Evil Insect God

Chapter 1129: Meet dog blood again

Huo Hai didn't know that the people of the vast land empire were still calculating themselves. In fact, even if they knew it, Huo Hai wouldn't care. The vast land empire had already perished, and the remaining imperial people were just dogs of the bereaved.

Now with Huo Hai’s strength, as long as there is no master in the Spirit Emperor realm, it is basically unlikely to pose a threat to him. After looking at the map, Huo Hai made a comparison in his heart and determined the direction he was going to go. Ancient Sky Star Zong’s residence was in the middle of the Heavenly Soul Region, and it was now a place called Broken Stone Mountain.

It was called this name because in the ancient battle, the decisive battle was fought near the location of the Star Sect. After the battle, the veins of the Star Sect were interrupted, and the rocks were completely broken and completely turned into ruins.

Even in the past, you can still see the traces left over from that year. The entire mountain is pitted and the terrain is very complicated. It is like a rock that was thrown on the ground. The surface is completely shattered, so it is called Broken Rock Mountain.

The current Tianxingzong resident is in the north of Broken Stone Mountain. The reason why Huo Hai can also think of, because the central north is the resident of Yuehuazong. Because of the establishment of a controllable Tianxingzong, the station is very close to Yuehuazong. .

This is why now, the strength of the Sky Star Sect has gradually become stronger, and the sects that originally controlled the Sky Star Sect have slowly closed their hands. At least on the surface, these sects no longer control the Sky Star Sect, but the Yuehua Sect is still The real reason for firmly controlling the Sky Star Sect is that the two sects are too close, and Yuehua Sect will not give up controlling the Sky Star Sect.

"It's really troublesome. It doesn't seem to be easy to get in." Huo Hai looked at the signs on the map, and his eyes were extremely helpless. What Huo Hai didn't expect was that near Broken Stone Mountain was actually a resident of the Heavenly Star Sect.

Perhaps it was established at the beginning to find the things left by the Star Sect from the ruins of the Star Sect, but it hasn't been destroyed now, but its strength is getting stronger and stronger. It is said that this resident is often inspected by masters of the Spirit Emperor.

No matter how much, I just need to wait until the Lingdi master is not there. Huo Hai suddenly speeds up when he thinks of this. From here to the middle of the Heavenly Soul Region, it will take a month or two at Huo Hai's speed. Time, there is no way, the Heavenly Soul Domain is really too big, and the power of the heaven and the earth is stronger, the speed of driving with all strength will slow down a lot.

Think about it. When it comes to the central realm, this kind of restriction will be even greater. If you want to get more, the restraint on your body will naturally become a lot bigger. All the way, Huo Hai is not very anxious anyway. When he is free, he will practice. Own power.

At this level, Huo Hai's speed in polishing the star core has become very fast, very easy, at least much easier than when he was just practicing. Huo Hai doesn't know why, how can he cultivate to the end? , On the contrary, the easier it is. In the past, practicing cultivation was because of the time wasted most by polishing the star core.

Now that there is enough time, Huo Hai’s star core condensing speed has become very fast. This way, Huo Hai has walked for nearly two months, but Huo Hai’s own star cores have reached nearly 900 horribly. .

With so many crystal nuclei coexisting in the body, if you let other spirit emperors know about it, you don’t know what it will look like. It’s a pity that after reaching the peak, Huo Hai condensed many star nuclei, but it improved him. Not so scary.

Huo Hai is only a little better at controlling spiritual power than when he just broke through to the peak, nothing more, the performance of combat power is more in the improvement of his own fighting spirit art.

After two months, Huo Hai finally came to the middle of the Heavenly Soul Region. The middle of the Heavenly Soul Region was not as prosperous as Huo Hai imagined. There are indeed many people on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, but the Heavenly Spirit Continent is bigger, so many The place seems to be even more vast and sparsely populated. Most of the people are still concentrated near some large cities with guarantees.

After crossing a city, Huo Hai did not intend to stay here, but when Huo Hai just came out of the city and did not go far, he suddenly felt a wave of fighting. The fighting man was not strong, at most only Lingshuai That's it.

But Huo Hai felt that the breath of these people was so familiar, "I don't know who is fighting, let's take a look." Huo Hai didn't think clearly about who was fighting here.

With a flash of figure, Huo Hai came to a col, and he saw a group of people fighting. To be precise, it should be a group of people bullying. "Haha, kid, dare to grab a woman with the big brother, you really live I'm getting impatient. Even if you die here today, no one will know about it." A young man behind said disdainfully.

The young man surrounded in the middle looked resentful: "Nonsense, it was the brute who was robbing me... Wait, I see, I said how did you let me join your team? It turns out that you guys have colluded long ago. ."

Hearing this, Huo Hai's heart has roughly understood the reasons for things. This kind of thing often happens among the major sects. Because of the competition for girls, secretly suppressing it is really normal. Who will let him? If he is not strong enough, who will let him have no backing behind, nothing, don't think so much, otherwise he will be beaten or even killed.

"People of the Lie Sun Sect, the aura on them is the Morning Light Art. Could it be said that the Chen Guang Art is the main spiritual art of Lie Sun Sect and it is not possible. Then the ancestor of Tianhui, was it not a person of Lie Sun Sect before?" Huo Hai's heart flashed. Have a thought.

But it’s right to think about it. Even in the Heavenly Soul Region, there are not so many masters in the Spirit Emperor Realm. When a Spirit Emperor entered the Black Lotus Realm, this Spirit Emperor must have a history. Suddenly, Huo Hai discovered that something seemed to be happening. In trouble.

Fang Biya, Ji Mu, and Qu Siyu are all three people who practice Chenguang Art. Only Yun'er cultivates the Celestial Transformation. It seems that these people cannot come to the Celestial Soul Realm casually. If one is accidentally caught Once discovered, things will become very troublesome.

"Bastard Hu Gui, dare to say bad things about the big brother, but you will enjoy yourself before you die. After you die, we will tell the big brother to take good care of that woman." Several people laughed, right The man on the ground punched and kicked, and within such a short period of time, the man named Hu Gui was already hit by other people.

Huo Hai took a look and shook his head. This person's aptitude is really bad. With such a bad aptitude, no matter how hard you try, you should never think about making any big progress. I really don't know what this kind of person is. Join the Liege Sect.

Huo Hai didn’t know that this person could actually be counted as a small family child of the Lie Sun Sect, but because the family strength is not strong, and his own talent is too poor, so he will not be taken seriously, and has even been given by the family. give up.

Originally, Huo Hai planned to turn around and leave. Such ordinary people, Huo Hai would not care at all, but when Huo Hai was planning to leave, he suddenly thought of something, "By the way, it does not seem to be necessary to destroy the Scorching Sun Sect. I have to do it myself, as long as I can destroy it." Huo Hai suddenly wanted to understand that it is not a good thing to do everything by yourself.

Huo Hai doesn't like layout, it doesn't mean that Huo Hai is not good at layout. It just so happens that he can practice his hands now, even if it fails, it doesn't matter. The Heavenly Soul Region does not have his own relatives now, and he is not worried about destroying Huo Hai completely.

That being the case, give it a try, "Boy, it's cheaper for you." Huo Hai thought of this, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and waved his hand, a large hermit robe appeared on Huo Hai, wrapping Huo Hai tightly. real.

The next moment, Huo Hai waved his hand secretly, sending out a series of star lines. With Huo Hai’s current strength, no breath leaked from these star lines. At the same time, under Xiaodie’s illusion, there was no star line at all. People can see that as soon as Huo Hai waved his hand, the guys below who were punching and kicking Hu Gui could not stop.

"Damn it, what's going on, why can't I move anymore." A young man desperately tried to break free, but he always felt that he was tightly bound by something and couldn't get out.

Huo Hai looked funny, the puppet line issued by his current strength, even if the pinnacle spirit emperor wants to break free, he must use a little means, not to mention, these few people who only have the realm of spirit handsome, their own combat effectiveness is not very good. .

"Which senior is here? We are disciples of the Lie Sun Sect. Do you want to be an enemy of our Lie Sun Sect by doing this?" The one in the lead yelled to the surroundings. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai I sneered in my heart, wanting to use the Scorching Sun Sect to frighten myself, what an idiot, and this is the wilderness of their choice.

In this place, no matter how loud they were shouting, they would not be noticed. Huo Hai did not make a sound and still watched from behind. After a long time, Hu Gui opened his eyes, secretly looked at other people, and analyzed these. Are people tricking themselves on purpose?

After that, Hu Gui carefully hugged his head and slowly moved back, "What are you doing? If you want to fight or kill, please hurry up. Don't do this kind of thing. Do you think this is fun?" Hu Gui shouted loudly.

"Asshole Hu Gui, you a traitor to the Sun Sect, what kind of evil do you have colluded with? If you let the sect know, your whole family will be executed." These people were still struggling in place. Gradually, Hu Gui realized that something was wrong. Now, these people seem to be really bound by something, not deceiving themselves.

But it's right to think about it. These people are all running dogs of the big brothers, and it's not easier to kill oneself at this level.

It seems that these people really don’t have to do this. So who controls these people? They are definitely not beasts. The beasts will not distinguish different people. If they are the beasts, they will definitely not be alone. .

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