Evil Insect God

Chapter 1132: Hidden in the array

After walking into the ruins, there was no one inside. Looking at the dust on the ground, it seemed that no one had been here for a long time, but Huo Hai was still cautious and did not dare to be careless.

"Huh, there really is a problem. I haven't given up for so many years. There are people everywhere outside. I know it's not that simple inside." Huo Hai sneered. Just now, Huo Hai felt a very weak fluctuation, if not Huo Hai's mental power was so strong that he couldn't feel it. Even Xiaodie was concealed from the past.

After searching it carefully, Huo Hai finally knew where the problem was. It turned out that these grounds and walls, which seemed to have not been repaired for a long time, were basically what the Sky Star Sect used to confuse people.

In the cracks in the ground and walls, there are very special warning spirit formations, and the fluctuations are very subtle. If ordinary people don’t notice, just walk up like this, the people of the Sky Star Sect will know immediately. Escape.

But now that I was discovered, how could Huo Hai be fooled? He carefully observed his surroundings and determined his footing. Then Huo Hai quietly bypassed the defensive spirit circle, and then walked all the way. Huo Hai was more careful than ever because of the front On this day's passage, Huo Hai found more than 20 sets of defensive arrays, which were very tight.

If it weren't for his own perception is indeed very powerful, after blessing Xiaodie's special abilities, his local detection ability is comparable to a master of the Lingdi realm, Huo Hai really has no way to find out, perhaps this is the biggest loophole of the Tianxingzong.

The spirit emperor realm master has already turned over the entire Sky Star Sect before. Now it is impossible for the Spirit Emperor master to come to such a place. Even if the Spirit Emperor comes here, the Sky Star Sect can’t do much. The bright face of the Sky Star Sect, but There are only two spirit emperors.

Entering all the way, passing through the intersection at the beginning, it becomes a series of bifurcations, "It really is the style of the ancient Celestial Star Sect." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and it turned out to be a labyrinth building again, although many big forces have established Everyone likes to use the maze, but the maze used by the Star Sect is obviously very special.

With Huo Hai's current understanding of the Heavenly Star Sect Spirit Formation, he can already faintly see that these mazes are a kind of spirit formations. If the ground veins were not interrupted at the beginning, I am afraid it would not be a simple matter to pass through this maze.

This kind of labyrinth can connect to the earth and directly absorb spiritual power to bless itself. Generally speaking, it has a great auxiliary effect for the disciples of the Star Sect, while for others, it has a strong suppressing and confusing function.

No matter how many, such a large maze, Huo Hai has not checked the specific location and distribution of the maze. Huo Hai can only release the star gu and slowly explore the inner maze. There is nothing here. The spirit formation used for alert has taken a full half a day, and the Star Gus finally detected a small part of it.

"This spirit formation should be almost like this." Huo Hai has not learned the specific spirit formations of the Sky Star Sect, but Huo Hai, the general outline of the Sky Star Sect spirit formation, has learned some characteristics of the formation of the Sky Star Sect.

Soon, based on these characteristics, Huo Hai had figured out some of the general defenses of the spirit formation. Here, Huo Hai didn't dare to make too much movement casually, so he could only move forward along the route of the original spirit formation.

It was used as the resident of the ancient Tianxing Sect, so a lot of effort was spent when it was established. Although the entire resident is underground, there is not only one level underground. After the maze of the first level passed, Huo Hai came to the second level. What Huo Hai didn't expect was that the second floor was actually a maze building, and it was more complicated than the first floor.

Two days have passed since arriving at the ruins. After two days, Huo Hai finally came to the entrance of the third floor.

"It's really troublesome. Fortunately, the spiritual formation here has been destroyed long ago. Otherwise, let alone two days, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in for two months." Huo Hai fully understood that he was compared with the real Heavenly Star Sect Spiritual Array master. , There is still a big gap.

When I came to the third floor, I finally entered the Tianxingzong hall. The entire underground space was hollowed out, and there were traces of the spiritual formation on the top. Needless to say, this spiritual formation must have been used to replace the sun before, imitating the rising sun. sunset.

But now, this place has been abandoned. Huo Hai looked ahead. There really is a huge palace underground. The palace is now dilapidated, but you can still see the glory of the place. Tens of thousands of years have passed. This palace has never been Human management, but still maintains such a state, Huo Hai can imagine how prosperous this palace was.

After tens of thousands of years of continuous exploration, all the spiritual formations in the entire palace were either triggered or destroyed, and in the entire palace, everything that could be found might have been taken away, so Huo Hai did not look for it either.

Huo Hai walked all the way into the hall, and after a complete search, he didn't find anything. "It seems that I took it for granted. So many people have searched for so long and haven't found it. How could I find a loophole."

Huo Hai shook his head. It seems that there is probably nothing to gain today. The things that were left at the Sky Star Sect's resident site are probably no longer there now. Huo Hai is a little annoyed. Without these things, how can he improve quickly.

Just when Huo Hai gave up, a stellar spiritual power of his own was expelled by Huo Hai, and the spiritual power swept across the center of the hall. Huo Hai was stunned, "This is... that's the case, no wonder it will leave clues. Let me find it, it turns out that here, the Heavenly Star Sect really made great efforts for its own inheritance." Huo Hai's eyes lit up.

At this moment, Huo Hai was looking at the huge spiritual formation on the ground. The giant spiritual formation in the center of the entire hall was originally used to communicate and seal the ground veins. Even if the current ground veins are destroyed, this spiritual formation still exudes faint spiritual power fluctuations.

It is precisely because of this that after ordinary people see it, they will completely ignore it. Just now, Huo Hai released a wave of spiritual power, which stimulated this spiritual formation, so the spiritual formation will send out a weak wave.

Had it not been for Huo Hai had previously blessed Xiaodie's mental instincts, this fluctuation would really make Huo Hai ignore the past, and other people would think that even if they felt this fluctuation, they would think that it was the fluctuation of the Sky Star Sect Spirit Array itself.

But Huo Hai is different. Huo Hai is a person who inherited the essence of the Sky Star Clan formation. As soon as this fluctuation came out, Huo Hai felt very familiar. After careful inspection, Huo Hai immediately became excited: "No Wrong, the formation is hidden in the formation, the most brilliant method among the secrets of the Tianxingzong array formation." Huo Hai studied it and finally understood.

The so-called hidden array in the formation means that in a spirit formation, another spirit formation is hidden. This is a very special secret method that uses different materials to superimpose two spirit formations and hide one of them.

It seems very simple, but the choice of materials, how to perfectly hide a spiritual formation, and how to make two spiritual formations not conflict with each other, this is the key to the hidden formation in the formation, the hidden formation in the formation seems very simple , But there are only a few forces that can do this, the most proficient among them is the Sky Star Sect.

The secret methods of each school are very special. It is not easy to recognize them. Although everyone knows that the secret method of the Heavenly Star Sect’s formation is very powerful, and many people who have practiced the Heavenly Star Transformation come in to investigate. Over.

But no one thought that the Heavenly Star Sect would hide a key spiritual formation on top of the spiritual formation that communicated with the earth veins. You must know that as a key source of power for a sect resident, this communication spirit formation is very important.

Once there is a little problem, it is a huge disaster for the entire sect, and this kind of spiritual formation is second only to the spatial spiritual formation, and it is almost incompatible with any spiritual formation. As long as it is stimulated a little, it will cause a big problem. Who I could imagine that the people of the Sky Star Sect were so bold as to hide a spiritual formation in it, which is really incredible.

Insufficient understanding of the Heavenly Star Sect Spirit Formation and insufficient self-cultivation is basically impossible to discover this spirit formation. After Huo Hai discovered it, he did not dare to act rashly. This kind of spirit formation would collapse if he was not careful.

In the Tianxingzong resident, there are also many places where the formations are hidden. These are used to confuse those who come to search. Therefore, this most secret spirit formation has never been noticed. Huo Hai carefully probes and takes out the Tianxing spirit formation from time to time. Comparing the scrolls to comprehend the method of hiding the formation in the formation, time flies by, and Huo Hai has been studying here for a week.

Within a week, Huo Hai finally had a good grasp of the spirit formation of the hidden formation in the formation. Before he knew it, Huo Hai’s understanding of the spirit formation had improved a lot. Today's body skills can already surpass the perfect spirit bats, but now, Huo Hai hasn't realized it.

"Very well, these are the nine nodes. As long as you give a little stimulation from here, you can open this spiritual formation." Huo Hai studied for a whole week, and finally found the key to this formation.

As for how to stimulate these nodes, this is the key. Huo Hai tried cautiously, and it took a day to become more proficient in the technique of opening this spiritual formation.

After that, Huo Hai focused his attention on the spiritual formation, fully concentrated his energy, took a deep breath, and Huo Hai said to himself: "Okay, success or failure depends on this." He closed his eyes and opened again. At that time, Huo Hai's eyes were already full of firmness, and his hands quickly pointed out, a little bit of starlight emanated from Huo Hai's fingers and quickly merged into the spiritual formation.

Almost in an instant, Huo Hai had already clicked nine times on the spiritual formation with a peculiar rhythm.

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