Evil Insect God

Chapter 1053: Bloodstained Dragonfly

Huo Hai did not act rashly, but released his unique special insect control technique. Spiritual power and mental fluctuations slowly radiated. Soon, an ordinary blood-colored dragonfly flew into Huo Hai's hands.

Facing the dragonfly, he simply controlled it, and then Huo Hai simply studied it. Finally, Huo Hai finally discovered the source of the dragonfly’s power. Like ordinary spirit insects, the power of the dragonfly is integrated into the whole body, but the dragonfly The special abilities that can be used are derived from the natural patterns on the dragonfly.

This kind of pattern is very strange, it seems like a spiritual formation, and it also seems to be a kind of weird rune. This kind of natural rune is rarely seen in ordinary times. The spiritual power of the dragonfly is compressed by the rune and finally released by the eyes. Formed that kind of attack.

"Since your strength comes from the blood-colored lines on your body, you will call it blood-stripe dragonflies in the future." Huo Hai rummaged through his memory, and there was no record of this kind of dragonfly, so he simply named the dragonfly himself.

The Heavenly Spirit Continent is so big that many creatures have not been discovered, especially the spirit worms that are not highly regarded by people. It is not a strange thing to accidentally find one or two spirit worms that are not named by anyone. On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, no one competed with Huo Hai for naming rights. It is normal for a creature to have multiple names.

Now that he basically understood the special abilities of these bloodstained dragonflies, Huo Hai didn't study it. He put the bloodstained dragonflies that he had basically soothed into the inner space, and then released Star Gu and Fluttershy, ready to capture.

"Be careful, don't let these dragonflies escape." Huo Hai carefully commanded, and at the same time let his Star Gu enter the crypt. With Star Gu's powerful physical quality, it is not something that a blood-stripe dragonfly can hurt at all, but Xiao Xiao But Die is different. As long as Xiaodie doesn't use the Soul Extinguishing Fire, the mental power in the normal state will be very harmful to the attack of the blood-stripe dragonfly.

The light net of spiritual power released by the blood-stripe dragonfly is very powerful, especially for the spiritual and spiritual power, the damage is even more terrifying, but it is a bit worse for the material. The fierce beast of the same level is powerful, and it is not the blood-stripe dragonfly that can hurt. Arrived.

Fluttershy protected herself from the entrance of the cave. A few Star Gus quickly entered the cave. In just a few minutes, a bloodstained dragonfly was driven out by the Star Gus. The special breath of Star Gu was against the spirit insects. Has a strong deterrent.

This half-surrounded blood-stripe dragonfly, whose cultivation base reached the realm of the spirit emperor, after being driven out, Huo Hai smiled slightly. He knew that the opportunity had come. Sure enough, all the blood-stripe dragonfly's attention was on himself. On the Star Gu behind him, he didn't notice the attacks of the small butterflies in the air and the blood-stripe dragonflies, indeed restraining the spiritual worms.

It is a pity that the bloodline dragonfly is also a spirit insect. The mental power is not strong enough. When Fluttershy is hidden, the bloodline dragonfly cannot be detected, and the speed of the star gu is not slower than the bloodline dragonfly. In such a situation, how can the bloodline dragonfly be under siege? focus.

A series of ripples in the "Om" air, Fluttershy's mental power was released fiercely. The blood-stripe dragonfly that did not react was immediately knocked into his mind by the mental power, and was captured by Fluttershy before he could fight back. .

"Good job." Huo Hai exclaimed, and then let Fluttershy control the bloodstained dragonfly, and entered the new type of insect refining array he had just set up, skillfully activated. Under Xiaodie's suppression, the refining insect array was very It ran smoothly, and it didn't take long for the bloodmarked dragonfly that reached the realm of the spirit emperor to be completely controlled. Only then did Xiaodie let it go.

"It's not bad, it's really a good spirit insect." Huo Hai smiled with satisfaction as he watched the blood-stripe dragonfly flying around him and sending out cordial fluctuations. Unfortunately, the blood-stripe dragonfly's IQ was not very high.

After all, I didn't cultivate it all the way from a low-level state, and I still lived in a strange place like the Great Wasteland. The spirit worms here are already very good with a little IQ. You can count on how smart these spirit worms are.

Huo Hai waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Go on, let's catch it." After that, Huo Hai started setting up the refining insect array again. After a while, another blood-stripe dragonfly was driven out, with the help of the same kind. Dragonfly tattoo is not even an opponent. Following the same method, Huo Hai easily obtained a dragonfly with bloodmark once again. At this time, Huo Hai was ready to leave.

Because in this cave, there are only two blood-stripe dragonflies that have reached the realm of the spirit emperor. If there are no blood-stripe dragonflies that reach this level, Huo Hai can't look at him at all, but he suddenly paused when Huo Hai just got up. .

"What are you talking about, swallowing the bloodmarked dragonflies, it can increase your physical strength, and even help you improve and upgrade your aptitude, but also increase the chance of breakthrough, so what about the low-level bloodmarked dragonflies?

Huo Hai closed his eyes and communicated with the blood-colored spiders in the inner space. He did not expect that the bloodline power of the blood-stripe dragonfly itself could increase the strength of the spider-worm's body. There are so many benefits to swallow crystal nuclei that exceed its own level. , It is not absolutely possible to break through, there is also a certain chance, especially if too many crystal nuclei are used, and the strength is too strong, the probability will continue to decline.

However, the appearance of the bloodstained spiders allowed these spiders to find a way to make up for it. In this case, Huo Hai didn't plan to let go of these bloodstained dragonflies. With a heart move, Xiaodie rushed in.

Anyway, without the blood-stripe dragonflies of the Spirit Sovereign realm, Fluttershy didn't worry about the attacks of these ordinary blood-stripe dragonflies. Fluttershy rushed into the hole and his spiritual power radiated. In just a moment, all the dragonflies were captured and brought out.

Huo Hai opened up his inner space and filled all the dragonflies in it. "You don't want to eat these dragonflies now. When the number of bloodstained dragonflies increases, you can eat a little bit appropriately." Huo Hai wants to get the bloodstained. Dragonflies reproduce in large numbers, just like other spirit worms, but bloodstripe dragonflies are not used to make special spiritual essence.

These blood-stripe dragonflies, Huo Hai suspects, might be able to increase the physical strength of most spirit beasts and fierce beasts. If you really verify your ideas at that time, you can collect some spirit beasts and fierce beasts using Gu Master’s secret method. .

With enthusiasm, Huo Hai can do things faster. It may be more troublesome to catch at first, but after Huo Hai has caught some blood-stripe dragonflies, it will be easier to do it next, blood-stripe dragonflies, It's not as many as Huo Hai imagined, especially those reaching the realm of the Spirit Sovereign. They are even rarer. The blood-stripe dragonfly captured has already told Huo Hai all the news.

What Huo Hai didn't expect was that these seemingly ordinary blood-stripe dragonflies actually grow by sucking blood. This is a blood-sucking spirit worm that usually quietly sticks to the beast's body and absorbs its blood.

And only those bloodmarked dragonflies that have absorbed a certain amount of blood from the spirit emperor realm fierce beasts can grow to the spirit emperor realm. The fierce beasts in the spirit emperor realm laughed when he thought of this. Are there any spiders?

These spiders want to swallow the bloodstained dragonflies, so they have to pay a little price. Ordinary dragonflies are used to increase the body strength of the spiders, and the blood of the spiders is used to cultivate the bloodstained dragonflies. This is a good cycle. It is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. Thinking of this, Huo Hai became even more happy. The two traitors who had betrayed the bloodline dragonfly race took Huo Hai to find other caves.

With the guidance of the two blood-stripe dragonflies, it was very easy for Huo Hai to find these caves, but within a few minutes, Huo Hai came to the place he was looking for, this place still did not enter the territory of the black black eagle.

Perhaps all the blood-stripe dragonflies have been eaten up in the Black Profound Eagle's territory. Huo Hai gave an order. Under the leadership of the two blood-stripe dragonflies, with the **** of Star Gu and Fluttershy, he will soon The bloodstained dragonflies in this cave were all caught.

Huo Hai seemed to be sweeping all the way, and he didn't intend to leave a way for these blood-stripe dragonflies. Even if there was no lair of the Spirit Emperor Dragonfly, Huo Hai directly swept them away. It took a whole day for Huo Hai to hold the Spirit Emperor Realm. The number of bloodmarked dragonflies reached fifty-three, and it was absolutely shocking to say such a number.

It's just a pity that although the dragonfly has reached the realm of the spirit emperor, it is only a spirit insect. I don't know if it can be cultivated as an insect beast. Huo Hai thought silently in his heart. As for the ordinary bloodline dragonfly, Huo Hai collected it directly. Hundreds of thousands.

Now in the inner space full of dangdang, there are bloodstained dragonflies flying in the air everywhere. Huo Hai let go of the restrictions and let the spiders catch these disobedient dragonflies. When the next generation of dragonflies are born, they will be more obedient due to the influence of space.

With the continuous devouring of dragonflies, the physical fitness of the spiders is really improving. In just one day of devouring, the bodies of several spiders have improved a lot. Unfortunately, Huo Hai tried to eat a few dragonflies, whether they were eaten raw or otherwise. The way of eating has no such effect, "Hey, maybe this has something to do with attributes." Huo Hai shook his head helplessly.

The bloodstained dragonflies are the same as the scarlet spiders. Everyone has blood attributes, but they are not so pure. After a day of sweeping, although the bloodstained dragonflies here are not extinct, the number has also been reduced to the extreme.

Since that afternoon, Huo Hai has seen some black black eagles flying back and forth in the air, making waves of tweets. I don't know what they are looking for. Seeing them in a hurry, they probably haven't found the bloodline dragonfly, so it is very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, let you taste the bloodline dragonfly tomorrow. I hope you don't let me down." Huo Hai looked at the black black eagle in the sky, his eyes were full of sneers, but it was too late to catch the black black eagle. , Huo Hai found a safer open space and began to sit down and rest on the spot, but Huo Hai still had his eyes open and did not sleep and practice while resting.

The wilderness of the Great Wasteland is very dangerous. Huo Hai doesn't want to be calculated because he didn't pay attention. Fierce beasts and spirit beasts are different. No matter how strong fierce beasts are, they retain the same habits as wild beasts.

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