Evil Insect God

Chapter 1200: Essence of Blood Flame

There has never been a moment when Huo Hai felt that the creature in front of him was so difficult to be entangled. It was clearly a blood cursed snake made of blood. It seemed to be an entity, but in fact it had no sense of entity at all.

Various methods are used, but they are of no use. Sword Qi can easily cut the Blood Cursed Snake, and Star Fingers can easily explode in the Blood Cursed Snake's body, but no matter how you attack it, the Blood Cursed Snake is just a part of it. It's just strength. After waiting for a while, the blood cursed snake will slowly recover, leaving no sequelae at all.

Huo Hai attacked the whole body of the blood cursed snake for unknown times, but it was not fatal at all. This thing is entirely composed of liquid. No matter how attacked, the blood cursed snake can quickly heal and recover with a little power.

However, Huo Hai did not dare to accept the attack of the blood cursed snake. The poison and corrosiveness in this thing were too strong. Even if there was Xiaojin, Huo Hai would not be able to accept such an attack. These attacks are really good. Difficult.

And with the battle, Huo Hai discovered that the power of the blood curse gradually began to affect him, and his body felt weak and weak, even paralyzed, "Damn, the power of the blood curse is really weird." Obviously, he was not hit, just because The contact time is relatively long, and there is such a feeling, you know, Huo Hai is now a master of the spirit emperor.

Without a special curse, Huo Hai would not have these negative feelings before he was severely injured. He could fight against him to such an extent, Huo Hai didn't know how to describe the blood cursed snake.

The sword aura exploded again, and Huo Hai quickly swung it, cutting the blood cursed snake into pieces, and then took it back into his hand, but the next moment, the blood cursed snake regrouped again, and it was only small in size. Just one point, the aura and combat power of the blood cursed snake itself did not drop much, which is really too difficult.

"Murderous Flood Dragon, absorb its curse." When this continued, Huo Hai didn't know if he could continue to persist and live up to expectations. After obtaining Huo Hai's permission, the murderous Flood Dragon really began to absorb the power of various curses around him. .

In the next moment, Huo Hai felt his body slowly recover, but the blood cursed snake was still not easy to deal with. As long as there was blood around, the blood cursed snake could not be killed at all, wait, blood, Huo Hai I suddenly thought of something.

"Huh, I don't believe it, so you won't die." Huo Hai finally used the Star Fire for the first time in the battle. Now Huo Hai's cultivation base, the Star Fire is not bad, even if it is not a flame attribute. , The fire of the stars was released, quickly wrapping the entire blood cursed snake in it, isolating the blood cursed snake from the surrounding blood.

"Hiss..." A neigh sounded, and the blood cursed snake made this painful neigh for the first time. Huo Hai smiled slightly. He knew that his approach was indeed effective: "If this is the case, then go to death." Huo Hai hands quickly. Make a handprint.

Just like when he was refining alchemy, Huo Hai used his own spiritual power to spur the flames to burn violently, continuously refining the blood cursed snake. I don’t know how long it has passed before the blood cursed snake’s body finally collapsed completely. , But the whole collapsed.

Huo Hai let out a sigh. This thing is really difficult. In the last battle, he actually consumed nearly one-third of his spiritual power. With such a consumption, it is considered that the second-level spirit emperor Huo Hai felt that he could also hit it. Kill, but a blood cursed snake is actually so troublesome. If you don't find a way to deal with the blood cursed snake in the end, you will probably be consumed.

The Holy Land of the Blood God Sect is dangerous enough. No wonder the saint may not be able to get out alive after coming in. No, you have to find the Blood Rose as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be no good if you encounter danger.

But before Huo Hai left, he suddenly found a blood-red flame flying towards him. When Huo Hai didn’t react, the red flame had already merged into Huo Hai’s body and quickly moved upstream. Walk away.

"Hmm... Damn, this is the blood flame, where did this thing come from." Huo Hai looked around and tried to suppress his own blood flame, but found that the blood flame actually blended with himself perfectly, very Drive it out, if the blood flame erodes into the spiritual source, God knows what will happen, because Huo Hai discovered that the blood flame and the star fire are in conflict.

Everyone can only cultivate one kind of flame. Few people can live in more than two kinds of flames. Cultivating a stronger flame will either disperse or swallow the original flame, or they can only merge with each other into a new one. .

When he found that there was nothing around him attacking him, Huo Hai gradually figured out what was going on. "No wonder the blood rose must go to this place, it turned out to be like this." After the creature here is killed, the creature itself will produce blood. The flame is absorbed, if it is an ordinary person, this kind of blood flame will be a very big damage to oneself.

However, the saint women and the saint children are different. They themselves have the power of blood flames. By absorbing the blood flames here, they can continuously increase the power of their own fire, and it may even be of great benefit to their potential.

As long as it can absorb enough blood flames, after the blood rose goes out, it can become the true master of the blood **** sect faster. Therefore, the blood rose just broke through to the realm of the spirit emperor, and was arranged by the blood **** sect to enter the holy land.

In just a short while, Huo Hai felt that his own blood had been burned a lot. If this continues, he may suffer irreparable trauma. Blood flames are really terrifying, so he must be as fast as possible. It is enough to disperse it. For this reason, even if some blood is wasted, Huo Hai will not hesitate now.

Just when Huo Hai was about to do it, Huo Hai suddenly felt the spirit wave of desire from the murderous dragon, "You like these things, you mean... you can swallow them, well, do it quickly."

Understanding the meaning of the murderous dragon, Huo Hai immediately released the restrictions on the murderous dragon. Because the murderous dragon is too special, Huo Hai has never dared to let the murderous dragon act by himself. Without Huo Hai's permission, the murderous dragon is natural. Will not swallow blood flames casually, now Huo Hai let go of the restrictions, the murderous Flood Dragon let out a cheer, and quickly walked away.

In a very short period of time, the murderous water dragon swam around Huo Hai’s bloodline. Wherever it passed, the murderous water dragon quickly swallowed all the blood flames, and Huo Hai’s skin gradually began to return to normal. It's no longer all red.

As the blood flame was gradually swallowed, Huo Hai felt more and more comfortable, but the blood loss was more, and it would be no problem to recover after a while. As for the spiritual power, during the period of time when the blood flame tossed Huo Hai, he had recovered more than half. .

When the murderous flood dragon swallowed all the blood flames, Huo Hai summoned the murderous flood dragon. The murderous flood dragon became more glamorous and more beautiful. Huo Hai knew that this was because of his subjective consciousness.

"What, you can't use the blood flame, if you can't use it, you can't use it. After all, after swallowing the blood flame, your own strength will increase." Huo Hai found that his murderous dragon's combat effectiveness began to increase, but he couldn't use the blood flame. Huo Hai didn't want that much, anyway, in this, sooner or later he would still collide with the Blood Cursed Snake.

If blood flames reappear, under the rules of this space, blood flames will definitely run after themselves. It is also a very big benefit for Huo Hai to solve these blood flames. After thinking about it, Huo Hai will be murderous. Jiaolong put away.

After that, Huo Hai was more cautious. Speaking of it, there were quite a lot of blood cursed snakes under the blood sea in the blood **** sect holy land. At the beginning, Huo Hai was only on the edge of the blood sea, so he didn’t encounter so many, but went deep. After that, Huo Hai often encountered blood cursed snakes. With the killing of blood cursed snakes, Huo Hai gradually understood the blood cursed snakes.

There are many blood cursed snakes in the blood sea, and the worst is the seventh-level spirit emperor, but most of them are in the spirit emperor realm. After all, there are not too many blood cursed snakes in the spirit emperor realm. Huo Hai does not know his luck. Is it good or bad.

In short, Huo Hai didn’t know what to say when he was able to encounter the blood cursed snakes in the spirit emperor realm from the very beginning, and it is difficult for these blood cursed snakes to use strong methods to attack. The blood is isolated so that it can be killed.

Now Huo Hai has only two ways to kill the Blood Cursed Snake. One is to isolate it with the isolation spirit array, and then directly smash it with a powerful force, and the other is to use the star fire to refine it. And every time he kills, it will produce a pure blood flame. At this time, Huo Hai will not hesitate to let the murderous Flood Dragon swallow it.

After finding a way, it is much easier to deal with these blood cursed snakes. Now, Huo Hai is also a little helpless and regretful, "Really, it would be nice if I found out that these are cursing powers earlier." Huo Hai was helpless. sigh.

The starlight defense formed by practicing the star-picking technique all over my body was actually consumed by the cursed power in the previous battle, and then I realized that I was cursed. It was only when the starlight dissipated. Now I figured it out, Huo Hai has some I regret it. It seems that I still don't understand the power of curse.

Just when Huo Hai was complaining about himself, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations not far away, "Hey, someone is fighting, have they found the blood rose." This wave of fluctuation is definitely caused by battle.

No matter if he encounters the blood cursed snake or something else, Huo Hai has to go over and take a look. Such a long distance is already beyond Huo Hai’s perception. If the opponent doesn’t do anything, Huo Hai would really easily ignore it, the Blood God Sect The popularity is too similar to the surroundings.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai's figure flashed and quickly rushed to the front not far from the battle. Huo Hai, who was hiding in the clouds, immediately became surprised when he saw the scene in front of him, "What the **** is this? Up."

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