wasteland ahead. Maybe it will help you." As he said, the blue-clothed old man handed a detailed map to Huo Hai.

Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and he took it over: "Thank you for the gift. If you have anything in the future, please come to me."

Such a map is very important to Huo Hai. Between the Molian Domain and the Heavenly Soul Domain, there is a great wasteland. Here is the territory of the beasts. This great wasteland is not simple and very dangerous.

Some of the strong fierce beast territories that have been entrenched for a long time, ordinary spiritual emperors dare not go deep, otherwise it is easy to go without returning, Huo Hai needs to be more careful when walking on this great wasteland.

Now it’s different with this map. There are several roads to reach the Heavenly Soul Realm safely. Through these relatively safe passages, even Huo Hai will not encounter much danger. Huo Hai bowed his hand: "Because the time is tight, so I won't disturb the two of you next time, we will talk about it again if we have the opportunity."

Huo Hai turned his head, compared the map, found his position, his figure flashed, and he walked forward.

At this moment, the old man in red suddenly shouted: "Your Excellency, Worry Sovereign, you can rest assured, we will erase all your information here soon. Even if the people of the Great Land Empire arrive, it will delay them for a while. ."

Hearing that, Huo Hai didn't look back, just waved his arm, and then accelerated forward. It was the limit to be able to do this. Although the two belonged to the border fortress, they had to be careful in the face of the giant empire.

The strength of the Haotu Empire is really strong. Although it cannot interfere in the border fortresses, some forces that affect the protection of the border fortresses also have such a certain ability. If the Haotu Empire really embarrassed them, it is not the same for them. A thing that is easy to carry, the help of the two makes Huo Hai's heart warm.

At the same time, the news of Huo Hai has been sent back to the interior of the imperial palace of the Haotu Empire. Upon receiving the report from here, the Haotu Empire group quickly gathered, "You see this report, Do you have any ideas."

Hearing the words of the country’s lord, other people’s faces were not pretty: "I didn’t expect that the insect emperor was really alive. Looking at him, although his injuries have not fully recovered, this person still has a strong Combat effectiveness."

The Lord asked indifferently: "The Insect Emperor, we must kill him. This may also be our last chance. Whoever takes on this task, once the Insect Emperor enters the Heavenly Soul Realm, he will wait until he comes back. At that time, it may be the weird moment when our vast empire fell apart." The leader of the vast empire actually gave Huo Hai such a high evaluation.

After a long time, Hao Yun came out: "I made a serious mistake when I was chasing the Insect Emperor. This time I am the only one." Hao Yun is a third-level spirit emperor, but it is clear that it is not Huo Hai. Opponent.

As Haoyun stood up, the others knew how dangerous Huo Hai was, and soon someone came out.

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