Evil Insect God

Chapter 1100: Before the attack

Originally, according to Huo Hai's intention, after returning home to dispose of the things, the next step was to deal with the Haotu Empire, but it was a pity that Huo Hai discovered that he had encountered many things again.

In the family, there are many things that ordinary people cannot handle. Some methods to improve strength, or some methods of handling spirit insects and beasts from the outside world, and the large number of skeletons that Huo Hai hidden at the beginning, now only Huo Hai can solve, Huo Hai Hai was unwilling and had no choice, no one would let his father and grandfather intend to let him go.

Huo Hai also knew that they didn't want to let themselves go against the vast empire, so they forced themselves these jobs, allowed themselves to stay at home for a few more days, and then took turns to persuade themselves every day.

Huo Hai was a little annoyed, but he could only listen. In fact, Huo Hai knew that in the hearts of his father and grandpa, the family was the most important thing. For the family, any family member could sacrifice, just because His own strength is too strong, and he is still the backbone of the family, so anyone can sacrifice, but he can't sacrifice.

But if you want to make a contribution to the so-called family and delay your own promotion, this is not what Huo Hai wants.

Regardless of how Huo Hai came from the Huo family, in the current family, Huo Hai only recognizes Huo Feng Huo Ran and Huo Kai three people. In Huo Hai’s eyes, they have nothing to do with passers-by or subordinates. What is the difference.

Besides, the reason why Huo Feng and others came to persuade them every day was largely because of other family elders, no matter that power was the same, everyone was thinking about themselves, and the Huo family was the same.

Even if Huo Hai sends back a large amount of supplies, in the eyes of many people, I am afraid that it is natural to help the family develop, and in the absence of foreign enemies and dangers, these people often think about how to get the most benefit from it. , Huo Hai's Star Gu is not a decoration. During this period of time, I have been eavesdropping on these people's conversations and have already known a little.

If the family continues to grow in the future, you still don't know what will happen. If you get involved in this kind of thing, don't think about practicing well in the future, so Huo Hai doesn't want to get involved with them at all, and is very disgusted with these people.

As long as one's strength is strong, at least one's own family will not encounter any danger. Forget it, let these people go and make trouble. As long as they don't collude with outsiders and directly rebel, it's just to raise some idlers.

Because they were restricted by Huo Feng and others at home, Huo Hai could not go out for secrecy. They didn’t want Huo Hai to attract the attention of the empire, so Huo Hai had nothing to do, so he could only continue to practice and improve himself. There is no time to practice. Now that he has time, Huo Hai can finally practice well.

The next day, when Huo Hai planted a lot of fog-washing grass in a specific cave, he only needs to deal with a few things every day, and the extra time is used to condense the star line and condense the star line with all his strength. With Huo Hai’s current strength, quickly.

It only takes about one day to completely transform one main vein with the star line. If you want to completely transform the seventy-two main veins of the spirit vein, it will take about two months. As long as Huo Hai has time, he Seize the time to practice and improve.

But at this time, Huo Hai once again discovered a problem, that is, the death moth in his inner space has finally changed. "So, I didn't expect it to be like this." Huo Hai finally knew why his death moth kept going. I have been listless since, it turned out that this death moth has actually reached the stage of production.

Spirit worms are spirit worms. Once they reach the realm of the spirit emperor, they are also spirit worms. They are spirit worms. They have many very common characteristics. For example, the death moth still retains some of the characteristics of the moth, that is, it will die after production.

No matter how long the death moth can live, when it gives birth to the next generation, it will inject its whole body vitality into the egg, and it will die soon afterwards. During this time, the death moth is listless, precisely because it is consuming its own vitality.

Unexpectedly, when the Death Moth was caught by himself, it had already begun to give birth to the next generation. No wonder it had absorbed so much spiritual power from the stars, but the spirit was getting worse and worse. Huo Hai ignored too much, because the Death Moth was here. After laying the eggs, it was not far from death. After the death of the death moth, the worm formation in its body collapsed on the spot and dissipated invisible.

This is the first spirit worm that died after using the new type of insect refining array. At the moment of death, Huo Hai felt it, and the refining array collapsed and Huo Hai did not receive any backlash. It is precisely because of this feeling that Huo Hai was aware of it. Until the death moth has died.

"Unexpectedly, it would be like this. It seems that you have to pay attention to it in the future." Huo Hai checked it out. Because of its sufficient spiritual power, the Death Moth lay a total of more than 20 eggs this time.

With the eggs of the Death Moth, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly brightened. Perhaps he could add another natal spirit insect. It has not been increased since Huo Hai can't see these insects. The Death Moth has different abilities. It was too scary. Just do as he thought. Huo Hai directly used Gu Master's secret method to quickly start cultivating these worm eggs.

At this time, Huo Hai was not in a hurry. He was cultivating while cultivating his death moth. Five days later, the death moth hatched out of the eggs one by one. The newborn death moth was gray and not very beautiful.

Huo Hai squinted his eyes, quickly explored it, and quickly picked out the strongest one, "It's you, you will be called the moth from now on. It is my seventh main war spirit insect." Huo Hai is as always. The name of this death moth is a small moth. At this time, the newly born death moth does not know that its future has undergone tremendous changes.

The spirit worms that can be slowly cultivated from childhood are the smartest and most powerful. Huo Hai summoned them and quickly drew a primitive refining worm formation. Through this refining worm formation, the moth was completely refined.

After being refined, the power provided by the Primordial Refining Insect Array quickly envelops the moths. When they reappear, the newly born Death Moth has reached the realm of spiritual bones. After that, it needs to be transformed step by step. Up.

Huo Hai did not give up on other death moths. Instead, he used a new type of refining insect array to refine them one by one, and then sent them into the inner space. These death moths can be used as a supplement. After all, the death moths are Very powerful spirit worm.

Moreover, the dust on these death moths can also be used as materials in the future. Unfortunately, there is no vigorous cultivation of the primitive refining insect array and Huo Hai itself. It takes a long time for these death moths to grow up. It will take more than ten years from birth to full adulthood, and it will probably take several years in Huo Hai's inner space.

The death moth also needs accumulation to improve. Huo Hai has already explored it. The accumulation of the death moth depends on toxins and spiritual power. Huo Hai does not lack these things, especially toxins, directly let Xiaojin provide.

The metamorphosis of the spirit worm is not an easy task. The first time it was transformed, what Huo Hai did not expect was that it took half a month. After half a month, the moth reached the realm of the spirit, and its abilities were basically Revealed.

The powerful hypnotic spirit wave, as well as the hypnotic dust on the body, this is its own ability, and it has not changed. The different ability is that now the moth can concentrate its strength and aim at a target for hypnosis, and its own dust is no longer Falling casually, the moth has a little ability to control the wind, and can barely control where the dust falls.

At this point, the wild Grim Reaper moth has never possessed the ability. I believe that under its own cultivation, the Grim Reaper moth's strength will continue to improve. "Hehe, the spiritual power has really improved a lot, and has it become smarter."

The spiritual power is improved, and the hypnotic ability of the death moth is also improving. Huo Hai is very pleased. As expected, it is the best spirit worm that has been cultivated since childhood, so as long as it breaks through the realm of the spirit king, the moth can reach the IQ of a normal adult.

Huo Hai did not have so much energy to cultivate the other death moths, and quickly increased the accumulation, and then the little moths entered the metamorphosis again, similar to when Xiaodie metamorphoses, they all wrapped themselves up and retreated. The wings, Huo Hai could only be used as a collection of materials, the general death moth would not be transformed at such a low level.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, and the moth has undergone a second metamorphosis. This time the strength of the moth has reached the peak of Lingshuai. As expected, its original ability has been strengthened again and it is getting smarter.

In this way, as long as he reaches the realm of the Spirit Emperor, Huo Hai is sure that his Death Moth will far exceed the strength of the one he originally controlled. This time, he really picked up a treasure, and Huo Hai was extremely excited and excited.

It will take a long time to wait until the next metamorphosis of the moth is completed. I don’t know that it will take a few months. Breaking through the Spirit King is not an easy task. Even if it is supported by its own realm, it will take a long time to break through. Not a short time, counting time, I seem to have been waiting here for two months, and my star line is almost complete.

On the third day after the moth once again entered the metamorphosis, Huo Hai’s whole body star line has integrated all the spiritual main veins on his body. Now Huo Hai’s main spiritual veins are much stronger than before, and spiritual control is easier. A lot.

The star line finally reached Xiaocheng. After that, Huo Hai didn't need to make 3,000 handprints, or even handprints, to send out the star line. Using the star line, Huo Hai finally realized the feeling of arranging a spiritual formation out of thin air.

And if you want to continue to cultivate the Star Line in the future, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. It’s easy to summon the Star Line. After that, all the branches of the Spirit Vein throughout the body are only a matter of time. Huo Hai has calculated it. There is no accident. time.

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