Evil Insect God

Chapter 1320: opportunity

"No, it's a member of the Yuehua Sect, a **** traitor, you must not die." After such a long time, the master of the Sky Star Sect has basically known what happened, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

Even the second elder of the sect, who has reached the fifth level of the spirit emperor realm, is also a spy of Yuehua Sect. This is really a blow to morale. After seeing this scene, the disciples of the Tianxing Sect are even at a loss. I don't know what to do, the injured disciples are still wailing in the ruins, and they have been forgotten at this time.

Sect Master Tianxing snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that we had raised so many white-eyed wolves. We originally thought that even if we were spies, even if we got such a position in the sect, they would still be like this."

Next to him, the wounded great elder looked at this scene, his eyes were full of bleak, and he didn't need to use the masters of Yuehuazong to do it. The remaining powers at the moment are not necessarily opponents of this kind of traitor. This is really impressive. Chilling.

"Hahahaha... the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. The Sky Star Sect was originally established under the auspices of the Yuehua Sect. Compared with the Yuehua Sect, what can be compared? What you have, the Yuehua Sect has what you don’t have, There is still Yue Huazong, you say, how are we going to choose? Besides, Yue Huazong is now the most powerful sect in the Heavenly Soul Region."

Hearing the words of the second elder, the lord snorted coldly: "Ignorance, don't you know the current situation of Yuehuazong? If you can continue to persist, you can suppress Yuehuazong in a short time. Besides, Yuehuazong is guaranteed to survive. ."

The second elder is still arrogant: "Hahahaha, you don't have to worry about this. Although Yangmen succeeded in attacking the Lie Sun Sect that day, how could they have not lost at all themselves? I have been to see the scene and it definitely broke out. How much strength can we retain in the current Tianyangmen’s battle, how can we be our opponent."

This guy is completely crazy. Seeing this scene, the Sect Master shook his head helplessly: "Huh, the ignorant thing actually regards the unconfirmed news as the truth. I really don't know how you became the second elder of my Sky Star Sect. "

"From today, there will be no Sky Star Sect in the future." The second elder said with wide eyes and disdain.

"Well said, starting from today, there is no need for the Sky Star Sect to exist. Humph, if it wasn't the Scorching Sun Sect that had been intervening, how could your Sky Star Sect grow to the point where it is today." The Heavenly Star Sect was removed, but in order to leave Yuehua Sect with a restraining force, the Lie Sun Sect had been struggling with it.

Now, the Sky Star Sect has even dared to directly rebel. Without the Scorching Sun Sect, there is no need for the Sky Star Sect to exist.

In the distance, a group of people was flying over quickly. These were the Yuehua Sect Spirit Emperor masters headed by Yuehua Sect Master. At this time, the chaotic power around the Tianxingzong resident had gradually dissipated, revealing a ruin.

It can be said that the Sky Star Sect is now completely destroyed except for the important buildings. None of the masters who have not reached the earth level have survived, and they have become slags under this force. It was the Spirit King and the Spirit King, and there were also many unlucky ones, who were directly crushed by this force, leaving nothing behind.

Although none of the masters of the spirit emperor who were attacked was killed, all of them were injured. The Sect Master of Heavenly Star looked okay on the surface, but the injuries were definitely not minor. Otherwise, they would have already started.

"Yes, it deserves to be the joint scroll created by the five pinnacle emperors of our sect that year. The Sky Star Sect was basically destroyed." Sect Master Yuehua saw this scene with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sect Master Yuehua, you have won this time, but your Yuehua Sect will definitely not exist for long. Humph, if it wasn't for this traitor, even if you had this kind of scroll, how could you break our guardian formation." Thinking that the guardian formation was destroyed because of traitors, Sect Master Tianxing was full of bitterness, how could it become like this.

What they didn't know was that this time because of the encounter with the Heavenly Star Sect, the major sects began to strictly investigate the person in charge of their guardian spirit formation, worrying that one day they would be destroyed by the guardian spirit formation from within.

Sect Master Yuehua snorted coldly: "You don't need to worry about this. In short, our Yuehua Sect has existed for longer than you." Having said that, Sect Master Yuehua waved: "Hands, send them on the road."

Following the order from Sect Master Yuehua, the masters brought by Yuehuazong condensed Yuehua at the same time and launched an attack. At the same time, those who had rebelled also condensed their starlight and acted mercilessly. These people regard them as companions who have been with them for countless years. Judging from their appearance, those who don't know think they are enemies.

The Heavenly Star Sect master who had been injured and the number of people was far from enough, faced such an attack, before long, there were countless deaths and injuries. In less than twenty minutes, the Heavenly Star Sect left only the master of the Spirit Emperor.

Seeing the wound on his body, Sect Master Sky Star's eyes were full of bitterness. I didn't expect tens of thousands of years of hard work. In the end, he still failed. What exactly he was doing, Sect Master Sky Star's eyes were already full of dead gray.

After Sect Master Tianxing closed his eyes, the original spiritual power began to dissipate. Sect Master Yuehua sneered and waved his hand: "Go, take away all the collections of Tianxing Sect." In this battle, Yuehua Sect's loss was too great. It's big, and now it happens to be able to add things from the Sky Star Sect, otherwise, the future will be really difficult.

"You are all here to clean up slowly, don't worry, I will go back to preside over the affairs of the sect first, hum, after the Tianxing Sect is destroyed, the other sects should not be able to bear it." A trace of complacency flashed in the eyes of Sect Master Yuehua.

After that, Sect Master Yuehua flashed, and he flew towards the sect alone. Upon seeing this scene, Huo Hai's eyes suddenly brightened, "Great, this is a good opportunity." I always wanted it. I found the opportunity of the Yuehua Sect Master to place the order, but I didn't expect to find it so quickly. It was not very far from the Yuehua Sect, so it didn't take too long.

However, it didn’t take long, but it still had to be considered as an order. If that’s the case, then you don’t have to be polite. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and quickly followed, when Sect Master Yuehua had completely moved away from the Sky Star Sect residence. .

Huo Hai's heart moved, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth was instantly mobilized. In the next moment, Sect Master Yuehua couldn't move his whole person. He was attacked, and it was a Spirit Sovereign who had done it. Sect Master Yuehua had already thought of it in an instant.

It's a pity that he can't even speak right now, let alone take the special items that he uses to save his life. Huo Hai doesn't talk nonsense. Anyway, this guy has no way to control it. With a light finger, his sword energy Having pierced the spiritual source of Sect Master Yuehua, and easily erased the original spiritual power, the biggest hidden danger was finally dealt with.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief, quickly flew over, and collected the body of Sect Master Yuehua, "This is a treasure used to prevent mental attacks. It is said to be a symbol of Sect Master Yuehua. It's really good. I will send it back to Bi Ya. They are all right."

Huo Hai played with this headband for a while, and then incorporated it into his own inner space. The suzerain died, and the news should have been spread within the Yuehua Zongmen. No matter what, you must do it as soon as possible and not waste time.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai's figure flashed, almost instantly, and he returned to the ruins of the Sky Star Sect, "It's really fast." Huo Hai saw that the things of the Sky Star Sect were almost emptied by these people. This is the working speed of real professionals, which I can't compare at all, but I also have an advantage, that is, the handling is clean.

It is inevitable that these people will not notice some places, which left precious resources for those who later explored the ruins. Regardless, since these people are there, then these people are also disposed of.

None of them thought that before they could bring back the treasures of the Sky Star Sect, they themselves would become trophies in the eyes of others. Fluttershy used a wide range of mental power control, and these people who did not reach the realm of the spirits could not resist. .

Without the ring on the head of the sect master and the sect master, no one can react. With a wave of Huo Hai, a large number of star worms have already flown out quickly, killing all people in the shortest time. At the same time, all The things from Huo Hai were also sent to Huo Hai, and Huo Hai moved in his heart and quickly packed up these things.

In the shortest time, Fluttershy cooperated with Star Gu to completely turn over the ruins of the Star Sect. When it stopped, there was nothing left in the Star Sect. As for the body of the master of Yuehua Sect, Huo Hai also There is no mood to bother.

"Can't waste time." Calculating time, I have been here for ten minutes. Ten minutes is not very long, but some changes may happen. Now Yuehuazong should have been completely chaotic.

Huo Hai didn't want to let go of this great opportunity. His figure flashed and he left quickly, but Huo Hai's heart was extremely happy, because Yuehua Sect completely destroyed the Sky Star Sect, and this time, he got rid of a serious worry for himself. After the Sky Star Sect, even if he leaves in the future, the family should not be threatened by any potential.

After a while, Huo Hai came to the top of Yuehuazong. At this time, Yuehuazong had gradually become confused, "It's not good, it's not good, the Sect Master and the elders are all dead." There was a stern cry. , Sounded at the sect.

At the same time, the alarm sounded endlessly, and the remaining masters of the spirit emperor inside the sect were even more panicked, at a loss, and lost so many people at once. This is a sign that the sect is about to die.

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