Evil Insect God

Chapter 1051: Shen Healing

Ebony raised his head and glanced at Huo Hai, and asked hesitantly: "If it is not a serious injury, as long as you slowly cultivate yourself, brother, your injury is serious, or you are in a hurry." Ebony frowned slightly. Up.

Huo Hai was also a little surprised when he heard what Ebony said: "My injury is not very serious. I can recover in a few months, but I am really in a hurry." A few months, for the Spirit Sovereign expert, it is not at all. Whatever it is, it is longer for Huo Hai.

Hearing this, Ebony's brow furrowed more severely: "If you are not really in a hurry, it is better to take care of yourself. Although I know that there is a kind of elixir that can repair the spiritual veins of the spiritual emperor, it is not in our tribe. That place is very dangerous, even the Spirit Sovereign wouldn't go easily." Huo Hai didn't care so much. Hearing Ebony's words, a trace of excitement flashed across Huo Hai's face.

"Is there really this kind of elixir? Can you tell me where it is? In return, I also have a lot of things you need." Huo Hai began to admire himself, always storing some mess in the inner space thing.

Not to mention anything else, even if it is table salt and all kinds of elixir that can be used as seasonings, even the seasonings made by himself, Huo Hai has a lot of them, but what makes Huo Hai depressed is that the seasonings he made, It's getting worse and worse.

With the improvement of his strength, Huo Hai gradually saw more advanced elixir that can be used as seasonings. When these elixirs are placed in food, their effects far exceed those of his previous life. They are the purest flavors. Adding self-made seasonings will not only not complement each other, but will also destroy the taste. Now Huo Hai has not used homemade seasonings for a long time.

Hearing Huo Hai’s words, Ebony hesitated for a while, and finally said helplessly: “Well, I’ll tell you, but it’s up to you whether you want to go or not. There is a mountain forest to the north of our tribe, and God Healing Grass grows in it. Above the cliff."

After a pause, Ebony said again: "However, this cliff has a large swath of black black eagles, which is very dangerous."

Ebony slowly told something he knew. These black black eagles looked like a black eagle, but they were a very difficult beast, and many of them had reached the realm of the Spirit Sovereign.

The black black eagles are very aware of territory. As long as someone dares to enter their territory casually, the black black eagles will gather in groups and attack them. After launching an attack, they will not fear death. They will never stop without killing or driving the enemy out. Planting a place, even if it is a master of the Spirit Sovereign, will not feel good. This **** heals the grass, but it is a treasure of the Wuxuanying race.

It plays a very important role in restoring spiritual vein injuries. The black black eagles that are often injured in battle will not allow anyone to touch these treasures. Even if the spiritual veins of the people in the tribe are injured, few people will provoke these black black eagles.

Only when the injury is very serious, their friends and family will try their luck, but often there are more people who come back and fewer people. Most people who go to the gods and heal the grass will basically die in the black eagle. In the mouth, it is very dangerous.

"It's a pity that God Healing Grass can only survive on that cliff. It is impossible for our tribe to fight the black black eagles for God Healing Grass. If God Healing Grass can be planted, the tribe will not have to die so many people every year. "Shen Healing Grass is not only used to restore spiritual vein injuries, it can be said that all injuries except the spirit can be easily recovered from the whole body.

When fighting a fierce beast, the last thing you don’t have to worry about is mental damage, because a fierce beast with a strong mental power cannot be said to be absent, but it is absolutely rare. Generally, a beast with a strong spiritual power is impossible to become a beast, and most will become. Spirit beast.

"Thank you, I will consider whether or not to go." A trace of firmness flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and he was definitely going to go. The spiritual veins' injuries can't be recovered for a day, and Huo Hai can't fight at will for a day, even practicing. Unable to proceed.

When the stellar core is condensed, it will cause the whole body to riot. If the spiritual vein is injured, Huo Hai dared to condense the stellar core, it is almost no different from looking for death. Once a permanent unhealable injury is left in the spiritual vein, it is easy Affect Huo Hai's future.

Huo Hai changed a topic. While discussing with Wu Mu, he entered the market and started picking things. Hearing Huo Hai said that after the war was over, the merchants could not take care of anything else. They immediately set off and walked towards the direction of the Molian Territory. For such a long time, a lot of resources have accumulated in the tribe, and when Huo Hai arrives, he can just trade it.

In the inner space, he took out all kinds of daily necessities that he could not use, and a large amount of weapons and materials that Huo Hai obtained from various places, and even some spirit arts and spirit arts that were not in the tribe. Huo Hai quickly traded a large What you need.

It has to be said that in the great wasteland of this special environment, the things cultivated are very strange, very diverse, and the things they bring are of great value here, and Huo Hai will even have a weapon that has reached the Emperor level. After taking it out, he got more than twenty crystal nuclei left by the spirit beasts of the spirit emperor realm, but what Huo Hai chose were all from the third-level spirit emperor.

With these crystal nuclei, it is much easier to cultivate spiders by yourself. Quickly let the spiders swallow the crystal snakes, and then the spiders begin to enter the state of breakthrough. Huo Hai is even ready to break through the fourth and fifth levels. As long as the crystal nucleus required by the Spirit Sovereign is reached at that time, these insects, beasts and spiders can also break through and improve with them.

The special elixir produced in the Great Wasteland opened Huo Hai's vision. There are all kinds of magical elixir with special effects here. These are the types of elixir that are almost impossible to see in the Molian Domain.

On the contrary, the common elixir in the Molian domain is not very common here. Many common things in the Molian domain are very precious treasures here. Here, luxury goods are not popular with everyone. .

Things that can improve combat effectiveness or recover injuries are very valuable here, especially in the Molian domain, some medicines that can improve their own strength in a short time, even if they are dedicated to competitions, those with very large side effects , Is also very precious here. Among these tribes in the Great Wasteland, there is basically no such profession as an elixirs.

Huo Hai tried to take out his spirit wine, but he didn't expect that something like fine wine would be extremely popular in the Great Wasteland. Especially spirit wine that can increase cultivation is sought after by everyone and has a very high value.

Spirit wine can not only be used to relieve greed, improve cultivation, but also be used to make medicinal wine. Some special spirit medicines can be soaked in spirit wine, which can produce various magical changes, and finally can obtain various special effects. The real reason why spirit wine had extremely high value in the Great Wilderness, I didn't expect spirit wine to be so popular, and Huohe simply took out most of the spirit wine.

There are many spirit wines on Huo Hai, even if it has reached the Emperor rank. Only relying on spirit wine, Huo Hai will basically level the goods here, the skeletal fur, muscles and teeth of various beasts, especially a large number of them. The crystal nucleus gave Huo Hai a great harvest.

The only thing that makes Huo Hai a pity is that the tribe seems to be not very interested in spirit worms, in other words, they are only interested in those spirit worms that can be used or eaten, rather than those with special abilities. .

Regardless of whether it’s the spirit beasts here or the real spirit beasts, they don’t seem to like research very much. Therefore, these research-oriented things are quite worthless here, and no one even wants to collect them. I originally wanted to use the special environment here. Huo Hai was a little disappointed when he had obtained several plans that he needed spirit worms. By this time, he was completely abolished.

After sweeping the entire market, Huo Hai quickly stopped. Although he had some intentions, Huo Hai also knew that the general inventory of this tribe was almost gone. Huo Hai did not dare to think about the high-end goods.

Because the tribe themselves also need to use those things, they will not trade them to Huo Hai casually. After packing up the things, Huo Hai said goodbye: "Ebony, I am leaving, take care of yourself." Ebony only has the Spirit King. The realm is more dangerous in the Great Wasteland.

"You also have to be careful. If it is really not possible, you must return. Anyway, for your spirit emperor, a few months is nothing at all." Ebony shouted at Huo Hai, and Huo Hai waved away. With a wave of his hand, he walked towards the north where the **** healed grass grew. Huo Hai left, and the tribe quickly restored its original calm.

When Huo Hai arrived at the tribe, the five people sent by the Haotu Empire to hunt down Huo Hai finally arrived in the border city, but they were surprised that the guards of the border city had disappeared, but there was none. Huo Hai any news.

There was no record of Huo Hai in the fortresses of the Haotu Empire, and when they arrived at the border fortress, they found that there was no record here. All records were directly cleared by someone with a heart.

Even if Huo Hai did such a big thing before, he was given another name. It was difficult to find it. It was not until the chasing soldiers of the Haotu Empire found the members of the Haotu Empire. When other people asked, everyone shrugged off and didn't know. Obviously, these people had been secretly given instructions.

But what can they do? This is a border city, responsible for protecting the security of the Molian Territory. Even if their strength far exceeds the strength of the fortress guardians, they still dare not do anything here.

Not to mention the vast land empire that has fallen sharply now, even if the vast land empire in its heyday was chaotic on the border, it would be easy for Piaohua Pavilion and Xuanbing Sect to take the opportunity to make trouble. In this situation, Once exposed, they will even be besieged by countless forces. Besides, they will come here in secret and cannot disclose their identities.

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