Evil Insect God

Chapter 1166: Refurbishment

Most of the phenomena of the Heavenly Appearance were treasures that were born, and that's why they attracted so many people to look for them. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the next time the tide erupted, their harvest would be much reduced.

In Huo Hai's hands, there are more than 20,000 spiritual energy beads. At least it is used to cultivate family masters. You don't have to worry about it. You can figure out what these people are doing. At the same time, they found that these people did not doubt themselves at all. I didn't know about this incident either, in order to prevent being snatched, so these news were concealed by those who saw the vision.

Since there is nothing to do, Huo Hai will not stay here anymore. He found a gap and Fluttershy hides. Huo Hai left the reef islands all the way, but on the way, the number of people coming here is still increasing. .

Only the next day, Huo Hai returned to the Cross Canyon, and Huo Hai’s current speed is much faster than before.

This time, Huo Hai didn't even use Xiaodie's concealment ability. He directly expanded his speed and ran all the way to the edge of the teleportation array. However, no one outside could find Huo Hai, and when he passed the teleportation array, someone arrived.

"I'm back, don't say anything, just tell Grandpa they are fine." Huo Hai lifted his hat, revealed his face, and then walked all the way inside. The people around him became excited again. Since the last time Huo Hai It’s been a long time since I left, and now I’m back, the family will definitely have a huge development again.

Huo Hai did not go to the conference hall, but returned to his room first. The news of his return soon spread, "Hai, you are finally back, it's been two years." Fang Biya saw Huo Hai, Excitement burst into tears.

After other people got the news, they came out one after another, but no one would compete with Fang Biya for Huo Hai’s chest. Feng Jiaojiao at the end looked at Fang Biya with envy. I knew what Feng Jiaojiao was envious of.

Huo Hai looked around and sighed slightly in his heart. Sure enough, there is no special means to improve slowly. Two years have passed, and everyone is still at the first level of the Spirit Sovereign, I am afraid the crystal nucleus has not been condensed. How much, Huo Hai had the help of aura beads at the beginning, otherwise, it would not be so easy to condense so many star cores.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, we will say in the room." Huo Hai embraced Fang Biya and took the others back to the room. After some comfort, Huo Hai finally remembered that he wanted to come back this time. Things to do.

"By the way, during this period of time, I discovered a very important thing in the Heavenly Soul Realm. The Chenguang Secret Art that you cultivated, I am afraid that there is no way to help you break through to the realm of the Spirit Emperor. I just learned about it, every kind of land level. The Peak Battle Spirit Secret Art is equipped with a very special secret technique. Without these methods, it would be very troublesome to break through."

After a pause, Huo Hai went on to say: "This Morning Light Art is one of the Lie Sun Sect's Zhen Sect Spirit Art. It is not so easy to get these secrets from Lie Sun Sect. What I am considering now is to let you convert to Heaven Star. change."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, their eyes filled with doubts, "Husband, we believe that you will be able to get the secret method of promotion, besides, if you want to change to the practice, too much time is wasted."

Other people have the same idea. The most important thing is to waste time. In fact, there are two ways to convert to cultivation. The first is to re-practice a new spiritual technique, directly practice, transform one's spiritual power, and then use spiritual power. Polish your own crystal nucleus a little bit to allow the crystal nucleus to change its attributes, but this method requires years of accumulation.

Moreover, this method of changing the attributes cannot completely transform the origin of the crystal core, leaving some hidden dangers.

Another method of cultivation is very thorough. It is to forcibly smash the crystal nucleus directly and use the purest source to transform directly from the source. This method is fast and the reformation is very thorough, without leaving any Sequelae.

However, this method has a certain degree of danger. Fragmenting the crystal core itself will cause a certain impact. This is not a big deal. The point is that once the crystal core is broken, the spiritual power in the spiritual cave will be very Disordered, it will not be as easy to re-condense the crystal nucleus in the future. Condensing the crystal nucleus is always the most troublesome thing for the Spirit Emperor.

Huo Hai naturally knows what they are worrying about: "Don't worry, we will directly fragment the crystal core to practice. Before returning this time, I have already visited the Reef Islands once. Guess what I found in the Reef Islands."

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Huo Hai told him what happened this time, but Huo Hai skipped the danger he encountered after sneaking in, just telling them that they don’t have the strength of the spirit emperor realm and don’t go down easily. .

What Huo Hai said is simple, but they can still find the danger in it, but Huo Hai does not say it, they will not mention it, just looking at Huo Hai with watery eyes, "Brother, this time your gift is These spiritual energy condensed beads." Suddenly, Yun'er's words completely destroyed all the atmosphere, this girl is still thinking about gifts.

Huo Hai smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, yes, yes, this is a gift. I will give you 10,000. You can use it slowly, and give the rest to the family to train the spirit king." Speaking of which, Huo Hai always felt that this was a bit wasteful.

But for ordinary people, only the spirit king realm can guarantee that a spiritual energy condensing bead condenses a crystal nucleus. In the eyes of most people, it is a wasteful behavior for the spiritual emperor realm master to use the spiritual energy condensing bead.

"You must remember that you must condense your spiritual power as much as possible. Only when the spiritual power is condensed, will the spiritual emperor realm not waste too much spiritual energy condensed beads." Huo Hai said seriously, and others heard it. , And nodded vigorously.

As if he knew what they were worrying about, Huo Hai immediately said: "Remember Song Muhua? This time I saw him. He only briefly broke through the Spirit Emperor for a while. Later, the Spirit Vessel was repaired and it was only less than two. In just a few months, he returned to the spiritual emperor realm's cultivation base, so you can rest assured that you will never waste too much time."

After thinking about it, Huo Hai said again: "Also, I don’t understand the light attribute war spirit art, and it’s not very suitable for you. I have a star attribute heaven-level war spirit art here. When you are finished, you can do it yourself. Practice."

Heaven-level battle spirit art, this is a good thing. They didn't even dare to think about it before. Among the few people present, only Yun'er cultivated the Heavenly Star Transformation and did not need to be converted. As for Feng Jiaojiao, she was still from the Danxia School. Ling Jue.

"Have you seen Senior Sister Blood Rose? How is she doing now." There was no question about the Heaven-level War Spirit Jue. Instead, the first question was Blood Rose. Huo Hai also knew that they were very close to Blood Rose. Huo Hai still wanted to cover up the past and didn't want to tell them, but unexpectedly, Fang Biya finally asked.

Huo Hai sighed, and then carefully said about the blood rose, sighing in his heart, the woman is indeed made of water, and Fang Biya and the others left tears in their eyes when they heard the blood rose.

"Hai, if you are possible, you must rescue Senior Sister Blood Rose." Huo Hai nodded vigorously when he heard the words. Needless to say, Huo Hai would not stand by when he helped Biya with Blood Rose before. .

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's start to transform the spirit art, you should all know the sky star transformation, choose a suitable kind of cultivation yourself." They did not choose the most perfect one. Because everyone knows that it is impossible for them to condense the three thousand star cores like Huo Hai, so it is better to choose the most suitable one.

Ji Mu suddenly said: "I really don't know what those treasure hunters in the family will think if they can't find something." This time there was an accident in the Reef Islands, even the Huo Family and Huo Men sent many people there, but it was destined to be It was empty.

Even Huo Hai was a bit funny. After dealing with the matter here later, he asked Grandpa to issue an order to transfer people back. After being familiar with the Star Change, everyone began to practice, slowly transforming attributes, and practicing the Star Change. Everyone has already got through the special spiritual veins that they need, and now there is no difficulty in practicing.

Huo Hai walked behind Fang Biya, and followed his hand into Fang Biya’s body. After that, along Fang Biya’s spiritual veins, Huo Hai instantly applied force and pinched a crystal core. Broken, and Fang Biya repelled the impurities along the spiritual power.

Helping others to smash the crystal core is not an easy task, that is, Huo Hai’s cultivation base far exceeds that of the opponent, and Fang Biya has no resistance to be so easy. Even so, Huo Hai wanted to prevent Fang Biya If you are injured, you must be careful.

With the help of strong external force to crush the crystal core, the damage of the crystal core to itself can be reduced to the extreme. Last time Pine Wood Hua did not have a cultivation base, it is very easy to crush the crystal core, but now Fang Biya has a cultivation base, but it is troublesome.

To smash all the crystal nuclei in Fang Biya's body, Huo Hai spent a full day. After all this, Huo Hai sent Fang Biya back to his room, and Fang Biya would slowly After rebuilding the Star Transformation, Fang Biya used the original spiritual power to condense the star core, then Ji Mu, then Qu Siyu and Feng Jiaojiao.

It took a total of four days. Huo Hai felt very mentally exhausted at this time, and finally smashed everyone's crystal nuclei. Aura Condensed Pearl is also ready. Just quickly change his attributes and re-condensate the star nucleus. .

This process may take more than a month. It is convenient to have aura condensing beads, but now, Huo Hai is finally free and tidying up. Huo Hai walked out and returned for such a long time, it is also time to show his face. Now, I believe, Grandpa should have been waiting very anxiously.

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