Evil Insect God

Chapter 1315: Bloodblade Doom

The blood blade is just a killing machine. No matter what it says, it is useless to threaten or beg for mercy. The name of the blood blade has long been spread throughout the heavenly soul domain. It can be said that no one knows, no one knows.

So now, facing the pursuit of the blood blade, none of the people here want to ask for mercy, including the only master of the spirit emperor realm, who only knows to escape, the **** long knife in the blood blade, and the horrible chaos. His murderous aura and blood aura, these are the signs of the blood blade, this point, even the people of the Blood God Sect cannot imitate.

If everyone knew that the Blood Blade was originally a traitor to the Liege Sun Sect, I am afraid that he would still be regarded as a traitor to the Blood God Sect.

"Ah..." With a scream of blood, the only spirit emperor master finally did not block the sword aura from the blood blade. The whole person became two halves from the middle, and the corpse was completely dry in an instant.

A large amount of blood and murderous aura rose up, was swallowed by the **** long knife, and then complemented the **** long knife and the blood blade itself. The aura of the blood blade itself has once again improved a bit. Today's blood blade is about to return to its peak spirit. The degree of the emperor.

Because the **** long knife in his hand has swallowed too much blood and murderous aura, its quality has faintly surpassed ordinary imperial weapons. If it weren't for the material itself is really bad, such a huge accumulation would have long reached a superior weapon. Just like Huo Hai's Blood Flame Flood Dragon, the essence has not been reached, and it is impossible to break through anyway.

Soon, all the people around were clean, and the bloodblade set his gaze on Huo Hai’s location, “It’s really a killing machine. Although it didn’t leak its breath, it still felt the danger.” Huo Hai smiled slightly. Tao.

After that, Huo Hai showed his figure. When he saw Huo Hai, bloodblade's red eyes flashed with fear, and there was also some fear and want to kill, but Bloodblade knew that he was not the person in front of him. Opponent.

Thinking of this, the blood blade turned around and left. Since it is not capable of the enemy, then leave quickly. As a killing machine, following instinct is the most important thing. Huo Hai does not feel surprised at all for the blood blade's action without muddle. The Blood Blade would speak ruthlessly like normal people, and Huo Hai would feel strange, but at this time, the power of the surrounding world had been blocked.

After the blood blade flew a certain distance, he found that he couldn't leave. This was a force that his own power couldn't resist. The blood blade with terrifying intuition, in these feelings, the feeling is very clear, far beyond ordinary people.

Turning his head, the blood blade stared at Huo Hai closely, and his murderous intent began to rise, "Huh, beasts are beasts after all. Even if they have instincts, they still can't control themselves." Huo Hai shook his head and said to himself Language.

Afterwards, Huo Hai said to Bloodblade: "Hu Gui, it really disappoints me to see you become what you are now." Hearing this name, a trace of doubt flashed in Bloodblade's eyes. This was before Bloodblade. Bloodblade's name is just a code name, but unfortunately, even if it feels familiar, Bloodblade can't remember what happened before. He is just Bloodblade now.

"Go ahead, you were made by me alone, even if I want to get rid of you, I want to see what you have in the end now." There is only an instinctive blood blade, I can still hear what Huo Hai means. some.

I don't know how much I understand. In short, Bloodblade knows that this guy in front of him is going to kill him, and that is enough, and if he doesn't kill the person in front of him, he can't escape. In this battle, Bloodblade knows that he can't escape.

The killing machine is the killing machine. Once you understand the matter, the murderous aura in your body cannot be concealed. The terrifying red murderous aura permeates the world, forming a horrible column of murderous aura that connects the world. This murderous aura, even Huo Haidu I felt a little frightened, how many people did this guy kill to condense such a huge murderous aura.

Even if it was Huo Hai, who had killed so many masters, the murderous aura that had been condensed so far was probably not as much as blood blades. After these murderous auras were transformed by the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, Huo Hai didn't know how much they actually had.

"Roar..." In Bloodblade's throat, there was a beast roar like a beast, and then the whole person turned into a ball of blood, and the long sword in his hand was raised, and several blood-red sword auras directed at Huo Hai. .

Before the sword energy hit Huo Hai, it was blocked by the power of heaven and earth barrier around Huo Hai. There was a harsh sound, blood blade followed closely, and the long knife in his hand slashed fiercely. Cut on the power of heaven and earth condensed in Huo Hai's body, and even in the void, sparks appeared, and the surrounding space was shaken.

A bloodblade is faster than a knife. This speed is nothing in Huo Hai's eyes, but in the eyes of ordinary spirit emperors, you can't even see the shadow. In silence, I am afraid that he has been hit by the bloodblade. killed.

Huo Hai looked at and shook his head: "There is no way of writing, no war spirit art, purely wasting one's own strength, but it's not just for fun if you don't break it quickly, so fast, even the top of the Sun Sect. I am afraid that no master can stop it." This kind of speed is no longer what the average ninth-level spirit emperor can keep up. It is really scary.

I really don’t know who created this secret method. If it wasn’t for this secret method that would make people completely lost, it was really a quick and good way. Huo Hai also knew that this secret method could not break through the heavens. of.

However, there are only a few who can break through the heaven level. Among the heavenly soul domain, the spirit emperor is an absolute master. Not many people are qualified to reach the heaven level, and can reach the peak of the spirit emperor in a short time. Most people can't help it. .

After attacking for a while, the blood blade seemed to find that it was impossible to hurt Huo Hai if it continued like this. The blood blade that was fully aroused by the fierceness in his heart roared up to the sky, and the blood and blood all over his body erupted like a fountain of murderous spirit , The next moment, the blood blade started to soften and melt strangely, turning into a mass of red liquid.

The liquid quickly adhered to the long knife, and finally merged into it. The long knife suddenly emitted a bright light. The blood-red light magnified the blade a hundred times, and a blood-red big knife appeared in front of Huo Hai.

"Is the human knife integrated? It seems that this blood blade has been completely integrated with the blood knife." Huo Hai has some regrets, such a good thing, Huo Hai originally planned to take it back and study it, and wait to continue using it in the future.

But now Huo Hai understands that if he doesn't destroy this long knife, he will never be able to kill the blood blade. Forget it, anyway, this set of secret methods and the manufacturing method of this blood long knife are known to him. After the battle, just pick up some fragments and study it by yourself. After making up his mind, Huo Hai was ready to kill the blood blade.

The **** blade after the human knife was unified, the power that broke out was completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The huge blood-red long knife traversed the sky and the earth. When the knife was released, the surrounding space shattered one after another, revealing a series of space cracks.

The space can be shredded by only relying on the aura of the outside, which is not something that everyone can do. Now this attack, in terms of destructive power, has exceeded the limit that the Lingdi master can exert.

The power of this sword even reached the level of an attack by a general Lingzun a heavy-duty master. Unfortunately, this attack does not contain personal laws, and it still uses the power of heaven and earth, and Huo Hai's spirits are just restraining him.

With a move in his heart, Huo Hai’s power to control the sky and the earth has already been released. Before the **** long sword has waited to penetrate, it seems to be caught by countless spider webs. It moves slowly and slowly, and the power of the huge long sword continues to weaken. It is also getting smaller and smaller. At the same time, Huo Hai's whole body is shining with starlight, and the Scarlet Longknife weakens faster under the starlight.

Strands of blue smoke continued to emerge from the blade, and some screams could be heard from time to time. In order to restrain these blood qi, Huo Hai also transformed the power of the surrounding heaven and earth into a strong sun attribute, continuously hurting the blood blade.

The long knife moved forward slowly. When it was not far from Huo Hai, the power of the long knife was basically exhausted. Although the attack was still very sharp, the blade had already changed to its original shape, with a long **** color. On the knife, there was a face, and a closer look was the painful and distorted face of the blood blade, which was very strange.

Huo Hai sighed. Although this person was his own pawn, it was because he became like this. After all, Huo Hai was somewhat embarrassed. Strictly speaking, Huo Hai could not be regarded as an outright villain.

Huo Hai just acted in a somewhat arbitrary style. With a wave of his hand, a little starlight flashed. This was a little star sword energy that Huo Hai had just condensed. The power of the sword energy was completely incomparable with the Scarlet Long Sword.

However, this power is formed by the power of the Spirit Venerable’s world. The nature of the power is not comparable to the blood of the blood blade. The sword aura of the stars hits the long sword, and the murderous power on it is quickly dissipated, and there is no way to resist it. This kind of unreasonable attack, even if the blood blade has only the instinct left, the heart is still worried.

With a clear sound of "ding", the sword energy hit the blood-colored long knife. The next moment, a crack appeared on the blood-colored long knife. The crack slowly expanded, and finally the long knife was divided into two from the middle.

At this moment, the crack broke, and the long knife finally broke into two pieces. A strong blood came out of the long knife, followed by a scream, and the long knife was destroyed and integrated with the long knife. 'S blood blade was fatally hit.

Huo Hai smiled slightly, and there was no need to do it himself at this time. The Xingchen Jianqi that had just penetrated the long sword had launched a fundamental terrorist attack on the body of the blood blade, and the origin of the blood blade had been completely shattered.

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