Evil Insect God

Chapter 1302: Catch

After the agreement was reached, the two major sects teaming up soon spread to the disciples of the two sects. Then, the news was delivered to Huo Hai by Song Muhua. Looking at the letter in his hand, Huo Hai frowned. Up.

This is really not good news for the two major sects to join forces, but why did they join forces, and also to deal with the Tianxingzong, Song Muhua has purified his spiritual power after getting the Veins Washing Grass given to him by Huo Hai Most of them, afterwards, broke through to the Spirit Emperor in the shortest time, so they were qualified to know these things.

It was just because Song Muhua had practiced Xuanyue Palm that she had a lot of hidden dangers, and even now it has not been able to clean it up, so Song Muhua will continue to practice and advance in the future, it will be very difficult.

At this level, Song Muhua was not qualified to participate in the matter of hunting down two masters, and as the Ling Emperor, his status in the sect had reached the highest level. Otherwise, these things were really not what Song Muhua was qualified to know.

"Yuehua Sect already thought this thing was done by the Lie Sun Sect, but they still pretended not to know, and they have to join forces with the Lie Sun Sect to deal with the Sky Star Sect. Could it be said that they are planning to destroy the Sky Star Sect? As a result, isn't their loss even greater? That's why they are not opponents of the Liege Sect. It's really strange."

No matter what Huo Hai thought, he just didn't figure out what the cause of this incident was, but what is certain is that Yuehuazong must have a conspiracy, but this conspiracy, even Songmuhua, is not qualified to know.

As for the fact that this matter spread to two sects, Huo Hai was not surprised that the mad Sect Master and Blood Blade were all alone, without an intelligence network, and even the ability to inquire about news had been completely lost.

Even if the two major sect disciples knew about this matter, Huo Hai would still not feel anything strange. On the contrary, this news can greatly boost the morale of the two major sects. It is the most normal for the two major sects to publicize it. , It seems that this time, it is not a simple matter for the ancestors of the Sky Soul Sect and the Blood Blade to escape for their lives.

"It's not suitable to continue working on the people of Yuehuazong. It seems that I will stay for a while, but I also want to see what exactly these two sects want to do." After Huo Hai decided, he stopped staying here. Hunt down.

The two major sects have now entered a short honeymoon period once again. Even if the Scorching Sun Sect was really targeting Yuehua Sect before, it will be stopped for a while. Huo Hai’s stopping action will make Yuehua Sect more believe in the previous one. judgment.

Every few days after that, Huo Hai would get the information he needed from Songmuhua. After all, this matter was originally a matter of the Liege Sect, so both teams were organized by the Liege Sect masters. Because of this matter, the Liege The masters at the top of the Zong almost moved, at least there are only a few masters on the bright side.

All the masters dispatched by the two teams were level seven spirit emperors or above. Even so, the Lie Sun Sect still sent more than sixty spirit emperors. Seeing this number, Huo Hai couldn't help being shocked. It is indeed the strongest in the Heavenly Soul Realm. The big sect.

Sixty, these are all spirit emperors above level seven. With such a force, it would be too easy to destroy other sects, as long as there is no protective array. Now other sects see the power of the Lie Sun Sect. After that, it was even more silent, some of the sects that had always wanted to challenge the Scorching Sun Sect have finally stopped and even started to close the sects.

Huo Hai did not continue hunting, but followed one of the teams, this team was the one looking for the bloodblade, with the means of Yuehuazong, these people caught the bloodblade's tail in just a few days.

Then, in less than a month, these people found the hiding place of the bloodblade, "What a powerful search ability, if the Yuehuazong is targeted, I am afraid it will be difficult not to be found." Huo Hai Said in surprise.

Fortunately, I haven't attracted the attention of Yue Huazong. As of now, his cultivation level is no longer easy for Yue Huazong to deal with. In the distance, a **** energy has entered Huo Hai's perception, this **** energy Huo Hai's owner is very familiar with it, it's definitely a bloodblade. The Lie Sun Sect masters didn't say anything, just winked.

Then, the people around quickly dispersed. Everyone took out something like a disc, and poured spiritual power into it. The disc emitted a faint light, and the light was linked, forming a huge defensive barrier in the middle.

"It's a strong defensive barrier. Even if I want to break this barrier, I'm afraid it will take a lot of hands and feet." Huo Hai's eyes flickered. The more you understand the background of these big sects, the more amazing you will be. However, Huo Hai suddenly thought at this time that he might be able to use his own star line to form a spiritual formation and use the spiritual formation as his second layer of defense.

Now is not the time to think about this. After the Lie Sun Sect master activated the spiritual formation, the Blood Blade finally noticed that something was wrong. A huge blood energy burst out and rushed towards the surroundings, but this blood energy was firmly blocked. .

"Hmph, Bloodblade, today is your death date." The head of the Scorching Sun Sect master suddenly said, and then burst out his own power. When the surrounding people saw it, they also burst out their own light power.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a screaming scream, a golden flame instantly appeared in the spiritual formation. Under the burning of the flame, the blood of the blood blade quickly dissipated, and the spiritual power continued to weaken. Once in order to deal with the blood blade, the Scorching Sun Sect had its blood base. It was not an easy task to set up this spirit formation. It originally required more than ten seven-level spirit emperor masters.

If it weren’t for the help of Yuehuazong, who could accurately find the location of the blood blade, there would be no way to use such a spirit circle. After a while, the sound of the blood blade gradually disappeared, leaving only a red withered corpse. Falling.

Seeing this scene, the two leading Yue Huazong masters suddenly looked at each other, and then showed a weird smile. One of the Yue Huazong masters took out a strange scroll from his hand and slowly opened it.

"What is this thing, the power on it feels so mysterious." Huo Hai, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene, and suddenly felt a little strange, because this scroll was not taken out of the space ring, you know, only with the sky Items with the aura of a master cannot be put into the space ring, because ordinary space rings can't bear it.

The spiritual power of a heavenly master is incompatible with the power of heaven and earth, and the power of space is naturally a kind of power of heaven and earth. The ordinary space ring is only made using the most ordinary space power, and of course it cannot withstand it.

Feel it carefully, the breath revealed from the scroll is indeed the breath left by the heavenly master. This breath is very cryptic, and Huo Hai's such powerful perception can only be felt from the breath that has passed in a moment. a little.

Just stretch out the scroll. This action is very fast. When the scroll is opened, a bright moonlight is suddenly released. The speed of the moonlight is very fast. In a blink of an eye, the surroundings are completely wrapped, under the moonlight. , The spirit array shattered suddenly, and the golden flame that was originally burning also suddenly extinguished at this moment, leaving nothing.

Seeing that the bloodblade corpse that was about to be burned by Xinxin fell to the ground as a result, the sound of "banging" the corpse landing was so clear at this time, the sound of fighting that had just been flooded disappeared without a trace.

"Damn, how come I won't move anymore, what the **** is going on." After a long time, a Scorching Sun Sect master gritted his teeth to support his body, desperately trying to move, but under this moonlight, all this It's just a luxury.

"It was made by the two people of Yuehuazong. What do you want to do, people of Yuehuazong, do you want to go to war with us." This power that imprisons himself is definitely Yuehua's spiritual power. But none of them are ordinary people, who can cultivate to the seventh-level spirit emperor and above, their feelings for this power are very clear.

And being able to imprison so many people and make oneself unable to move, this is definitely the Lingzun's action, but they didn't expect that the Yuehuazong's Lingzun would actually make scrolls, just don’t know when this scroll was made. of.

"Huh, **** of the Lie Sun Sect, do you think we are idiots? Recently, we have been making trouble in secret. Do you really think that our Yuehua Sect is easy to bully? Even if your ancestors are here today, you don't want to survive." The big sects knew each other well, and the Lie Sun Sect also vaguely knew that there was an ancestor-level master in the Yuehua Sect.

At this time, under the moonlight, even the two-month Huazong masters can’t move. This imprisonment does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If you want to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, it will be more troublesome to create, and it is very big. problem.

"Isn't it just a few ordinary disciples? Didn't we also have many disciples who died in your hands." At this time, the two major sects have ignored so much. If in normal times, they would not just say it casually. , Now that Yue Huazong has done it, the two major sects are no different from officially tearing their faces apart.

"A few ordinary disciples, do you want to say that you don't know their identities? Your Liege Sect is really too much. Tell you, we will never listen to your rhetoric this time."

The sudden change not only shocked the people of the Lie Sun Sect, but also shocked Huo Hai next to him, "What a strong imprisonment, this month Hua Zong actually has such a dangerous thing."

Just now one of his own arms was imprisoned, and Huo Hai used a lot of energy before he pulled out his arm before the other party found it. If the whole was recruited, it would be very easy for the ancestor of Yuehua Zong to kill himself. Yet.

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