Evil Insect God

Chapter 1052: Windfall

To hide their identity and do not want to be exposed, it is not so easy for the people of the vast land empire to find the way that Huo Hai really left now. The Great Wasteland is so big, it is really difficult to find Huo Hai.

It looks like the Great Wasteland is very desolate, but if you really understand the Great Wasteland, you will know that the real area of ​​the Great Wasteland is actually not smaller than the Molian Domain, but the Great Wasteland is basically the site of beasts and fierce. It is almost difficult for the beasts to unite. Therefore, the Great Wasteland appears so desolate and not suitable for human survival.

In fact, the real situation is that the Great Wasteland is not suitable for the survival of low-level spiritualists. On such a vast territory, it is difficult to find Huo Hai alone. The masters of the vast empire hide their identities and want to find a map. easy.

There were already guardians of the Haotu Empire. When the masters of the Haotu Empire arrived, they actually knew the situation. On the surface, they pretended not to know, and they kept making trouble in secret, and the Haotu Empire did not. Method.

After a full delay for two days, after the news was passed back to the Haotu Empire, finally, under the pressure of the Haotu Empire, in the name of the Haotu Empire, they asked for a map from the frontier fortresses. The ability to continue to track, change to another person, after such a long delay, the vast empire may have given up searching for it.

But Huo Hai is different. They don't believe that Huo Hai will die so easily by accident. With Huo Hai's terrifying strength, coupled with the terrifying growth rate, when Huo Hai returns to the Molian Territory next time, God knows how much disturbance will happen.

After obtaining the map through the headquarters of the Haotu Empire, not only did the Haotu Empire owe a favor to the border fortress, but more importantly, the map they got was not so detailed, and the border fortress guards didn't care at all.

To be honest, the outside world is too dangerous, so no one is too probing the outside world, so the map is not detailed enough.

"Huh, what's the danger outside? If you are really worried about the danger outside, the map should be very detailed." Haoran looked at the simple map in his hand, with a blazing fire in his eyes, and the frontier fortress was really ignorant.

"Brother Emperor, what should we do, do we really have to go to the Heavenly Soul Region to find the Insect Emperor if this continues?"

Hearing Haoyun's words, Haoran also frowned. After a long time, Haoran said: "Judging from the signs on the map, there are only three roads that the insect emperor is most likely to pass. Now the insect emperor is injured, we are divided Sanlu keeps up, as long as you encounter the Insect Emperor, you can directly kill him without any scruples."

"What if the insect emperor is not following these three roads?" Hao Yun still asked with some worry.

Haoran shook his head and said, "That's how you are. No matter what you do, you always like to be considerate and considerate. There can be so many thoughtful things in the world. If he is not following these three roads, he will definitely not be faster than us, and we will be two late. Starting from the sky, we can also rush into the Heavenly Soul Realm in front of him. At that time, we only need to lie in wait at the intersection.

There is not only one entrance to the Heavenly Soul Region, but if you want to enter the Heavenly Soul Region through the Great Wasteland, then there is only one road. No matter where the starting point is, there is only one passage on the opposite side.

"If this is the case, let's start acting immediately." Hao Yun said, and then five people dispersed. Haoran and the other fifth-level spirit emperor went to the same path, and the three third-level spirit emperors chose the middle path of.

With Huo Hai’s injuries and the intelligence they obtained from this fortress, although Huo Hai still possesses strong means today, a third-level vulture can injure Huo Hai, and three third-level spirit emperors absolutely Not what Huo Hai can resist.

Just when the people of the vast land empire just arrived at the border fortress, Huo Hai had already come to the bottom of the cliff where the grass was growing. Looking from a distance, the shadows on the mountain were constantly swooping over, and some of them were not strong. The strong fierce beast was easily caught and taken away by these dark shadows. The food in this area was very sufficient for the black black eagle.

"Is this the black black eagle? It's really strong, no wonder it makes them jealous." Looking at it from a distance, Huo Hai's eyes are also full of shock. There are so many black black eagles, and a large mountain range is all these black blacks. Eagle's site.

Perhaps because it is far away from the border fortress, the black black eagle rarely participates when attacking the city. Most of the black black eagles are not strong, only the spirit general or the realm of the spirit commander, and the blood of the black black eagle is still relatively good. Noble.

But above, the black black eagle that reached the realm of the spirit emperor, Huo Hai felt a dozen times before it approached. If we continue to go deeper, there will definitely be more black black eagles of the spirit emperor, otherwise, the beast of the spirit emperor realm Too few, how could the tribe next to it allow it to exist? You must know that this cliff is not too far away from the location of the tribe.

"How can I get things?" Huo Hai's few Star Gus had already quietly flew up. For this kind of breathless little bug, Wu Xuanying didn't care at all, unless the bug dared to attack them.

Through these insects, Huo Hai quickly found the location of the so-called God Healing Grass. What Huo Hai didn’t expect was that although the God Healing Weeds grow in clusters, in fact, these Healing Weeds are basically in the Wu Xuan Ying. Of the nest.

After observation, Huo Hai discovered that these god-healing grasses were probably not only used by the black black eagle to treat his injuries, but the bigger reason should be that he was cultivating the descendants of the black black eagle. The black black eagle pecked it off, and then sent it into the mouth of the young bird. The young bird seemed to be more energetic after eating the God Healing Grass.

Perhaps, all such huge power of the Black Black Eagle Clan is because of these gods, but how can I get it? Just now, Huo Hai asked a Star Gu to steal, but he was immediately attacked by the Black Black Eagle. .

A Star Gu is not the opponent of this Spirit Emperor Realm Black Black Eagle, and even if it can win, Huo Hai will not let the Star Gu attack, otherwise, Star Gu will face a large number of Black Black Eagles to jointly kill.

This Divine Healing Grass is so important to Wu Xuan Ying, it really exceeded Huo Hai’s expectations, "How can I get it?" Huo Hai was a little depressed. If Star Gu was not injured, it would not be difficult to seize it by force. .

"Hey, wait, what is this." Huo Hai suddenly discovered that some black mysterious eagles seemed to be catching something in the air, and after letting the Star Gu approach quietly, Huo Hai realized what was going on. Eagles like to eat this kind of bugs, wait, this kind of bugs can actually resist the attack of the black black eagle. What a powerful bug."

Huo Hai was a little surprised. There was actually a kind of bug that could reach the realm of the Spirit Emperor. This bug grew to look like a dragonfly. It flew very fast and was blood red, somewhat similar to the blood red that Huo Hai saw at the beginning. dragonfly.

But Huo Hai knows that these two things are definitely not the same species. The blood red dragonflies are only in the realm of spiritual blood, but these dragonflies in front of them are the strongest and can even reach the realm of the spiritual emperor. The speed of the red dragonflies is so fast that the black black eagle of the same level is simply Unable to catch up, with the full speed exploding, Huo Hai felt that these dragonflies were not even slower than his own Star Gu.

I don't know why, Wu Xuanying seems to like this kind of dragonflies, and often goes to the places where these dragonflies gather to hunt, but they can catch only those dragonflies that have not reached the realm of the spiritual emperor.

The attacks of these dragonflies are nothing to the black black eagle. The dragonfly’s eyes lit up and emitted red lights. The red light formed a large net and enveloped the black black eagle. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the black black eagle to Can break free.

This large net of spiritual power is not weak in restraint and offensive capabilities. It was originally used to deal with various situations and was very effective, but unfortunately it would not work with the black black eagle. The black black eagle itself has very strong resistance. This attack couldn't hurt the black black eagle at all, and the big net of spiritual power was not specialized in restraint ability, and the black black eagle didn't need too much effort to break free.

At this time, the flaws of the spirit worms are highlighted. The spirit worms are very powerful unilaterally, but once they are unilaterally restrained, the strength of the spirit worms will be very weak. As long as it reaches the black black eagle above the spirit emperor, For these dragonflies' attacks, they just ignored them. This very powerful spirit worm became a lamb to be slaughtered in front of the black black eagle.

"It's so amazing. It just so happens that I have run out of spirit insects recently. It's not bad to use you to replace it." Huo Hai's eyes shone slightly. This kind of spirit insects can't fight the black black eagle, but they can't bury their value .

For ordinary humans and spirit beasts, this blood-red dragonfly ability is too strong, restraint and attack are very good, some spirit emperors who are not strong in defensive war spirits can be attacked by this kind of big net easily. Will be killed.

To deal with the black black eagle, Huo Hai has nothing to do, but to deal with the spirit worm, Huo Hai himself said second. I am afraid that no one in the entire Molian domain dares to say the first. Not only the Molian domain, but also the Celestial Spirit Continent, I am afraid they will all Few people can compare with themselves, this is not Huo Hai putting gold on his face, but Huo Hai really feels this way.

The Tianling Continent focuses on the study of spiritual power, even if it is an insect spiritualist, it is also a spiritual worm that serves the spiritual power. Unlike Gu masters, all methods are entirely for the spiritual worm, so Huo Hai affirmed that the Tianling Continent The research on spirit worms will not be too deep.

Huo Hai controlled the Star Gu and secretly searched for it. There were a lot of blood red dragonflies in this place. There must be a place where these dragonflies gathered. Sure enough, it didn't take long before Huo Hai was in a cave and found these back and forth. The dragonfly coming in and out, "Very well, follow me in the future to ensure that your life is much better than now."

Huo Hai was talking to himself, while sneaking closer to the dragonfly-infested hole.

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