Evil Insect God

Chapter 1133: Second Tibetan Array

Nine times the spiritual power was tapped, and stimulated by the stars' spiritual power, this seemingly dilapidated and abandoned spiritual formation began to work hard, "I didn't expect this spiritual formation to be so well preserved."

Speaking of this, Huo Hai was stunned for a moment: "Wait, why is it preserved so well? Could it be that the earth veins were not interrupted, but the Heavenly Star Sect deliberately made it like this." Huo Hai felt a little bit in his heart. Guess, each one who can become a master is not simple, especially this kind of prosperous moment, even becoming the number one sect in the Heavenly Soul Region.

As the source of the entire sect spirit formation, the earth veins are definitely not so easy to cause accidents. It is very likely that the interruption of the earth veins was not done by people from other sects, but by the Sky Star Sect after discovering that the general situation was gone.

This can also explain why even the spiritual array that communicates with the ground veins becomes incomplete after the ground veins are destroyed, but the spiritual array hidden inside has no problems at all, and it still functions perfectly so far.

With the help of broken ground veins and spiritual formations, weak spiritual power fluctuations are constantly emitted, which is also a method to hide spiritual formations. This is called black under the lamp. With the activation of hidden spiritual formations, the silver-white light becomes brighter and brighter. , As a burst of light broke out, three scrolls suddenly appeared in the same place. He picked up one and looked at it, and Huohai suddenly became excited.

"Xing Chen Zhi, the Heaven-level Battle Spirit Art, the complete Star-Shifting and Changing Fights, is actually a Heaven-level Battle Spirit Art, which is great." Two of the scrolls, one is the Star Finger and the other is the Moving Star and Changing the Fight, which are actually rare. The heavenly fighting spirit tactics.

Moreover, these two kinds of war spirit techniques are rare in the heavenly ranks without quality. Even the war spirit techniques of heavenly quality are divided into three major stages and countless small stages because of their different powers. Quality.

There is only one characteristic of this kind of non-quality war spirit art, that is, it can be continuously improved. As long as the conditions are met, the power will become stronger and stronger, but no one knows how strong it is. These two war spirit art can be They were all at the peak of the Sky Star Sect. I learned from the star rock wall, how strong they were, even the creator himself did not know.

Xingchen pointed out how to improve Huo Hai, but he knew that as long as he continued to comprehend the formation, he could continue to integrate into it. What Huo Hai lacks is the integration problem after the formation is integrated.

If you can get the Star Soul Guide, you can make your own star-shifting fighting body method possess a soul and better help the fusion of various formations. However, Huo Hai does not know the specific fusion method. Now, on this scroll, it is just right. There is something Huo Hai wants.

The last scroll was a very special map. Huo Hai couldn't understand what map it was. Just when Huo Hai wanted to study, the spirit array next to him suddenly made a "buzzing" sound, shocked. Huo Hai quickly looked at the broken spirit formation and carefully looked at the movement of the spirit power in the spirit formation, Huo Hai was shocked suddenly.

"Oh my God, it is actually the second hidden formation." Huo Hai didn't even notice that this spirit formation was not a simple hidden formation in the formation at all, but in the hidden formation, a more secret spirit formation was once again hidden.

Moreover, Huo Hai was very familiar with this spirit formation, because this spirit formation was made using the star thread. It was horrible to hide in it with only the use of the star thread without even the array tool assistance.

Huo Hai was shocked when he saw this spirit formation. If Huo Hai hadn't learned the star line, he would really think this was a sign of the collapse of the spirit formation. The next moment, the original communication between the spirit formation and the Tibetan formation People who didn't know it all started to collapse. On the surface, they really thought it was the spiritual formation that had played a role, and it was completely damaged.

However, in Huo Hai's perception, the last layer of the spirit formation was strangely integrated into the ground, hidden under these broken patterns, "It's really clever, it seems that the things below are the real valuable treasures."

When Huo Hai was excited, he wanted to study this layer of spiritual formations, but what Huo Hai did not expect was that when the spiritual formations were completely hidden, huge spiritual power suddenly burst out, and terrifying spiritual power rose into the sky. , Even the underground space could not be covered up, the spiritual power accumulated in the entire hall formed a spiritual power beam and rose into the sky.

"Damn, do you need to be so careful? Are you trying to kill me." Such a big movement may be felt by everyone in the central core area of ​​the Heavenly Soul Region, "No, run away." Huo Hai I know, I am afraid I have been discovered.

It was not that he was found out, but Huo Hai had already exposed his whereabouts at this time. There was no way, Huo Hai had no time to study the scroll in his hand. He threw the scroll into the inner space and quickly ran outside. As for the original At this time, there was nothing left, Huo Hai couldn't manage that much, so it was important to escape first.

Huo Hai faintly understood that this is probably a test given to future generations by the Sky Star Sect. Only when it attracts the attention of many parties, can you escape, and this can prove the strength and ability, and prove that you can avenge them.

If they can't take revenge, they would rather leave the treasures of the sect in dust forever than let anyone get it. These Sky Star Sect guys are really too cruel. They are very cruel to others and to their own people.

Huo Hai is already very familiar with the entire underground maze. It didn’t take much time to run up. Huo Hai released a few Star Gus while running, leading the way in front of him. It took two days to run down. Huo Hai is now going all out, leaving the second floor in less than half an hour and quickly entering the first floor.

"Quickly, the ruins have changed, go in and see what it is, and you people, keep the gate for me, don't let anyone in and out understand." Just approaching the gate, Huo Hai I heard such a voice.

It didn't take long for Huo Hai to feel that someone was running inside. Among these people, even the Spirit Sovereign, there were quite a few. It was so close to the Tianxingzong branch hall, how could they fail to react.

Huo Hai's heart moved, Fluttershy had completely hidden herself. I am afraid that he could not move randomly on the ground. Huo Hai's figure jumped and came to the top, almost immediately clinging to the upper wall and quickly wandering outside. During the process, Huo Hai did not dare to make a sound. Only the Spirit Sovereign could perform such a difficult movement.

Huo Hai's movement speed is far from reaching his fastest limit, because too fast will expose his aura, and he will be easily spotted by the masters coming and going below, even Huo Hai dare not look down, otherwise it will easily cause alertness. .

This wasted another half an hour, and Huo Hai finally came to the door with difficulty. At this time, Huo Hai had already recovered all the Star Gu, "Damn it, the action was so fast, it was completely blocked in only an hour."

Huo Hai found that the entrance of the cave was already full of masters of the Sky Star Sect. There were a lot of spirit emperors, and the spirit kings were full of mountains and plains. Huo Hai was not afraid of them, but if he was entangled by them, he would not want to run away in a short time.

"Fortunately, this place has been destroyed, otherwise I really can't get out." Huo Hai suddenly thought of something, his own earthworm, has not been used for a long time, released the earthworm, Huo Hai on a broken wall, A hole soon melted out, and then Huo Hai entered it and restored the hole to its original shape.

Huo Hai was cautious all the way, not daring to send out too much spiritual power fluctuations. In order to get past those outside, Huo Hai let the earthworms continue to deepen, "Fortunately, my earthworms are all upgraded, otherwise there is really no way."

Huo Hai was a little fortunate. There were stones around this Broken Stone Mountain, and there was very little soil. In order to deal with the stones, Huo Hai raised the earthworms so that they could melt the stones with his own spiritual power.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Hai can be so relaxed now. This time it took longer, four full hours before Huo Hai ran out of the protection circle of the disciples of the Sky Star Sect. At this time, there were already disciples of the Sky Star Sect returning from below. Begin to report the changes in the ancient Tianxing Sect relics, Huo Hai sneaked out of the ground, Xiaodie always remained invisible.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I finally ran out." Huo Hai took a deep breath, and with the help of Xiaodie, secretly escaped outside. This time, the movement was really big enough, and the disciples of the Tianxing Sect had already arrived. Powerful people.

Countless people are watching here, and there are even many sects, clamoring to let the Heavenly Star Sect contribute the treasure.

Huo Hai sneered, ignoring these idiots, but when Huo Hai approached the periphery, a powerful breath suddenly fell from the sky, "Oh my God, it is the elder of the Sky Star Sect who is here, how can their speed be so fast?" , A person shouted, Huo Hai also raised his head with difficulty, looking at the white figure in the sky.

"This is the great elder of the Sky Star Sect, so powerful, I am afraid it is not as simple as an ordinary spirit emperor." Feeling this power, Huo Hai didn't know why, such a strange thought flashed in his heart.

Huo Hai is more sensitive to the spiritual power of the stars than anyone else. In the air, he seemed to feel Huo Hai’s gaze. The elder of the Sky Star Sect looked at Huo Hai coldly, then shifted his gaze, Huo Haihun went down, Suddenly he was soaked in cold sweat, "It's so strong, just a look in his eyes makes people so uncomfortable." This time Huo Hai felt the power of Lingdi more intuitively.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Hai suppressed the urge to make a breakthrough immediately, "Huh, one day, I will surpass you." Huo Hai said firmly to himself, after which Huo Hai continued to sneak outside. Away.

The movement this time is really too big, the good things have been taken away by Huo Hai, and he continues to stay here and do.

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