Evil Insect God

Chapter 1190: Collect resources

Later, in order to test, Huo Hai deliberately returned again and walked outside for a long time before he found a ghost in the realm of the Spirit King. After killing it casually, Huo Hai immediately picked up the spiritual power crystal and experimented.

"It seems that only a large level difference can have a significant difference in effect." Huo Hai felt it a bit, and understood the effect of these spiritual power crystals. A spiritual power crystal of the Spirit Sovereign realm can be consumed by himself. The mental power recovers within a day, and the maintenance time varies with the strength of the crystal master before his life.

The strongest one can maintain this recovery effect for several days, but the recovery speed of the crystal nucleus of the spirit king realm is obviously much slower. Huo Hai tried it, this thing needs to restore his mental power, probably It takes more than ten days.

The most important thing is that even if the crystal of the peak of the spirit king can last for only one or two hours, this kind of thing may have a great effect on the spirit king and the spirit king, but it does not have any effect on the spirit emperor like himself. How much effect.

It seems that the soul crystallization of the spirit emperor realm is the best. Huo Hai has no choice but to return again and walk inside again. He just doesn’t know how much effect it will have on him if he can get the crystal of the spirit emperor realm. .

Along the way, as long as he encounters a ghost, Huo Hai will not let it go. The spiritual power crystallization in his inner space has gradually increased. At this time, Huo Hai also thought of a problem. It is said that the spiritual power in the ghost cave The effect of crystallization on the seventh-level spirit emperor and above is minimal. It seems that the resources here can only use the seventh-level spirit emperor realm at most.

Even if you are at level 4 or above, you should go to Floating Cloud Island, but no matter what, first collect enough resources. Anyway, the spiritual power crystallization here is also very good for yourself.

Just as Huo Hai was continuously collecting spiritual power crystals, suddenly there was a wave of battle fluctuations in the distance. This is the ghost cave, and the environment here is also very special. In the ancient times, the Heavenly Soul Sect strengthened this place to the extreme.

Huo Hai tried, and the sword aura he exerted with all his strength could not leave a trace on the surrounding stone walls. I am afraid that he could not destroy the ghost cave even if he did not have the strength of the sky level. This ghost cave was made by the sky soul sect. Yes, although it is not a secret realm, it is only stronger or weaker than a secret realm. It is said that the scope of action is in most of the heavenly soul realm.

The entire ghost cave has several layers, and the area is enough to be the size of a small kingdom, but the ghost cave can absorb souls from most of the sky soul domain. If the distance is too far, some soul power will be absorbed into the ghost cave.

And those who are closer, unless there are special circumstances that leave their souls behind or completely smash them, otherwise they will enter the ghost cave. This is how the ghosts in the ghost cave come from, and the ghosts inside can be said to be endless.

Although these ghosts also have levels, they will also form a group, but when different groups collide, it is easy to cause a melee. The result is either the two groups are completely merged into one, or one of them is destroyed and then swallowed by the other group. Used to improve one's own strength, of course, there are situations where both lose and lose.

So there should be no problem hearing the sound of fighting, but Huo Hai felt a different wave of spiritual power. This was spiritual power, not the mental power attack used by the ghost. It seemed that someone had come.

"Dare to be so presumptuous here, it should be a member of the Dead Soul School, I don't know what the methods of the Dead Soul School are." After thinking about it, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he sneaked closer to the past. As expected, it was the Dead Soul. The guys are fighting.

"Brother, I'm going to have enough of this kind of day. Every time a big brother wants to be spiritually crystalline, he doesn't do anything by himself, but let us do it. Why, why don't we allow us to hide, really think that I am a big brother. Do whatever you want?" Huo Hai just approached, he heard a complaining voice, sure enough, fighting and oppression were everywhere.

There are only three people in this team, but they didn’t do anything. They were all undead, some skeletons and fast-moving zombies, the number of undead who reached the realm of the spiritual emperor actually reached twenty terrifyingly, which was more powerful than their own. Even stronger.

Relying on gang fights and leapfrogging challenges, this kind of thing is often done by the Death Soul faction. Otherwise, the Death Soul faction will not exist for so many years, but few people still dare to trouble them, even if it is the Sun Sect and Yue Huazong did not want to provoke them easily.

"Don't tell me, who made him a big brother? There is a super elder behind them. We have nothing. Let's practice slowly. When we break through to the realm of the spirit emperor, no one dares to bully us." Spirit emperor, this is not so easy to cultivate, even though the three of them are all spirit emperors, but they are still far from the peak.

The person who had just spoken looked frustrated: "Hmph, if it’s just for cultivation, it’s okay, but he clearly asks us to help with the spiritual crystals that his family has asked for, and he secretly sells all the extra. Come or not to us."

Hearing this, a trace of depression flashed in the eyes of the other two people. Yes, the grievances in their stomachs were getting deeper and deeper. Because of this grievance, even the cultivation of the three of them was affected. If this continues, the breakthrough will be more and more. difficult.

"Forget it, let's talk about what we are doing, what else can we do besides working hard to cultivate? Forget it, let the big brother go and make trouble by himself, get so many resources, cultivate so fast, he is almost going He has turned into a skeleton, and when he has completely transformed into an undead creature, I see if he can laugh."

Even among the Dead Soul faction, the cultivation speed is too fast, and it is easy to be corroded by death. Becoming a skeleton does not mean that you really become an undead, but become a skinny one. Except for thought, it is no different from an undead. .

The Dead Soul Sect is an extreme sect, but a person who becomes a skeleton will also destroy the vitality of his body. Without vitality, it is almost impossible to break through to the realm of the spirit emperor. Even if it is a chance to break through, don't want to reach it. Lingzun.

Huo Hai listened for a while and didn't hear any useful news, so he was ready to start: "I'm unlucky for you, you will no longer have to provide spiritual crystallization to that big brother in the future." Huo Hai's words slowly sounded.

"Who, what kind of people are here." Except for the Dead Soul Sect, only the people of the Sky Soul Sect who can appear by chance, but the people of the Sky Soul Sect are too weak to see them. Avoiding, generally speaking, even if they really ran into it, they would not dare to make a sound. It was found that most of the disciples of the Sky Soul Sect had died, but this time, they had a bad feeling.

Huo Hai didn't give them time to talk nonsense, a sap of spiritual power easily condensed and reached the terrifying spiritual power of the spirit emperor realm. Under Huo Hai's control, it was gently crushed, and all the people were crushed to pieces. , Including those ghosts.

Huo Hai stepped forward and collected the spiritual power of these ghosts. Only then did they begin to pack up the things left by the three dead. Their undead were the most valuable, but unfortunately they were of no use to others.

When they first attacked, these undead also turned into slag, "Well, I have collected so many spiritual power crystals, but unfortunately, most of them are of the spirit king level, which is of no use." These things, it seems that in the future. I can only find a way to dispose of them, far away from the dead soul faction, these things are still of high value, and they will not worry about exposure when they are sold.

Who made the mental power crystallization that flowed out every day only so little, the Death Soul faction was too stingy.

"It's not bad, there is actually a map, but this map, is it too crude?" Suddenly, Huo Hai found a map, but unfortunately, although the map is marked with what area is dangerous.

However, the specific strength and quantity of the undead are not clearly marked. The most important thing is that there is only one entrance marked on it. Except for the main entrance controlled by the Dead Soul faction, the other entrances are unknown. Those who cannot go out are also a restriction to prevent disciples from leaving without permission with the crystals of spiritual power and then selling them to others.

If other hostile sects get a lot of spiritual power crystallization, their strength will definitely increase a lot. That way, it will not be a good thing for the Dead Soul Sect. The number of the Dead Soul Sect is really too small.

Forget it, after all, with this map, he can get into it more easily. Huo Hai quickly saw some special locations on the map. Among these locations, it seems that there are still terrifying ghosts that have reached the realm of Lingdi.

"These, as expected... the Yin Bone King is a person from the Death Soul Sect." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw some secret techniques of the sect from them. Although these secret secret techniques lack the most important point, ordinary people cannot get it normally. Cultivation, but Huo Hai had seen something similar in Yin Bone King's body, and there were no such traps on it.

So after watching it for a while, Huo Hai knew that these things should come from the same source, and he didn't know if the Yin Bone King accidentally fell into the Molian Domain, or because something happened, so he ran away alone.

It is really not an easy task for a person in the realm of the Spirit Emperor to be able to pass through the Great Wilderness to the Molian Territory. Forget it, regardless of the Yin Bone King, even the Spirit Emperor Huo Hai will attack. Killed, but also care about a dead spirit king.

After searching, all the valuable things were collected by Huo Hai, Huo Hai went all the way to a dangerous area marked on the map. Huo Hai really wanted to try it. How great is this top-quality spiritual power? The effect, as long as the effect is good, Huo Hai will not refuse to come, improve his strength as soon as possible, and accomplish what he wants to do as soon as possible.

The more he advances, the more ghosts Huo Hai encounters on the road. This also shows that the closer to the ghost cave where the power is concentrated, the higher the quantity and quality of ghosts produced. This kind of place is most likely The top ghost appeared.

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