Evil Insect God

Chapter 1319: Encircle and Suppress the Sky Star Sect

Just after the destruction of the Lie Sun Sect, the atmosphere of the entire Heavenly Soul Domain immediately became strange. The originally chaotic battle suddenly ceased completely. After the destruction of the Lie Sun Sect, the entire Heavenly Soul Domain became much quieter.

Even the former enemies of life and death are now hidden by many people, and they dare not move around this knot. After Huo Hai discovered that Yuehua Sect seemed to have signs of full contraction, he had no choice but to step back. Zong arranged some special methods around the Zongmen residence, even if Huo Hai rushed in, he was likely to be discovered.

The things left by these spiritual masters are really a headache. Originally, Huo Hai wanted to use Xiaodie to control these people, but later Huo Hai discovered that Yuehua Zong is much better than Lie Sun Zong for spirit and soul. Up.

At least the ring-shaped jewelry on their suzerain's head is a treasure that has reached the highest quality. It not only has the function of protecting itself, but also has the effect of calming the mind, and Xiaodie's mental power can't break through.

If you force an impact, you will be discovered by the opponent without waiting to control the opponent. At that time, as long as the opponent perishes, Huo Hai will also feel an extremely headache. Huo Hai can only hope that Sect Master Yuehua separates from the other disciples. , Huo Hai can easily obliterate it without causing others to counterattack.

In desperation, Huo Hai had to return to Floating Cloud Island again, and while passing the time, he condensed his own sword species. The sword species had just taken shape and had not yet reached the level of fully exerting Huo Hai's spiritual power.

Once the sword species is fully formed, Huo Hai believes that his combat effectiveness is only stronger than that of the Yuehua ancestor of the day. In any world, peace cannot really exist. This calm lasted less than a month. time.

Many small sects started wars because of mutual grievances, and then some larger forces were gradually involved in them, as if they were about to release the anger accumulated for a month, once the war broke out, it quickly swept through. At the end of the entire Heavenly Soul Realm, only those super-class sects were not involved.

However, as the battle continued, disputes within the sect began to continue. In the Yuehua Sect, the grievances of the disciples below were almost unstoppable. There used to be a scorching sun sect confrontation that made them dare not act rashly.

But now that the Lie Sun Sect has been destroyed, so in the eyes of many Yuehua Sect disciples, he is the disciple of the first sect of the Heavenly Soul Realm. Those who dared to stretch their claws toward their sect in the previous stage must now have their Just kill it.

"Sect Master, what to do? I can't help it anymore. Today we caught forty-seven disciples who wanted to sneak out. Some of these people had friends who died in the hands of the Lie Sun Alliance, and some just wanted to help." In the evening, in the hall, an elder said to the suzerain with a helpless expression. The others were not in a good mood when they heard this.

"These ignorant little guys, don't you know our current situation?" Yue Huazong seems to be the largest sect at present, but Yue Huazong's situation is not good. The guardian formation disappeared, leaving them at any time. The state of the attack.

The fact that the previous force was able to destroy the Scorching Sun Sect silently and silently might destroy them. Although everyone basically thought that this thing was done by Tianyangmen, many masters of the Yuehua Sect still thought it was a bit weird, even if it was. Tianyang Sect did it, but the relationship between Tianyang Sect and Yuehua Sect was not good. When the other sects were suppressed, Yuehua Sect was also very active.

There are voices from the outside world demanding that Tianyang Sect be reclassified into the ranks of the top sects, and there are currently two major sects, Feng Feng Sect and Hui Hao Sect, that have not lost much of their strength. The two major sects are eyeing and may start at any time.

Facing the badly injured Yuehuazong, as long as these two sects work together, Yuehuazong is not their opponent at all.

"Sect Master, it's not good. We have a team that lost contact on the front line. According to the news sent back by Moon Shadow Fanzhao, this matter was done by the people of the Sky Star Sect." Hearing this, everyone's expressions were even more ugly.

Moonshadow Backlight has an effect. Either there are masters of the Spirit Sovereign in the team, or there are children who are valued by important members of the team, "Sky Star Sect, how come even them to join in the fun, do you really think we dare not move them anymore." , The Sky Star Sect took the initiative to unite with the Scorching Sun Sect, only then could it suppress the Yuehua Sect’s offensive.

Even so, under the attack of the Yuehua Sect, the Sky Star Sect had lost nearly half of its masters. Unexpectedly, without the Scorching Sun Sect, this Sky Star Sect still rushed up like a mad dog. This is really looking for death.

"The Sky Star Sect has been immortal with us. If they don't do anything, they will definitely be annihilated by us. I think the people of the Sky Star Sect should have thought of the consequences. Perhaps they think that the Tianyang Sect will cooperate with them."

The relationship between Tianyangmen and Yuehuazong is not good. Now there is a scorching sun alliance outside. In order to protect itself, this alliance has not split up until now, but has become more condensed. The Tianxing Sect may be fighting back, or it may have itself In any case, the strength of the Heavenly Star Sect was considered superior in the Heavenly Soul Region.

"Hmph, originally I didn't want to do this. Since the people of the Sky Star Sect want to die, then I will fulfill them." Sect Master looked around for a week, and a strong murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and everyone didn't know what the Sect Master meant.

The Sect Master also noticed everyone’s doubts, and then said, “Originally, only I and the Great Elder knew about this.” Everyone was silent. During the fight against the Liege Sect, a ninth-level spirit emperor of the Liege Sect came to the end. In desperation, the Great Elder Yuehuazong was killed, and the result was that Yuehuazong's sneak attack did not get the slightest benefit in that battle.

Sect Master continued: "We are constantly sending spies to the Lie Sun Sect. How can we forget that the Sky Star Sect now has many high-level staff under ours, who have not used it before, and now it is time to use it."

After a pause, a light flashed in the eyes of the Sect Master: "Everyone prepares for me. Three days later, we set off for the Sky Star Sect to destroy them." Following the order from Sect Master Yuehua, all the disciples of Yuehua Sect responded. .

Huo Hai, who is on Floating Cloud Island, received a letter from Song Muhua to him the next day. From the letter, Huo Hai understood that Yuehua Zong was about to do it. "I don’t know if there is a chance, eh, go and see I'm optimistic." Huo Hai thought for a while and set off again. After waiting for more than two months, Yue Huazong finally did it again, but he couldn't miss it.

Before the three days arrived, Huo Hai had already come to the vicinity of the Sky Star Sect sect station early. At this time, the masters of the Sky Star Sect had also gathered together. They were powerful in uniting, but they were also easy to be wiped out.

At the same time, Huo Hai had already given Song Muhua news and asked Song Muhua to help him investigate some hidden methods within Yuehuazong, but it was a pity that Song Muhua was still inaccessible, so there was no intelligence.

Huo Hai was not in a hurry. He was waiting here at the Star Sect. The guardian formation of the Star Sect was not very strong and could not stop Huo Hai’s perception and the invasion of spirit insects. Although the Star Sect might conflict with his family, But after all, the conflict hasn't appeared yet, and Huo Hai is not ashamed to do it casually. Huo Hai kills a lot, but he is not a bloodthirsty monster.

Looking at the Sky Star Sect from a distance, three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Xiaodie in mid-air suddenly sent a message to himself. Huo Hai closed his eyes, his vision transformed to Xiaodie, following Xiaodie’s mental power. , Everything is very clear below.

"What kind of person is this sneaky? It seems that these are traitors." In the middle of the night, the two spirit emperors sneaked out with a lot of spirit emperors, and they didn't know how they did it. There was no guard on the road.

Soon, the group of people surrounded and became a circle, and then some people took out a piece of spar at the edge of the guardian formation. The spar contained a strong moonlight power, and they knew that it was not a star. Zong's items, "hands." One of the spirit emperors waved his hand, and a faint wave emanated, quickly sweeping the entire Sky Star Sect.

At this time, the people around poured their spiritual power into the spar. The spar was stimulated by the spiritual power and gave out a faint moonlight, "Kak..." Accompanied by the cracking sound, cracks gradually spread throughout the spar.

A full eighteen spars shattered at the same time, and the moonlight suddenly shone brightly, covering the entire Sky Star Sect's residence completely, "What's the matter, no, this is Yuehua, someone from Yuehua Sect came to attack. Up."

Of course, someone noticed such a big movement. With a loud roar, more and more people discovered that it was wrong. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time. This moonlight stirred up quickly, and the force of terror continued to erupt. The buildings inside the Tianxing Sect were severely damaged in the first place, and the disciples of the sect who were not strong enough died one after another.

Then, the spirit formation appeared from time to time, and finally disappeared strangely, "No, someone moved the guardian formation, **** it, there is an insider." As soon as Sect Master Sky Star flew out, he saw this scene, which was suddenly abnormal. Annoyed.

When the people around saw this scene, they nodded in satisfaction. A spirit emperor smashed a spar, and the power of the moon blossom in the spar burst out immediately, and the power of the moon rose into the air, forming a The huge crescent, exuding bright brilliance.

This is a signal left by Yuehua Sect. From afar, Sect Master Yuehua saw this scene and said loudly to the surroundings: "Very well, our people have succeeded, all of them rush to me." An order was given, The masters of Yuehuazong who came this time rushed out one after another and flew in the direction of the Sky Star Sect. The two were not very far apart from each other, and they arrived in no time.

After they arrived, the resident of the Sky Star Sect had basically turned into a ruin.

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