Evil Insect God

Chapter 1309: Chaos

"Brother Huo, how about playing with others?" On an island on the edge of Floating Cloud Island, Xiao Kui was wringing around Huo Hai's neck, and Fang Biya was watching with a funny face beside her.

Since Huo Hai finished his own business two months ago, he has returned here to hide. After all, none of the major forces has set their sights on Floating Cloud Island. Besides, Huo Hai’s return here is also a kind of protection. I believe that in today's Heavenly Soul Realm, apart from myself, there is probably no Spirit Venerable anymore.

Knowing that you are here, no one can affect your family. After this period of construction, most of the family's buildings have been successfully constructed, and the remaining details need to be adjusted slowly.

These can’t be done in one or two days. It’s already very good to be done in the next few decades. The guardian spirit array has been completed, otherwise it will definitely take more time, and the Huo family’s time, It has always been very low-key.

Outside, the Huomen forces that have begun to develop again, but no one is cultivating the spiritual power of the stars, and will not attract the attention of others. Because most of the things have been done, Fang Biya and others have also been relieved a lot recently. At this moment, Yun'er was playing happily in the amusement park transformed by Sky Lake. These little girls are really helpless.

"Hehe, husband, I think you will accompany Xiaokui sister to play, don't worry, here we are watching, there will be no problems." Everyone knows that Huo Hai, a cultivator, has been practicing fast since his breakthrough. Becomes very slow.

This can’t be anxious, so Huo Hai usually has more time to accompany them. Of course, he still spends a lot of time every day to study and comprehend the Heaven-level War Spirit Art and the Spirit Formation. These things cannot be put down. .

At this moment, a figure in the distance flew over, and after seeing Huo Hai, it fell down instantly: "Young Master, there is new information." Huo Hai nodded, took the envelope in his hand, and waved to let people back. under.

After a few glances, Huo Hai burst out laughing: "Haha, I didn't expect that the Sky Star Sect was also involved. This is really interesting." Huo Hai was in a very good mood at this time, and then Huo Hai said, "Let's go. , Let’s go play together. After a while, I’m afraid I will leave again.” Huo Hai’s words left everyone silent for a while, and then they returned to normal.

Since two months ago, after a earth-shattering battle, the major forces knew the fact that there are still spiritual masters in the Heavenly Soul Realm, but everyone is a major force after all. As long as there are clues to many news, it is easy to investigate. .

After that, there was a half-month break. During this period, the guardian formations of Yuehua Sect and Lie Sun Sect were completely destroyed. Then, all the major forces also knew what happened before. Lie Sun Sect and Yue Hua The clan inside the bar.

Not only that, the previous two sects were also dispatched by these two sects. The two major sects were completely torn by this battle, and no one could stop them. After that, the two major sects went into full-scale war, and other forces were afraid of spirits. The respected master did not act rashly, nor did he join the battle casually, just delaying time.

But in a blink of an eye, a month has passed since the battle, and the two heavenly masters of the sect still haven't returned. According to the inferences of Hui Haozong and Feng Chou faction, the power of that light ball is really terrifying, it is very likely. The two have died together.

After reaching this conclusion, everyone found that the two spirits did not seem to exist anymore, and the major gates began to move around. The Tianyang gate, which had been working with the Lie Sun Sect, was the first to end the state of fighting soy sauce on the battlefield. .

Tianyangmen directly declared independence, and at the same time demonstrated its strong strength. This strength is only a little weaker than the Scorching Sun Sect, which has been hit hard now. There has been an eighth-level spirit emperor within the Zongmen, and The fighting power of this eighth-level spirit emperor is very terrifying, especially the attack, which can even be comparable to the height of the peak spirit emperor.

This power was not what the current Scorching Sun Sect wanted to deal with, so the independence of Tianyang Sect was so successful. Seeing the power of Tianyang Sect, it seemed that it was able to enter the ranks of the top sects, which was really surprising.

After Tianyangmen retreated, facing the Yue Huazong's Lie Sun Sect, he began to retreat steadily. The last time he was injured was too serious. Even if the Lie Sun Zong restrained the Yue Hua Sect, the overall strength was still not as good as the Yue Hua Sect.

Especially at the level of top masters, it is even worse. Before the injuries of the masters within the sect were not recovered, they could only be forced to retreat by the Yuehua Sect. The losses on the battlefield were getting bigger and bigger. Seeing this, the Sun Sect I am afraid that the Yuehua Sect will be completely destroyed, and now on the entire battlefield, everyone is focusing on the Lie Sun Sect.

Next, what made matters worse was that someone saw the appearance of the blood blade. The blood blade's current cultivation base was a little weaker than before, but he was more cautious. On the battlefield, the blood blade continued to hunt down the Sun Sect master to recover itself.

By now, the Lie Sun Sect has no ability to restrain the Blood Blade, and can only barely prevent it, but the Blood Blade is a killing machine after all. When the Lie Sun Sect master is not seen on the battlefield, the people of the Yuehua Sect will also not Let go, it can be said that as long as it is a creature, it will basically be killed by the blood blade if it is seen by the blood blade. This is the instinct of the blood blade.

If this were not the case, I am afraid that Yuehua Sect had already hit the door of the Lie Sun Sect. The two major sects could not rebuild the guardian formation in a short time, and both sides were fighting for time, and the killing caused by this was extremely tragic.

In less than two months, the loss of the spirit emperor realm masters on both sides reached as many as hundreds. When so many spirit emperors were replaced with normal ones, the total losses of hundreds of years might not be so. many.

But at this moment, the Star Sect, who confirmed that the ancestor Yuehua could not return, suddenly joined the battlefield. The grievances between the Star Sect and the Moon Huazong have been around for a long time. For this generation, the Scorching Sun Sect is not in theirs. In the enmity, the Sky Star Sect directly secretly sent people to contact the high-level of the Lie Sun Sect, and finally the two sides finally formed an alliance.

The hidden power of the Sky Star Sect is not comparable to the Tianyang Sect, but it is not much worse. Moreover, the Sky Star Sect is not here to make soy sauce. They really want to destroy the Yuehua Sect, even if they can’t. Suppress as much as possible.

So the Sky Star Sect had just joined the battlefield, and he started desperately facing Yue Hua Sect. The scene was once again stalemate. The Sky Star Sect plus the Lie Sun Sect finally completely suppressed the Moon Hua Sect.

After that, the scene turned around. The Yuehua Sect, who had been desperately fighting with the Lie Sun Sect before, had suffered a very heavy loss. Faced with the various attack methods of the Sky Star Sect, it could be said that it was retreating. To ease the relationship between the two parties, it is a pity that the Heavenly Star Sect and Yue Hua Sect have long since died, and now it is useless for Yue Hua Sect to say anything.

With the help of a special spirit formation, the Heavenly Star Sect nearly wiped out the ninth-level Ling Emperor of Huazong for a month, and Yue Huazong collapsed on the frontal battlefield for a thousand miles. In a blink of an eye, it has passed since the battle began. For three months.

Many forces have now been involved in the war. The Lie Sun Sect and the Yuehua Sect have many enemies, so the two loose alliances have formed strangely, and some have enemies with the two sects. People also formed an alliance.

The alliances will not attack each other. They only attack the Lie Sun Sect and the Moon Hua Sect, but these sects, after all, also have certain enmities in themselves. On the battlefield, there are often people who can’t help but do it. Then, the battle will come more and more. The more chaos, the faintly formed a situation sweeping the entire Heavenly Soul Realm in the end, and even Hui Haozong and Feng Chou Sect were about to be involved in faintly.

There is only one sect of the Blood God Sect. Because the loss is too great, the sect has already been closed. Coupled with the strength of the Blood God Sect itself, no one dares to provoke it. The chaos gradually takes shape. The loss increased further.

On this day, Huo Hai suddenly laughed, "Finally finished. Next, let me see if I can make higher-level skeletons." Huo Hai cleaned up the light of the soul of the ancestor Yuehua, and then moved Yue. The skeleton of the corpse of Old Ancestor Hua was taken out.

The small bones that had long wanted to transform, immediately became excited, opened their mouths, and swallowed the light of the soul directly, and then swallowed the bones of Yuehua ancestors. It is hard to imagine how such a small thing can be These were all swallowed, and as the bones and the light of the soul slowly bred, the origin of the small bones gradually began to take shape.

Huo Hai can't see exactly what this origin is. In short, it looks like a sphere composed of a lot of bone powder, and the sphere is constantly changing its shape, which is very strange.

Soon after the origin was formed, the ossicles were enveloped by a layer of light, and gradually fell into a deep sleep. The transformation of the ossicles finally began. When the ossicles were successfully transformed, they could create more and stronger skeletons.

In the Cross Canyon, Huo Hai left a group of spirit emperor realm skeletons, and on Floating Cloud Island and the water below, Huo Hai also left a lot of them, but these skeletons are powerful for the masters of the spirit emperor realm. I haven't caught it, I don't know if after this transformation, can he directly create a skeleton in the spirit emperor realm, if it succeeds, Huo Hai's strength will be improved qualitatively.

"Hey, it still hasn't completed the transformation. How long will it take?" It has been several years, and Xiaojin, who was the first to transform, has not emerged from the light. It seems that it is not so easy to enter the heaven.

Had it not been for Huo Hai to feel that his spirit worms are now very vigorous and living comfortably, Huo Hai would really worry about the safety of his spirit worms. When will these spirit worms evolve? Huo Hai I don't know. It seems that I can only continue to wait. I have been waiting for a few years. Could it be possible that Huo Hai can wait for a few more years.

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