Evil Insect God

Chapter 1313: Reforming swordsmanship

Each sect has its own huge collection. Those who can be the top sect, don't know how many forces have been destroyed before, and naturally they can get a lot of collections from the hands of these destroyed forces.

The same is true of Tianyangmen. There are countless various secrets in the library, and even some secrets, Huo Hai has seen among other major sects. Although these seem to be undisclosed secrets, they are also It is impossible to have only one sect, of course, as a top sect, the strongest is naturally the battle spirit art of the sect itself.

The strongest of Tianyangmen is swordsmanship, and none of the masters who have appeared in the past dynasties is not capable of swordsmanship. There have been many spirits born before. Naturally, there are countless swordsmanship and spirit art in the Zongmen Library.

Huo Hai cleaned up the battle spirit art from the outside, and did not find a suitable one for him. In desperation, he could only continue to look for it inside. Regardless of the number of spirit art battle spirit art, it was actually for the spirits In terms of it, they are of no value.

When he reached the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, Huo Hai felt as if he was comprehending the Dao of Heaven, but the path the Spiritist took was not to comprehend the Dao of Heaven, but to comprehend himself. There are even rumors that the power of time can be separated from the world and independent of the outside world at the peak of cultivation.

Huo Hai doesn’t know this realm, but Huo Hai can feel the effects of various items on him is getting worse and worse. Only heaven-level war spirit art and heaven-level items can have a certain effect on himself. .

Huo Hai looked over and tidied up. The various swordsmanship made Huo Hai an eye-opener. There were even many swordsmanships that were not inferior to the Luoxia swordsmanship he had cultivated before. Some of the characteristics were far superior to those of Luoxia. Swordsmanship restrictions.

"Hey, Luoxia sword technique, I didn't expect to have it here too. It's really detailed and complete, and there are various detailed descriptions." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. The person who had already passed the Tianyang Gate before Huo Hai knew the sky. The interpretation method of Yangmen's classics can naturally be understood. This Tianyangmen is indeed a swordsmanship sect, and various swordsmanships are collected.

As the secrets of the great land empire back then, they actually got it. It seems that it is definitely not as simple as one or two years. There should be many masters who have practiced, otherwise there will not be so many comments.

Looking at these things, Huo Hai realized that Tianyangmen's understanding of the sword technique of the Fallen Clouds even surpassed that of the Haotu Empire, but forget it, he has cultivated it to the peak, and there is no value in continuing to look at this thing.

Huo Hai continued to search. After Huo Hai had collected all the secrets in the inner space, he opened the top box. In the box, there was a golden scroll, "True Sun Sword Qi, Saint Grade Sword Art and Spirit Art," Sure enough, I knew that Tianyang Gate definitely had what I needed." Huo Hai's eyes lit up, his luck was really good, and he found the Holy Sword Skill in no time.

Excited, Huo Hai quickly opened it, and the moment the scroll was displayed in front of Huo Hai, a terrifying sword intent pierced forward. Huo Hai felt as if he was locked by a long sword, and he didn’t move. Dare to move.

After a long time, Huo Hai let out a long sigh, "I was so impulsive just now. Fortunately, there are no protective measures in it, otherwise it would be troublesome." Huo Hai felt a little bit reckless, calmed down, and reflected on himself. The fault.

I am really obsessed with swordsmanship. I don’t know when since Huo Hai discovered that apart from the spirit insects, he actually regarded himself as a swordsman. There is nothing wrong with being a swordsman, but it’s easy to find it if he is too persistent. To get to one's own path, one's own path is not a kendo, but a path of the stars that conforms to the stars.

The Way of the Stars has a strong tolerance. It may not be the strongest unilaterally, but it can tolerate a variety of different skills. From the beginning, Huo Hai has practiced a variety of different war spirits. A comprehensive path.

After recognizing himself, Huo Hai's state of mind became more determined, but no matter what, he still has to learn the True Yang Sword Qi. True Yang Sword Qi is the secret secret of Tianyang Gate. Only if he reaches the Sect Master and reaches the ninth level. Only the masters of Lingdi are qualified to learn.

To condense the true yang sword qi, you need to absorb the power of the strong sun between heaven and earth, compress it to the extreme, and finally use a little true yang power to compress it into a sword seed, thereby transforming your own strength and forming sword qi, When he saw this, Huo Hai had a deeper understanding of the heavenly road. In fact, Huo Hai had discovered it from the beginning.

Regardless of any battle spirit tactics, as long as they reach the heaven level, there will be a seed. The seeds of most heavenly battle spirit tactics are their own origin, just like the star finger and star picking arts.

There are also some that cannot be integrated into the source, and they need to reconsolidate the seed, and this seed seems to be a manifestation of its own law. This kind of thing is not so much a kind of war spirit, as a kind of magical power.

The seed of the Soul Slashing Technique is the soul after the soul body tempering method. Only when the soul is condensed to the extreme, can it bear the special power brought by the Soul Slashing Technique. In a sense, the soul has its own original effect. It's almost the same. Without such seeds, the power of one's own world power can't be used at all.

And the fire of one's own stars, the fire in the body is the seed, and the seed is naturally the star soul guide after the transformation, and this seed needs to be continuously strengthened.

As for the spell of moving stars, Huo Hai also gradually discovered that the seed of this spell was actually the stars he condensed in the inner world. Only if there are more stars in the inner world, the power of this spell will be greater.

Before reaching the sky level, it is absolutely impossible to fully use the power of these sky level war spirit arts, because there is no such seed in my body that can be used to represent the law, and now the same principle is used to cultivate sword energy, reaching the sky level. , All swordsmanship is imaginary, only the powerful law power integrated into the swordmanship itself is the source of the swordmanship power.

The best way to blend in is naturally your own sword aura. First of all, this sword aura has to condense a seed. This seed is the sword seed. The sword seed of the true sun sword aura is condensed by the power of the sun. Doesn't match Huo Hai.

To exert one's own strength, one must first transform the Spirit of War Technique into a suitable attribute. Huo Hai has thought about the Spirit of War Technique back and forth many times. This set of Spirit of War Technique only conflicts with himself, that is. Build the power of your own sword.

As long as this is resolved, it will be much easier to handle next. Huo Hai cannot directly practice. The power of the blazing sun is in conflict with his own star spiritual power. There is no way but to try to transform. This kind of thing, As a sky-level master, he will definitely come into contact with it. This is the first time now, Huo Hai doesn't want to give up casually.

Huo Hai thought while studying the characteristics of the stars' spiritual power. Naturally, the stars' spiritual power couldn't be as concentrated as the power of the blazing sun. Then this method itself seemed to need to be modified. Thinking of this, Huo Hai was even more troubled.

Huo Hai sat in the Tianyang Gate, thinking this way, it took three days. Gradually, Huo Hai unknowingly seeded, entered a trance state, without knowing it, once again merged into the star rock wall. among.

At this time, Huo Hai suddenly realized that a purple-gold long sword appeared in his mind. It was a sword aura of Luoxia. He had already practiced a set of sword techniques a long time ago, and not long after he started practicing. The spirit sword technique and the Luoxia sword technique condense Huo Hai's understanding of the sword, but now, watching the sword aura slowly began to decompose in his mind.

Little by little, Huo Hai seemed to have seen the journey from the beginning of practicing swordsmanship to the present. At this moment, a golden sword aura appeared in his mind, "This, isn't this true Yang sword aura? ."

Huo Hai didn’t know why, he recognized this kind of sword aura. According to the records on the scroll, the true sun sword aura began to change in front of Huo Hai’s eyes, decomposing bit by bit. Huo Hai seemed to understand what, as if everything. do not know.

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a little starlight blending into it, and this time he was very familiar with it. This was Huo Hai's star finger. Just like Huo Hai thought, the star finger also began to decompose bit by bit, allowing Huo Hai to see it very clearly.

"I understand. That's the case. I thought I had completely mastered the Luoxia sword technique, but I didn't expect to use it at all. My Luoxia sword aura was completely relying on my own spiritual power that was much stronger than others. It came out." Huo Hai finally knew the problem that he had never known. It turned out that he had never really learned Luoxia Jianqi.

The appropriate power of the Luoxia Sword Qi itself is not the star spiritual power, but a kind of Xiaguang power. This power is more similar to the true sun power contained in the True Sun Sword Qi, and is almost incompatible with the star spiritual power.

However, this force is very gentle, and the inclusiveness and imitation of the stars' spiritual power is very strong, so Huo Hai has not had any problems with his cultivation, and he is even capable of suppressing the masters who truly cultivate Luoxia Jianqi.

Now Huo Hai realized that he seemed to be really wrong, but the Luoxia Sword Qi was cultivated by Huo Hai after all, and the power attribute is similar to True Yang Sword Qi. Huo Hai compares the two methods of condensing the power of the sword a little bit. Gradually found a lot of similarities, and the Sacred-Quality True Yang Sword Qi, in Huo Hai's thinking, gradually began to change.

Then, Huo Hai began to integrate his own spiritual power, transforming it bit by bit according to the cohesion method of the stars.

Xingchenzhi itself is extremely condensed celestial spiritual power, which is similar to sword qi, but it is relatively inferior in terms of aggression, but very high in flexibility. Huo Hai confirmed it while gradually reforming his sword technique.

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