Evil Insect God

Chapter 1312: Kill another

Huo Hai had also played games like infiltration before, but it was either that Huo Hai's cultivation base was not strong, or the opponent's strength was relatively poor. Today's Huo Hai, whose cultivation base has reached the Spirit Venerable, is very easy to sneak in.

For Tianyangmen, a powerful sect that has not received any external attacks, retains its own strength and is very vigilant in troubled times. Huo Hai really feels full of accomplishment along the way, but it is a pity that in Tianyangmen There isn't even a master of spirits, otherwise, Huo Hai wouldn't be able to enter it so easily.

After wandering around, Huo Hai, with the cooperation of Xiaodie, quickly figured out all the inside of Tianyangmen, "Hehe, Tianyangmen's spiritual formation is indeed full of offensiveness, both external and internal. It's not very good."

Huo Hai researched the inner spirit formations and found that there were almost no warning spirit formations here, and only a few special important buildings would have such spirit formations. In other places, just go in and out.

Inside Tianyangmen Mountain Gate, there is even a special air island floating. This land is forcibly floated using the spirit array as a driving force. It is completely different from the floating island. This island needs to be kept floating, but it needs continuous consumption. Spiritual power, even with the help of the overall guardian formation, still consumes a lot of spirit crystals every day.

This floating continent is of great significance to Tianyang Gate, because there are very special spiritual formations and facilities on the island, and there are many mirrors used in conjunction with it, which gather a lot of sunlight and merge with spiritual power.

The power of the blazing sun on this island is very strong. Generally, only the disciples of the Tianyangmen who are about to break through will enter the island to practice, and every time they enter, it will cost a lot of money.

Huo Hai thought that there were masters on this island at first, but later discovered that there was only a first-level spirit emperor on it. With Huo Hai’s current perception ability, how many masters there are inside Tianyang Gate, Huo Hai felt clear. Knowing Chu, Tianyang Gate was originally not a sect that was good at hiding itself, so it was even more impossible to hide from Huo Hai.

Besides, they are inside their own sect. Because of the opening of the guarding sect, Tianyang Sect will probably not worry about what dangers they will encounter. In the past, Tianyang Sect did have many enemies, but now they are gone.

Tianyangmen used to exist as an affiliated sect of the Liege Sect, so most of those enemies were enemies of the Liege Sect. If the Yangmen is independent today, these forces will not have the energy to deal with the Tianyangmen in a short time.

"The defense is very tight, but the mental state of these high-levels is really lax." Huo Hai shook his head, and then entered the place where the spirit cards were stored. This is the place that needs attention most when he sneaks.

On the way, Huo Hai also let Xiaodie secretly control a few people and inquire about it. This Tianyang Gate's defenses are more tight than other places. The spirit cards of these people who guard the spirit cards are not actually here, but in the doorkeeper. In the hands of, that is to say, once Huo Hai attacks this place, he will be discovered by the master of Tianyang Gate in the first place.

But if you don’t control this place, then no matter who died, there will be the first alarm. If you change to an ordinary person, it is really not easy to sneak an attack. After discovering this, Huo Hai was shocked. .

You know, Huo Hai did not destroy the Tianyangmen's guardian formation at all. This formation will not naturally attack the inside, but it does not mean that it will not attack the inside. As long as someone controls it, it will be reversed. Come to attack inside.

With Huo Hai's strength against this spirit formation, there is no other way except to escape. The entire spirit formation is full of power, and Huo Hai can only be qualified to confront this spirit formation unless he can raise a level again and reach the second genius.

"Huh, do you think this can stop me, Xiaodie, control this place." Huo Hai gave an order, and Xiaodie, who had shrunk a lot, flew into the token storage hall secretly, the spirit of the spirits The force is released and quickly controls everything around him. Fluttershy's original strength is mental power, so she changes the fastest.

After these days, half of Fluttershy’s mental power has been transformed into the light of the soul. Fluttershy’s light of the soul is also the only one that is exactly the same as Huo Hai and presents a transparent color, but it has a kind of coldness. a feeling of.

Fluttershy unfolded the illusion and controlled all the people who stored the life cards in the hall. At this time, Huo Hai followed his own perception and came to the place where the main gate of Tianyang Gate was. At this time, the main gate of Tianyang Gate was looking in front of him I don’t know what I’m thinking about, but looking at the appearance of the Tianyangmen sect master, I seem to be very satisfied with the current situation.

"Huh, chaos chaos, you don’t mess with my Tianyang Sect's development. The suppression of the Lie Sun Sect over the years has caused us to lose too many opportunities. This time, our Tianyang Sect must become the strongest in the heavenly soul domain. The sect."

Hearing what the Tianyang Sect Master said to himself, Huo Hai was taken aback. This guy's ambition is really not small. It seems that the most hidden thing is not the Sky Star Sect, not the hidden killing, but this Tianyang Sect, these guys. , I don’t know what I have prepared.

But no matter what, people are dead, and any ambitions will disappear. With a move in Huo Hai's heart, the power of heaven and earth naturally condenses. The Tianyang Sect Master who felt that it was wrong did not wait for a reaction, and was completely set in the original. Ground.

The next moment, the power of heaven and earth squeezed and burned quickly, and the flames slowly eroded. The Tianyang Sect Master could only watch his own death, but could not make any movement. If a spiritual master sneaked on a spiritual emperor, there would still be problems, then It was really weird. Taking the Tianyang Sect Master's space ring, Huo Hai's eyes flashed a little interesting.

"Sure enough, I prepared a lot of things." Huo Hai looked at a small sword the size of a palm in his hand. There are many space rings in this small sword. This is not a weapon, but a special existence similar to a scroll.

As long as it is activated, dozens of powerful sword auras can be emitted. Each sword aura has the effect of a full blow from the Tianyang Sect Master. How can it be possible to prepare so many powerful disposable weapons for self-defense? simple.

Regardless, the hunt continued. Huo Hai sorted out the place, erased his traces, and then continued to move towards the master of Tianyangmen. This assassination was not challenging for Huo Hai, it was just ordinary The spirit emperor was nothing but a sneak attack from the spirit sovereign, and some even didn't know what happened when they died.

The only pity was that there was no peak spirit emperor at Tianyang Gate, so Huo Hai did not have the perfect collection of the materials in his hands. After the spirit emperor above level 7 died clean, Huo Hai gave the order to clean up.

Fluttershy immediately stored all the Tianyangmen disciples in the main hall with the spirit cards and killed them all, while Huo Hai continued to act. For those spirit emperors who have not even reached the seventh level, Huo Hai has to deal with them. It is very easy.

Twenty minutes later, the last spirit emperor master of Tianyangmen on the island in the sky died. At this time, Fluttershy slowly unfolded his illusion. At this time, no one at Tianyangmen found that it was wrong, because there was no spirit. Emperor, Fluttershy was in the Heavenly Sect Spiritual Array to launch illusions with all his strength, no one was able to detect it, and the entire sect was in an illusion.

Huo Hai waved his hand: "Go, don't leave one, clean up their bodies for me, don't leave any traces." Huo Hai released his star gu, and these star gu, anyhow, are the peak spirit emperors. The existence of realm.

A group of Star Gu quickly swept the surrounding area, guided by Fluttershy. The Star Gus naturally knew where the people were. After killing the people, the Star Gus directly used their own power to crush and kill, and completely cleaned the corpse. Clean, with the improvement of intelligence, the Star Gus are getting closer to Huo Hai, and they don't want to swallow human corpses at all.

As for those weapons and space items, they all returned to Huo Hai's hands. Huo Hai quickly sorted out these things, and the main hall of Tianyangmen was like a grocery storehouse at this time.

Under Xiaodie’s powerful mental perception, the secret rooms and even some secret passages hidden in the Tianyang Gate were all found out by the spirit worms. Now Huo Hai doesn’t need to do it himself, his spirit worms can help. Do everything by yourself.

After all the Tianyangmen disciples were completely wiped out, Huo Hai then spent most of the day before he collected his own harvest completely. Huo Hai got up with no expression of dissatisfaction, because Huo Hai Knowing that the real big head was still behind, walking all the way to the warehouse, Huo Hai began to organize the things here.

In the warehouse, only the spirit crystals shocked Huo Hai. When Huo Hai created the spirit formations, he spent 20% of the items harvested by the blood curse sect. Now he has a large amount of money. The things here are no better than the blood cursing sect. Less.

After tidying up a few warehouses and hidden compartments, Huo Hai also got a long sword of heavenly quality, but it is a pity that this long sword has been polished with the power of the strong sun, and the whole body is burning hot and powerful. people.

Such a long sword is not suitable for Huo Hai's use. Huo Hai's star power is injected into it, and the long sword has limited growth, but it also affects his own performance. "Forget it, hand it over to the family in the future, let them get their headaches. "Huo Hai put away the long sword in his hand. The main cultivation of the family is the spiritual power of the stars, but there are also some spiritual skills that are more suitable.

After packing up these things, Huo Hai came to the book collection area of ​​Tianyangmen with anticipation.

"Swordsmanship sect, there should be a lot of swordsmanship, I don't know if there is a suitable heavenly war spirit art." Huo Hai was already excited at this time, and before he knew it, Huo Hai was already somewhat familiar with swordsmanship. Obsessed.

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