Evil Insect God

Chapter 1201: Inner bar

Hidden in the glowing **** clouds and mist in the sky, Huo Hai's body breath has completely converged. At this time, no one can find the existence of Huo Hai, but among the clouds, Huo Hai stared at the scene below. "What the **** is going on, is this the inner bar, or is it because the blood curse branch has eroded the orthodox branch to this extent."

What appeared in front of Huo Hai was a battle, except that one of the two parties in the battle was the blood rose, and the other was Lin Mu who had come in to protect the blood rose. I don’t know why, the two men would actually fight each other. .

It seems that Blood Rose has been injured at this time, and his face has turned pale, "Lin Mu, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I knew you were this kind of person, and I would never let you in. "Blood Rose said as she resisted.

The flame in his hand is like a blooming lotus flower, one by one protecting the blood rose. On the other side, Lin Mu, who is in an attacking state, constantly releases various attacks, a sharp blade composed of blood and light from different directions. Trying to kill the blood rose on the spot, but is always blocked by the flame. After the blood flame burns for a while, these **** sharp blades will turn into nothingness.

"It's really a blood flame. The origin has not reached the heavenly level before it has such a powerful combat effectiveness. It is a pity that the stronger your blood flame is, the more I want your life." Lin Mu has nothing on his face at this time. The amiable appearance is extremely hideous.

There was a murderous look in her eyes, but she didn't know what she was worrying about and didn't attack with all her strength.

"Damn it, if I can survive this time, I will definitely report to the sect and let the sect punish you with the cruelest criminal law." The criminal law of the Blood God Sect is very cruel. Even Lin Mu couldn't help but hear this. The body trembled.

Then Lin Mu reacted and looked at the blood rose coldly: "No, as long as you kill you, even the sect will not embarrass me for a dead person. That little punishment is what I am about to get. Compared to that, nothing counts." Lin Mu attacked the blood rose more and more frantically, every sharp blade became sharper, and gradually compressed the blood flame's defense circle.

In desperation, Blood Rose could only grit his teeth and insist. Every time he was attacked, Blood Rose's injuries would increase by one point. As Blood Rose's face became paler, it wouldn't last long.

Huo Hai didn’t have the idea to wait any longer. Although he didn’t know why this guy would attack the blood rose, in Huo Hai’s eyes, the person who attacked the blood rose is his own enemy, an enemy. Just kill him. The best.

His figure flashed, and Huo Hai rushed down from the clouds in an instant. Before the person arrived, a sword aura had appeared out of the sky. This special spiritual power that was different from the surrounding blood aura had just appeared, and immediately took Lin Mu who was fighting. Was awakened, in fact, even during the battle, Lin Mu was also paying attention to the surroundings, because there should be people from the blood curse branch.

The blood curse branch doesn’t care what they’re doing. They found themselves a lonely master of the Blood God Sect. They were probably happy to kill themselves. The moment Huo Hai launched the attack, Lin Mu had already reflected it, a **** sharp blade, Called into the air.

At the moment when he attacked, Lin Mu didn't think about counterattack. Instead, he quickly retreated and looked up vigilantly. The next moment, Lin Mu saw that his attack was easily broken by Huo Hai's sword. It was almost an instant. Mu knew that he was not Huo Hai's opponent, but who this person was, this kind of aura was definitely not something that a disciple of the Blood God Sect could give out.

"Who are you? Is the blood curse branch degenerate to the point where you want to collude with outsiders." Lin Mu's words caught Huo Hai for a moment. Why didn't Lin Mu be bought by the blood curse branch? .

"It's you." Blood Rose also saw Huo Hai, but the reaction was different. At this time, there was a hint of joy on Blood Rose's face, and there was something incredible. The moment he saw Huo Hai, Blood Rose felt her heart. It's all at ease.

Huo Hai smiled slightly: "It's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed when meeting you this time." Huo Hai did not respond to Lin Mu's words at all. Huo Hai didn't understand. Blood Rose saw herself this time. Strange, as for how annoyed Lin Mu was next to him, this had nothing to do with Huo Hai. Anyway, she was an enemy, the more angry the better.

"Damn it, as a saint, you dare to bring outsiders into the sect holy land. You are no longer worthy to be a saint." Lin Mu pointed at the blood rose and shouted. It was obvious that these two people knew each other. Just want to discredit the blood rose.

Taking time to take a healing pill, Blood Rose’s face looked better: "Lin Mu, when did you see me as a saint? If you really treat me as a saint, you won’t attack me. As for this person, I did not bring in."

How did Huo Hai get in? Even Blood Rose felt very surprised. Didn’t this mean that no one could enter except the blood **** sect? Did Huo Hai really cooperate with the blood curse branch? There was a faint feeling of heartache in Blood Rose's heart. I don't know why, Blood Rose didn't want to become an enemy with Huo Hai from the heart, not at all.

Huo Hai had already squinted his eyes at this moment: "Ha ha, no secrets can stop me, but it sounds like you caused the wounds on the blood rose." Huo Hai did not hide the murderous aura on his body at all, facing Lin Mu rushed away.

Lin Mu's face turned pale: "You call her Blood Rose, not the Blood Sacred Girl, so you know her before, haha, it turns out that she is the one who has to be eliminated. If that's the case, let's destroy it with you today. Up."

Huo Hai’s strength made Lin Mu feel terrified, but Huo Hai was only a first-level spirit emperor. Lin Mu didn’t run away immediately. His hands were like a butterfly wearing flowers and a series of handprints in front of him, then a large **** sharp blade rushed straight. Before he arrived, a strong smell of blood had swept through, and this smell made Huo Hai feel a little dizzy.

"The spell of the Blood God Sect seems to be a wizard." This scale, this kind of control ability, is definitely a wizard. Huo Hai directly amplifies the sword energy in his hand, and then turns his wrist, the sword energy changes. Become a whirlpool.

Since Huo Hai feels that his spiritual power is not enough, he has been very thorough in studying how to use sword aura to save more money. Even with the use of sword aura, he has also become a lot wiser. Sword Qi Vortex easily rolled these **** light blades. Into it.

Even at this moment, Huo Hai pointed out his backhand, and a starlight flashed away. Lin Mu, who felt the danger, immediately dodged to the side, but because the speed of the stars was too fast and the control was very flexible, this The finger still brushed Lin Mu's arm. The next moment, Lin Mu felt a force explode in his arm, and his right arm was completely useless.

"You are a member of the Sky Star Sect. When did the Sky Star Sect have a young master like you? Damn it, I won't let you go." After saying that, Lin Mu pulled hard with his left hand, a huge amount of blood. Suddenly spread out.

"What are you going to do?" Huo Hai was a little confused, but in the next moment, Huo Hai knew what Lin Mu's purpose was. With the huge blood, the entire surface of the sea was shaken. Suddenly, the water splashed. A huge red figure rushed out of the water, "Damn it, the blood cursed snake in the spirit emperor realm." Huo Hai finally knew what Lin Mu meant.

I don’t know what method was used. The blood cursed snake actually rushed towards him, completely ignoring Lin Mu who attracted it. The blood cursed snake cannot be regarded as a spirit beast or a fierce beast, but in this environment Down, but more terrifying than the fierce beast.

"Damn it." Huo Hai cursed secretly. In this situation, if you drop a blood rose, you will definitely be killed by the blood cursed snake. Seeing Lin Mu about to escape, Huo Hai can't pursue it. As for the sky clouds, Innately not good at speed, let alone chasing, Tian Yun Xiang is unable to deal with the Blood Cursed Snake, so he can only stay here.

"Hmph, I won't make you feel better when I meet next time." Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he stood in front of the blood rose, patted it with a palm, and knocked out the huge blood cursed snake. The next moment , The fire of stars burned, enveloping the blood cursed snake.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mu was even more sure of Huo Hai’s origins, “Actually colluding with the remnants of the Sky Star Sect, it seems that the people of the Blood Curse Sect have really fallen.” After saying this, Lin Mu did not look back. Leaving here quickly.

It’s not a good thing to continue to stay here. Looking at Huo Hai’s appearance, it is obvious that there is a special method to deal with the blood cursed snake. This blood cursed snake can stop Huo Hai for a limited time. Huo Hai ignored Lin Mu and tried his best to urge him. In a blink of an eye, the blood cursed snake completely collapsed, and the huge blood energy and a mass of blood flame were released, facing Huo Hai.

With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai released the murderous dragon, swallowing these blood qi and blood flames cleanly. In fact, since the beginning, the blood cursed snake has been working, and Lin Mu's attack is not that simple.

After being smashed by himself, the blood and murderous aura contained in it were enough to affect the enemy, if it hadn't been absorbed by the murderous dragon, Huo Hai's battle would definitely not be so easy. After the absorption, Huo Hai took it back casually.

After that, Huo Hai set his sights on Blood Rose: "Long time no see, how are you doing recently." Suddenly Huo Hai didn't know what to say. Blood Rose had obviously lost a lot of memory, and his impression should be Very bleak, what can Huo Hai say now to someone who doesn't even know him? If he speaks too much, he might be regarded as an enemy.

Blood Rose looked at Huo Hai, a faint light flashed in her eyes, and she had no idea of ​​attacking Huo Hai.

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