Evil Insect God

Chapter 1056: Acquaintances, enemies

After thinking about it, Huo Hai sighed helplessly: "Forget it, these god-healing herbs should be put away as herbs." Huo Hai casually pulled the god-healing grass from the ground and put it in the box. Just set off.

The movement made by the battle is not far in front of me, and the place where the battle occurred should be on this road. Even if it is a safe passage, there are often fierce beasts patronizing it, on the great wasteland. There is no absolutely safe place. This is the territory of the fierce beast. When encountering a powerful fierce beast, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

"There seems to be more than one third-level spirit emperor." When Huo Hai approached, he finally felt the aura of a master attacker. Huo Hai quickened his pace and continued on his way. Five minutes later, Huo Hai finally came to the fighting position.

It’s a pity that at this time, there is no one in this place. There are only a lot of battle marks left in the place. In some big pits, there is still a tyrannical aura of spiritual power. "The fierce beast of the spirit emperor realm seems to have died. Who is this?"

Huo Hai felt the aura left in place, and he always felt a little familiar in his heart. The aura remaining on these scars was extremely fierce. Most people might be hurt by these auras if they come into contact with it.

"Wait, this breath, it turns out that the people of the vast land empire are really lingering." A cold light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, and he finally knew what was going on with the familiarity he had just felt, the remaining sword Qi, Huo Hai is indeed very familiar with it. Isn't this the Luoxia sword technique secretly passed down by the Haotu Empire? You know, only one outsider knows the Luoxia sword technique.

The other people who can display the Luoxia sword aura are only members of the royal family of the Haotu Empire. Huo Hai's understanding and understanding of the Luoxia sword technique, I am afraid that few people in the entire Haotu Empire can compare with him.

Just now because the time was too short, I didn't feel it. Now that I feel carefully, Huo Hai finally understands who is doing it. "It really troubles you." Huo Hai looked at the location of the border fortress from a distance and said slowly.

I wasted a lot of time for God to heal the grass. Now, the talents of the Great Land Empire have just found their way. If it weren’t for the people from the border fortresses to offend the Great Land Empire’s help, I’m afraid these people would have already passed. Now being encountered by himself, Huo Hai doesn't plan to let these guys go, just as he can also relieve some pressure on the border fortress.

Huo Hai converged his murderous aura and quickly tracked it along the road. Faster than Huo Hai were the few Star Gus that Huo Hai had. Only a moment later, Huo Hai found three people who were moving fast in front of him. .

"The three are all Level 3 Spirit Sovereigns, haha, if my injury hasn't recovered yet, I'm really not your opponent." Huo Hai sneered and quickly approached. These three are also Level 3 Spirit Sovereigns like Huo Hai. , But one of them is not good at Shen Fa.

Therefore, the speed of the three of them is not very fast in Huo Hai's eyes. At Huo Hai's speed, they caught up in just a few minutes. The closer they got, the more Huo Hai felt that one of them was familiar, "Unexpectedly, Even Haoyun, an old guy, has caught up. It just so happens that today's grudge can be reported in one go."

Speed ​​up, a few minutes later, Huo Hai tracked behind the three people, but unfortunately, in order to prevent people from discovering, Huo Hai tried his best to condense his breath, and he couldn't fully use his speed, and he had to keep hiding himself along the way.

As a result, Huo Hai approached a few people more slowly. After half an hour, I didn’t know how far he had advanced. Finally, on this road, I encountered a road with more rocks and rocks. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huo Hai Approach quickly.

It is only a few hundred meters away from the three people. At the speed of Huo Hai, launching an attack at this distance can reach the three people in almost a moment, but it will be very troublesome for the three people to have reaction time. The three Spirit Sovereign masters , And they are also masters in the vast empire, I don't know what kind of methods they have, no, they can't be reckless.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly lit up: "Haha, it would be great to have you here." Huo Hai waved his hand, and five red shadows quickly flew out, which were exactly what Huo Hai received from the five spiritual emperor realms. Bloodstained dragonfly.

The dragonfly was fast, and quickly came to the front of the three people. It was just a few bugs passing by. Although there was a breath of the spirit emperor realm, the three of Haoyun didn't care. They just took a look and found that they weren't the bugs that Huo Hai often used. I don't care about it anymore.

Spirit worms in the spirit emperor realm are indeed very strong, but this is only one-sided. When encountering such powerful spirit worms in the wild, they will basically not actively attack humans. It is impossible for these spirit worms to be as big as humans. Creatures feed, before the three people noticed, Huo Hai quickly played runes one by one with both hands, and began to bless five bloodline dragonflies remotely.

After the handprint is completed, Huo Hai keeps the handprint with one hand, holding a long sword in his right hand, and rushing out in a flash. The powerful aura of his body is undoubtedly revealed. The terrifying sword aura is formed on Huo Hai’s long sword. People find it wrong.

The three of them turned their heads and saw Huo Hai’s sword aura, “Luoxia sword aura, it’s the insect emperor, be careful, what the **** is this.” Before the three of them were ready, there was a sudden wave behind them. The breath of horror.

Before the three of them had time to turn their heads, a force came directly. At this time, the bloodline dragonfly blessed by Huo Hai finally released its own powerful attack, and the five optical nets merged together and arrived in an instant.

Hao Yun and others finally realized what was wrong. Huo Hai was called the insect emperor, and the most powerful thing was the use of spirit insects. Without Huo Hai, the few spirit insects in the realm of the spirit emperor were nothing. But with the insect emperor here, then these spirit insects are not easy, but it is too late to know at this time, seeing the attack hit, the three can only use their defensive barriers.

As a master of the vast land empire, his own defensive war spirit art is naturally not bad. Unfortunately, facing the special light net of blood-stripe dragonflies, against the defensive barriers on their bodies, it has a very strong restraint effect.

As soon as the defensive barrier came into contact with the optical net, the three people felt their own spiritual power flow at a high speed, the barrier was constantly shaking, and it was about to be destroyed. If there were only a few dragonflies, the three would still be able to persist until the end.

But at this moment, Huo Hai had already rushed from the back, his long sword shook quickly, and six sword auras were released immediately, six swords at a time, six attacks of Luoxia sword aura four times the attack, and the three people in front happened to have two each. .

Sword Qi pierced directly at the position of the vital point, and the three of them suddenly got their hairs up. Huo Hai’s sneak attack was nothing but life. They didn’t have as many weird methods as Huo Hai, and the two were obviously not members of the royal family. The master of, because what he learned was a little worse than Haoyun, he finally only used a weapon to resist him, and he was bombarded by two swords.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, but it was a pity that the whole body's spiritual veins, including the origin, were crushed by the sword energy that entered the body. Only Haoyun was lucky. The giant sword in his hand was like a door. At the critical moment, the giant sword was erected in front of him. .

"Ding Ding Ding" sounded three consecutive times, and the giant sword in Haoyun's hand was forcibly punched out by Huo Hai with three gaps. In the future, this giant sword may be difficult to repair. Haoyun's giant sword is very large. The quality is also good, but the body hardness is still a bit worse.

Being attacked by Huo Hai, Haoyun immediately felt blood boil all over his body. Behind him, a few blood-stripe dragonflies attacked again. This time, Haoyun's defensive barrier was finally unable to resist. The corpses of the two people next to him were lightened on the spot. The net was cut into pieces, exuding the smell of barbecue, and Haoyun's defensive barrier was broken, and the light net fell on his back.

"Ah..." Haoyun opened his mouth and let out a scream. Under the shock of his spiritual power, he tried his best to shatter the light net. Unfortunately, at this time, Haoyun's back has become like a barbecue, emitting With a burnt smell.

Huo Hai sneered, and then rushed forward. In Huo Hai's view, as long as the enemy has not lost the last bit of counterattack ability, he must not relax. The long sword in his hand turns quickly, and the first sword will pick Haoyun's great sword. fly.

After two swords, Haoyun's two hands were accompanied by Huo Hai's sword light and separated from his body. Haoyun stared at Huo Hai with wide eyes. He didn't expect that he would actually end up like this. This is what he thought. It was completely different. It turned out that he should have chased Huo Hai himself, but Huo Hai screamed and fell in front of him.

Why did things turn out to be like this? Didn’t it mean that Huo Hai was injured very badly? Damn it, the people at the border must have deliberately deceived him. Hao Yun still blamed all the faults on others at this time.

But Huo Hai didn't have any pity. Hao Yun, who had lost most of his combat power, rushed forward. He couldn't resist Huo Hai's attack at all. He quickly pushed his left hand and pressed it against Hao Yun's chest.

The sealing secret method originating from the Sky Star Sect started to operate, and the starlight in Huo Hai’s left hand flickered, and his spiritual power continued to merge into Haoyun’s body. The next moment Haoyun fell to the ground, and the spiritual source was completely sealed off. If you want to break through Huo Hai's seal, I am afraid that it will not be possible within a day or two, and Hao Yun has completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief and slowly collected the space objects and weapons of the two dead men next to him. Then he turned his eyes on Hao Yun's body. Speaking of which, Huo Hai and Hao Yun were also old friends.

"Boy Huo Hai, the old man really didn't expect such a day. I admit that we all underestimated you. Unfortunately, we were enemies from the beginning. If we do it again, I really don't want to provoke a master like you."

Huo Hai saw the appearance of Hao Yun, and listened to the long-lost address, and he sighed: "This matter is up to now, it is no longer possible to say who is right and who is wrong, but I don't think it will take long for someone who is struggling to survive. It's not me."

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