Evil Insect God

Chapter 1301: Yuehua Conspiracy

The head of foreign affairs of Yuehuazong has a higher status than ordinary elders, and his own cultivation has reached the height of the seventh-level spirit emperor. Even the Scorching Sun Sect has to pay attention to this strength. In fact, every spirit The masters of the emperor realm are not ordinary people, at least on the bright side, they will also attach great importance to them, unless they have torn their faces.

The Lie Sun Sect's suzerain did not appear, but the Lie Sun Sect's foreign affairs elder came out, "Haha, it turned out to be you, my brother, but my cultivation base is getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that I will not be able to match my brother in the near future. Up."

The two people are actually very familiar. Seeing this person, the Director of Foreign Affairs of Yue Huazong also pulled out a smile: "Brother joked, I can't compare to you, brother." If you don't know, you would really think that you are both. How good is the personal relationship.

But in fact, the two people have the same status in the two major sects, but the relationship will never be better. Although the high level of the Lie Sun Sect and the Yuehua Sect have not reached the level of wanting to kill each other in their hearts, they all have a kind of The idea of ​​contending for victory is different now. Yuehua Sect came this time, but it came to make trouble, or to destroy the Scorching Sun Sect.

The group greeted and quickly entered the hall. The envoy of Yuehuazong came here. Lie Sun Sect didn’t dare to neglect. I don’t know what happened, so the Sect Master of Lie Sun Sect also appeared in the hall at this time, sitting in the hall. Location.

"I have seen the Sect Master of the Scorching Sun, and the elders and deacons." Yue Huazong's foreign affairs chief did not lose his courtesy at all. Although he usually has a hot temper, who can cultivate to the realm of the Spirit Emperor, who is a simple person.

"I don't know what the director has done when he came to the Liege Sect. I remember that there seems to be nothing serious about the Guipai recently." After the Liege Sect's greetings, he finally got into the topic, and the other elders also turned their attention to the foreign affairs director. Body.

The head of foreign affairs smiled slightly, and then said: "Everyone, of course, it is impossible to come here without problems. Didn't your school ask us to help find the whereabouts of the two people? This sect kept investigating them day and night, and finally took their traces. I found it." The words of the Director of Foreign Affairs greatly changed the complexion of all people, and a hint of joy flashed across everyone's faces.

"The person you are talking about, is it the old fellow from Blood Blade and Heavenly Soul Sect?" Finally, Sect Master Lie Sun asked with some excitement.

The head of foreign affairs nodded. Everyone was excited now. You must know this period of time. Because of the relationship between these two people, even the scorching sun sect in the sky has to shrink its defenses and reduce all the power to the sect. In the door.

Among the sects, because these two people did not know how much they lost, even if they were the masters of the Spirit Emperor, several died in the hands of these two people. Sometimes, these two crazy guys even cooperated with each other. Attack them.

No one knows why the Blood Blade and the Heavenly Soul Sect Master would mix together and do not attack each other, but these monsters who only know how to kill, I am afraid that only when they encounter a master of the same level, they will be afraid of each other. Don't dare to move.

In any case, if these two guys continue to make trouble outside, the Lie Sun Sect still doesn’t know how much they will lose, but these two guys come without a trace. They are very fast, and every time they do it, they will be the first time. After running away, Zongmen chased them many times, but couldn't catch two people. After these two people started their hands, they didn't even leave any breath easily.

This is a fighting instinct of the two masters, and it still retains it. I thought that the people of Yuehuazong would deliberately keep these two guys to continue to weaken the strength of the Lie Sun Sect. Personally found out.

The Great Elder Lie Sun pondered for a while, and then said: "I don't know what price we have to pay to obtain the specific information of these two people." Yuehua Sect is only their ally, not the subordinate sect of Lie Sun Sect. .

Such a big trouble, if Yuehua Sect doesn’t want any benefits, they might still be suspicious. You know, some time ago, because of the suppression of the Scorching Sun Sect, a crack has gradually appeared between the two sects. They don’t believe it, Yuehua Zong is the kind of person who will come out to please them after being beaten. The master of Yuehua Zong is not simple.

Sure enough, at this time the Director of Foreign Affairs didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Of course, there is one thing. Everyone knows that the Sky Star Sect has developed faster and faster, and it is becoming less and less obedient, and there is a faint tendency to break away. "

Seeing no response from others, the Director of Foreign Affairs continued: "We are worried about the re-emergence of the Sky Star Sect. At that time, I am afraid that it will not be much less harmful than the rise of the Sky Soul Sect. Now our major sects have been greatly injured, and there are still a few more. The sect is destroyed, if we continue to let the Sky Star Sect grow stronger, we probably won’t have a good life then."

"So." Sect Master Lie Sun Sect asked indifferently. At this time Sect Master Lie Sun roughly understood the purpose of Yue Hua Sect. Yue Hua Sect just wanted to clean up the Sky Star Sect, but they did it themselves, worrying about the loss. .

The Director of Foreign Affairs did not disappoint them either, and said directly: “So we provide the information of these two people, and can even help your faction arrest these two people, but after the incident is over, we hope that your faction can cooperate with us and deal with Tianxing. Zong, there is no need to destroy them, as long as they can destroy most of the power is enough." The foreign affairs chief took a sip of water.

Everyone's eyes flashed with a clear color, and immediately began to communicate with the voice transmission and eyes. This Sky Star Sect was not easy, although the strength was still relatively weak, everyone did not know how many masters were hidden in the Sky Star Sect.

The only advantage is that the former residence of the Sky Star Sect has been destroyed. This was later jointly created by several of their major sects. The guardian formation that was established at the beginning, the other seven of the eight top sects, all know where the weaknesses are.

Even afterwards, they reformed it themselves, but the guardian formation was still not strong enough to block the spirit emperor masters. If Lingzun did it, the entire spirit formation could be completely destroyed in one move, without any residue. Leftover.

"Sect Master, promise them. Our two sects are united. The Sky Star Sect is not our opponent at all, and it is not our choice. Besides, if this battle exposes the ancestors, there will be nothing to use again. Relationship." The voice of the great elder caused everyone to nod secretly. This proposal did not sound harmful to them.

Compared with the Sky Star Sect, what is even more troublesome is the Blood Blade and the Sky Soul Sect Master. The cultivation base of these two people has reached the peak of the sky soul domain. Without the heavenly master hand, basically many people can do nothing. Of them.

At this time, the head of foreign affairs saw the voice of these people. Although he didn't hear anything, he could still imagine, "Huh, I really know what you look like. I think your arrangement is so easy for us to be fooled."

The Director of Foreign Affairs was more determined in his heart that their affairs must have been done by the Lie Sun Sect. Now Lie Sun Sect, I am afraid they are laughing at their Yue Hua Sect, "Huh, laugh, laugh, and in the end I see if you can laugh. Go down, my son, the old ancestor will avenge you soon, this **** of the Sun Sect, the old ancestor will definitely not let them live well."

After a long time, everyone in the Lie Sun Sect had already discussed it. The Sect Master looked up at the head of foreign affairs and said in a low voice: "We can agree to this matter, but we will not destroy the Sky Star Sect, so there are many masters sent out."

"Yes, yes, we didn't think about destroying the Sky Star Sect. The current Sky Star Sect is useless, and without our support, once they hurt their vitality, I think they will gradually weaken."

Everyone tacitly knew that, in fact, they all knew that the Sky Star Sect had already fulfilled its mission, and the reason why they have survived for so many years is that, on the one hand, there are many masters in the Sky Star Sect, and they don’t want to waste their power. Zong wanted to use the Sky Star Sect to contain Yuehua Zong. The two sects often fought secretly, and the losses were not small.

Besides, the current Heavenly Star Sect, the ancient inheritance has not been obtained at all, and the Star Stone Cliff has become a legend. Without these things, how big the waves can be made by the Sky Star Sect, who cares about them.

"If this is the case, then let's sign the contract." Sect Master Lie Sun said indifferently, and then he asked people to take a contract to restrain these people. The contract paper is of the highest quality of the emperor class.

If you want to get rid of this kind of contract, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate without the realm of Spiritual Venerable. The contract was quickly drawn up. The two sides looked at each other and found that there was no problem. This was the soul brand on behalf of their own sect. .

"Huh, you will feel better in two days." The Director of Foreign Affairs sneered in his heart. In order to prevent the contract power from expanding indiscriminately, these contracts are very detailed and very detailed, and they have very strict restrictions on what they are doing. But for other things, it has no effect. Otherwise, how could the head of foreign affairs sign a contract casually.

When the contract took effect, Sect Master Lie Sun said: "General Manager, can you tell us where those two people are now?" Yuehua Sect is the best at these things, and Sun Sect is not good at them.

"No problem, this special spar plate is a tracker. We already know the approximate locations of these two people. With this compass, we can easily find them. Do you want to prepare? "

Sect Master Scorching Sun nodded and said: "Yes, it is necessary to prepare. These two people are too difficult to entangle. If they don't prepare, they will easily run away again." I am afraid that not only ran away, but also killed many masters.

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