Evil Insect God

Chapter 1091: Improve

Huo Hai didn't want the other party to die immediately. Xiaodie had already made a move, taking advantage of the fact that the opponent's spiritual power was dissipated, and completely controlled the storm leader.

At the same time, Huo Hai quickly turned around, and a broad sword aura cut out in the air. Almost instantly, the surrounding people were once again killed by Huo Hai by five, and one of them was dead. Nearly half of the people, and even his leader, the strongest master, seemed to have died in the opponent's hands, and the members of the Gale Team were immediately frightened.

They are a team of adventurers. They are different from the mercenaries who live in the fight all the year round. Their main task is to complete some adventures and find some special items in the inaccessible places.

Although he often fought, he rarely fought hard and bitter battles. Therefore, after being attacked by Huo Hai, the first thing everyone thought of was not attacking, but fleeing. The next moment, the group had already put it into practice.

"Huh, I want to run, it's too late." Huo Hai is not the only one. The recovered Star Gu is already waiting around him. Seeing these people want to escape, Star Gu immediately activates his spiritual power and transforms. The stream of light pierced straight out, just for an instant, a series of screams sounded around, and everyone lay on the ground.

Most of the people are dead at this time, and the few who are still alive are specially ordered by Huo Hai to stay. These people were easily controlled by Fluttershy when they were seriously injured. "Alright, now let’s talk about how to find the secret realm and open the secret realm. Right."

Following Huo Hai's questioning, the people around who were still alive, under Xiaodie's control, spoke out what they knew bit by bit. In fact, it was very easy to find the secret, but it was very difficult.

The most complicated step is to find the entrance to the secret realm. First of all, they have to inquire a lot of information, and through some clues, to explore the possible location of the secret realm. This step often takes a lot of time, and the location found is not already discovered. , It's just some wrong location, otherwise it won't take so long to find such a few secret realms.

After determining the location, the next step is easy. The special disc is used to detect spatial fluctuations. As long as it is not very secretive and special, the general entrance will emit a little cryptic spatial fluctuation.

Through this disc, as long as it is within a range of 100 meters, the entrance to the secret realm can be determined. This range is indeed not large, but this is already the limit. There are no better discs, but they are not available.

When determining the location of the entrance, the next step is much easier. A special powder that can resonate with space can make the entrance completely visible. At the same time, this powder can also play a role in isolating breath fluctuations. They opened the door of the secret realm and let this place be completely exposed, otherwise, what would they use to gain benefits?

The last step is to break the realm cone. As long as the nine broken realm cones are pierced into the secret realm gate according to a special rule, the gate can be opened little by little like opening a can, and the secret realm is completely discovered.

Afterwards, those who discover the secret realm can enter the secret realm and evaluate the environment and characteristics of the secret realm. If it is valuable, then set a price for the secret realm and then find a suitable buyer.

Of course, they don’t dare to mess around at this price. Otherwise, if anyone dares to do business with them in the future, if they offend someone who shouldn’t be offended, they will probably die very miserably, some of which are worthless. After discovering the secret realm of, they will even make it public directly. Anyway, it has no value, and it doesn’t matter if it’s public.

Of course, there are almost no secret realms that are truly worthless. There are thousands of secret methods for cultivation, and there are all kinds of them, and all kinds of different environments can theoretically find buyers that they like.

"The first time you opened the secret realm door, a power of heaven and earth will be released. Using a special method to absorb this power can improve the cultivation base. The greater the secret realm, the greater the improvement."

Suddenly, a word from the leader made Huo Hai's eyes light up. He didn't expect that opening the secret realm gate would have such benefits, but this is only limited to the secret realm opened for the first time. If the secret realm has been opened before, It is useless to turn it on again. This increase has nothing to do with the value of the secret realm, only the size.

Huo Hai immediately asked, clarifying this absorption method. It turned out that this method still requires a spiritual formation. At the level of Huo Hai, such a spiritual formation is very easy to learn. After two days, Huo Hai will completely complete the spiritual formation. Familiar with.

At this moment, these people were no longer useful. After squeezing the last bit of residual value, Huo Hai asked Xiaodie to kill them directly, but it was a pity that there were no valuable treasures on these people.

It seems that although they have found a lot of secret realms, they use all the funds to improve the cultivation base. That's right, it is very difficult for a team of adventurers to be promoted to this level. In the Heavenly Soul Region, The survival of San Xiu and the team is far more difficult than in the Molian Domain. Huo Hai's heart moved, causing Star Gu to throw the corpse into the distance.

No matter what, let’s open the secret realm first. Huo Hai stepped forward and activated the nine broken realm cones bit by bit according to the method learned earlier. As the nine broken realm cones slowly vibrated, a space was formed. The fluctuations are slowly permeating.

At this moment, an extremely pure power of heaven and earth suddenly radiated from the secret realm. Huo Hai's heart moved. He knew that this secret realm in front of him was definitely opened for the first time. This power is used to improve Your best.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai instantly activated the spirit formation that had been arranged around it. The spirit formation was activated and immediately restrained the spirit power. Huo Hai sat in the middle and ran the method he just learned, and gradually attracted this power. Come, at the same time, Huo Hai has already eaten the Spirit Qi Condensation Pearl, he doesn't want to waste this hard-won opportunity.

With the help of spiritual energy condensing beads, a new star core was quickly condensed, and then, under the action of this force, the star core was polished to improve spiritual power, and then this process continued to be repeated, and Huo Hai's cultivation base continued to improve.

"What a big secret realm." As this power was continuously absorbed, Huo Hai sighed in his heart. He didn't expect this secret realm to be a rare large-scale secret realm. Otherwise, this power of heaven and earth would not be so. Many.

The secret realm is originally some small space attached to the main space. The secret realm is not opened, and it is separated from the main space. Such space exists independently, and in the process of continuous breeding, it will produce a kind of power similar to the original source. Once the space door is opened, the two spaces will be completely connected, and this source of power will be useless.

Originally, this power should be returned to heaven and earth, absorbed by the main space, and used to develop the main space, but if someone is nearby, it can absorb this power. This power that is similar to the original source is very beneficial to people. huge.

This kind of power can be greatly improved as long as it is not a sky-level master. With the absorption, Huo Hai's cultivation base is improved little by little. This kind of promotion not only has no side effects, but on the contrary, with the promotion, Huo Hai feels his own spirit. The strength and spiritual strength have actually been greatly condensed. Not only has the foundation not weakened, but it seems to be slightly strengthened.

This made Huo Hai even more excited. He simply opened his mind and absorbed this power frantically. The original spiritual power was continuously absorbed, and Huo Hai’s cultivation base was continuously improved, and the spiritual power he radiated was increased little by little, and then slowly Slowly weaken.

Before the spiritual power completely dissipated, Huo Hai's whole body suddenly shook, and his own aura increased a lot again. He absorbed the surrounding spiritual power in one breath, and Huo Hai slowly let out a breath.

"The eighth-level spirit emperor, I didn't expect it to be so easy." Huo Hai's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his eyes were shining brightly. He could reach the eighth-level spirit emperor so quickly. Huo Hai really did not expect to move himself. Huo Hai discovered that he soon fully adapted to the surge of power, this may be the special function of the original spiritual power in the secret realm.

It's no wonder that so many freelancers are keen to find new secrets. It turns out that it is not just as simple as selling, but it is also a special method that can continuously improve itself. It is completely harmless and has no restrictions.

If someone encounters a bottleneck, they can open a new door to the secret realm, or even break through this bottleneck easily, but it is a pity that there are not so many secret realms after all, and it is not easy to find it.

The biggest reason why the Gale Team was able to find more than 20 secret realms is because there is a military division in the team. This military division has a very high knowledge of secret realms, and can often use some clues to determine where secret realms may exist. Such talents are rare, but unfortunately they have become corpses at this time.

"Hehe, I don't know what's in the secret realm." Huo Hai looked at the secret realm door that had been opened in front of him, and the nine broken cones were still inserted in the midair, not into the space, but a huge hole appeared in the middle.

For the first secret realm opened by himself, if Huo Hai said that he didn’t feel at all, it would be impossible. Looking at this entrance, Huo Hai was also a little excited. No one wanted to open the first secret realm by himself. If a worthless waste is really valuable, Huo Hai will arrange it around and use it slowly in the future.

Huo Hai had already obtained the method of hiding and disguising the gate in Feng Feng's mind before. What Huo Hai didn't expect was that the Feng Squad itself also had a small secret reserve, which was the den of the Feng Squad.

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