Evil Insect God

Chapter 1181: Spirit Bat Seed

All the way away from Crazy Dragon City, after making sure that he would not be found by other masters, Huo Hai stopped. This time, Huo Hai’s Luoxia swordsmanship broke through to the third level, and he also gained some combat experience. .

Of course, Huo Hai finally saw the power of the top master of the Heavenly Soul Domain. Although Guo Fan did not release his own power at the beginning, Huo Hai still faintly felt the unfathomable power. Once Guo Fan started, Huo Hai was sure that he couldn't catch even one move. This was the difference in the strength of the masters of the Lingdi realm.

When he reached the realm of the Spirit Emperor, although Huo Hai was still able to make the leapfrog challenge, he could only cross one or two levels at most. If it was too high, he still couldn't. Faced with a blood blade that could reach the third level of the Spirit Emperor, he would It is impossible to win.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Huo Hai’s lack of fighting methods now. When the spirit worms metamorphose successfully, I believe that my combat effectiveness will continue to improve. I was injured a little while fighting with the blood blade, so I should just recover. Up.

Huo Hai stopped, and while running his spiritual power to recover his wounds, he took out the space ring left by the mad dragon. After opening it, Huo Hai immediately found some things that the mad dragon carried with him. The mad dragon was a servant. The commander of the Corps, but he was not completely at ease with his subordinates, so the most important things were always on him.

Just the spirit crystals, Huo Hai found a number of five million in it, managing a huge mercenary group, countless people are using spirit crystals, it is not easy for the crazy dragon to store so many spirit crystals.

Huo Hai picked up the spirit crystals casually without paying too much attention to it. After that, Huo Hai continued to look at the rest of the things, "Hao Yun palm, the third-order emperor-level war spirit art, it really is not a good thing." Hai shook his head.

Hao Yun's palm is really on the body of the mad dragon. It is a pity that the level is too low and the power is not strong enough. Even at the peak of cultivation, it is not as useful as a sky cloud elephant next to him, but Huo Hai still took a look, and then Put it away.

There are not many war spirits that can reach the emperor-level quality in his hand. Seeing more of them can also serve as a good reference. However, Huo Hai really doesn't use this ability, so he packed Hao Yun's palm, Huo Hai continued to look through it, but afterwards, in the crazy dragon's collection, there were not many high-level war spirit tactics and spirit tactics, and they were mostly incomplete items.

Even in terms of spirit art, the spirit art of the mad dragon is inferior to the vast empire, but it’s right to think about it. The great empire is an empire after all. There are countless ruins that have been searched. The mad dragon mercenary group is stronger, but it is In the heavenly soul domain.

The restrictions are even greater, and the spirit tactics in the Heavenly Soul Realm are more strictly supervised, and there are fewer ruins. Even if they are discovered by accident, most of them are empty ruins, with no value at all.

With a sigh, Huo Hai could only continue to search. There are really not many good things on the crazy dragon. At least there are not many things that Huo Hai can use. "Hey, what is this." Suddenly, Huo Hai started from the crazy dragon. A huge hexagonal crystal was taken out of the space ring, which looked like a large gem, but the breath it exuded was unusually obscure.

"Wait, this is space power. Is this thing a cornerstone of space?" Huo Hai's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of weirdness. After a quick confirmation, Huo Hai finally confirmed that this thing is really a cornerstone of space.

The so-called space cornerstone is a special treasure that contains space power. However, this kind of treasure is not used to make space objects. General space objects are usually portrayed with spirit arrays, as long as the materials can withstand it.

But the abilities of the space cornerstone are very much. Many high-level special spiritual formations need to use the space cornerstone as the material to make the array tools. This way, when the spiritual formation is formed, a special space can be formed, regardless of The outside world can't feel what is happening in the spirit formation, and the power of space is difficult for even the spirit emperor master to interfere.

This is not the biggest function of the space cornerstone. The biggest use of the space cornerstone is actually to open up and suppress the space. In other words, after using the space cornerstone, a secret world can be created out of thin air.

Most secret realms are natural. There is no way to determine the location, and the internal environment cannot be determined. Huo Hai already knows the value of such secret realms. Even the top sects do not dare to underestimate them.

And if you have the space cornerstone and cooperate with a special spiritual formation, you can create a secret realm out of thin air at a designated location. The larger the space cornerstone, the larger the secret realm created. Similarly, the environment in the secret realm is also It can be set freely by people, it can be full of fire attribute spiritual power, or it can be suitable for the growth of elixir.

This kind of treasure, in the eyes of the top sect, is still a rare treasure. If the three Sun Sect masters had just learned about it, Huo Hai would be sure that he would definitely be killed by the three people, no matter how bad it is, it is straightforward. snatch.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't take out this thing just now." Huo Hai breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, even if they didn't expect that the crazy dragon that just broke through, there would be such a large space on the body. cornerstone.

With the power of the mad dragon, the cornerstone of this space is definitely unusable. Even Huo Hai can’t use this thing, but even if it can be used, Huo Hai won’t use it, creating a secret realm, which is of little use to him. nothing.

Now the original secret realm of the Haotu Empire has been handed over to the Huo Family by Huo Hai. As for the internal development, this has nothing to do with Huo Hai. The Haotu Empire is controlled by the Huo Family and Huomen for a large part of the area, which has the same origin. The cracks in the land are also controlled a lot, and the source spirit stone and source spirit spirit treasure will not be missing in the future, and the foundation of the family has been completely laid.

Then this space cornerstone is useless at all. Huo Hai sighed helplessly, and prepared to put the space cornerstone into the inner space. But at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the space cornerstone was stuck. Own hands.

"Damn it, what's going on, what are you guys doing?" Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the spirit bat soul that hadn't known how to temper since his breakthrough had moved, and the eight spirit bat souls left one after another. The spiritual cave where he is.

The reason why the space cornerstone cannot be taken out of the hand is because the souls of the eight spirit bats have already arrived at the spiritual veins of their hands. Through the spiritual veins, they directly begin to absorb the power of the space cornerstones, a rich space. The power was swallowed by the eight spirit bat souls, after which the body color of the spirit bat souls gradually began to fade.

The eight special powers that originally belonged to the eight magic bats gradually began to merge. In Huo Hai's eyes, this power gradually changed, getting closer to the space power, and later absorbed the space power for assimilation, and truly completely transformed.

Unexpectedly, to the end of the eight spiritual bats, they spontaneously merged into a special space power, but Huo Hai felt it was a pity that this power was just born, and before it had time to use it, it was immediately used by the eight spirits. The soul of the bat is absorbed.

"It turns out that you want to improve, you need to absorb space power, really..." Huo Hai didn't know what to say. On the one hand, he was happy because his spirit bats had finally reached the last step. On the other hand, I'm depressed. To improve this thing, I need to constantly absorb space power, but something that contains space power is so easy to find.

It didn’t take long for this precious space cornerstone to completely dissipate. All the spiritual power was absorbed. The souls of the eight spatial spirit bats were no longer returning to their original positions. The power dissipated, and the eight spiritual bats really Not available.

Huo Hai tried to use the Eight Spirit Bats, and felt particularly awkward. Although he could force the display with strength, but the speed was not as fast as before he broke through, and the Eight Spirit Bats had been completely abolished.

And in the spirit source, there are eight more bat residents. These eight bats are like eight seeds, giving Huo Hai a feeling that he can pass through the space. "Try to see how useful this thing is. ."

Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and released a bat. After the spirit bat's spirit was elevated, he still completely obeyed Huo Hai's command. It's just a pity that the spirit bat's soul has no IQ at all. The whole thing is a dead thing, Huo. Hai gave an order, and the bat flew to the front. After that, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and his spiritual power began to communicate with the soul of the bat.

The next moment, Huo Hai felt a very special feeling. It seemed that he could easily reach the location of the soul of the bat. When he moved in his heart, his spiritual power immediately began to consume a lot. After that, Huo Hai was shocked and stopped in place. Down.

The next moment, the bat began to expand strangely and gradually became like Huo Hai. Opening his eyes, Huo Hai shook his head and found that he had indeed reached the position of the spirit bat, and the spirit of the spirit bat had returned to himself. In the inner space, it seems that the cost of a transmission is not small, I am afraid that it will take a few days to recover before it can be used again.

Looking back, a shadow that was exactly the same as himself stood in place, but his eyes were very dull, "This is a photo taken in space, it is good for fighting, but it is not good if you want to escape. It seems that you need to strengthen control. "

Huo Hai felt it for a while. It turned out that he could control the scene left in the space. The time left could be increased or not, but Huo Hai couldn't make this change now.

After the eight methods of the spirit bat have transformed, the effect on Huo Hai looks a bit tasteless, but sometimes, it should be very useful. At least when encountering the special spirit formation of the emperor, you can directly use the effect of the spirit bat seed. Fleeing, some of the more dangerous situations, nowadays, there is not much danger, after all, it is also a means.

In the future, when you inject space power into yourself, the seed of the spirit bat will increase, otherwise the level of this thing will not continue to increase.

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