Evil Insect God

Chapter 1090: News, hands-on

The group soon returned to the two premises. After that, the relationship between the two companies was completely expanded. Regardless of whether the strength of the two companies is not very strong, but if the relationship network is considered, it is really good around here.

The Jin family and the Chi family actually belong to a semi-commercial family. Because of the relationship between the two families, businesses are scattered around and entangled with each other, they are no different from a family. With mutual assistance, the two business networks have been completely rolled out. Now it is not so troublesome to inquire about the news. The news of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group has always been paid attention to.

In the afternoon alone, Huo Hai had already received a message: "Provide my message, reward one hundred thousand spiritual crystals, kill one million spiritual crystals, if it can be captured alive, it would actually reward 10 million spiritual crystals, huh. "

Huo Hai looked at the reward offered by the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group, his eyes were full of disdain, not to mention other people, even if Huo Hai himself has millions of spirit crystals, there are relatively few local level masters in the Molian region, so the spirit Instead, the number of crystals is more.

Although the masters of the Heavenly Soul Realm also carry some spirit crystals on their bodies, they are very few in number. Huo Hai's net worth is not comparable to that of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group, but he is not comparable to those who are waiting, but the Crazy Dragon Servant The corps offered a reward, but it caused a large number of people to keep looking for their tracks everywhere. If this continues, I really don't know when they can find themselves.

Three days later, more detailed information was sent by the butler of the Jin family. Huo Hai picked up the information and looked at it, flashes of cold light flashed in his eyes, "We have already inquired about it, some time ago by the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps. Two people did come."

The butler respectfully said what he knew. About half a year ago, when Huo Hai had just arrived in the Heavenly Soul Region, two strangers came to the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group. Even now, the two Still did not leave.

From that time on, the people of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group were looking for someone, but after three months of not finding them, the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group began to offer rewards. At the beginning, it was just around the mercenary group. Later, as time passed, the reward slowly spread. A few days ago, the reward just came here.

Huo Hai finally knew at this time that when he was lost in the barren hills near the great wasteland, he no longer walked to the west of the barren hills, but to the north. The two locations were in the northwest of the barren hills. .

The Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group was far away from the southwest of the barren mountain. Therefore, it was not until half a year later that these talents had just searched for them, and the rewards were increasing. If you want to come to the vast empire, you should be anxious.

"We have investigated that in addition to the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps, the Great Land Empire also invited some other famous mercenaries and adventurers to investigate your news. These are their information and names."

Huo Hai looked at the last stack of papers, and it was true that many people’s names were written on it, as well as the names of some mercenary adventurer organizations. Below are the information of each individual. It can be such a short period of time that these people’s The investigation of the information was so clear that it was not easy. Huo Hai looked through and silently remembered these people in his heart. Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes lit up.

"The Gale Team, specializing in finding and opening secret realm entrances, has searched more than 20 secret realms. This team is very interesting." Because of the special environment of the Heavenly Soul Realm, there are more secret realms here.

However, most of the secret realms are ultra-small and have no value, and no one left treasures in them before. Therefore, the value of these secret realms is very low. Many forces themselves have their own secret realms to use. .

In fact, Huo Hai himself knew that the Jin family and the Chi family had a small secret realm, which was always used as a warehouse. The entrance of this secret realm is on the lake next to the two houses. Of course, being a secret realm itself has a certain value. , Therefore, there are many people in the Heavenly Soul Realm who specialize in finding secret realms, and obtain benefits by selling secret realm news.

Hearing Huo Hai's words, the steward said quickly: "The Gale Squad is still relatively famous. Although they are a bit weaker in strength, they are good at finding secret realms. There are not many adventurers who can find so many secret realms."

As he said, the butler revealed some of the secret information of the Storm Team, and Huo Hai nodded secretly. The butler of the Jin family is really good. He can remember so much information firmly, and it is impossible for ordinary people to do it.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately said: "Is it possible to determine the location of the Storm Team? I am very interested in this team."

The butler nodded quickly: "No problem, but it will take some time. We will definitely find out the location of the Storm Team within three days." After that, Huo Hai had nothing else to do, and waved his hand to let the butler retreat. He now, It is not suitable for a head-on conflict with the crazy dragon mercenary group, because facing the crazy dragon, Huo Hai's strength is still not enough, so let's wait first.

It was said that within three days, it was indeed within three days. On the second day, the location of the Gale Team was determined. What Huo Hai didn’t expect was that the Gale Team was actually in the barren mountain area now, I don’t know. What are you looking for.

It seems that the violent wind team discovered the existence of the secret realm in the barren mountain, and after the last incident, the strength of the Sirius Gate, the controller near the barren mountain, was greatly weakened. It was precisely this opportunity that the violent wind team dared to enter.

Because the Sirius Gate knows that the two families are now backed by a master like Huo Hai, even though they want to find the two are unlucky, they dare not do anything casually. The strength of the Sirius Gate is indeed very strong, but if such a powerful one is offended The worm spirit master, God knows what will happen to the Sirius Gate if the opponent is desperate. The Sirius Gate is very powerful, but they have many enemies.

"Very good, it's here, yes, you help me and the Patriarch, I need to deal with some things." After Huo Hai finished speaking, without waiting for the housekeeper to say anything, his body disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the Jin family. In the compound.

Huo Hai also didn't say the specific time. For a Spirit Sovereign expert, even a few years would not be a big deal. Besides, Huo Hai felt that it would not take that long to deal with this matter.

Huo Hai is alone, not burdensome, so the speed is very fast. In less than an hour, Huo Hai has come to the barren mountain area very close to the two houses. Because it is very close to the two, it is also very necessary to investigate the intelligence here. Easy, according to a detailed map provided by the Jin family, Huo Hai quickly found the location of the Storm Team.

"This is the Gale Team, the strength seems to be very strong." On the edge of a mountain col, Huo Hai saw more than 20 sneaky people inside, the leading one, probably with the strength of the seventh-level Spirit Sovereign.

The strengths of the others are uneven. The lowest level is only the first-level spirit emperor. This is a team composed entirely of the spirit emperor. If such a team is in the Molian domain, most super-class sects cannot be compared, especially It was the seven-level spirit emperor headed by him, and even the three top powers did not dare to take it lightly, but here they could only be cautious.

"Have you found the entrance? How far is it?" The Gale leader asked in a low voice. Behind him, a young man was holding a weird consummation, constantly injecting spiritual power, and adjusting and comparing it from time to time.

"Not yet, but I will find it soon. It should be right here." The young man said as he probed.

A big man next to him waved his axe and laughed: "Haha, I heard that the Sirius Gate suffered a heavy loss this time. When we discover the secret entrance and sell it to them, we should be able to pay a big price."

At this moment, the compass in the young man's hand suddenly glowed brightly, "I have it, it's here, I found the entrance." The young man didn't know what kind of powder he had grabbed, and he suddenly lifted it forward. Slowly floating and condensing, the space in front was strangely distorted, and an illusory outline appeared in front of everyone.

"Very well, quickly nail the broken awl, we will open the entrance immediately." The leader looked excited, and the person next to him immediately took out nine crystal clear awls, thrust them in, and actually nailed them firmly to the door frame. Above.

When Huo Hai saw this, he was stunned. This was the Cone of Breaking Realm. Is this how they opened the entrance to the Secret Realm? The Gale Squad actually secretly accepted the invitation of the Haotu Empire, secretly searching for himself, and even wanted to deal with it Drop yourself.

The reason why Huo Hai took a fancy to this team was because they had a way to open the Secret Realm. To destroy the Haotu Empire, they had to find a way to enter the Secret Realm of the Haotu Empire. Huo Hai didn’t have this method, even if he knew it. The empire has a secret realm, and there is no way to break it. Come to the Gale Team for this reason.

The Haotu Empire delivered the weapon to Huo Hai's hands, how could Huo Hai not laugh.

However, what Huo Hai didn't expect was that it didn't seem to be very difficult to open the secret realm. The real difficulty should be to find the entrance of the secret realm. As long as the broken cone is inserted into the entrance gate, the secret realm can be opened.

Regardless, take things over first, thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately started, his figure disappeared in a flash, Huo Hai came to the people behind silently and silently for an instant. Seventh-level Spirit Sovereign, but the strength gap between each other is really too big, plus, now Huo Hai still sneak attacks while the other party is absent.

"Not good, who is it." By the time they found out, Huo Hai had already emitted three purple sword auras, and the sword aura passed across the sky. When everyone did not react, he sank into three of them. in vivo.

Three sword auras, the three of them were hit **** the spot, even if they were the leader of the storm, they did not react. When they wanted to resist, they had already lost the opportunity to struggle and could only watch their own death.

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