Evil Insect God

Chapter 1299: play off

Song Muhua does not care what Huo Hai wants to do. For Yuehua Sect, Song Muhua has no sense of belonging. When he joined Yuehua Sect, it was also for faster promotion and to protect his sister.

Now because of Huo Hai’s relationship, the Blood Rose is no longer dangerous. At least the danger from the Blood God Sect is gone. Then Song Muhua’s heart is only left to repay Huo Hai, the people of Yuehua Sect, even Song Muhua himself They are all hunting, and it doesn't matter to help Huo Hai, Song Muhua said while thinking about it.

I don't know how long it has passed, Song Muhua slowly got up, without saying a word, turned and left.

In the eyes of outsiders, after Huo Hai said a word from the beginning, the two people have been sitting here and eating quietly, and they are out of step with the surroundings. However, there are so many people in the Heavenly Soul Realm, and they don’t. Strange.

Now that he had settled his attention, Huo Hai naturally wanted to start planning. First, he waited for three days. The grandson of the so-called Great Elder had not yet come out. At the same time, the Moon Shadow Backlighting method had not blessed all important members.

As the descendants of big people, as long as they are valued by big people, they will bless them. Three days later, Huo Hai knew that his chance was coming. Within the Yuehua Sect, a team slowly came out. Huo Hai could feel this The most powerful one in the team, but only the realm of the spirit emperor, and the others, at most, are just some spirit kings.

There are many attendants nearby, and the strength of these people is even worse. "The spirit emperor should be a bodyguard, and the luxurious three-level spirit king in the middle should be the grand elder grandson that Song Muhua said is correct."

As Huo Hai analyzed, he followed up. The place these people were going to was very far from Yuehua Sect, and it was already very close to the front line. Fortunately, the two major sects hadn't been completely at war until now, so a spiritual emperor protected him. It was enough. On the battlefield, not many deaths were caused by even the Spirit King masters, at least not many died in the opponent's hands.

"Shao Sun, you have come out this time with a great cultivation base. What is the prey you are going to deal with this time." In the team, a large group of people surrounded by the young people in Chinese clothes asked with diligent expression.

"Shao Sun Shao, your current combat power is already invincible among the spirit kings, and you can't catch any prey you want." The others were not to be outdone, and started to flatter, after all, this is the grandson that the elders value, don't It is said that he has a good talent, even if it is a waste, some people will post it for his future.

Shao Sun looked complacent: "Hahahaha, nowhere, but this time the prey we are going to look for is a beast in the realm of the spirit emperor. Grandpa's birthday is coming soon, but I want to prepare a gift for grandpa."

This guy is really brazen, actually wanting to hunt down the fierce beasts in the spirit emperor realm, but he will definitely not do it at that time, but the person around him will do it. Huo Hai's eyes flashed some disdain, it turned out to be just a dude.

"Ah, Sun Shao, you are so filial. Compared with you, I am really ashamed. After I go back this time, I will also learn from you." Just after Sun Shao finished speaking, someone next to him began to quietly shoot. He started flattering, and when he saw that he was ahead of him, the eyes of other people immediately showed an angry look, but at this time, no one raised any objections.

"Shao Sun, I know the location of a fierce beast in the spirit emperor realm. It is not far from here. We might as well go there. If it is too close to the front line, accidents are prone to occur." Said a slightly older person next to him. .

As soon as he said this, he was refuted by others: "What do you mean, do you want Sun Shao to be a coward, Sun Shao, I am not talking about you, I mean this guy, he is so dumb, too Cowardly."

With that said, this person continues to criticize, and everyone else around is the same. All the opponents present are opponents, and they can strike one against each other. Everyone will not let go of such an opportunity, but Sun Shao doesn’t care about this so-called strike. He had seen too much in normal times, and was silent for a while, and when everyone had finished speaking, he spoke.

"Listen, hunting fierce beasts is just one of the purposes. Why should I go to the front? It's not that the Lie Sun Sect is deceiving too much during this time. Grandpa has been angry for a long time. If we can kill some Lie Sun Sect people, then... …"

"Gao Ming, it is too smart. How can those people from the Lie Sun Sect compare with Sun Shaoyou, huh, this time they saw Sun Shao you go on a horse, and they didn't just kneel down to beg for death. You are really too smart. Let's go now."

There was a big flattering sound all around. At this moment, even Huo Hai in the dark sounded a little nauseous. I really don’t know how this so-called Young Master Sun endured it. Sure enough, people can’t relate to each other. Bi, shook his head, there is no way, Huo Hai can only continue to follow up, now, it is not the time to do it yourself.

The speed of the group of people was very fast. They passed several teleportation formations in the middle. Huo Hai did not enter the teleportation formations, but felt the fluctuations in space. He directly tore the space and followed closely. Coming feature.

By direct space shuttle, what Huo Hai could do could be more flexible and easy to use than these teleportation arrays. If it weren't for this, it really couldn't keep up with these people. A few hours later, a group of people came near the front line.

This Young Master Sun is not too idiot. Although he said he was going to trouble with the Lie Sun Sect, he actually only entered the front line and didn’t go deep into it. He knew his own strength, even if someone protected him, once The opponent is determined to kill him, he is also very dangerous, the realm of the spirit king, in the heavenly soul realm, nothing.

After the group of people arrived here, they began to search, but at this time, Huo Hai also began to do something, and his figure moved forward quietly, and soon came to the side of the spiritual emperor realm master hidden in the dark.

"Unexpectedly, it was still a sixth-level spirit emperor. It's such a luxury." Huo Hai sneered, then came to this person silently, a palm shot, and the power of openness burst out suddenly.

Feeling the threat of this power, the person in front suddenly turned around. Huo Hai also pretended to be evenly matched with this person. After fighting a few moves, he killed him. The person in front of him just died, Huo Hai felt When a ray of moonlight flickered, "Is this the method of moonshadow flashback, it is really secretive, and most people really can't notice it."

"What's the matter, no, it's the breath of the Scorching Sun Sect, let's go quickly." Feeling this terrifying pressure, everyone turned around and ran. It is a pity that the speed of these people can be compared with Huo Hai It.

Huo Hai sneered, and the whole person chased after him, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, and the white light gleamed all over his body, and an upright power filled the surrounding plants directly. "Children of Yuehua Sect, dare to fight with our Scorching Sun Sect. If you are wrong, let me die." Huo Hai changed his voice and roared, then the whole person rushed up.

Huo Hai had studied Chenguang Jue carefully, so at this time, he mobilized the power of heaven and earth to directly imitate Chenguang Jue's appearance. Not only did it look very similar, even if a master of the Lie Sun Sect came here, he would not have noticed a problem.

One palm after another, these people who had not even reached the spirit emperor were quickly killed by Huo Hai with the power of the spirit emperor, but among these people, only Sun Shao had a little moonlight on him. The light that shines back.

"Huh, put the blame on the Sky Star Sect, let them fight." Huo Hai took advantage of the fact that the Moon Shadow Backlight was not over, and said quickly, but at this time Huo Hai was enveloped in the light, and no one could see Huo Hai clearly. The appearance of, let alone find out Huo Hai's true identity, it's just a mere reflection of the moon shadow, there is still a big flaw.

There was a traitor included, and Huo Hai knew very well about Moon Shadow Backlight. When the power of Moon Shadow Backlight disappeared, Huo Hai sneered and continued to arrange. Soon, the bright aura around Huo Hai was dispersed.

After Huo Hai took away the important items from everyone, he once again mobilized the power of heaven and earth to imitate some specious Sky Star Sect master auras, and left them on these people, even Huo Hai left these corpses unnecessarily. Some strange wounds have concealed some of the original injuries, and all this is done very cleverly.

It’s just that the real masters can still see that something is wrong. These are not what Huo Hai wants to take care of. Among the major sects, there are some people who practice Celestial Transformation. It is not difficult to make such a breath. .

After Huo Hai killed these people, the Yuehuazong had already received news. Soon, the spar that recorded the moon shadow back to the scene was sent to the hands of the elder and other high-level sects.

Seeing the contents inside, the grand elder Yuehuazong's face was blue with anger: "Scorching Sun Sect, the old man will never let go." A heavy murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the great elder, and the palm of his hand pressed hard and crushed the spar. There was no one who dared to talk nonsense at this time. After a long time, the Sect Master sighed, he still had to come by himself.

"Great Elder, please be sorry. Although this Lie Sun Sect is hateful, we still should not confront them head-on. The Lie Sun Sect's background is stronger than us after all." Others nodded and persuaded.

"Okay, I know, I won't be messy." The elder took a deep breath. Although his anger was in his heart, he wouldn't say anything at all at this time. For the sake of an ineffective grandson, he wouldn't As for gambling the entire Yue Huazong, if it was true, he would not be worthy to be the great elder. Everyone was finally relieved to see this scene.

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