Evil Insect God

Chapter 1191: Emperor Ghost

Hunting all the way, before reaching the emperor rank, these ordinary ghosts are not Huo Hai's opponents at all, and they don't even need to use the spirit of war to gather a little spiritual power, which is enough to kill all these ghosts.

People below the spirit emperor realm may still be very troublesome to deal with ghosts, because ghosts are soul creatures after all, and their general attack effects will be much weaker, but once they reach the spirit emperor realm, they are different. Their spiritual power contains a strong will. Power, such a special spiritual power, there is not much difference between dealing with ghosts and dealing with physical creatures.

And for a spirit emperor like Huo Hai, the terrifying willpower contained in the spiritual power will be even more lethal to these ghost-type creatures. What is the difficulty of the willpower that can change the rules of the world and hurt a few ghosts?

As they went deeper, Huo Hai saw more and more weird ghosts. These ghosts did not have wisdom and became their original shapes. It was only because of a little memory left during his lifetime. The ghosts swallowed each other, and the shape began to become strange. Up.

Many ghosts are stranger than the strange wolf that Huo Hai has seen in the hidden kill trap. Huo Hai doesn’t know what it is. Simply, no matter what it is, kill them all, and then collect spiritual crystals to reach this level. , Huo Hai didn't worry about who he would meet anymore, even the Spirit Sovereign team of the Dead Soul faction would not easily go so deep.

Finally, Huo Hai felt a terrifying power permeating in front of him, "Emperor-level realm, this is definitely the ghost of the emperor-level realm." Feeling this unique chaotic spirit power, Huo Hai immediately knew he was looking for The goal was found.

Without spirit worms, Huo Hai can only pass cautiously on his own. These ghosts have a characteristic, that is, as long as they see a living creature, they will rush over at all costs. Therefore, on the way, any ghost that approaches, Huo Hai will definitely not Will be polite.

"This is the emperor-level ghost, it's really weird." Huo Hai looked at the white ball of light not far away, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. This ghost did not know what it was originally, but now it has undergone tremendous changes. .

In front of Huo Hai, there is a huge white ball of light, and on the ball of light, there are many snake heads. It looks like a snake ball made of a lot of snakes, but in fact these things are completely integrated. When Huo Hai arrived, a snake head was opening its mouth to an unbelievable level, and swallowing a spirit emperor ghost next to it.

After being swallowed by the ghost, there will be no spiritual power crystals left at all. The spiritual power crystals will melt in the process of swallowing, re-turn into spiritual power and be absorbed by the new ghosts. If you want to obtain the spiritual power crystals, you can only hunt down. .

I felt the strength of this ghost. It was probably the left queen of the first-level spirit emperor, and there was no spiritual power but spiritual power. The habits of this creature were very similar to the previous cultivation methods of the Heavenly Soul Sect.

Huo Hai did not act rashly, but quickly wandered around. When it was determined that there were no other spirit emperor realm ghosts here, he heaved a sigh of relief, "If this is the case, then you will die for me, disgusting s things."

Huo Hai snorted coldly, and when he returned to the vicinity of the emperor-level ghost again, he quickly pointed his finger out. The transformation method of the star finger was released by Huo Haijian without being allowed to send it. The speed of the ghost creatures was very slow, even if they reacted There is still no way to dodge it, and there is no key point in the whole body, and there is no strong place for defense.

Huo Hai's star finger lightly penetrated into the ghost's body, and the special power contained in it immediately exploded, rushing around in the ghost's body, "Squeak..." a sharp cry came from the ghost's mouth.

The sound wave spread, and the surrounding ghost bodies fluctuated rapidly. If this continued for a period of time, these ghosts would definitely be shaken to death. Fortunately, the sound wave came and went fast, and the ghost stopped roaring after a while.

"Damn it, it's a creature formed by mental power. It's really weird." Huo Hai murmured in his heart. The sound wave just made Huo Hai feel the stinging pain in his head. The shaking was endless, but fortunately it was only for a while. Huo Hai raised his head and was even more surprised when he saw the ghost at this time.

"Oh, I forgot that this thing is a ghost." The star finger that I just sent out, the power has been exhausted at this time, the special method of the star finger is based on the use of the tarsal needle and it is aimed at the spirit vein. Destroy.

For normal creatures, this kind of attack has a strong effect, but the ghost itself has no trace of spiritual veins at all, and his skills are completely wasted. After the spiritual power is exhausted, it only hurts the ghost.

Seeing Huo Hai, the ghost went crazy immediately. Several heads rushed towards Huo Hai, and some heads stared at Huo Hai. The spirit power was condensed one by one. These mental power attacks were more terrifying than the cry just now. A lot.

"It's good, I see how much strength you have enough." Huo Hai sneered, turning his fingers slightly, and instantly cut off the heads of the snakes rushing towards him. On one side of his body, there was no time to dodge mental attacks. With the terrifying speed of moving stars and changing battles, how could the ghost of the same level catch up with Huo Hai, turning around and seeing that several broken heads were struggling to fly towards the body.

Huo Hai snorted coldly, and the sword aura in his hand exploded immediately. The exploding sword aura pierced into these heads and detonated again. The spiritual power contained in the Luoxia sword aura was not comparable to Xingchenzhi.

With so much spiritual power, several soul heads were easily wiped out. The huge loss made this monster even more annoyed. Waves of large-scale mental power attacks were directed towards the surroundings, and Huo Hai could only retreat for a while. .

"Damn ghost, it's really troublesome." Huo Hai avoided for a while, and finally couldn't bear it. A sword aura in his hand pierced into the ghost's body far away, and the purple-gold Luoxia sword aura exploded, but it was not incomplete before. Compared with the stars of the stars, soon, countless cracks appeared in the body of the entire ghost, and a large amount of mental power was lost as gas.

If there is an effect, then continue, Huo Hai's heart is happy, and then the sword aura is emitted. Every time the sword aura is emitted, the emperor-level ghost will become weaker. Unfortunately, because the speed is too slow, no matter how strong the attack is, it can't hit Huo Hai.

Huo Hai dodged and tried hard to attack. After the fifth sword aura, the sword aura exploded, and the ghost's already dim body finally dissipated in one breath. At this time, there were not many ghosts around.

"It's finally gone. I don't know the effect." Huo Hai took a deep breath, stepped forward, and began to carefully explore the effect of this mental power crystal. With Huo Hai's perception, this mental power crystal effect is really true. Horror, it was possible to completely recover Huo Hai's mental power within an hour, and it lasted for a full month.

It really is the crystallization of the spiritual power of the emperor grade quality, and the effect is against the sky, but Huo Hai felt himself a bit, and sighed helplessly: "Hey, the gain is not worth the loss, it seems that it cannot be used for the time being." Huo Hai gave up. Continue to hunt down the emperor-level ghosts.

To kill the ghost of the spirit emperor realm, Huo Hai only needs to use his own spiritual power as a guide, and he can easily crush and kill with a little spiritual power, but it is obviously impossible to kill the ghost of the spirit emperor realm.

Just a first-level spirit emperor, after Huo Hai kills it, it consumes a lot of spiritual power. Now that the recovery of spiritual power is slow, Huo Hai can only kill a few at most. Look at Huo Hai Now, if you want to cultivate now, it would be more useful to hunt down the ghosts of the Spirit Sovereign realm. "It seems that the second level can't go." Huo Hai shook his head.

There are three levels in the ghost cave. There are all kinds of ghosts on the first level, but those who are truly qualified to survive relatively safely are the spirit king realm and the ghosts above the spirit king realm. Only where the power is concentrated will the spirit emperor realm appear. ghost.

The second level is different. At the second level, they are at least the ghosts of the spirit emperor realm. You can often see the ghosts of the spirit emperor realm. With Huo Hai’s current strength, once you encounter a group of emperor ghosts, you can only escaped.

As for the third level, it is said that only ghosts in the realm of the Spirit Emperor are eligible to enter. Huo Hai doesn't know what's going on inside. In short, on the third level, even in the ancient times, few people dare to go deep.

It is a pity that these ghosts can only stay in the ghost cave and cannot be released. They will not form any combat effectiveness. Otherwise, as long as the Heavenly Soul Sect released all these ghosts, the major sects would definitely not be the opponents of the Sky Soul Sect. Thinking of these, Huo Hai also felt a pity. Forget it, no matter how much, it is important to hunt down the spiritual crystallization first.

Huo Hai took a rest for a while, and then started to act again. This is the center of concentration of power. The spirits of the spirit emperor realm were killed by himself, but the surrounding ghosts of the spirit emperor realm still gathered here.

The power in the entire ghost cave is really terrifying, Huo Hai doubts how much the strength of the heavenly soul domain combined can be stronger than the power in the ghost cave, hey, my understanding of the heavenly soul domain is still too bad a little.

No one can imagine the terrifying and destructive power that a Ling Emperor can produce. When Huo Hai swept with all his strength, the surrounding Spirit Emperor ghosts began to be erased in pieces, and the spiritual power in Huo Hai’s inner space was crystallized. It is constantly increasing. When Huo Hai completely cleaned up the ghosts in this gathering spot, the harvest surprised Huo Hai.

The imperial quality mental power crystals obtained have actually reached more than 100,000. With so many mental power crystals, Huo Hai can't finish it. It seems that when he returns to the family, he will throw all these things at them. To consume.

It's just that before there were no masters in the spirit emperor realm at home, these things were a bit wasteful to use. Now that he got what he thought of, Huo Hai didn't want to stay here anymore. It's better to leave as soon as possible.

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