Evil Insect God

Chapter 1124: Home attack

Since Bi Ya and others came, they lived next to Huo Hai’s room. Now there are still many rooms in the resident where no one lives. It is not an easy task for the Huo family to grow to live here.

When he came to his room, Huo Hai saw that everyone was here, "Not bad, your foundation is very complete." Huo Hai walked into it, felt a little, and smiled with satisfaction on his face. , "It won't be a problem to use the Falling Soul Crystal to directly break into the Spirit Emperor after a while."

Huo Hai will not be stingy with his family. Huo Feng is reluctant to use the Falling Soul Crystal, but Huo Hai has a lot of them that can be used casually. If it doesn't work, Huo Hai also has a soul gathering spar that can extract power and smoothly. breakthrough.

"Wow, brother, you finally came back. It's been two months. You haven't given the gift you owed Yun'er last time." The first time he saw Huo Hai, Yun'er rushed forward and kept Huo Hai's neck. It kept shaking back and forth.

Huo Hai hurriedly pulled Yun'er down: "What a big girl, she's still so turbulent." Yun'er's figure has already matured. Huo Hai hasn't shed his fire for so long, and was rubbed by Yun'er, and almost reacted. , Seeing this scene, Fang Biya and others secretly smiled while covering their mouths, but they still had no plan to help Huo Hai rescue.

Huo Hai patted his head: "Okay, OK, I'll give you a gift." Huo Hai didn't have any good things on his body. With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai took out the white tiger skin that he had hunted. Tiger skins are of high quality and have strong defenses.

"Wow, what a beautiful white tiger." Yun'er's eyes lit up, and she didn't care about the level of the thing itself. Feng Jiaojiao, who was next to her, felt the power from the tiger skin, her pupils shrank, her eyes filled with shock and Amazed.

"Okay, okay, I have something for you this time." Huo Hai took out a few small soft armors as he said. This was the result of Huo Hai's hard work during this period of time. Huo Hai doesn't know how to do it himself. The weapon, and its own cultivation base is not enough, it took such a long time to slowly decompose the skin of the sky cloud elephant, and then create a simple defensive soft armor.

The interface is the spider silk processed by Huo Hai. The defense is very strong. Even if Huo Hai has not carefully refined it, just relying on the defense of the sky cloud elephant itself, it is difficult for the masters of the idle spirit emperor realm to hurt. They are.

After they break through, even the pinnacle spirit emperor, it is very difficult to injure them, but Yun'er looked at this soft armor, and there was some dissatisfaction in his eyes. In Yun'er's eyes, good-looking is the most important thing. As for fighting Practicality, Yun'er really doesn't care much. Under the protection of so many sisters, if Yun'er would still be close by others, it would make no difference whether there was defense or not.

This kind of soft armor is only able to defend most of the body. The vitals such as the head are still exposed to the outside. Huo Hai thought about it, and finally prepared one for Feng Jiaojiao.

After getting a piece of soft armor, Feng Jiaojiao suddenly smiled, and she suddenly hugged Huo Hai’s neck and gave a kiss, "Thank you Brother Huo." Feng Jiaojiao, who was successful in the attack, smiled like a flower, as if he had stolen the chicken. fox.

Huo Hai's face became stiff, and then he noticed that the others didn't look dissatisfied, and then he gave Feng Jiaojiao a fierce look.

"Okay, don't look at it. The situation has become more and more chaotic recently. It is better for you to practice as soon as possible and ascend to the realm of the Spirit Sovereign." In the Molian Domain, only when you reach the realm of the Spirit Sovereign will you be more reassuring some.

Everyone glared at Huo Hai. This guy was still in desperation at this time, "Husband, let us show the results of our recent training." Suddenly, Qu Siyu said to Huo Hai. At this moment, Huo Hai felt a wave of fluctuations in his Divine Imperial Art, and then Huo Hai understood that this was Qu Siyu's sonic attack.

"Not bad, it seems that after the fusion of the sound stone, it has improved a lot." I was able to feel the shock of the soul defense just now, which shows that Qu Siyu's talent in sound has reached the extreme.

If he is at the same level as himself, relying on sonic attacks, he may be able to make Huo Hai confused for a period of time, and the consequences of being confused for a period of time are unimaginable. Qu Siyu now has very few opponents of the same level.

At this time, other people showed their recent achievements to Huo Hai. Not only did they achieve their ultimate level of cultivation, but even their own war spirit techniques are now practicing well, especially Huayingbu. Huo Hai doesn’t know why. , Fang Biya and others actually handed Huayingbu to Feng Jiaojiao. At this time, everyone showed up, as if dancing, very beautiful.

According to their respective figures, Huo Hai looked dazzled and almost drained water. Now Huo Hai finally knows that Feng Jiaojiao's origins are fire attributes. It is right to think about it. Feng Jiaojiao is a pillist after all. Of course it is of fire attribute.

Just because of Huo Hai’s influence, Feng Jiaojiao now pays more attention to her own combat effectiveness. With a large amount of information from the Haotu Empire, as well as the alchemy secrets from the Yaowangmen and Danxia School, Feng Jiaojiao's alchemy level is not good. low.

Huo Hai gave some targeted guidance, and let all the people go to practice on their own. Before Fang Biya left at the end, Huo Hai grabbed it and then pulled it back to her room. .

"Hai..." Fang Biya lowered her head, her cheeks were flushed with blood. With such a cute look, she saw Huo Hai want to take a bite. After that, Huo Hai did bite it, without venting for many days. , Just after being rubbed by Yun'er for a while, Huo Hai felt that the anger in his heart was about to be overwhelmed, waved up Fang Biya and walked into the room.

Before long, some imaginative sounds rang out in the room. The clouds closed in the rain, and Huo Hai held Fang Biya's bumpy body and quietly told Fang Biya about some things that happened during this period.

Fang Biya patted Huo Hai's chest: "Huh, you have tempered your body so strong, do you want us to find you more sisters?" Huo Hai yelled innocently, he was all-round Improve yourself.

Just when Huo Hai wanted to answer, he was taken aback for a moment: "Huh, it's her." Huo Hai, who was hiding outside the door, found a figure walking towards here. Huo Hai didn't close the door just now. Yan Shi, it's easy for others to come in, but what Huo Hai didn't expect was that the person was Feng Jiaojiao.

Feng Jiaojiao's face flushed at this time, and she didn't know what she was entangled with. Huo Hai's head grew big. He knew Feng Jiaojiao had thoughts about herself, "Cut, Ji Mu was here at the beginning, and now she is here. Set, when I was stupid."

Huo Hai remembered the incident when Ji Muye attacked him, and his heart moved, a star gu inside the door radiated spiritual power and sealed the door. When Feng Jiaojiao, who had finally figured it out, came to push the door, Finding that the door could not be pushed open, finally left with an annoyed expression. Seeing this scene, Huo Hai's mouth smiled slightly.

"Hai, what are you laughing at? Just now you said what happened to Sister Ji Mu." Huo Hai's actions can't be concealed from Fang Biya.

Huo Hai shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Feng Jiaojiao just wanted to come in. I blocked her out. By the way, what is going on with Feng Jiaojiao? How do I feel you are so weird." Huo Hai finally had a chance. Asked.

Fang Biya glared at Huo Hai with an irritable look: "It's not that our elder is too charming and attracted the little girl. Sister Jiaojiao has paid such a high price. Of course we will agree. Hai, why don't you just take Sister Jiaojiao, because there is one less alchemist beside us." Fang Biya's words stunned Huo Hai.

You are definitely not here to test yourself, and it is not right. If it is a test, it is impossible to keep Feng Jiaojiao here. Looking at Fang Biya's sincere eyes, Huo Hai has determined that this girl is probably serious.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Forget it, I don't feel at all for Feng Jiaojiao now." Feng Jiaojiao's scheming is too deep. Every time Huo Hai approaches Feng Jiaojiao, he will feel a sense of it. Kind of depression.

Even if her strength is far superior to the other party, even if Feng Jiaojiao doesn't have any malice towards her, Huo Hai will still feel very uncomfortable. Fang Biya also knows that she can't push too hard, so she didn't say anything. The two lay down for a while. Huo Hai felt the anger that he had just died down, and gradually began to surging again, Huo Hai's eyes became more and more exuberant.

"Bi Ya, I just remembered that I have seen a very special auxiliary spirit technique before. How about let's try it." Hearing this, Fang Bi Ya looked up with a puzzled look. With Huo Hai.

Huo Hai smiled weirdly: "Do you remember that I destroyed Huazhong Pavilion at the beginning? Although the people in Huazhong Pavilion practiced secret methods, they went the wrong way. I got Huazhong Pavilion. The inheritance left by the secret realm of the pavilion, in this kind of inheritance, but there is a double cultivation secret method, you don’t know what double cultivation means, let me explain it to you..."

Following Huo Hai’s explanation, Fang Biya’s face became redder and red. In the end, her whole body was red like cooked shrimp, “You, how can you do this, people don’t want to go with this kind of thing... "

Before Fang Biya finished speaking, Huo Hai once again blocked her mouth. Under Huo Hai’s hegemonic power, Fang Biya could only blush and hand Huo Hai to her own learning. Hai has made her whole body limp. In this state, there is absolutely no need to go out to practice well tomorrow. My sisters must all know how to go out to see people tomorrow.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the light in the residence dimmed little by little. This night, many people were destined to not sleep, and some people were destined to sleep well tonight.

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