Evil Insect God

Chapter 1130: Bloodblade Legacy

Hu Gui looked around cautiously, and then asked cautiously: "I don't know which seniors helped, the younger generations are grateful." Hu Gui is naturally not a fool, knowing what these people are going to do.

No matter who it was, there was nothing wrong with saving his life. Hu Gui immediately knelt down and worshipped the surroundings. This action angered others, "Asshole Hu Gui, you really are a traitor. As a disciple of the Liege Sect, you actually kneel to other people, do you want to die." It's a pity that Hu Gui didn't care at all what they said.

The people who were screaming suddenly quieted down. It turned out that Huo Hai disliked their noisy annoyingness and directly sealed these people's mouths. With Huo Hai's cultivation base, they were completely powerless to resist.

After discovering the change, Hu Gui immediately bowed down: "Senior Daeen Dade will never be remembered. I don't know if Senior can come out to see it." Hu Gui realized that this master who had saved himself had not left yet, but was hiding in around.

Huo Hai nodded, and then slowly walked out: "Boy, do you want to see me, what do you want to say." Huo Hai vibrated his voice with spiritual power, and his voice was very hoarse, with an uncomfortable feeling. Huo Hai was deliberately imitating the voices of those old ghosts who practiced evil arts. Some evil arts are harmful to the body, so even the voice will change.

"Senior, the villain just wants to serve the seniors, in order to thank the seniors for his great kindness." Hu Gui saw Huo Hai and quickly bowed, even if Huo Hai didn't have any breath, Hu Gui would never dare to be small. To see him.

The people around them even stared at Huo Hai. If their eyes were able to kill people, Huo Hai would have been sacked. When did their disciples of the Lie Sun Sect receive such treatment?

Huo Hai was funny in his heart, but he still snorted coldly: "Huh, do you want the old man to protect you? You have such a talent. Of course, you have to rely on your own strength to obtain what you want. Relying on others, it is waste. What to do." Hu Gui lowered his head even more when he heard this. If he had the power, how could he want to find a backer.

"Senior, villain, the villain is too talented to gain his own power." Hu Gui's head was about to stick to the ground. The people behind him saw Hu Gui's appearance, their eyes were full of ridicule and contempt, and they looked down on Hu. Gui's look.

Huo Hai's heart moved, and this kid was hooked. Although Hu Gui was older than himself, his experience was obviously not as rich as his own. In front of Huo Hai, Hu Gui was no different from a kid.

Such a child, with a little guidance, can do what he wants him to do, "Asshole, whoever says that the talent is not good will not be able to gain strength, how many talents far surpass ordinary people, and ultimately did not become a master. , I think your foundation is pretty good, why is your thinking so negative." Huo Hai had already seen Hu Gui's cultivation level at the beginning.

Although Hu Gui's talent was not good, and he didn't have so many pills to help him, he spent more time practicing. Up to now, he is just in the early stage of Lingshuai, but the foundation is indeed very solid.

In fact, the vast majority of people who are not talented but insist on practicing have a good foundation. On the contrary, many people with aloof talent blindly want to practice fast, ignoring the foundation, which will make it difficult for them to make progress in the later stages.

Although everyone heard what Huo Hai said, none of them cared. As a disciple of the Scorching Sun Sect, how could the foundation be poor when practicing Chenguang Jue? People are much better, seeing that this guy still has no confidence, Huo Hai is too lazy to say anything, anyway, it is just a tool.

"Boy, do you want to gain power and the power to protect everything." Huo Hai's voice is full of bewitching.

Hu Gui suddenly raised his head and said, "Thinking, if the senior can give me strength, then the younger me, I..." Hu Gui was very excited and somewhat incoherent. As a disciple of the Lie Sun Sect, he naturally had a lot of knowledge.

Hu Gui also knows that there are some side-by-side methods that can make people quick and gain strong strength quickly, but most of these methods have flaws, but for Hu Gui, even if there are flaws, it doesn't matter.

At most, it just left some sequelae on the body, or after it has been raised to a certain level, it is no longer possible to move forward. For Hu Gui, without these special methods, whether he can reach the realm of the spirit king in this life is a problem, but Hu Gui He still has too little knowledge, otherwise he would know that the side effects of many methods are more than that.

Huo Hai nodded: "Okay, very good, then I will give you strength." With that, Huo Hai waved his hand and threw a **** long knife out, which happened to be in front of Hu Gui. At the same time, There is also a blood red booklet.

"This blood blade itself is not of high quality, but it has a characteristic. As long as you continue to kill and absorb blood energy, you can improve the quality of the blood blade. This auxiliary spirit technique allows you to absorb murderous energy to quickly improve. The only shortcoming of the spirit art of self-cultivation is that it has to kill a lot, but I don't know if you have the courage."

Hearing this, Hu Gui seemed to be possessed by a demon. He slowly got up, walked to the front of the blood blade, stretched out his hand, held the blood blade, and pulled it up forcefully. Although the current blood blade is relatively low, it is also King quality.

As long as you hold this knife, it is difficult to let go. As the killing increases, you will gradually be controlled by the blood blade. Huo Hai has not said anything, and Hu Gui, what he wants most now is his own Power, holding a long knife in one hand, and turning over the red booklet on the ground with the other hand. The auxiliary spirit technique inside is very simple and easy to learn.

The biggest difficulty is to have the blood blade. This kind of auxiliary spirit art can use the blood blade to absorb murderous aura, use the murderous aura to quickly break through the bottleneck of oneself, improve one's own cultivation base, and let people reach the major in a short time. The pinnacle of Ling Jue.

However, this kind of eager advancement method actually has great drawbacks. In Huo Hai's view, the biggest drawback is undoubtedly that it is difficult to break through to the heaven level, or in other words, it is impossible to break through to the heaven level after being enchanted.

It’s very good that something created by a blood demon gate can be raised to the limit of the spirit art by relying on the spirit technique. At the heaven level, this is not the realm that people of the blood demon gate can imagine. "But, the spirit technique of the younger generation, I don't have enough to learn." Suddenly, Hu Gui whispered. Hearing this, Huo Hai felt a sense of helplessness.

That's right, Chenguang Jue, as the main spiritual art of the Scorching Sun Sect, how could it be completely revealed at random. What Hu Gui is learning now is only the part that reaches the realm of Lingshuai, and the part of the prefecture level is completely beyond his ability.

"As long as you turn your head and kill the few people behind you, I will give you the complete morning light formula." Hearing this, several people who were bound suddenly opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were full of horror. How could there be Chenguang Jue, and this person is actually instigating Hu Gui to kill himself, they are sure that what Huo Hai said is absolutely true.

"Why, I'm scared, they are going to kill you. If they go back and know so much, do you think you can live, can you still keep the blood blade and gain your own power? Can you still compete with your big brother? ..."

Every sentence of Huo Hai hit Hu Gui's heart fiercely. Hearing Huo Hai's words, Hu Gui's heart was gradually shaken, "No, I don't want to, how can I be like this for a lifetime, I want strength."

Hu Gui's eyes gradually turned red, holding the long knife, and walking towards the other people step by step. Everyone's eyes were full of panic and threats, but they couldn't say anything. He was controlled by Huo Hai's star line. Now they can't even run away and beg for mercy. At this moment, everyone can only watch as Hu Gui walks in front of him step by step.

Raising his hands high, Hu Gui seemed to have made up his mind after a long time, and cut it down with a single knife. With the flashing red light, a human head flew into the sky. The strange thing was that the human head did not show any blood.

While the long knife killed the opponent, the blood gas in the opponent's body had been absorbed. If you look closely, you will find that the blood in this person's body has completely solidified, and it looks like it has been dead for several days.

At this time, all the eyes of all people turned into horror. They did not expect that Hu Gui would really dare to kill them. No matter which sect it was, killing the same sect was the biggest sin. They already regretted it a little. Why should I choose such a remote area, why would I meet such a nosy expert, this is dead.

It’s just that no one noticed that after killing a person, a murderous aura was absorbed by the blood blade. After transformation, it merged into Hu Gui’s body along Hu Gui’s hands. Hu Gui almost instinctively operated the special spirit art to absorb this. Murderous.

The spiritual power in the body gradually began to redden, with a little more **** color. At the same time, Hu Gui's eyes also had a little red murderous intent. When Huo Hai saw this scene, he nodded in satisfaction, and had done it at the beginning. Here, is it difficult for the rest.

From the moment he held the blood blade to kill, Hu Gui had already begun to sink. How could the blood blade be so easy to use? The more you use the blood blade, the stronger your strength, and the deeper you will become in the same way. Gui started, and Huo Hai knew that his layout had finally succeeded, and it was completed after so much effort.

The layout for the first time is a bit of accomplishment, but it feels too hard.

After killing the first person, it was much easier for the next person to kill. Every time Hu Gui shot, it was faster than the previous one. It seemed that killing was nothing to him. The murderous aura is getting heavier.

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