Evil Insect God

Chapter 1300: Conflict broke out

Huo Hai didn't know what happened to Yue Huazong, but he could also think of something. After that, Huo Hai didn't commit the crime continuously, but stayed for a while, then went to other places and continued hunting.

In this way, it can give people a feeling of confusion, as if these people really died in accidents, but Huo Hai often came to leave some more or less star power aura, very weak and distracting.

Song Muhua often provided Huo Hai with some information through various methods. Huo Hai also pretended to accidentally select a few to hunt and kill them. It seemed that he didn't know the true identity of these people at all, but he saw For the masters above the Spirit Sovereign realm, Huo Hai would ignore the past most of the time and would not hunt them down.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and now the seniors of Yue Huazong were not looking good.

"Damn Scorching Sun Sect, it's deceiving too much." Above the Yuehuazong Hall, the foreign affairs chief yelled loudly. During this time, many people in Yuehuazong died unclearly, and they had some star power. .

Although Tianxingzong surrendered to Yuehuazong on the surface, in fact, the strength of the two sides was almost the same. Although they often used each other in secret, it was the first time so frequently, which was really strange.

If there was no previous Moonshadow Rebirth, perhaps Yuehua Sect would really think that the Sky Star Sect was taking advantage of this opportunity to attack himself, but with the previous things, no one would think so. This is the conspiracy of the Scorching Sun Sect. , Especially yesterday, a junior who was very important to the head of foreign affairs, actually died under this situation, and the moon shadows are very obvious.

The third elder said calmly: "Don't be so excited. We are not suitable for a head-on fight with the Lie Sun Sect. If we lose both sides, it will be bad. We still need to continue to prepare." The third elder's voice was very leisurely.

The head of foreign affairs immediately became annoyed: "What are you talking about, is it because no one in your family died at the hands of the Scorching Sun Sect? You have to know that if this continues, our outstanding disciples of the Yuehua Sect will die clean. At that time, Without the continuous supply of talents from the back, why is our Yuehua Sect fighting against the Scorching Sun Sect." The Director of Foreign Affairs was a little unable to suppress his anger.

"You speak carefully, or don't blame me for being impolite." The third elder looked at the head of foreign affairs, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Enough, both of you give me a little quiet. If you shouldn't say anything, don't talk nonsense." With that, the lord glared at the head of foreign affairs. No matter what his grievances, there are some things that can't be said casually.

For example, dealing with the Lie Sun Sect. Fortunately, this is the absolute loyalty of the Yue Hua Sect. If the people of the Li Sun Sect heard it, I don't know what will happen. The Director of Foreign Affairs took a deep breath, turned his head and sat down.

After a long time, the Sovereign said: "But it is not a problem if this continues. These days, many of our outstanding disciples have died tragically at the hands of the Lie Sun Sect. They are really getting more and more excessive, but we have no evidence. The door is already in panic, and if this continues, sooner or later we will still be suppressed."

The Lie Sun Sect’s Ling Jue battle Ling Jue itself restrains the Yuehua Sect. Those of the same level will be weaker than Lie Sun Sect’s people. Of course, this is only when fighting against each other. Now the overall strength is not as strong as the opponent. It's a headache.

At this moment, suddenly a guard ran in: "Report, report to adults, just..."

Before he could finish speaking, the head of foreign affairs rushed up and grabbed the guard by the collar, "What the **** is going on? Is another important member killed? Tell me quickly." The manager yelled.

Sovereign can't stand it anymore: "Ahem, put him down, don't get excited, let him speak slowly." He was choked by the head of foreign affairs, and his strength was not enough. How could he say something? After being released, the guard He took a deep breath and looked at the head of foreign affairs with a look of horror. It seemed that these things would still be left to others in the future.

The guard whispered: "Yes, it's the little son of the third elder's hometown. It's still the same as before. The person who does it uses the morning light technique." With the guard's words, the faces of the surrounding people gradually became strange and ugly.

The third elder suddenly got up: "What, the **** Liege Sect is getting too much, Sovereign, I think we should teach the Liege Sect a lesson." Now, even the third elders who have nothing to do with themselves have tasted the bitter fruit.

You know, the little son of the three elders’ hometown is the most talented one in the three elders and one family, and he also likes to practice very much. Everyone thinks that he can become a master in the future, but no one thought that he would die like this. The people of the Scorching Sun Sect are in the hands. If this continues, wouldn't all the younger generations of their family be unlucky.

It is obviously impossible to abandon the front line, so the Lie Sun Sect will have even more excuses, and the masters of their sect cannot always stay in their own sect without going out, and how to grow without experiencing some danger and fighting.

Sect Master's expression also became unsightly: "The **** Sun Sect, even the genius Spirit Sovereign of my Yuehua Sect is not let go. It seems that we can't just sit and wait for death like this." The Sect Master also couldn't bear it. Up.

"Sect Master, we must teach them a lesson. If this goes on, they will become more and more arrogant." The surrounding elders were filled with righteous indignation. After this happened, they told them that they absolutely could not indulge.

At this moment, the second elder suddenly said: "Sect Master, in fact, the true strength of our sect is definitely stronger than Lie Sun Sect. Don’t forget the news we have heard. Lie Sun Sect now has only one Spiritual Venerable, and it’s just a Spirit. It's just a master who respects the first heaven." Everyone frowned and looked at the second elder. What they were afraid of was not the spiritual master, but the guardian formation.

"What do you think?" The Grand Elder suddenly spoke, interrupting the doubts of others.

The second elder said indifferently: "We all know that because of the opponent’s guardian formation, we dare not do anything against them. The Sun Sect's guardian formation is not something our ancestors can break through, but we can Lead out."

After a pause, the second elder smiled: "Don’t forget, the destructive power of the Sun Sect masters is strong, but in other respects, they are inferior to us. For example, the blood blade and the ancestor of the Heavenly Soul Sect, we have always Know where it is."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they probably thought of what the second elder meant. It is precisely because the two men who are causing the most trouble are the Lie Sun Sect, so Yue Hua Zong has been evading that they have not found the whereabouts of these two people. I hope these two people can give Lie Sun. Zong brought even more harm. Now that these two people have been discovered, can the Lie Sun Zong be able to sit still?

"No, even if you find these two people, the Lie Sun Sect will only move the Spirit Emperor, and the Spirit Venerable will not come out."

"Hehe, it's enough for the Spirit Emperor to come out. The Spirit Emperor is the foundation of the Lie Sun Sect. Without these old guys, even if the Lie Sun Sect has the Spirit Venerable, what can we do? Over time, it will not be suppressed by us. As long as we control their spirit emperor at the time, then the Lie Sun Sect's spirit deity will naturally leave the sect resident." The second elder looked confident.

Sect Master nodded: "Good idea, at present, apart from us and the Lie Sun Sect, no sect has a spiritual master. As long as their spiritual master is gone, then we can take this opportunity to occupy the entire Heavenly Soul Realm."

The qualification and feat of naming the heavenly soul domain made everyone present excited at the thought of this. Yes, in the absence of other spirits, as long as there is one spirit sovereign, it is absolutely not a problem to occupy the entire heavenly soul domain.

Although the Phoenix Catch Faction and the Hui Hao Sect are very powerful, too few Spirit Venerables have been born, and they have already left, especially the Hui Hao Sect. They are only strong in physical fitness and high in combat. Since the founding of the faction, they have only been born. Passed two deities.

"If this is the case, then the matter is settled like this, but who is going to do this matter." Following the words of the Sect Master, the people around slowly became silent. This matter is very troublesome. After all, we have to go to the Lie Sun Sect. , Once there is a little problem, then the sin will be serious in the future, even if it succeeds, it will be hated by the Scorching Sun in the future.

After a long time, the three elders said: "The person who wanted to deal with the Lie Sun Zong most before was the head of foreign affairs, and the head of foreign affairs was in charge of foreign affairs. I think it is best to leave this to him."

The two people have never dealt with each other. As long as they don't really encounter major issues, the two people can usually quarrel for several days in details. Now seeing the two people quarreling again, the suzerain doesn't want them to waste time.

"I think the three elders are right. If that's the case, then this matter is left to the head of foreign affairs. You should prepare yourself and complete it as soon as possible. Every day we delay, we will lose a lot of future elites." Once the matter is settled, then no matter what the head of foreign affairs is, he can only accept it at this time.

"Lead the order here." The Director of Foreign Affairs said, arching his hands, and at the same time gave the third elder a fierce look.

Next, there are some details. The voices of Yue Huazong's people are gradually suppressed, and the outside world has no idea what Yue Huazong's senior officials are discussing here.

The disciples of the sect only knew that the Director of Foreign Affairs led a team towards the Liege Sect on the second day, and they did not know what they were doing. As for the Liege Sect, they did not even know the Yuehua Sect. Is here.

In less than a day, early the next morning, the people of Yuehua Sect had already arrived at the foot of the mountain gate of Liege Sect. Naturally, it was impossible to hide other people from such an important matter, and Liege Sect quickly sent people out to greet them.

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