Evil Insect God

Chapter 1103: Break the city

Huo Hai smiled slightly, everyone else let himself out, and Huo Hai didn't intend to wait here any longer. When his figure flashed, Huo Hai appeared in front of everyone, still dressed in black.

"This friend, I don't know what grudges our empire has with you, so let's talk about it." While talking, the skeletons attacked again and shook the barrier. All the faces were unsightly. , Has this person never thought about making peace talks? Everyone wanted to rush to Huo Hai.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Sit down and talk, don't be kidding. I wanted to sit down and talk, but who of you wants it." Huo Hai lifted his hat, revealing the face that made the senior empire very familiar. .

"The insect emperor, the insect emperor is back." Seeing Huo Hai's face, everyone was shocked. Before Huo Hai left, their strength was no longer what they could handle, let alone now, let them Shock.

Suddenly, the defending general said: "Wait, Lord Insect Emperor, we signed the contract at the beginning. You can't control the skeletons to attack the forces that signed the contract. Do you want to violate the contract?" Hearing this, everyone Frozen, then he showed a clear look, fortunately he forced Huo Hai to sign a contract, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "You are still talking about morality and justice with me. After the victory of the war, you directly acted on me. For this reason, you also let a few free spirit emperors die at the medicine king gate. When did your vast empire have morality? ."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, many people suddenly bowed their heads. How could these high-level officials not know the dark side of the vast land empire? When they didn't say it, all the people were superficial. Once they said it, everyone was embarrassed. Up.

Huo Hai sneered: "Moreover, I didn't violate the contract. Don't you know that if you violate the contract, the contract will begin to take effect." Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened. Yes, if so Huo Hai really violated the contract, so Huo Hai would definitely not live so well. Judging from Huo Hai's appearance, he definitely didn't break through the realm of Spirit Emperor.

So, what is going on here? Could it be that Huo Hai has a special way to avoid the contract.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "At the beginning you wanted to use this contract to trick me, but unfortunately, I also left a trap in the contract. What we said in the contract was that after the contract was signed, the skeletons I made would not be used to attack. you guys."

After a pause, Huo Hai pointed to the skulls all over the floor and said: "But these skeletons were not made after signing the contract, but before signing the contract." Huo Hai's words made everyone stare. .

"It turns out that you have already thought about coming to deal with the empire. It is really wolfish ambition." Now, everyone finally understood.

Huo Hai sneered: "You have dealt with me again and again, and you have already thought that there will be today's result. Of course, you should also be grateful for the contract of that day, otherwise today, the one who came today would not be the one million second-level spirit king Now, it's the seven-eighth-level spirit king of millions." Huo Hai had a weird smile, still watching the skeleton attack.

The people of Huo Hai and the Haotu Empire had no room for relaxation. From the first time they wanted to capture themselves, this hatred had already been settled. They tried to kill Huo Hai, this hatred. It's not dying anymore.

"Your Excellency, you must think clearly. Our vast empire has been able to stand in the Molian domain for tens of thousands of years. The strength is not what you see." These people can't sense how strong Huo Hai is. for.

However, none of the people present were Huo Hai’s opponents. Huo Hai smiled slightly: “You’ll know if you try. You’d better pray that you can kill me all at once, otherwise even if you fail, there will be Once." Unless the Haotu Empire does not intend to develop, or under Huo Hai's repeated attacks, the Haotu Empire will sooner or later be destroyed.

At this moment, an old man's voice sounded: "The little friend seems to have gone too far. Since the little friend wants to die, the old man will do you." I don't know when, an old man has left the protective cover.

In the altitude of thousands of meters, it is still difficult for the skeletons to attack this far. Huo Hai looked up and immediately laughed: "Haha, who am I? It turned out to be the former commander who caused the Great Land Empire to suffer heavy losses. what."

Huo Hai has already recognized this old man. Isn't this the old man who commanded the master of the vast empire when he attacked the Yaowang Sect? It is precisely because of this guy's greed that everyone will attack in advance, leading to The major sects suffered heavy losses, and now most of the reputation of the vast empire is ruined by this old guy.

"The kid is looking for death." The scar was revealed. The old man was angry and his figure flashed. The whole person rushed towards Huo Hai, with a long sword in his hand, emitting a bright purple light. From a distance, it showed people. A sharp feeling.

"Luoxia sword aura, let you see my Luoxia sword aura." Huo Hai didn't even draw out the long sword. He used to refer to the sword, and he sent out a purple sword aura and two purple sword auras in the air. Meeting in the air, the result was unexpected.

Huo Hai’s sword aura easily smashed the old man’s sword aura and penetrated the past. Although the old man has also practiced Changhong Shaking the sky, he actually only merged the sword aura three times, and the basic sword aura is better than Huo Hai The sword aura is much worse.

On the contrary, Huo Hai’s foundation is very terrifying, and his basic sword aura is much stronger. It integrates seven sword auras and can display eight times the attack power. It is far from what the old man can compare. The old man himself did not expect that Huo Hai was able to improve so quickly, now it was not only the Luoxia swordsmanship, but even his own cultivation base far exceeded the old man himself.

Seeing that his sword aura was defeated, the old man's eyes widened, and he twisted his body a bit without letting it go, but the sword aura still penetrated the old man's shoulders, and the old man was immediately covered in cold sweat.

Huo Hai has gained power and is not forgiving. Only one can kill one. The sword aura has just penetrated the old man’s shoulders, and immediately after that, Huo Hai has appeared in front of the old man like a phantom. He has just merged into the sword seven times a while ago. Qi, directly urged out.

If it weren’t for staying at home for two months, Huo Hai really hadn’t merged into the seven sword auras. The two sword auras passed through, and instantly penetrated the old man’s spiritual source and head, and the breath of life instantly dissipated in invisible.

Because the spirit source was directly destroyed, the old man's body did not even appear the original source phantom that can be produced after death, only a large amount of aura, continuously emitted from the old man's body, returned to the world, just a moment of fighting, My ancestors have already been killed, and everyone's eyes widened with incredible faces.

"This, how is this possible, it died in an instant." This is already the highest combat power of the vast land empire, and it only blocked a move in front of Huo Hai, although this old man may have been a little careless before.

But looking at the current situation, even if the old man didn’t care about it at first, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop facing Huo Hai for a long time. When Huo Hai’s strength reached this level, wouldn’t it be even more dangerous if the spirit insects were added. .

The complexion of all people suddenly changed dramatically. They had known that Huo Hai had come to be unkind. No one would have thought that they would be so unkind. Let alone kill Huo Hai, even if they could clean up all the skeletons. Huo Hai is not an opponent either, and Huo Hai wants to leave, what can they do, everyone looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with despair.

"Boom" at this moment, another long-range attack of skeletons was issued. This time the explosion sound was much stronger than before, because after getting closer, the number of attacking skeletons increased.

The defensive barrier that had resisted several waves of attacks was finally smashed on the spot by the skeletons' attacks because the spirit crystals were not replenished in time. Many attacks fell on the wall, and the wall immediately became pitted.

"Damn, fight with him, everyone rushed to me." The diehards of the Haotu Empire had already shouted loudly, and some people, with their eyes rolling, didn't know what they were thinking, if Huo Hai let them surrender now If this is the case, these people will surrender very much. Unfortunately, Huo Hai is here to kill this time, and there is not much time to waste.

At the moment when the skeleton broke the city, everyone paid attention to the skeletons around the city. No one noticed that a cloud of dense fog suddenly appeared in the center of the city, and the dense fog was expanding rapidly.

As early as the beginning, Xiaoyun had secretly lurked into the city. Because it was integrated into the world, it was difficult to find the existence of Xiaoyun. The dense fog instantly spread to the surroundings, and then turned into a whirlpool to attack.

"No, be careful of the dense fog." Someone finally found out that something was wrong, but it was too late at this time. Xiaoyun of the seventh-level spirit emperor realm's attack with all his strength is not so easy to resist, some soldiers with insufficient strength He and the master were torn to pieces by the whirlpool on the spot, and even the Spirit Sovereign master was seriously injured before he could escape.

The two first-level spirit emperors were pierced by a large number of fog swords on the spot. They died on the spot, leaving only the original ghost shadow. Huo Hai shook his head in disdain. The strength of the master of the vast empire is so poor, even a spirit insect Can't resist.

Of course, Huo Hai also knows that the true masters of the vast land empire are actually hidden in the secret realm. First solve the outsiders, and enter the secret realm later, but before Huo Hai enters the secret realm, Someone got news.

"Bold thief, dare to come to the emperor's capital to run wild and die for me." Many spirit emperors above level 4 rushed out of the palace. Before they could see who it was from afar, they shouted and attacked. Directly towards Huo Hai.

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