Evil Insect God

Chapter 1192: Hard drive

Huo Hai didn't enter the second layer, he just swept the location of a node, but after all, it was a ghost cave. I don't know how many years of soul power has been absorbed, the number of ghosts inside is really too much.

Within a short period of time, there was no problem with the resources of his own cultivation. For Huo Hai, it was really not worthwhile to fight the Emperor-level Ghost at this time. It seemed that it was time to leave. Thinking of this, Huo Hai's figure flashed. Go back the same way.

It didn't take long before Huo Hai came to the place where he had entered before. His handprints were quickly typed, and the diplomas were scattered in the air, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response: "What's the matter, isn't it here? With my memory, it’s impossible to remember such a path, or the position is not accurate."

After thinking for a while, Huo Hai began to test around, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't find an exit. After a long time, Huo Hai's expression gradually turned pale, "The **** Heavenly Soul Sect, I didn't expect to be caught ."

Huo Hai gradually figured it out. He was still caught in the tricks of the Heavenly Soul Sect. The Heavenly Soul Sect did not do double insurance, but triple insurance. The first layer is naturally mental defense, and most people cannot get from the Heavenly Soul Sect. The disciple got information in his mind.

The second level is the place where you entered. Once you enter, very close to the node, the ghosts of the spirit emperor realm are all in groups, even if you use other methods to get news from the disciples of the heavens, it is just as difficult. Escape to death, this is only the second level, if the strength of the incoming person is very strong, if it can't be killed, it is the third level.

Huo Hai has almost figured it out now. The rune handprint that enters this entrance is completely different from the rune that goes out. It is possible to enter with this set of runes outside, but it is impossible to open this entrance at all.

Whether you want to escape or leave, it becomes impossible to get out from here. The disciples of the Heavenly Soul Sect naturally don't carry the map of the ghost cave. If you want to get the map, you can only get it from the Death Soul faction.

In the hands of the Dead Soul faction, the map basically only has one exit. This is the focal point of the Dead Soul faction’s defense. If you forcefully break out from here, you will conflict with the Death Soul faction, or you will do something against the Heaven Soul. If the person dies, or this person leaves alive, he will have grudges with the Dead Soul Sect. Anyway, the Dead Soul Sect is a hostile sect in the eyes of the Sky Soul Sect.

It can be said that no matter what, it is good for the Heavenly Soul Sect, and it is really a good thing. It is worthy of being a powerful sect that can be passed down for tens of thousands of years. Huo Hai sighed in his heart, but he was not completely helpless.

As soon as he raised his hand, a crystal-clear bat appeared in Huo Hai’s hands. This bat that only Huo Hai could see was the seed of the spirit bat that has now become a condensate of spatial power. The Bat Seed escaped.

"Go, go through, and we will leave immediately." Huo Hai raised his hand, and the seed of the spirit bat flew upwards. "Bang" when the seed of the spirit bat hit the wall, there was a muffled noise. The seed of the spirit bat was directly bounced back.

"What, I can't get out, is the level of the spirit formation here so high." The spirit bat seeds can pass through the space barrier, and ordinary spirit formations cannot resist at all. Huo Hai did not expect that the huge spirit formation of this ghost cave is limited. , I was able to prevent my own spirit bat seeds from leaving, but after thinking about it, Huo Hai didn't think it was too strange, after all, the strength here was not weak.

He attacked with all his strength, and even a white mark could not be left on the wall. From this, it is conceivable that in the ancient times, I didn’t know how much resources and effort was spent on the ghost cave by the Heavenly Soul Sect. It was actually able to strengthen it to This degree.

I am afraid that the spirit formation as a whole has reached the level of the sky level. Huo Hai even suspects that when the spirit formation was set up, there must be a lot of spirits involved in the construction of the heavenly soul sect. Otherwise, such a large spirit formation could not be achieved. This degree.

It's a pity that none of the spirit bat seeds can penetrate. Huo Hai has only one way to go out. This is not a good place for cultivation. If the ghost is interrupted when portraying the rune, it is not fun. So far, all of Huo Hai's runes have been completed in one stroke, without a pause in the middle, which is extremely perfect.

Forget it, it seems that you can only do this at the moment. Huo Hai took out the map and found the only open entrance controlled by the Dead Soul faction. His figure flashed, and he rushed towards this place, the closer he got to the exit. The fewer the ghosts, the weaker the strength.

When approaching the exit, Huo Hai also encountered many disciples of the Dead Soul Sect, "Could it be that these things that can restore mental power are also very important to the Dead Soul Sect." Huo Hai was a little confused, did not know the Dead Soul Sect. What do you want these things to do.

Huo Hai has a little understanding of the creation of undead, but he does not understand the essence. He does not know how much of his mental power is consumed to create a powerful undead, and after consumption, the recovery speed is slower than after the characterization of runes.

No matter how many, let’s go out first. Huo Hai directly unfolded the hidden spirit formation. These dead soul disciples who are only in the realm of the spirit emperor at most, could not find Huo Hai. It didn’t take long before Huo Hai came to the entrance, but At this time, Huo Hai was a little depressed, and the surrounding area was completely wrapped in an invisible spirit formation.

Huo Hai's perception is strong, and this can be felt. In the middle, there is only one entrance and exit. This entrance can only allow one person to pass through. If Huo Hai wants to pass, he will definitely hit someone.

"Damn the Death Soul faction, is it so strict?" Huo Hai did not expect that the Death Soul faction would actually be so exaggerated, covering the surroundings with a spirit formation. If Huo Hai wants to break the spirit formation and pass around, there is not much. Months are impossible. In the past few months, no one from the Dead Soul faction will come to investigate. How can Huo Hai have so much time to waste.

"It seems that this can only be done." Huo Hai sighed, spotted a nearby person, and then released his mental power, using mental power at the gate to control it, which is very dangerous for Huo Hai.

Once discovered, the consequences would be very troublesome. Soon, a Death Soul Sect Spirit Emperor was temporarily controlled by Huo Hai. Because the Death Soul Sect was so lifeless, no one found anything wrong with this person.

When this person brought his undead through the passage, Huo Hai stood behind this person. If you look closely, you will find that the undead behind him is one person away from him, but this is nothing. It is normal for a normal person to control the undead and keep the undead at a distance from themselves. Huo Hai passed without any surprises along the way.

"Fortunately, the spirit formation here does not have the means to detect mind control." When it passed completely, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then Huo Hai's grievances against the Death Soul Sect and the Sky Soul Sect began to go up crazy. Risk.

These guys are really insidious. If it weren’t for their own ability, they would be dead and no place to bury. No matter what, they’d better go out and say, "Hey, why didn’t you speak? Didn’t you just go in? Did you forget? What's wrong."

Suddenly, a person next to Huo Hai yelled loudly. The person who spoke was the person under Huo Hai’s control. Huo Hai was shocked, and his figure quickly retreated, avoiding all the people and undead creatures. At the same time, his own The mental power was also quickly let go, otherwise people would find that something was wrong, Huo Hai's mental power was revoked, and the controlled person gradually became sober.

"What are you talking about, me, how did I come out." This person has not yet figured out his situation.

The person who had just spoken said helplessly: "I have given you a good rest a long time ago. Look at you, you are all in a trance. If you go in and fight the ghost in this state, you will die even if you are protected by the secret law of the sect. Take a rest outside."

Hearing this, the person nodded vigorously: "Yes, it seems that I should take a good rest." Then, this person no longer wanted to enter the ghost cave, but retreated from the exit.

Hearing this, Huo Hai carefully observed the surroundings, “Sure enough, there is a secret method. No wonder the Spirit King of the Dead Soul Sect also dared to enter it." Originally, the Spirit King came to fight the ghost, which was very unfavorable because of their Among the spiritual power, the willpower contained in it is really too little, and it does not do much damage to the ghost. Without a soul-type attack, it is difficult to hurt the ghost.

However, Huo Hai has now discovered that every spirit king who comes in will spend the spirit jade when entering, so that the person in charge here can apply a special potion on the undead. This potion is colorless and tasteless, dry. It's hard to see it later.

Huo Hai hadn't noticed it at all before, but now after careful observation, Huo Hai finally understood the general power of this potion. This thing, like those special runes, can cause damage to the spirit body.

With the use of spiritual power, even the Spirit King can easily fight against those ghosts in the Spirit King realm, but the prescription for this thing, Huo Hai, can’t get it. This is the unspoken secret of the Dead Soul School, and other people simply cannot get it. , Shook his head, now is not the time to think about this, but to leave quickly, first find a place to practice well.

Huo Hai walked out quickly. The largest entrance, the cave was really big. The entire cave was very spacious. Huo Hai didn’t have to worry about bumping into anyone when he came out. Moreover, there were still not many warning spirit formations here. .

But when Huo Hai really walked to the exit, he felt helpless, because there was a hut next to the exit, and Huo Hai could clearly sense the coercion emanating from the hut. He was a master of the spirit emperor realm, and outside, There were actually two undead spirits in the spirit emperor realm. Looking at their placement, they monitored all around the exit.

"You can't go out directly, otherwise you will definitely be found, but you can't go out, damn, do you have to forcefully break out today." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was abnormally irritable.

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