Evil Insect God

Chapter 1101: Kodo Nouchi

It took two months and allowed the Haotu Empire to exist for another two months. Huo Hai decided not to give the Haotu Empire a chance to survive. In fact, Huo Hai was here for the past two months. It's not that I haven't done anything. Huomen's explorations from time to time, as well as Huo Hai's own star gu, have a little understanding of some things in the vast empire.

On this day, Huo Hai got up, packed his belongings, and looked at the little elephant for the last time before he came to Huo Feng: "Grandpa, I have to go out to deal with some things, and I will be back in a few days. "Huo Hai whispered.

Huo Feng's hand trembled: "Xiaohai, you have decided, do you know what it means to do this." Huo Feng did not turn his head.

Huo Hai nodded and said: "I know, the vast empire, I will definitely not let it go. When there was no strength before, I could only let them insult again and again. Now I have strength. I will not continue to be patient."

Huo Hai and the rest of the Huo family are totally different. First of all, Huo Hai is a young man. He has the enthusiasm of a young man, and Huo Hai doesn’t like to be restrained. He can do whatever he wants, just pay attention to proportion. Up.

Like those in the Huo family, everything is for the family, the family is the highest, oneself is second, or the idea of ​​being first and second in the family, Huo Hai will never have, the road he has to take, and the Huo family There are totally two ways to constantly improve yourself. This is what Huo Hai wants to do. In Huo Hai's eyes, the family is just a comfortable place for his family to live.

Had it not been for the fact that Huo Feng and others wanted to develop the Huo family, Huo Hai would have already thrown the Huo family members into the southern countries.

Hearing the words, Huo Feng sighed: "Forget it, I don't care what you want to do. As long as you remember, if you don't have a last resort, don't cause harm to the Huo family." Huo Fenghui Waving his hand, let Huo Hai go down.

Huo Hai bowed and said, "Don't worry, as long as you are there, the Huo family will have no problem." Huo Hai expressed his attitude, that is, as long as Huo Feng and Huo Kai and others are still facing the Huo family, Huo Hai will not Will give up the rest of the Huo family.

Huo Feng sighed. He had already seen what character Huo Hai was. The family had no binding power on Huo Hai, but it was right to think about it. Although Huo Hai lived and lived. Worry-free, but really didn't get too much benefit from the family. Later, when the family rebelled, it made Huo Hai completely give up on the rest of the family.

After Huo Hai bowed and saluted, he left Huo Feng's room. After leaving the teleportation array, Huo Hai used Xiaodie's ability to hide himself all the way and secretly left the Cross Canyon. At this time, no one found Huo Hai. Has disappeared.

Huo Hai is also taking precautions. Many elders and deacons in the family still think that the Haotu Empire is stronger. After all, they also know that the Haotu Empire seems to have some connection with the Heavenly Soul Region, otherwise they will not be scared. Into this.

If they really know that Huo Hai is going to deal with the Haotu Empire, it is inevitable that no one will secretly tell the Haotu imperial family to take the upper hand. Huo Hai does not know if this kind of thing will happen, but Huo Hai still has to prevent it. Huo Feng also knew about it, so he didn't say anything. Others just thought that Huo Hai, a person who didn't like coming out very much, was still practicing in retreat.

The Cross Canyon is on the edge of the Great Land Empire. It is very easy for Huo Hai to enter the Great Land Empire. With the speed of Huo Hai, he can reach the capital of the Great Land Empire in a short time. "The Great Land Empire is indeed completely messed up. ."

Looking below, some small-scale conflicts would erupt from time to time, and even Huo Hai saw that on the edge of the fortress, someone dared to act on the soldiers of the vast empire. Huo Hai also knew who these people were.

The closer you are to the capital, the less such things will happen, because here, the strength of the army of the Haotu Empire has increased, and the number of masters is large. It is no longer for them, such as retail investors, to do it casually, especially in the capital. There are not many people that the empire does not deal with. From time to time there are patrols passing by inside and outside the capital, and the defenses are extremely strict.

"Huh, I didn't expect the Royal Family of the Hatou Empire to even engage in this set." Huo Hai remembered the literary prison of the previous life. It is almost the same here. Everyone, as long as they mention something that is unfavorable to the Royal Family, it will caught.

People are inspected by the soldiers of the Great Land Empire several times every day. There are always some soldiers with poor character. When inspecting women, they often use their hands and feet. People around can only look at them, but they dare not speak. If you dare to resist, you will betray the party on the spot. You will either be arrested or killed on the spot. Even hiding at home is useless.

Because these people would frequently knock on the doors of various houses and enter the interior to conduct inspections. Unfortunately, in the current imperial capital, it is not easy to get out. Otherwise, I am afraid that there are not many people left in the imperial capital.

Huo Hai felt it for a while. There were a large number of masters in the imperial capital. Even the Spirit Sovereign master, Huo Hai could faintly feel a dozen breaths. Huo Hai was sure that this was definitely not the strength of the vast land empire. , But the strength of so many masters is not weak.

Putting the Star Gu, Huo Hai quickly found out the location of the Mysterious Realm of the Great Land Empire. This matter is not a secret in the eyes of the major forces. The entrance to the Mysterious Realm of the Great Land Empire is in the palace, and many Everyone knows that it is right in the middle of the central square of the palace. As long as you go in, you can easily determine the location of this entrance.

"If you let the skeleton army directly attack, you will be discovered before you get here. It will be even worse if someone escapes. It seems that we still have to make a little arrangement first." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and thought slightly in his heart.

When he thought of it, Huo Hai quickly came to a place near the imperial capital of the vast land empire. He raised his hands, and countless thin lines of starlight appeared in his hands, the star line, this was an ability that Huo Hai had just cultivated to Xiaocheng.

The thin line was under Huo Hai’s control, and after a while, it condensed into a simple formation. Huo Hai waved his hand and the spirit formation fell on the ground. Then, Huo Hai threw out a few spirit stones. It was just an ordinary spirit stone. The spirit stone fell into a few nodes of the spirit formation, and then quickly sank. In just a moment, the entire spirit formation disappeared without a trace.

Because the fluctuations of the spirit formations are really too weak, and there are so many masters near the vast land capital, it is difficult to attract the attention of others. Besides, these spirit formations are so weak, even if they are used to deal with them, what can they do? It's mighty.

In the imperial capital, there are also people who specialize in spiritual formations, so even if people detect such weak fluctuations in spiritual formations, no one will be alert. With the star line, it is much easier for Huo Hai to arrange spiritual formations. Some ordinary spirit stones will do.

"Damn, there are not enough spirit stones on him." After setting up for a while, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that there was no spirit stone in his body, and the spirit stone was of little value to Huo Hai. Let alone the spirit stone, it was the spirit jade. Not many. If you use spirit crystals to arrange this kind of spirit formation, it would be too wasteful. Huo Hai smiled slightly: "If this is the case, then I will trouble you."

Huo Hai quickly left the imperial capital, and after a short while, he came to a large city not far from the border on the other side of the Haotu Empire. With the pervasive Star Gu, and Huo Hai's perception ability, he easily found the spirit stone in the city. .

Using Fluttershy to easily plunge all the people around him into the illusion, Huo Hai quickly entered it and took away the spirit stones inside. Who would have thought that there would be a master of the spirit emperor realm who would come to them to steal the spirit stone.

After one time, Huo Hai only spent less than two hours, and he had a large number of spirit stones in his hand. As for the people in that city who wanted to find these spirit stones missing, they don’t know how many days later, Huo Hai's hands and feet kept on, secretly arranging spiritual formations around Haotu Emperor. With the continuous arrangement, Huo Hai became more and more skilled.

In the end, such a simple spirit formation could be arranged by Huo Hai almost with a wave of his hand. Even the people around could not see Huo Hai's movements clearly, and at most felt the aura around him slightly turbulent.

Such slight turbulence is very common at ordinary times. It is like wind, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion. For two days, Huo Hai has been setting up this kind of spiritual formation. The emperor capital of the entire vast empire is everywhere inside and outside. For this kind of spirit formation, Huo Hai has spent tens of millions of spirit stones. Although the total value is less than one spirit crystal, the number is very scary.

"It's almost, the vast land empire, you have existed for too long." Huo Hai said to himself, completely ignoring the people around him, and when he stretched out his hand, Xiao Yun disappeared from Huo Hai's palm and merged into it. In the air.

The surrounding fog began to diffuse and condense quickly. Soon, this area became densely filled with fog. The spirit array that Huo Hai arranged on the ground was used once in the southern countries. It was purely used to preserve the fog. That's it.

With Huo Hai’s current spiritual power, the spiritual array formed by the deployment of the star line is not so easy to destroy. Xiaoyun does not call the fog that contains the power of heaven and earth, but just ordinary thick fog. , With Xiaoyun's strength, it was very easy to summon ordinary fog. Two hours later, the vast imperial capital, even the surrounding areas of the city, were all shrouded in the thick fog.

The people in the imperial capital just raised their heads and glanced, but didn't pay any attention at all. There was no spiritual energy in the mist, it was just a normal fog, and it couldn't attract their attention at all. There was very little fog in the imperial capital, but it was not completely absent.

"The time is almost here, it's time for us to act." Huo Hai smiled slightly, turned around, and came to a small forest near the imperial capital. At this time, the small forest was also shrouded in thick fog.

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