Evil Insect God

Chapter 1199: Monstrous blood

With the thoughts of the scriptures, more and more people follow the thoughts, and more and more people, their eyes gradually become frenzied, and eventually follow the thoughts. These scriptures seem to be able to mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and attract Spiritual power keeps shaking.

After a long time, a sneer flashed in Huo Hai's eyes: "Huh, that's it, this Blood God Sect really has two sons." The sneer in Huo Hai's eyes became heavier and heavier. These scriptures, Huo Hai already knew what was going on. Up.

On the surface, this seems to be just a scripture, but in fact, if you look carefully, you will find that it seems to contain a profound truth, and some cultivation methods are also incorporated into it. In this way, it will It attracts a lot of people to study and practice spontaneously, and eventually they can’t stop, but in fact, these things are problematic.

After listening to it, Huo Hai already understood that the special cultivation secrets integrated in these scriptures are all related to blood and energy. This is also a means of cultivating and selecting disciples, but they are not profound things.

However, most of these scriptures are deceptive words, and even some places are some special mantras. As long as they are read, they will brainwash themselves. People with insufficient willpower and insufficient soul. It's easy to sink into it, especially when a large number of people think together under the leadership of a master.

There were just a lot of people who came to watch the excitement. At this time, they also became believers of the Blood God Sect. In time, these people might become fanatics. No wonder the major forces are so jealous and resist the Blood God Sect.

But this thing only has such a small effect, as long as it reaches the realm of the spirit king and the soul is baptized by the power of heaven and earth, at that time, one's own mental power is extremely condensed, and this simple method is useless.

The surrounding people are all those who have not reached the realm of the spirit king. It seems that there is nothing special about this blood nerve text. Huo Hai quietly left the crowd and ran to a nearby hidden place.

Just now, Huo Hai has released his own spirit bat seed. As soon as his own spirit bat seed came out, he felt the space barrier of this huge secret realm. Although this barrier is very powerful, it is very important for the current spirit bat seed. As far as the species is concerned, it can't be blocked either. Traveling through space is the instinct of the spirit bat, and it can easily pass through.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I found a special mystery earlier, otherwise it would be really not easy to get in." Huo Hai was a little fortunate, if it wasn't for his Spirit Bat Seed that had just absorbed a large amount of space power, it had improved a lot.

In the face of such a powerful space barrier, I really don’t know if I can pass it. In that case, if I want to enter it, it’s not an easy task. If I force my way through it, I don’t know if I can succeed. .

When the seed of the spirit bat entered, Huo Hai felt a bit, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, "It can be sensed through space, it seems that there is no problem entering directly." With the seed of the spirit bat, he must enter and leave the secret realm. , There was no need to go to the front door at all, Huo Hai's heart moved, a space force filled Huo Hai's whole person.

The next moment, the scene in front of him changed for a while. Huo Hai knew that he had entered the secret realm, and the seed of the spirit bat automatically returned to his spiritual source. After experiencing it, he found that the seed of the spirit bat was very weak. .

Huo Hai understands more or less. It seems that it is easy to shuttle in the same space, but it is not easy to shuttle across the space barrier, at least the consumption of the spirit bat seed has reached normal Five times the consumption.

No matter how much, I have already entered here, so let’s take a look at what is going on here. Huo Hai looked at it and was really shocked, "What the **** is going on in this secret realm, there is such a big deal? The smell of blood, isn't all the blood below?" A weird trace flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, where did so much blood come from.

After entering the secret realm, Huo Hai couldn't see the side at a glance, and he didn't know how big this secret realm was. Such a huge secret realm is also very rare in the heavenly soul realm. At least in terms of area, it is no better than that of the vast land empire. small.

And this secret realm is not a normal space, but a huge sea of ​​blood. At a glance, the sky is red and the bottom is red. This red sea exudes a strong **** smell, which is very strange.

Even if you look at it, you will have an illusion of seeing hell. If the average person enters here, I am afraid it is easy to go crazy. If you want to enter here without being affected, you must at least reach the realm of the spiritual emperor. No wonder blood Shenzong regards this as a sacred place, so much blood, exuding rich blood, is a good place for Blood Shenzong.

I'm afraid that if it weren't for the need for blood sacrifices every time you enter, this place has long been a place frequented by disciples of the two branches of the Blood God Sect. Cultivating the blood attribute spirit art here is definitely more effective.

However, what is the use of this place for the saint? Even if it is a life threatening, the blood rose will enter it. It is really strange, Huo Hai can't understand it, because there is no strangeness found nearby.

Although the sea is constantly turning over waves, the waves seem to be normal. The sky is also red, and red clouds are often drifting past. These clouds emit blood-red rays, illuminating the entire space. Without these red clouds, in the space I am afraid that there is no light at all, and now the visibility inside the space is still very high.

"It's weird. There is nothing special about this place. Is it possible that a secret method requires a lot of blood to cultivate, so the blood rose will enter here? It's not right. If this is the case, it doesn't deserve to be called a holy land."

Huo Hai couldn't understand, his figure flashed, he flew forward, and at the same time his perception was completely released. He didn't want to find the blood rose at that time. Once he missed it, the trouble would be big. Huo Hai did not forget, the blood rose Now in danger.

Huo Hai himself is also a first-level spirit emperor, but with his own mutant sky cloud phenomena, he can basically barely exert the fighting power of a fourth-level spirit emperor. Huo Hai believes that the blood curse branch should not send too powerful masters to deal with it. Blood rose.

No matter so much, first find where the blood rose is. Huo Hai made up his mind and began to look for it. At the beginning, Huo Hai was still cautious, but as time passed, Huo Hai gradually relaxed. This kind of uniform scenery and full of blood makes people unable to lift the energy at all.

Just when Huo Hai was a little boring, the next wave suddenly turned over. If it was just a wave, Huo Hai had seen too much along the way, but this time the wave was obviously different, as a red shadow of the wave rose into the sky.

Then, a cloud of red mist, like a pillar, came directly towards Huo Hai. With an instinctive movement of Huo Hai’s footsteps, he dodged the past without letting it happen. The red mist passed Huo Hai’s side, and Huo Hai could feel his whole body numb. .

"Damn it, it's very poisonous, it's blood poison." The attack just now, whether it is poisonous or corrosive, is unprecedented in Huo Hai's history. If he is hit, Huo Hai is sure he will never end well. After stepping back quickly for a certain distance, Huo Hai finally saw clearly what was attacking him. This red shadow was a huge monster.

The whole snake is made of red blood. It is very peculiar. There are several sharp protrusions on the head, which look like a row of sharp horns. There is no snake letter, and there is an empty piece of mouth inside, only the red mist that is constantly vomiting. .

Scarlet eyes, staring at Huo Hai, as if seeing a delicious meal, the huge tail hovered, the strange scales on his body did not look like snake scales, but some kind of fine pieces. The bark is the same.

This thing is really a snake, a strange feeling flashed in Huo Hai's eyes, but I don't know why, Huo Hai always felt that this thing seemed to have been seen somewhere, and the impression in his mind was still so deep.

This strange snake didn't have time to wait for Huo Hai to think. The huge tail hovered slightly and rushed toward Huo Hai. This movement caused the blood between the surrounding world and the earth to follow. This strange snake can be here. Easily mobilize the surrounding forces and turn them into their own use, but Huo Hai, an outsider, is restricted here.

Huo Hai could feel that there was no problem with exerting his own strength here, but the power of refining heaven and earth was affected, that is to say, his recovery ability was weakened a lot here.

If it weren't for the large number of runes, I'm afraid that after the average first-level spirit emperor started working here, he wouldn't want to recover for a while, **** it, wouldn't the situation of the blood rose be more dangerous if you think about it this way.

The giant snake soared into the sky, and another poisonous mist sprayed out almost at Huo Hai at close range. Huo Hai was helpless. He didn't dare to try this thing. Moreover, this strange snake itself was also in the realm of the first-level spirit emperor, and his figure flickered , Huo Hai quickly flashed the opponent's blood mist attack, and then Huo Hai circled again, flashing the monster's huge tail attack.

"I remember, isn't this the Blood Cursed Snake?" Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and finally remembered where he had seen this thing. When facing the Blood Cursed King, the Blood Cursed Snake condensed it. It's like this.

It's just that the blood cursed snake was too small at that time, and there were too many and too messy, so it left a deep impression in Huo Hai's mind, but Huo Hai did not match the blood cursed snake in front of him.

Now that I think of it, this thing is the real blood cursed snake, and the blood cursed king just condenses the power of the curse like a blood cursed snake. This blood cursed snake is a natural blood cursed aggregate, and was accidentally injured. Not a good thing.

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