Evil Insect God

Chapter 1125: overall enhancement

Back at home, there were not so many things for the time being. Huo Hai lived very comfortably in the following days. After handing over the secret method to his wives, Huo Hai finally lived a life of Shengxiao every night.

It's a pity that the contract power in Huo Hai's body often pops out. As long as Huo Hai relaxes, the contract will pop out to make trouble. This makes Huo Hai completely unable to relax himself, even at home.

In desperation, only a few days passed for Huo Hai’s happy life. Seeing Fang Biya and others had fully adapted to their own cultivation base, Huo Hai took out a large number of Fallen Soul Crystals and let them try to break through the Spirit Emperor. Among all the people, Feng Jiaojiao was the only one who had to stay for a few days to break through because of her poor talent, otherwise the foundation would not be perfect.

Now Feng Jiaojiao looked at Huo Hai with a grievance in her eyes. Every night, Huo Hai would place Star Gu at the door, and when she saw Feng Jiaojiao running over, she blocked the door. Feng Jiaojiao attacked several times at night. No success.

However, Huo Hai didn't join Feng Jiaojiao, and Feng Jiaojiao had nothing to do. Everyone went to retreat. After Huo Haijing settled down, he also started his own practice. The situation outside was still very stable, so Huo Hai didn't have to worry about it.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, another two months passed. Within two months, all aspects of Huo Hai improved very rapidly. First of all, in the aspect of cultivation, Huo Hai finally reached the peak of the spiritual emperor. From this time on, Huo Hai could break through at any time. After all, Huo Hai's own foundation was very strong, but Huo Hai had no intention of breaking through.

Peak Spirit Emperor, only 729 crystal nuclei is enough, but the human body itself has 3,000 spiritual holes. What Huo Hai has to do is to condense 3,000 star nuclei. Therefore, to this day, Huo Hai is still there. Hard work.

However, what Huo Hai did not expect was that after reaching the peak, the difficulty of condensing star cores was not very large, at least not as exaggerated as the previous ones. At the same time, condensing new star nuclei would not improve himself much. .

At most, his spiritual power is a little more refined, and the willpower contained in the spiritual power is just a little stronger. For himself, it does not seem to have much effect. Huo Hai understands a little bit. No wonder the spiritual emperors generally reach their peak. , Seldom will continue to condense the nuclei, thankless things, I am afraid that no one wants to waste time on this.

However, Huo Hai knows that it seems that there is not much improvement, but in fact, the accumulation is very impressive. Besides, Dzogchen and incompleteness are inherently different in themselves. Huo Hai has been moving towards the most perfection along the way. The direction is practicing.

Of course it’s because Huo Hai is a perfectionist, but in fact, after each level is polished to perfection, Huo Hai has also benefited from it. The difficulty of condensing the nucleus will not increase much, and Huo Hai can rest assured. concise.

As Huo Hai’s self-cultivation reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor, the newly condensed star core itself was not far away from reaching the extreme. The speed at which Huo Hai polished the star core has also become faster. If he continues at this speed, he condenses himself. With three thousand star cores in his body, it should only take one or two years. Huo Hai knew that he might have a simpler idea. If it was so easy, many people could do it.

After breaking through the cultivation base, Huo Hai focused his main energy on his own spirit battle art, shifting the stars and changing the fighting body technique. As Huo Hai's understanding of the spirit formation became deeper and deeper, his body technique continued to strengthen, but Not much enhancement.

With Huo Hai’s practice, the tarsal needles finally reached a limit. At this time, Huo Hai was able to shoot five tarsal needles at a time, and the speed was very fast. The tarsal needles have strong penetrating power and are extremely threatening to the spiritual emperor. Big.

With Huo Hai's shooting speed, the tarsal needles could even form a torrential rain in an instant, just like the legendary torrential rain pear flower needles, the cultivation base is not enough, and the people who are not fast are attacked by Huo Hai and cannot escape at all.

Huo Hai is progressing very smoothly for the blessing of the Star Line, but because the speed is not fast enough, Huo Hai can only take it slowly, to fully condense the whole body's spiritual veins, and I don't know when to wait.

Because of the breakthrough, Huo Hai used the remaining star pill to accelerate the speed of condensing the star line. In this way, it should be able to save some time. In addition to these, Huo Hai’s fusion spell has also progressed very well. Huo Hai has been able to fuse multiple spider spirits relatively easily, and the beetles fuse, Huo Hai gave up temporarily.

Even Huo Hai tried to fuse his own scarlet spiders before. When Huo Hai'an was quiet, he was able to fuse three scarlet spiders into one. These scarlet spiders have reached the height of the eighth-level spiritual emperor during this time. .

Huo Hai does not have a ninth-level spirit emperor's fierce beast crystal nucleus. For the time being, the spiders cannot be upgraded. After the fusion of the three spiders, their strength has actually surpassed the average peak spirit emperor, making Huo Hai extremely incomparable. be surprised.

Everything is progressing very smoothly. The only thing that made Huo Hai helpless is that his Luoxia swordsmanship was still not fully integrated the last time. I don’t know why, Huo Hai always felt that something was missing. It seemed that he wanted to find integration. The opportunity for this was not something that he could do in hard practice at home. After Huo Hai understood this, he temporarily gave up to continue to condense.

The cubs of the Sky Cloud Elephant that have been fed by Huo Hai have been promoted very well. The Sky Cloud Elephant, which has now completely turned into the color of blood jade, has reached the level of the peak spiritual emperor based on the cultivation of Huo Hai regardless of cost.

Huo Hai is now trying to configure a special Gu worm that makes the Sky Cloud Elephant's bloodline potential fully explode. Once he succeeds, he can have a powerful creature in the spirit emperor realm as a bodyguard. The research on Gu worms, Huo Hai has A little progress has been made, but it still takes a certain amount of time to actually complete the Gu worm.

Huo Hai planned to wait until the Great Wasteland to look for some elixir that Sky Cloud Elephant prefers, and use these elixir to strengthen the Gu worm's stimulating effect on Sky Cloud Elephant. Perhaps it could make Sky Cloud Elephant a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

The sky cloud elephant is not a spirit worm, not a worm beast. Huo Hai uses the Gu beast's refining method. In terms of control, it is far from being as flexible as controlling spirit worms. However, the cultivation base of this sky cloud elephant can surpass Huo. Marine.

With the cultivation of various spirit warfare techniques to the extreme at this stage, Huo Hai once again relaxed. When nothing happened, he made the first task of learning spirit formations. There was no need for Huo Hai to take care of things in the family. Huo Hai's return, coupled with the situation in the outside world becoming more and more chaotic, now Huo Feng is finally willing to take out things such as the Falling Soul Crystal and Star Pill.

With the use of these things, everyone in the family improved rapidly. With the help of a few vein-washing grasses provided by Huo Hai, Huo Feng almost ignored the improvement. In a short time, he actually used people like Yun'er and others. The method reached the pinnacle Spirit King.

Even Huo Hai’s father, Huo Kai, is now close to the Peak Spirit King. The second uncle Huo Ran’s talent is really bad. With such help from Huo Hai, Huo Ran still only reached the eighth level of the Spirit King, and it was still in the early stage. It was far from the Ninth-level Spirit King, but Huo Ran himself was very happy, because he had never thought that he could reach this point before.

Huo Hai ignored the rest of the family, and the Vein Washing Grass should not be wasted casually. On this day, Huo Hai was still watching the secret records of various spiritual formations, and suddenly a strong breath came from the side. The room spread out.

Huo Hai smiled slightly and raised his head: "Hehe, it seems that he has broken through. I don't know who made the first breakthrough." Huo Hai gathered his things and walked out of the room. As expected, a door not far away opened. , A petite figure was looking around. After seeing Huo Hai, he immediately rushed over and hugged Huo Hai's neck, shaking back and forth.

"Brother, brother, Yuner has broken through, and Yuner is already a spiritual emperor." Sure enough, the first breakthrough was that Yuner was right. It took two months to break through, which is completely incomparable to him.

Huo Hai also knew that the speed of his breakthrough was too fast at the beginning, "Okay, OK, Yun'er is the best, let's wait, your sisters should also be coming out soon." Huo Hai simply sat at the door. Speak with Yuner.

No one showed up that day. On the second day, Fang Biya came out of the door. She had to say that the power of Bingyan was terrifying, and it was also very good for her spiritual power. It didn’t take long before Ji Mu and Qu Siyu has also come out, Qu Siyu's merged source spirit spirit treasure level is stronger, so it is a step faster than Ji Mu.

When Ji Mu appeared, he saw that everyone else had come out, and he was a little unhappy with his lips being pouted, and Feng Jiaojiao didn't know when to get out of the retreat. Feng Jiaojiao had just been in retreat for less than half a time. month.

"Well, since everyone has made a breakthrough, I want to tell you one thing. The first polished crystal nucleus is the most important thing. You must remember that this crystal nucleus must be polished to the extreme. Let the original spiritual power automatically wrap." Huo Hai quickly began to explain his various experiences in the spiritual emperor realm.

Regardless of Huo Hai’s young age and fast-paced cultivation, Huo Hai’s experience is not lacking at all, and they are all based on stable and very successful experiences. Others know how important these things are to them. .

When Huo Hai explained, everyone looked serious and did not interrupt at all. Even Yun'er knew what to do and what not to do. Huo Hai explained for two days before he thought that he needed it. The matters needing attention are explained again, "Well, if you have anything you don't understand now, just ask me."

For two days, no one went to rest. For the Spirit Sovereign, two days was nothing at all. When everyone broke through, Huo Feng and others had already received the news, but they took a long look and retreated. gone back.

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