Evil Insect God

Chapter 1180: Crazy Dragon Split

In the sky, Huo Hai's figure disappeared, but the people in the city were still looking at the sky. At this time, the sky had gradually dimmed. Looking at the sky, no one in the entire city was doing other things.

Huo Hai disappeared, and the Cardinals felt as if they had lost something in their heart, "Is it a failure? Sure enough, I still underestimate him. The Great Land Empire is not his opponent, nor is the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group. When will he get revenge. "A trace of sadness flashed in the cardinal's eyes. As for Liu Tianheng next to him, his eyes were full of shock and inconceivability at this time, and his face began to pale.

In this kind of looking up, most of the night has passed. After such a long time, everyone's mood has finally calmed down, "It seems that the insect emperor has let us go." A spiritual emperor whispered to the others. The person said.

When everyone heard this, they felt better. Facing a Spirit Emperor enemy, no matter who it is, I’m afraid they won’t be better. But then, everyone’s brows wrinkled deeply. There was no crazy dragon, crazy dragon. What about the mercenary group?

Especially those masters who have just joined the mercenary group recently, no one suppressed them, and they began to move other thoughts, "Everyone, the mercenary group can’t live without the leader, now Master Crazy Dragon is dead, what should we do? Do it." Finally, someone raised this question, and when everyone heard the words, their eyes gradually flickered.

Of course everyone knew about the death of the mad dragon. When Huo Hai went to hunt down, everyone had already seen it, and later that familiar chill and the phenomena of heaven and earth, they knew the phenomena after the death of the Spirit Emperor, of course. How is this going.

A first-level spirit emperor immediately said: "The young leader is the only heir of the crazy dragon leader. Naturally, the young leader has inherited the position of the leader." Everyone took a look and said nothing. There are such idiots everywhere. what.

"Naughty, how can the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group give it to such a lazy waste? What little leader, talent, strength, and mentality? The Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group is really handed over to this kid. You want everyone to follow along. Die?" When these people said this, they didn't mean to conceal anything. Liu Tianheng, who was not far away, was awakened when he heard this.

Suddenly, Liu Tianheng realized that without the protection of his grandfather, he seemed to be nothing, and even the spirit king realm was far from reaching its peak. Faced with so many spirit emperors, Liu Tianheng suddenly felt cold all over his body.

What Grandpa said is true. The world is always respected by the strong. Only the strong can do whatever they want. There is no strength, no backing, nothing. When the crazy dragon is alive, the entire crazy dragon mercenary group belongs to Liu Tianheng. Backing, but when the crazy dragon died, Liu Tianheng immediately became a target of public criticism, and there was no possibility of inheritance.

"Yeah, yeah, what qualifications does such a waste have to inherit the crazy dragon mercenary group, the old leader I can not be corrupted by this kid." If the crazy dragon can hear it, I don't know if it will be angry. come.

The people at the top are discussing who will sit in the position of the leader, and the people below are also starting to talk, "The bug emperor is so powerful that he can kill the leader. Fortunately, he is gone now, otherwise we But it's going to die."

"Huh, let me say that it was the Cardinals who caused the trouble. Their vast empire was trying to provoke the insect emperor. It's all right now. After they perished, they did not forget to pull us into the water. Without the leader, we How will we live in the future? Now we can't even get out of the city." Outside the city, the power left by the Spirit Emperor is everywhere, and it is almost impossible to get out.

In the face of this violent power, even the masters of the Spirit Sovereign Peak would be very dangerous to get in and out. People with insufficient strength, as long as they dare to approach these powers, will easily be torn apart. No wonder they are so desperate.

At this moment, a young man suddenly said, "No, I think that **** Liu Tianheng should be blamed. He didn't say anything, and because a woman killed the group leader, we should avenge the group leader and kill Liu Tianheng."

Suddenly, the speaker saw that everyone around him was looking at him weirdly, and the young man immediately said: "Everyone doesn't have much food at home. Before the power outside dissipates, we will starve to death without food. With strength, we should get out the food hidden in the regiment." Hearing this, everyone's eyes started to light up.

Unlike the prefecture-level masters who are above them, what the prefecture-level masters have to do now is to fight for power. Anyway, if they don’t eat for ten and a half months, they will be fine, but these people who have not reached the prefecture level are different. Up.

Even a master of Lingshuai, without food for ten and a half months, would be completely helpless. Even if he didn't die, it was almost the same. Thinking of this, everyone's eyes began to light up, and they looked at Liu Tianheng more frequently.

In the air, many people have noticed the changes below, "Hey, it seems that we don’t need to do anything. When these people destroy Liu Tianheng, the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group will have no heirs. The power in the group is naturally ours. ."

A person next to him immediately retorted: "Don’t talk nonsense, we are obviously mourning for the old group leader, and there is no time to rescue. If something happens later, we still have to avenge the young group leader. These **** spoilers dare to rebel. , I'm really looking for death." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the speaker, but there was still no intention of doing anything.

"It's worthy of being the most insidious military division in the regiment. He doesn't even want to leave a handle on this kind of thing, but we are different. Anyway, the mad dragon is dead, and we still have the final say on what will happen afterwards." A big man Said with disdain.

Noting what was wrong here, Liu Tianheng, who finally reacted with fear in his eyes, suddenly took the hand of the Cardinals and ran inside, "Sister Cardinals, hurry up with me, these people are crazy. ."

Originally, the Cardinals didn’t want to pay attention, but Liu Tianheng said, let the Cardinals follow up: "I know there is a secret way. This is the secret way of escape that grandpa left behind. Now only I know it. Dragon City, these people are already crazy, if we continue here, we will all die." Liu Tianheng said carefully.

When the surrounding people saw two people running away, they shouted: "Quickly, the two of them have fled to the city lord's mansion. Let's chase after them and don't let them run away." With this sound, more and more people moved towards The City Lord's Mansion rushed.

Soon, a large number of people formed a torrent of people, with a posture of crushing everything, and headed towards the city lord mansion in the middle. In the air, none of the backbones of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group actually went to help, just watched coldly.

"Ordinary people, we can't get over the waves. Let's discuss the next commander." Soon, these people in the air started to quarrel. Today's Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group is very big. After the breakthrough, it has been greatly improved, and whoever inherits it will leap to become one of the great figures in the eastern region.

With the help of the resources and connections of the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Group, maybe oneself will have the opportunity to break through to the spirit emperor realm and become the next mad dragon. As long as he is not as unlucky as the mad dragon, he will be the top figure in the entire heavenly soul domain.

However, everyone wants to be the leader. Now that there is no mad dragon suppression, everyone has a strange heart. Soon, with several peak spirit emperors and ninth level spirit emperors in the mercenary group as the leader, teams gradually formed. Looking at each other is not pleasing to the eye.

If it weren’t for the wrong location at this time, I’m afraid these people would have already started, looking at each other, carefully forming teams, and finally formed five teams. These five teams dissatisfied each other and their strengths were similar. At this time, everyone They all realized that the Crazy Dragon Mercenary Corps would be truly divided up to now.

On the other side, Liu Tianheng took the Cardinals all the way into the resident, and soon found a mechanism in the warehouse, opened an entrance, and took away some mercenary group property, and the two quickly entered the passage.

As soon as I entered, the passage was immediately closed, and once again became uninterested. Fortunately, when the passage was established, the Crazy Dragon spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and the passage was very strong and deep. During the first battle, , Crazy Dragon also deliberately avoided the location of this passage, and no attack fell on it.

So up to now, this passage is still very strong, without any damage. After the two entered the map passage, they ran out quickly all the way, completely ignoring the power of the violent heaven and earth above, and easily left the city.

"Sister Cardinal, from now on, there will be only two of us. From now on, we two will depend on each other. I will definitely treat you well." Liu Tianheng looked at the Cardinals pitifully with hopeful eyes in his eyes.

The Cardinals glanced at Liu Tianheng and sighed: "Our transaction has failed. Since you didn't avenge me, then from now on, we will separate. I will find other ways to avenge. If there is a chance, I I will find a way to compensate you." After that, the Cardinals had no lingering nostalgia and turned and left quickly.

Liu Tianheng stretched out his hand to catch the Cardinals, but he didn't catch them. The Cardinals' cultivation base was stronger and faster than his own. Liu Tianheng couldn't catch up at all. He didn't have much strength, and everything was far away from him overnight.

"No...how could this be, how could this be, it shouldn't be like this, why, why..." Liu Tianheng knelt on the ground, the tears in his eyes couldn't stop, he didn't know why this happened, he himself would be He is still a much-anticipated young master, how can the whole world change in just one day, and he has become unknown to him.

"It's all you, it's all you, **** Huo Hai, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go." Liu Tianheng raised his head, his eyes flushed, and a black breath wafted out of his body. This was a sign of enchantment.

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