Evil Insect God

Chapter 1316: Unexpected person

With Huo Hai's power, it is too easy to destroy the body of the blood blade. Perhaps others cannot find where the blood blade itself is, but Huo Hai can clearly feel that the light of the soul is not an ordinary thing.

Since the spiritual power has transformed into the light of the soul, human perception will be enlarged without limit. It can be said that except for the masters of the same level who can conceal themselves, the general methods are useless at all. Soon, the blood blade is in Huo Hai Under the damage of the sword aura, the origin was completely shattered, the soul was destroyed, and the blood blade was finally completely destroyed.

At this moment, a red light flashed on Huo Hai’s wrist, and the Blood Flame Flood Dragon suddenly rushed out. Before Huo Hai could move, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon had already fallen down where the blood blade died, and huge suction suddenly emerged. come out.

The surrounding blood and murderous aura were quickly swallowed by the blood flame flood dragon, and then slowly transformed into its own blood flame under the action of the blood flame. Although the blood flame flood dragon is still only the level of the peak spirit emperor, the blood flame is very terrifying. Up.

The blood flames that the Blood Flame Flood Dragon can now use can burn a piece of the earth without any problems. The peak Spirit Emperor master of the same level, the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, relying on its huge accumulation, can deal with three or four alone without a problem. Huo Hai is somewhat helpless, if not Because he hadn't found the material for improvement, this blood flame flood dragon had already reached the realm of spiritual sovereign.

With the passage of time, the huge blood and murderous aura was gradually swallowed, and the blood flame flood dragon returned to Huo Hai's arm with a monstrous fierce flame, and turned into a tattoo. After that, no breath was released.

Huo Hai didn't pay any attention either, and with a wave of his hand, he collected the broken blood blade in half. This thing has transformed to this degree, but it is very valuable for research. When you have free time, you can slowly study it.

After quickly erasing all the breath here, Huo Hai continued on his way. As for the Lie Sun Sect, Huo Hai helped Lie Sun Sect to wipe out a big worry, so there is no need to tell them, because soon, the Li Sun Sect will be completely destroyed. A few minutes later, Huo Hai quietly came to the vicinity of the Liege Sect's resident. At this time, it was completely incomparable with before.

The last time I came here, there was a lot of weather here, and the aura from the huge guardian formation made people dare not approach it casually from a long distance away, but this time, what Huo Hai saw was not the same.

The Guardian Formation has completely disappeared, and I don’t know how many battles have been experienced here. Many buildings have been destroyed. If there were not so many people living here, Huo Hai would really think it was an abandoned ruin. It.

Many people are busy around, constantly arranging something. Judging by Huo Hai’s eyesight, these guys should be busy arranging the spiritual formation. This scale should be the guardian formation. It is a pity that the guardian The level of Zongda formation is too high, but they don't have the help of a spiritual master. If this arrangement continues, it is not known how many years will be completed.

If this continues, the materials they waste are also very scary. Huo Hai did not act rashly, because not all the masters of the Lie Sun Sect have returned here. Besides, Huo Hai does not know whether Lie Sun Sect has any hidden means now.

Quietly wandering around for two days, on this day, Huo Hai finally saw a figure rushing towards the resident, "The breath of Chenguang Jue, the fourth-level spirit emperor, should have a certain status, Xiaodie, grab it for me. "

With an order from Huo Hai, Xiaodie’s mental illusion was released. The Spirit Emperor, who was still flying in the air, flew towards Huo Hai the next moment. Huo Hai did not wait, but immediately left here. This person Under Xiaodie's control, they also followed closely. They didn't fall behind for half a step. After a while, the two of them stayed away from the Lie Sun Sect.

"Let's talk, who are you." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and finally caught a hostage.

The visitor said stupidly: "I am Tianhui, the Supreme Elder of the Sun Sect, and the subordinate of the elder of foreign affairs..." Tianhui, Huo Hai gradually frowned when he heard the name. This name is really familiar. .

"Wait, ancestor Tianhui, have you been to the Molian domain, and have also been to the southern countries." Huo Hai finally remembered the name, the inheritance Chenguang tactics left by the ancestor Tianhui, in Molian However, many people coveted the domain, if it weren't for this thing, he wouldn't be facing the vast empire, and in the end, the empire would be completely destroyed.

Tianhui nodded: "Yes, I have indeed been to the southern countries and sealed a monster." Huo Hai asked a few questions, and gradually matched this person with what he had encountered.

And this ancestor of the radiant is indeed proficient in spirit formations, but the name of the ancestor is called by the people of the Molian domain. With the strength of the celestial ancestor, he can be called the ancestor in the heavenly soul, but in It's absolutely impossible inside the Liege Sect.

With the improvement of Huo Hai’s strength, he gradually understood the spirit formations. Huo Hai also knew that the underground spirit formations of the southern countries could not be arranged by the ancestors of Tianhui. Even if it is Huo Hai now, he wants to arrange it. Such a spiritual formation can't be done in one or two days. It takes time and effort, which are very complicated.

You know, the original formation was made by the great ancestors of the celestial ancestors who commanded the Molian domain and contributed some low-level materials. Then this spirit formation had some problems in Huo Hai's eyes.

Huo Hai hadn’t considered these things before, but now Huo Hai finally found out that something was wrong. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately asked: “What happened to the spiritual formation back then, if I was not wrong, the spiritual formation I'm afraid it's not something you can arrange." Huo Hai stared at the ancestor Tianhui tightly, trying to find something.

The ancestor Tianhui said without hesitation: "I did arrange the spirit formation, but it used the space king insect."

Huo Hai was taken aback, and then the ancestor Tianhui began to explain, Space King Insect, this is not something that exists in the Heavenly Soul Realm, to be precise, this thing should be a kind of terrifying insect beast that only exists in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

I just don’t know what happened. There has never been a barrier from which creatures have come out. However, a space king worm passed through and appeared here. After this space king worm appeared, he was already seriously injured and eventually died in the south. country.

If you can figure out the cause of this matter, it will be of great benefit to you and the sect, but this space king insect does not know what era came here, and the ancestor of Tianhui only learned from the classics. I found a little clue, and then followed the classics, and found the territory of the southern countries all the way.

For his own credit, the ancestor Tianhui concealed this news. Thousands of years have passed, and he still hasn’t told it to the Sun Sect. He found the location of the Space King Insect, but the ancestor Tianhui could not take it. To.

The power of the Space King Worm is really too strong. Even after death, it can instinctively block the space and hide itself in a different space. The ancestor of Tianhui has no way, just encountering a huge disaster at the beginning.

As a result, the ancestor of Tianhui commanded the masters of the Molian Domain to directly set up a large spiritual formation here, using the power left by the Space King Insect to operate, and at the same time consume the Space King Insect's power to protect itself.

At the same time, it also links it with the monsters, and through the continuous consumption of magic energy, originally this thousand years, the defensive power of the space king insect should be wiped out, and then the ancestor of the sky can do it. I tried, but what I didn't expect was that in the recent period of time, great events have happened constantly in the Heavenly Soul Region, and the ancestor Tianhui didn't have time to pay attention.

It is expected that no one will know about this sword, and the ancestor Tianhui is more relieved, but today, he was inexplicably caught by Huo Hai, and while asking, Huo Hai's eyes flashed with surprise and incredible.

"So, it's no wonder there will be such a huge spiritual formation." Huo Hai's heart moved. In any case, the body of this space king worm must be dug out. If you study it carefully, it may be of great help to him.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai took this matter in his mind, and then he began to inquire about other things, "Tell me, how many masters do you still have in the Lie Sun Sect, and how many backhands are there to prepare." Huo Hai's eyes flashed. The danger of silk.

The controlled ancestor Tianhui did not hesitate and said all the masters of the sect. Since the death of a ninth-level spirit emperor, there are only two ninth-level spirit emperors left in the sect, one is the sect master. One is the great elder, and it is not easy to reach the 9th level of the spirit emperor. Among them, the great elder has already reached the level of the peak spirit emperor.

The next big comparison is true. In order to improve the morale of the sect, this time all the spirit emperor masters of the sect are required to return to the sect. This is to overwhelm the Yuehua Zong with momentum. Zongmen is still constantly competing.

As for the methods of the Lie Sun Sect, Huo Hai also understands that over the years, the Lie Sun Sect has continuously manufactured various disposable scrolls and spars. These things may not be powerful enough to use alone, but if a large amount of one-time use is made, even if it is A Spiritual Venerable like Huo Hai would have a headache, and it is normal to get injured if one is not careful.

This thing is a means used by the Lie Sun Sect to fight desperately, and it is usually only used by individuals, but in this case, these deterrent weapons are reserved for the Yuehua Sect to use, especially one of the scrolls. Contains the power of a spiritual master.

Huo Hai's heart moved, his luck is still really good, find a guy who knows the inside story, if he rushes forward rashly and gives these people a chance, maybe he will fail this time, once exposed to everyone , Even if he is a spiritual sovereign, many variables will appear if he wants to destroy the two sects.

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