Evil Insect God

Chapter 1310: New Spirit Worm

The battle has lasted for half a year in the blink of an eye. This kind of battle has probably only appeared in the Celestial Soul Realm in ancient times. There are too many forces involved in this battle, and it has swept through most of the Celestial Soul. area.

During the battle, many first-class sects, even super-first-class sects, suffered heavy losses and severely injured their vitality. Some sects slowly retreated, hiding themselves, and some were too late to retreat, and even the entire sect was destroyed. , There are also some forces, taking advantage of this opportunity to slowly develop and grow, and constantly improve their own background and strength.

Especially those alliances, there are even those who want to use the position of the leader of the alliance to make themselves further, but unfortunately, the three loose alliances, no one can be recognized by all.

The Hui Hao Sect and the Feng Catchmen were finally involved. The two major sects once again demonstrated their strong combat effectiveness, killing all the enemies that came, and even eliminated several super-class forces. Just give up.

Fortunately, the two major sects did not intervene in the battle between Yuehuazong and Liege Sect. Now the battle between Yuehuazong and Liege Sect has reached a fierce level. After the two sides lost a ninth-level spirit emperor, this battle was completely impossible. It was contained, and until now, there is still no spirits returning, which also made the two major sects completely lose their confidence.

In any case, the top priority is to destroy the opponent. Similarly, the Star Sect, which was involved in the battle very deeply, suffered a huge loss. According to some intelligence, Huo Hai discovered that the high-level power of the Star Sect had actually lost half.

Such a loss made the Sky Star Sect faintly unable to stop the Yuehua Sect's crazy offensive. After all, this Sky Star Sect was built by the seven major sects that year. It has many flaws, and even the people of the Sky Star Sect themselves don't know it.

It’s a pity that even if the Sky Star Sect wants to withdraw, they can’t do it. Yuehua Sect has firmly suppressed the Sky Star Sect, but the Tianyang Sect and the Blood God Sect are not involved because they have been closing the Sect. In the battle, at this level, Huo Hai was already confident of destroying the two sects. In order to complete the contract, Huo Hai was preparing to do it.

But at this time, Huo Hai was caught up in the matter. First of all, Xiaokui’s continuous breakthroughs, after obtaining the heaven-level source spirit stone from Huo Hai, Xiaokui’s own terrifying talents and the help of the heaven-level source spirit stone, Let Xiaokui improve very quickly.

In just a few years, Xiaokui has reached the peak of the spirit emperor all the way, Huo Hai does not know how the sea anemone clan portrays their will runes, and the speed can reach so fast. Not long ago, Xiaokui started. Gradually integrating his own strength and preparing to break through to the realm of Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai could only stay to explain to Xiao Kui the essentials and precautions of the breakthrough.

In a few years, Xiao Kui should be able to break through. At this time, Xiao Kui knew that he could not continue to play, but after Huo Hai explained, he began to enter a state of retreat, adjusting everything about himself.

Xiaokui is an anemone. If you want to use your own strength, you must naturally be in a place with water. Therefore, when you make a breakthrough, you must choose a suitable place. Huo Hai will help you find this place. Where is Xiaokui's brother.

Finally sent Xiaokui to retreat, Huo Hai did not wait for action, new problems came again, but this is a good thing, Huo Hai’s spirit worms have slowly metamorphosed out, after several years of metamorphosis, consume a lot of spiritual energy , Finally succeeded.

The first thing that appeared was Xiao Jin. As the light slowly dissipated, the original complicated lines on Xiao Jin disappeared and replaced it as a whole. However, if Huo Hai looked carefully, he could still find some special features on Xiao Jin. , This is a kind of rule pattern, which belongs to its own special rule, and most people simply cannot see it.

After reaching the realm of Lingzun, Xiaojin has undergone tremendous changes. First of all, his own poisonous fire origin has finally expanded into an inner world. Huo Hai felt it a bit. This inner world could not be compared with his own.

However, the strength and size are the same as those of a normal spiritual master. In other words, Xiaojin now uses the power of his own world to really compare with a normal spiritual master. The entire inner world is full of Poisonous fire and a variety of highly poisonous, but these toxins do not harm Huo Hai a bit, which Huo Hai has tested.

At the same time, various spells can still be blessed on Xiaojin's body, but Huo Hai is depressed that he does not know how to use heaven-level spells, so if blessed on Xiaojin's body, he can't exert much power.

It’s better to let Xiaojin play freely. After reaching the spirits, the spirit worms can no longer be regarded as ordinary spirit worms, but become a higher level creature. Huo Hai’s refining worm formation can still maintain its effect. Huo Hai is happiest.

Huo Hai feels the strength of Xiaojin now. Although it is not as good as the ancestor of the Sun Sect I saw that day, it is not much worse. You know, Xiao Jin does not have as many weird war spirits as humans. Can fight by itself.

However, these spirit worms do not have crystal nuclei that can be used to break them, so if they want to improve themselves, it becomes very difficult. Fortunately, these spirit worms are all spirit worms controlled by Huo Hai. As long as the owner of Huo Hai can continuously improve, then These spirit worms will also be much easier to upgrade. Huo Hai's law is of very high reference value for these spirit worms.

The laws in Xiaojin's body are all related to poison fire, but Huo Hai discovered that these laws are very compatible with his own laws, but it is a pity that Huo Hai cannot use this ability, and can borrow it for a short time at most. .

But this doesn’t matter. Just having Xiaojin is equivalent to having an extra master of the spiritual realm. You don’t need to use magic support yourself in the future, and it’s no problem. The world power contained in this inner world is no better than There are few ordinary spirits, and it can be said that apart from their own war spirit art, the other small golds are not bad anymore.

The poisonous fire used by Xiaojin himself was already comparable to some heaven-level war spirit art. The instinct of spirit worms was not comparable to that of human beings. Huo Hai believed that as long as he exercised for a period of time, Xiaojin would be stronger.

After the breakthrough, Xiao Jin has an extra ability in his body, that is, he can easily become bigger and smaller. When he is young, he can't see clearly with the naked eye. When he is big, he can reach hundreds of meters in length. Universal ability.

Most of the various abilities in the past were unable to exert the effects of the heavenly level, but some still have such power. These abilities are more effective and terrifying. After Xiaojin's transformation is completed, it is not long before Xiaodie and Xiaoyun. They have also completed their own transformation, Xiaodie has become more beautiful than before, and the color lines on his body have become more complicated.

After watching for a long time, there will even be a special feeling of being attracted by these colors, and Xiaodie's various mental abilities are also more powerful, the special space formed by the fire of the soul is full of soul power.

At this time, Fluttershy, using spiritual illusion, even ordinary spiritual masters, it is impossible to be immune to it, and even added a life-saving ability, that is, planting his own soul fire on other butterflies.

Within a period of time, no matter what danger is encountered, even if Fluttershy's body dies, he can quickly resurrect with this flame. If the inner world is not completely destroyed, then the inner world can be attached to the power in a short time. Time is completely restored to normal, even if the inner world is destroyed, it can be restored in a few years at most.

After adding this ability, Xiaodie's survivability suddenly became stronger. In the future, if Xiaodie is allowed to go out to perform tasks, Huo Hai can be more at ease, but this ability is basically not used.

Xiaoyun followed, and the transformation was completed. He has completely turned into a piece of white jade, surrounded by clouds and mist, and there is a kind of fairy family atmosphere, and the inner space is filled with a lot of clouds and mist. These clouds and mist can be used directly.

When Xiaoyun fights, he does not need to condense new clouds and mists, just release the clouds and mists in the inner world directly. With these special clouds and mists, the power that Xiaoyun can exert is definitely not worse than that of ordinary spirits, even some These aspects will be stronger, and under the clouds and mist, Huo Hai found that even his own eyesight cannot see through it.

You know, there are not so many Lingzun masters. Under such a cloud, among the Lingzun, Huo Hai feels that he doesn't have to worry about encountering a powerful enemy who can't let him escape.

Xiao Yun's abilities are more than these. Originally, the abilities of Yunwu Trees were more powerful, and the power of the vines was not bad. When Yunwu hits out, there is a faint ability that can make the spiritual power run slowly, and it has a certain effect on the spiritual masters.

After Xiaoyun's transformation, Huo Hai set his sights on Xiaoshui. Unfortunately, Xiaoshui's transformation was really slow. This should have a certain relationship with the structure of Xiaoshui itself. This structure is really weird. Now, Huo Hai has never heard of the second spirit worm like Xiaoshui or other creatures.

As for the small bones, I don’t think about it in a few years. The origins of the other spirit worms have not been condensed, and the sky-level origin spirit stones have not been used. Huo Hai has long been expecting it, and what is the origin of Star Gu, Huo The sea is not clear.

Up to now, Huo Hai has not even figured out the real attributes of Star Gu, let alone finding treasures to let Star Gu condense its origin. Spirit worms without origin cannot break through to the realm of Spiritual Venerable, Huo Hai's heart It was very depressed, because the strongest spirit worm in his hand was the five thousand star worms, and no other spirit worms could match.

"Hey, no matter what, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so let's solve the contract problem first." Huo Hai thought for a while and decided to leave now. His current strength is unprecedentedly strong.

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