Evil Insect God

Chapter 1102: Surrounded

With a move in Huo Hai's heart, he immediately made contact with the skeletons under the woods. This woods was exactly the abandoned ruins that Huo Hai found at the beginning, not far from the Haotu Imperial Capital.

At first, Huo Hai filled the labyrinth below, and then catalyzed a huge bone in the center, and then let the ghost bone insect larvae grow here. Now more than half a year has passed, and the larvae of that day have basically grown.

Opening the sealed entrance, a team of skeletons walked in front of Huo Hai, "Okay, it's not bad, it didn't make me look forward to it in vain." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and the skeletons that came out were all standard. Each of the skeleton warriors can reach the second level of the Spirit King, and it also contains a trace of the special spiritual power of the Spirit King realm, and qualitative changes in attack and defense power.

After feeling it for a while, Huo Hai already knew that all the skeletons below had already grown up. In fact, these skeletons had grown up completely a few months ago, but they had not been ordered to come out.

Looking around, the fog has completely filled the entire imperial capital, including all the surrounding areas. Huo Hai waved his hand: "Disperse, don't let people find out, surround me with all the emperors of the vast land empire."

Huo Hai gave an order, no matter whether the skeletons could understand it or not, after all, it was Xinggu and Fluttershy who actually implemented the order. Fluttershy, as a center, in the mist created by Xiaoyun, his sight is basically unaffected. Yes, and the Star Gu is scattered, as a positioning, to help the skeletons lock their positions and control the movement of the skeletons.

In fact, as long as you reach the realm of the spirit king, this ordinary thick fog can basically see a long distance. If you are a master of the spirit king realm, such thick fog has no effect at all. It is a pity that such a master does not care at all. .

When the fog first started, some people came out to observe, but after watching for a long time, they didn't find the slightest problem, and these people stopped observing it. Even ordinary people didn't care about the dense fog.

Before long, Huo Hai’s skeletons walked out of the cave in batches, and then under the guidance of Star Gu, they quickly dispersed. They were scattered from all directions at a distance from the emperor, without neat footsteps. , So no one found anything wrong. In the thick fog, if you listen carefully, you will often hear some screams.

These are all encounters with the skeleton army on the road, and then they are quickly killed by the skeletons and the star gu. If they encounter the skeleton army, they can only be regarded as unlucky. Whether these people are innocent or not, Huo Hai can't risk letting them go.

Besides, at this time, because the imperial capital has already been under full martial law, those who still travel to and from the imperial capital at this time are basically caravans with some relations in the imperial capital. Even if these people are destroyed, there is basically no need to worry about killing the wrong person. .

These skeletons are all skeletons of the spirit king realm. They are very fast. In less than half an hour, the skeleton army has basically been dispatched. At this time, there are very few skeletons left in the cave. All the skeletons are scattered. Come, show the Xingluo layout, scattered around the imperial capital, at this time, the encirclement did not form.

But in fact, the imperial capital was completely in the package of these skeletons. Seeing that all the skeletons were in place, Huo Hai nodded in satisfaction. The army of millions of skeletons, it is not difficult to destroy an imperial capital.

"Okay, let's do it." Huo Hai gave an order, and the scattered skeletons suddenly began to gather. The direction of gathering was the direction of the imperial capital of the vast land empire. In just a moment, someone discovered that something was wrong.

"Look at it quickly, is there something in there?" A guard soldier said, pointing to the thick fog in the distance.

Another soldier next to him looked disdainful: "Is there something you have read wrong, but it's just a thick fog, don't you make a fuss, but this fog is also strange, why did it get up at noon."

At this moment, the captain who defended the city came out and looked far away, his face suddenly changed, "Damn it, hurry, ring the alarm bell, there are a lot of skeletons coming." Is a master of spirit king.

As the Spirit King, in this dense fog, you can still see that these skeletons are close to the city wall 500 meters away. If he can’t see it yet, then he’s an idiot, "No, this There is also news from the east of the city, and news from the north of the city." A series of bad news came, and finally people realized that something was wrong.

"Damn it, are those **** really going to rebel." It didn't take long for the masters in the entire city to be alarmed. Whether it was the Spirit King or the Spirit King, they all dispatched one after another and came to the wall and looked into the distance.

Unexpectedly, they were surrounded, and all the faces were very ugly, "I really didn't expect that they still hide so many skeletons, damn, they dare to stay at home with such a dangerous thing." Everyone thought, This was retained by the major forces in the empire. After the first war, there were not many skeletons left.

And afterwards, because the skeletons were always under Huo Hai's control, many people destroyed the skeletons, or fought with other hostile forces, to consume these skeletons, weaken the enemy, and reduce the threat.

After more than half a year, there are only a handful of skeletons left by the major forces at this time. Who could have imagined that there would be so many terrifying creatures in a thick fog. When they saw it, everyone finally discovered this. The special of a heavy fog.

A spiritual emperor raised his hand and waved strongly, a huge whirlwind suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, the whirlwind continued to spread, and the thick fog in the middle was blown away, just for a moment, all the thick fog around the entire emperor All disappeared, and the skeletons hidden in the thick fog appeared in front of everyone.

"Damn it, millions of skeletons, how did they hide it?" Millions of skeletons are not a small number, "but it is fantastic to want to use this skeleton against our imperial capital." Everyone was very disdainful of these skeletons.

Seeing that the surrounding dense fog seemed to be gathering again, the spirit emperor who had just started his hand moved in his heart, keeping the strong wind, and blowing away the surrounding dense fog, "Who of you go up and teach these skeletons and find out the people hidden behind."

"I'll come." As soon as the voice fell, a master who had reached the seventh level of the Spirit King rushed out, "Little skeletons, tremble under the attack of this king." For skeletons, the vast empire has long known very much. It's deep, as long as you stay in the air, there is basically no problem. The skeleton's attack range is limited, and the number of long-range attacks is also limited.

As long as you guide the skeleton to attack several times, you can quickly force the person behind. At this time, although this person is only the Spirit King, he floats in the air with the help of a special spell. The enemy has just appeared, and immediately caused the skeletons. Attention.

When the visitor was high in the sky, the skeletons immediately raised the bone sword in their hands and waved them into the air. In an instant, hundreds of attacks rushed away, covering the people in the air. No one would have thought of these skeleton attacks. The distance is so far, the attack speed is so fast, when he reacts, there is no time to escape.

"Ah..." With a short scream, the master who had just been flying in the air suddenly turned into a rain of blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the wall suddenly gasped, "The second-level spirit king is actually a skeleton of the second-level spirit king realm." The skeleton hadn't done anything before, and his whole body's spiritual power had converged, and he couldn't feel concrete at all. Strength.

Now, when they do it, these talents find that something is wrong. You must know that there were not many Spirit King Realm skeletons that Huo Hai sold at the beginning. ."

In anger, a spirit emperor smashed a huge gap in the nearby city wall with a punch. For these masters, the so-called city wall is nothing more than a decoration. These skeletons all have the characteristics of the spiritual power of the spirit emperor realm. As long as he attacked the city wall several times, the city wall of the imperial capital of the vast land empire couldn't hold on at all.

The city walls of the vast land empire on the border are relatively strong, and they are used for battle. As for the walls of the imperial capital of the vast land empire, it is just to show its majesty and make it look better. It is more effective against low-ranking people.

But once you encounter a high-quality army or a master, this kind of city wall is useless at all, "Quickly, open the city guard spirit circle." Seeing that the skeleton is about to come over, the city guard commander immediately issued an order.

After a while, a faint light appeared in front of the city wall, enveloping the entire emperor capital. This city-level defensive barrier, as long as it is turned on, consumes a large amount of spirit jade spirit crystals every moment. The city general felt that his heart was dripping blood, which was really distressing.

In just a moment, the skeletons were already close to the city wall, and Huo Hai's heart moved, the skeleton in the front raised the bone sword in his hand, and with a strong wave, a spiritual attack was immediately issued, attacking and advancing.

"Boom" a huge explosion sounded above the barrier, so many skeletons attacking at the same time, it was really terrifying. The terrifying vibration caused the spiritual barrier to tremble constantly, and a large number of spirit jade spirit crystals were consumed in an instant.

There have been several attacks like this, I am afraid that the defensive barriers will not be able to resist, and such an attack, let alone the Spirit King, even if the Spirit King faces it, I am afraid that the opponent can only be blasted into meat sauce instantly. What should this be? Do, "Damn, they are all second-level spirit kings, how come there are so many skeletons in the realm of spirit kings." The general guarding the city was going crazy.

Suddenly, a Spirit Sovereign shouted loudly: "Which friend is coming, please come out and see."

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