Evil Insect God

Chapter 1165: Great change

Under the shining light of the stars, it seemed that all the power was concentrated on his own spiritual source, which was constantly shaking, becoming more and more weird. Huo Hai couldn't tell how weird it was.

However, with the suppression of the Star Cliffs, Huo Hai did not worry about any problems. Time passed slowly. During the shaking of Huo Hai’s spiritual source, Huo Hai himself could not even use his spiritual power to fight. This change took three full steps. Heaven, three days later, the celestial power suppressed by the star rock wall was finally exhausted, and the washing of the spiritual power by the spiritual power finally stopped.

"How could this happen? What the **** is going on." Huo Hai looked at his spiritual source in surprise. At this time, his spiritual source had become very large. From the inside, it was already the size of a small house. .

Moreover, a thin film appeared on the edge of Lingyuan. This thin film was very thin, but it exuded a kind of terrifying power. Huo Hai carefully felt it. This power is similar to spatial attributes, but it seems to be The spiritual attributes, the previous spiritual power scouring, seems to have left a lot of his own willpower, but this power has a paradoxical feeling.

"This, it won't be a self-contained world, but it doesn't seem to be entirely." Huo Hai is a little confused. You must know that spirits originate from a world. This is a situation that can only appear when you reach a heavenly master, even if it is a spirit emperor. , Will not appear in this state.

But Huo Hai didn't understand what was going on. This appearance seemed to be a sign of the inner world forming, or a prototype. Huo Hai closed his eyes and watched the flow of his own spiritual power.

As if completely ignoring the film, his own spiritual power easily flowed into the spiritual source, no different from before, but when the spiritual power came out, it was compressed by nearly half. This time, it shocked Huo Hai a lot. Jump, you must know that Huo Hai's spiritual power has far surpassed any master of the same level, and the level of condensing is very terrifying.

Even many of the Spirit Emperor realm masters may not have the same level of spiritual power as their own, but because their spiritual power is stronger in nature, Huo Hai is not an opponent, but now after the spiritual source, he can compress it by half again.

Before the breakthrough, Huo Hai's own combat effectiveness had increased by at least 20%. He had never heard of this change. Perhaps, this was the special situation that would only appear after the 3,000 crystal nucleus was completed, Huo Hai thought in his heart.

"Without the power of the world, it seems that the inner world hasn't really formed yet." The spirit of the spirits originated from the same world, and his own spiritual power can no longer be regarded as spiritual power, but the power of the world, a special power from his own small world. , Far from being comparable to spiritual power, although a prototype of the world has appeared in itself, it is still far from the small world.

It seems that I will work hard to improve in the future: "If the power of the world can be used in the realm of the emperor, I believe that even the master of the pinnacle of the emperor is not my opponent." Huo Hai shook his head, throwing away this idea. Behind the scenes.

Huo Hai is not a fool. Of course, he knows how terrifying the high-end power of the world power is. If he really has the power of the world in the realm of the spirit emperor, then his spiritual veins and body will definitely not be able to bear it, and he will die first.

I opened my eyes and felt my own spiritual power. It will take a few days to completely transform. Simply, these few days will be used to collect the spiritual energy beads. The stars above are a little bit, now these spiritual energy beads It is no longer of any use to Huo Hai, but others need, "With these spiritual energy beads, they can finally change their spiritual art."

Huo Hai's eyes lit up, star lines were sent out, and he continued to pull the spiritual energy beads. With this move, Huo Hai immediately found something wrong, because he used more star lines, and was more flexible and tough.

Even if the speed of pulling the spiritual energy condensed beads is faster than before, I don’t know how many times faster, "Is it not just that my spiritual power is condensed, but my spiritual power is also improved." Without strong spiritual power, I can't control more. Star line.

Huo Hai felt his own sea of ​​consciousness, and the changes that took place in it shocked Huo Hai. His mental power increased by a lot, and he actually exceeded the limit he felt at the beginning. After the star core was consummated, even his own sea of ​​knowledge and spiritual power had also expanded, and under Huo Hai's careful observation, his own spirit had also changed.

Before I knew it, my mental power slowly penetrated into the spiritual source without paying attention. After it appeared, it was also compressed in half. There was also the transparent light that Huo Hai never knew what to do. Much more powerful.

When the previous light converged, it seemed to be a larger star, but now the light looks like a faint moon. Unfortunately, Huo Hai tried to mobilize it, but still couldn't use this light at all.

No matter how much, I will finish what I have to do. After observation, the range of the lower pressure circle is very huge, and the overall range is ten times the range of each tide eruption in the upper reef islands.

It is a pity that the surrounding pressure is not as great as the center, so there are fewer aura beads formed, and every time it erupts, the aura beads in these places cannot be emitted, and will be directly destroyed by the lava and become aura again.

Huo Hai is now completely cheap, and Huo Hai collects all the way, and the harvest is extremely horrible. "Really, if I could get so many spiritual energy beads last time, I won't have to be so troublesome." Huo Hai sighed, his luck is really good. Poor, the number of Spiritual Qi Condensed Pearls under Huo Hai's statistics is as high as 20,000, which is very scary.

With so many aura beads, if some people with good foundation condense their own crystal nuclei, Huo Hai calculated it, even if it does not reach the number of three thousand, it is possible to reach more than two thousand.

Of course, I am afraid that no one would like to use wasteful methods to improve like this. As long as one can cultivate to Consummation, no matter how much wasted, it will take a long time to collect so many spiritual energy beads.

Day by day, Huo Hai collects and adapts to his own power. I don’t know that after a few days, Huo Hai’s own spiritual power and spiritual power have completely transformed successfully. Now Huo Hai can directly send out thousands of star lines. Traction, and as long as half a day, you can completely drag out a wave of spiritual energy.

Of course, for those that are hidden deep, Huo Hai still has no way to take them out in such a short period of time. He can only slowly clean them up by time. When Huo Hai collects the last spiritual energy condensed bead into the inner space, finally It was a sigh of relief.

"Haha, there are more than 20,000 aura beads. No matter what you do now, it is convenient. I don't know how many aura beads will be robbed when the tide erupts. It is really exciting."

Huo Hai smiled slightly and it was time to leave. After such a long time, he absorbed a lot of pure aura here. The main battle spirit insects in Huo Hai's hands have almost reached the peak of the spirit emperor, especially Star Gu. After a period of time, he finally broke through the last difficulty, and the spiritual power released at this time was far more pure than before.

Huo Hai was ready to let all the Star Gu be by his side at the same time, accept his own spell blessings, and release the protection of the spiritual shield with all his strength. The next moment, Huo Hai stepped into the pressure circle. This pressure circle is not Know how it was formed.

Huo Hai guessed in his mind that it was probably because of the special environment and terrain that the power of heaven and earth was formed here. Just after entering, the surrounding spiritual shields were immediately pressed against Huo Hai’s body, and Huo Hai rushed upward, very He quickly rushed out of the place where the pressure was the strongest. At this time, the loss of Star Gu's spiritual power was not too great, and there were no cracks in the shield.

As Huo Hai rises, the pressure is getting less and less, Star Gu and Huo Hai themselves are getting more and more relaxed, the faster they go up, and after having an experience, Huo Hai naturally knows how long it will take to come out.

This time it took much less time than the last time. Only half an hour later, Huo Hai's figure rushed out of the crater.

"Hey, another one came out. It seems to have failed again. I really don't know what treasure was born here. Is it really under the volcano." As soon as Huo Hai came out, he heard a sigh not far away.

Perceiving the surroundings, Huo Hai’s eyes are full of surprise. What is going on, it is clear that the tide has not started, and there are so many people here. Although most of them are Lingshuai and Lingwang, there are also Linghuang masters. With a few arrivals, so many spirit emperors would not be able to appear even when the tide was breaking out.

"Forget it, it's better to be alive than to die. What are you talking about that can actually cause the stars to vibrate? I have never seen that kind of sight, and I have never even heard of it." Not afraid of Huo Hai.

After all, Huo Hai’s breath is very weak, and they even have a trace of disdain in their eyes, “How do I know that there is no similar situation in the history books of our sect, but the center of the explosion of star power should be this sea. It seems that only the reef islands are the most special nearby."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and then continued to search, the reef islands, every hundred years will emit countless spiritual energy beads, in the hearts of many Spirit King masters, it is a good place with a famous name.

"Who knows, maybe the reef islands are absorbing the power of stars, maybe that's how the spiritual energy condenses."

No matter what the people around him think, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "The stars are shining and the stars are shaking. Is this time caused by me." Huo Hai thought of when he had just completed the last star core. At that time, it seemed to have attracted a very huge stellar power, but this power was not used by himself.

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