Evil Insect God

Chapter 1057: arrival

Hao Yun naturally knew what Huo Hai meant, that is, after Huo Hai's cultivation base was strengthened, it would not be something that the Haotu Empire could resist. At that time, when Huo Hai wanted to take action against the Haotu Empire, it was their turn to be passive.

The great power empire is huge, but it is a pity that the great power empire is already the top power in the Molian domain. The other two top powers will definitely not help when Huo Hai deals with the great empire. On the contrary, it is very possible to get into trouble. There is basically no difference whether other forces help or not. Huo Hai didn't care at all at that time.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for that time." Hao Yun sneered, his eyes full of resentment when he looked at Huo Hai.

Huo Hai was taken aback, and then he began to warn his surroundings: "There are ambushes around, no, if there is an ambush, I would have done it a long time ago." Huo Hai's Star Gu also didn't find anyone around him. He didn't believe that these people could even sense his own. Both Xinggu and Xinggu concealed it.

Hao Yun looked at Huo Hai staring at her eyes, closed her eyes, turned her head, just ignored Huo Hai, "Tell me, what do you guys have, don't let me do it myself." The reason why Huo Hai did not kill Haoyun, not because he knew Haoyun, but because Huo Hai needed a living mouth to figure out what the Haotu Empire would use.

Hao Yun closed his eyes and didn't say a word. Anyway, with his current state, even if he could go back alive, he would still have serious sequelae. The injuries Luoxia Jianqi caused on his body were not as simple as ordinary injuries.

Besides, Haoyun never thought that Huo Hai would let herself leave alive, if so, how could Haoyun say more.

"Hmph, don't you say so, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being polite." Hearing Huo Hai's words, Hao Yun was a little strange, opened his eyes, but happened to see a colorful and very beautiful big butterfly. .

Seeing this butterfly, Haoyun seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed immediately, but it was a pity that Haoyun could not do anything now. It is for ordinary people to bite his tongue and kill himself. A master like Haoyun, even if he bit his tongue, It will not die.

As for the poison, there is no such thing in Haoyun's body. Before Haoyun can think of what to do, Xiaodie's mind control has been exerted. Haoyun's eyes gradually become confused, and finally she is completely lost. Hai sealed the spiritual source, without the assistance of spiritual power, the effect of spiritual power could not be exerted much, and was easily controlled by Huo Hai.

"Tell me, how is the current situation of your vast empire." Huo Hai thought for a while and asked first.

Haoyun's eyes turned slightly, seeming to be adapting to the current state, and then he said: "The situation in the empire is very poor, and the major forces are about to move. If they can't be suppressed, the empire will probably fall apart."

Those sect families in the Haotu Empire are basically due to the strong strength of the Haotu Empire, so they reluctantly join the Haotu Empire in name. Many sects have a longer inheritance time than the Haotu Empire. Many.

Because of the rapid expansion of the Haotu Empire in the past, these sect families were not cleaned up one by one. After the Haotu Empire was truly established, these forces were too many and powerful, and the Haotu Empire did not dare to move randomly. Because of this, when the Haotu Empire expanded its territory later, there was no random movement of newly added forces.

Usually there is nothing, but in this situation, the strength of the vast land empire is greatly reduced, and these forces may not be able to suppress it. Everyone understands this truth, and Huo Hai is not surprised. This is similar to what he thought.

After thinking for a while, Huo Hai asked again: "So, are you only a few of you here to deal with me this time, and what follow-up preparations are there." In this case, it is very difficult to send three spiritual emperors. .

Hao Yun still said calmly: "No, there are five people in total this time, as well as the two Hao Ran Ancestor and the Emperor Blowyan. The people on the border didn't tell us the way you left, so we split up to find your trace. "

Hearing this, Huo Hai's brow furrowed even more severely, Haoran Patriarch, hearing this name knows that the one who can be called Patriarch by Hao Yun is definitely not an ordinary person, and he will definitely live longer than Hao. The cloud is still longer, so his strength may not be comparable to that of Hao Yun, but it is a pity that Huo Hai does not understand the internal affairs of the Haotu Empire.

However, Huo Hai has a certain understanding of the Explosive Flame Emperor. This is the great worship in the Great Land Empire's Hall of Worship. Many things in the Explosive Flame Emperor are handled by this Explosive Flame Emperor. I am afraid that the cultivation base has reached the fifth level. Emperor.

Huo Hai doesn’t care much about just one Explosive Flame Emperor, but another person, Huo Hai can’t ignore it. With the style of the Haotu Empire, the leader of this kind of event is definitely not the ordinary people of the worship hall, but the royal family members. .

As a team leader, even if the strength is not stronger than other people, it will definitely not be too weak. This Haoran ancestor, I am afraid that even if it is not the sixth-level spiritual emperor, it is almost the same. If these two masters come together, they are definitely not the current Huo Hai can deal with it, perhaps desperately desperate to kill one, but Huo Hai himself will not be well.

"If you can't find me, what will you do?" Huo Hai finally asked a question he wanted to know.

Hao Yun did not hesitate: "If you can't find the Insect Emperor, I won't go back. In the Heavenly Soul Realm, our vast empire also has some friends. Then we will contact these people and activate the eyeliner in the Heavenly Soul Realm together to find the worm. Emperor."

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he really deserves to be the vast land empire. Being the first power in the Molian domain is indeed not easy. Unlike the sudden rise of the Yaowangmen, the vast land empire has been the first power for so many years, and the background is really very important. Even in the Heavenly Soul Realm, they can still find a helper, which is almost impossible for other sects.

However, Huo Hai also believes that Piaohua Pavilion and Xuanbing Sect may not be much worse than Haotu Empire. "No, you can't waste time." Huo Hai knew that although they were divided into three groups, their speed was actually It's not the same.

Together with the three third-level spirit emperors, they are the weakest here and also the slowest. The other two chose two paths. Although the distance is longer, their speed is faster. If they really run Go ahead and set up traps in advance to wait for yourself, then even if you enter the Heavenly Soul Domain, it will be very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai no longer hesitated, waved a sword aura, and killed Haoyun lying on the ground. He didn't even plan to clean up the corpse, but took away Haoyun's broken weapon and space ring.

Haoyun’s bones are really inferior to the large number of beast bones that Huo Hai bought. Anyway, if they are placed here, they will be taken away and eaten by other beasts sooner or later. There is just time left to destroy the corpse, Huo Hai No longer hesitate, speed up along the road.

Huo Hai doesn’t even need to look at the map. He also knows whether he’s taking the right path, because these passages, especially the road Huo Hai is walking now, are the closest road from the Heavenly Soul Domain to the Molian Domain. There are often some merchants and masters back and forth here. Walking, so some debris on the road is often cleaned up, as long as you can see the traces of man-made, it is the right road.

This way, it just saved Huo Hai's time to identify the road. On Huo Hai's road, he didn't even have time to practice. He was on the road during the day. Only at night, he watched and polished his spiritual power a little.

The night in the Great Wasteland is too dangerous. Various powerful and dangerous beasts emerge in an endless stream. If you don’t find a safe place, even with Huo Hai’s cultivation base, I’m afraid you will not be spared, so Huo Hai can only be patient at night. Stopped.

Time flies, the deeper the wilderness, the more dangerous it is. When approaching the Heavenly Soul Region, Huo Hai even saw a group of more than 20 spirit emperor realm fierce beasts. Facing such a group of fierce beasts, Huo Hai didn't dare to act rashly, he could only hide with all his strength, and did not dare to make any movement. It was not until these fierce beasts left that Huo Hai let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Huo Hai discovered that his body was in cold sweat, "The Ninth-level Spirit Emperor, even such a terrifying beast has appeared. I don't know what it is like to have more Heavenly Soul Realms than the Great Wasteland Masters."

Huo Hai didn't know how many years had not felt this kind of perilous feeling. Even if he hadn't reached the Heavenly Soul Realm, Huo Hai felt a huge pressure on his body, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

For ten days, after meeting Hao Yun that day, Huo Hai cautiously spent ten days and finally came to the end of the road. Now, Huo Hai's own cultivation has once again been greatly improved.

Although he is far away from the fourth-level spirit emperor, Huo Hai is already very satisfied now. The closer he gets to the Heavenly Soul Realm, the more he feels the rich aura, and this rich aura contains the mighty power of heaven and earth. Very active, there is a will of heaven and earth in it, Huo Hai understands that cultivating here will definitely advance faster.

I don't know what it will be like after arriving in the Heavenly Soul Region. On the last day, Huo Hai finally came to the entrance of the Heavenly Soul Region. "This is the entrance. It is really spectacular."

From a distance, Huo Hai felt a terrifying pressure from heaven and earth. Yes, this is the pressure from heaven and earth, not the strength of a certain individual. In the distance, there is a continuous barrier composed of spiritual power, constantly flowing. , The horror aura in the barrier was extremely violent. Even Huo Hai himself would never dare to approach. Huo Hai could feel that if he dared to approach, he would definitely die.

In the middle of the huge barrier, there is a gap. This gap stretches for dozens of miles, and the roads on both sides have been cleared.

At first glance, he thought it was a great plain, but Huo Hai knew that this place was actually a grand canyon created by man, and it was the only passage from the Molian Domain to the Heavenly Soul Domain.

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