Evil Insect God

Chapter 1317: The Lie Sun Sect

While there was still a period of time, Huo Hai did not kill the ancestor Tianhui, but began to discuss with the ancestor Tianhui the Chenguang Jue left behind. Just as Huo Hai thought, this Chenguang Jue had many flaws.

If you continue to practice, you can only cultivate to the realm of Spirit Sovereign at most. It is impossible to move forward. There are no supporting war spirit skills. The only one is mainly used for healing and cultivation. The speed is also very slow, and the requirements for cultivation are very high. If you don't have a strong talent, it is difficult to cultivate to a high level.

This is a method used by the ancestors of the celestial ancestors to recruit apprentices. Originally, the ancestors of the celestial ancestors planned to reach the Molian domain, and asked if there were any masters with light attributes. As long as they were suitable, they would be accepted as disciples and introduced into the Scorching Sun Sect. .

What he didn’t expect was that Huo Hai, a non-cultivator, got the Chenguang Secret Art. Later, Huo Hai also discovered various problems with the Chenguang Secret Art. Only the few people who had cultivated Chenguang Art to reach the Spirit Sovereign, also Because of Huo Hai, he changed the sky star.

While asking, Huo Hai recorded the various cultivation questions of Chenguang Jue. At the same time, he also asked the various battle spirit techniques of the ancestor Tianhui. After returning, let the family choose suitable people to practice. In any case, it is impossible for all members of the family to practice Celestial Transformation. The Morning Light Art is a bright attribute and has great effects.

This time I realized that Huo Hai knew that the Luoxia sword technique combined with the light attribute spirit art is the best. Those who practice the Heavenly Star Transformation will never be able to exert the true power of the Luoxia sword technique, not to mention, there is Many secret methods obtained from Tianyangmen.

The swordsmanship of Tianyangmen is very sharp, but the spiritual art that he cultivates is much worse than the Chenguang art of the Lie Sun Sect. What Huo Hai wants to establish is a diversified family, so that he will not be affected by others in the future. Grasp the weakness.

I believe that as long as my cultivation level keeps improving, as long as I am still there, then there is basically no such a crisis of division in the family. After the inquiry, Huo Hai completely wiped out the ancestors of the sky, I am afraid the people in the Molian domain I would never have thought that a master who had such a major influence on the Molian Domain would die silently in this mountain forest.

Of course, the death of Tianhui also made the Lie Sun Sect even more indignant towards Yue Hua Sect. During this time, only the people of Yue Hua Sect would fight against Lie Sun Sect. Although the other forces were good, none of them could kill. The Supreme Elder of the Lie Sun Sect.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, the time for the internal competition of the Lie Sun Sect had arrived. On this day, all the masters of the Lie Sun Sect gathered together, and even the Sect Master and the Great Elder were the most potential disciples of the Lie Sun Sect. They returned to the Zongmen residence one by one, and the rewards this time were exceptionally rich.

In troubled times, increasing rewards is also a way to improve morale. Besides, the Sun Sect also wants to train young children of its own sect in the shortest possible time, so that they can grow up as soon as possible.

With the passage of time, more and more Scorching Sun Sect masters came here. With the gathering of Scorching Sun Sect masters, the huge Scorching Sun power slowly condensed, and finally rose to the sky. The terrifying Yang Qi made a great The range of people was shocked.

I don’t know how long it has passed. The masters of the Lie Sun Sect gradually returned here. The Sovereign stood up and said: "Now I am embarrassed, but my Lie Sun Sect’s spirit will never give up. I believe that we will eventually be able to use our own strength to defeat All enemies are independent of the peak of the Heavenly Soul Domain." Following the words of Sect Master of the Scorching Sun, cheers from below.

Around, some spies who were observing here secretly also looked shocked. The momentum of the Scorching Sun Sect was really terrifying. Only a few spies from the sect paid no attention to this kind of declaration. On the contrary, they showed disdain. .

After a pause, the ancestor of the Lie Sun Sect shouted: "Now, I announce the start of the Grand Competition. This time it will be divided into three levels, namely Mysterious Level Competition, King Level Competition and Emperor Level Competition. If anyone can To win the first place in any level, this sect will reward a top-level war spirit tactic. Now, the big competition begins." With these words, the cheers became more enthusiastic.

You must know that these top-level war spirit arts have always been possible only for the elders of the sect and those who have made major contributions to the sect, and this major contribution is impossible to obtain if the cultivation level is not enough.

Now that they had such an opportunity, how could they not get excited? All the people seemed to have been beaten up with blood, and the blood all over the body boiled. Even if the Lie Sun Sect does not have a large guardian formation now, there are so many masters guarding it. , And no one dared to make trouble casually, even the alliance headed by Yuehuazong still did not dare to come here casually.

Huo Hai was observing in the dark, and a smile gradually flashed in his eyes, "Yes, it's not bad, it seems that all the masters have gathered, um, there are many injured, actually hidden in the dark, because they are not beautiful. ."

Huo Hai felt it and analyzed it. The number of people can correspond to what the ancestor Tianhui said. The only thing missing is this Tianhui hunted by Huo Hai. During this period of time, the Lie Sun Sect had no spirit. Emperor master died again.

It seems that after such a long time, the battle between the two major sects has gradually become balanced. No matter how many, since these people have already arrived, then just get rid of them. By the way, there are still these guys who are in the way.

Huo Hai set his sights on the people next to him. If these spies didn't get rid of them, and discovered that the Lie Sun Sect was destroyed, it might make other sects think of something. This time, no one should be allowed to escape.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately released Fluttershy. The huge mental power was released from Xiaodie’s young body, and instantly enveloped the entire Scorching Sun Sect’s residence, including the surrounding area, and all the people's spirits gradually became trance. , Gradually entered the illusion, and at the same time, everyone was strangely quiet at this time.

Huo Hai sneered and started to do it. The first thing to kill was these people outside. All of this was left to the Star Gus. In any case, Star Gu was a master at the pinnacle Spirit Emperor realm. Killing these people is still very good. Easy.

"Give me a safer battlefield. Just use your own light attributes. Remember, imitate the sword wound." Huo Hai intends to put the blame on the Tianyangmen for the destruction of the Lie Sun Sect. As for Why can Tianyangmen be able to do this? It has nothing to do with Huo Hai. Tianyangmen is now completely closed, and the guardian formation is naturally operating.

Anyway, as long as no one attacked, Tianyangmen would still be very normal when viewed from the outside of the mountain gate. Besides, in the Liege Sect's style, it was normal to have enmity and resentment for the Liege Sect affiliated to Tianyangmen for such a long time, and they also had this motivation.

The Tianyang Gate, which has not been done for a long time, suddenly attacked and destroyed the Liege Sect. This is also normal. As for whether other people will believe that this has anything to do with Huo Hai, in short, as long as the situation is completely disrupted, then Huo Hai was able to find opportunities to accomplish what he had to do, and the Star Gus strictly followed Huo Hai's orders.

As for Huo Hai himself, he killed all the masters here one by one, and at the same time made the illusion of being attacked by a special force, and fighting head-on, how could other sects not feel it.

The Tianyang Gate has been destroyed. Huo Hai doesn't care if they put their gaze on the Tianyang Gate. He has to say that it is too easy for the Lingzun to deal with the Lingdi, especially when the other party is not prepared. Under circumstances.

After being attacked by a mentally proficient master like Fluttershy, everyone has completely lost the ability to resist. It’s no wonder that in a war, as long as the top master fights the battle, basically the victory of the battle is divided. This time the sneak attack made Huo Hai feel the difference between the different levels of high-level spiritualists, it was really a world of difference.

Huo Hai's movements were very fast, and within minutes, he wiped out the high-level members of the Lie Sun Sect from low to high. While killing, Huo Hai made some actions, such as letting these people's original spiritual power be released.

Anyway, Fluttershy's illusion technique is shrouded, and it will not be seen by people. After that, Huo Hai will use the methods commonly used by the spirit emperor to erase these original spiritual powers, and he will also erase the uncleanness in a hurry. sign.

The surrounding buildings were all destroyed, and they were destroyed under the sword qi of the Star Gus. These imitated the same is the sword qi of the sun, at least outsiders can’t see it, these light forces are condensed. Sword Qi, judging from the signs, there is no difference between the sword Qi used by Tianyang Gate. This is the real reason why Huo Hai wants to blame Tianyang Gate.

After that, Huo Hai had to make the appearance of using a spiritual formation around him. Otherwise, there would be no way to explain the demise of the Lie Sun Sect, why there would be no movement, and it would be enough to hide it for a while.

What Huo Hai wanted was to conceal it for a period of time. The Lie Sun Sect had powerful methods, and Yue Hua Sect should also have them. Huo Hai didn't want to face the Yue Hua Sect's methods. If he was not careful, it would be possible to capsize in the gutter.

After killing the people here, Huo Hai quickly collected all their belongings. When encountering some special people, Huo Hai will also let Xiaodie temporarily control them, and inquire about the special secrets of these people. Many secrets are unique to individuals and will not be recorded in books at all. This is what Huo Hai has only recently learned about.

"Hehe, this is your last player, sure enough. It is dangerous enough." Huo Hai held a golden light twinkling scroll. The power faintly revealed by this scroll made Huo Hai feel a great threat.

This is definitely left by the former spiritual masters of the Lie Sun Sect. Once this scroll is activated, the power that can burst out may not be enough to kill Huo Hai, but there is no problem in hurting Huo Hai seriously.

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