Evil Insect God

Chapter 1321: reward

Huo Hai didn't know who of the following people had special scrolls. No matter how many people there were, Xiaodie flew out directly, and there was only one treasure that could resist Xiaodie's mental power.

With the release of Xiaodie’s mental power, everyone was quickly under control. At this time, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s finally done. This **** Yuehua Sect is really amazing. Many people can resist Xiaodie's mental power." Recalling the scene at the beginning, Huo Hai's heart was frightened.

The Yuehua Sect is different from the Scorching Sun Sect. They are more accomplished in mental power, and many people have mental power defense methods. Even if it is Fluttershy's mental power control, it is not easy to control it in such a wide range. .

Many people actually resisted a few times instinctively. Fortunately, these people don't have any special spiritual defense treasures. Otherwise, Huo Hai would really worry that these guys would die, but now, he has succeeded.

Star Gu is still the best choice to do this kind of thing. Under Huo Hai’s order, Star Gu began to sweep away, and Huo Hai himself entered the Moon Huazong and began to collect and sort out all the collections of Moon Huazong. , At the same time, it was time to organize the things that he had just searched from the Sky Star Sect. By this time, Huo Hai was not in a hurry.

While packing things, Huo Hai carefully sorted out Yuehuazong’s treasures and books, “Hey, Yuehuazong’s defensive war spirit art actually has heavenly quality, close to the holy level.” Huo Hai suddenly saw that he had always wanted Looking for something.

This month Huazong’s defensive battle spirit art is called Jiuzhong Yuehua. The seed of itself is its own origin. Based on the origin, it continuously polishes and condenses the moon, and finally forms a faint moonlight outside of its body, this layer of moonlight. , Is the terror defense barrier of the venerable realm. With continuous refinement and polishing, the number of Yuehua will continue to increase.

At the final level of cultivation, a total of nine layers can be formed, folded layer by layer, endless. After each layer of moonflower is broken, a new layer of moonflower will quickly grow underneath, layer by layer, and the cycle continues.

As long as the nine layers of Moon Hua Tong cannot be broken in a short time, this layer of defensive barrier cannot be penetrated. This kind of defensive war spirit art is a very top type. The Yue Hua Zong master relied on the nine layers of Moon Hua. Even the masters of the Scorching Sun Sect and the Heavenly Soul Sect can't help but the spiritual will and the strength of the world contained in this nine-layer moon flower are not comparable to ordinary war spirit arts.

The soul attack secret method of the Heavenly Soul Sect is difficult to break through this defense. According to the record, the masters of the Moon Huazong relied on the defense of the nine layers of Yuehua to wound the top Heavenly Soul Sect masters.

If this is not the case, the masters of other sects may not have the opportunity to hunt it down. The more you look at it, Huo Hai will be more excited. This nine-layer moon flower itself is created based on the twelve auras of the masters of the spiritual realm. of.

Although its own level is not high, its defensive power is sufficiently comprehensive, and it has strong defensive capabilities against various forces. It is a pity that this secret method was not perfected in the past, at least not in the Celestial Soul Realm, so this war spirit The formula can still be improved and enhanced. Huo Hai doesn't know how strong this thing is, so he can learn it first.

Of course Huo Hai can't use Yuehua, but his own star power also has starlight, "Hehe, after the transformation, I'll call you the nine-fold starlight." Huo Hai smiled slightly and naturally changed a name.

Quickly memorizing the cultivation method of Nine-Layered Moon Flower, Huo Hai loaded it into his inner space at will. Now that he has defensive body skills and attacks, Huo Hai doesn’t want to continue to practice the Heaven-level War Spirit Art. It can't chew too much, and it will cause too much pressure on oneself, so unless a very special secret method, Huo Hai will not bother.

With this kind of thought, Huo Hai’s next search was much easier. Yuehua Sect’s abilities were very mixed, so the various secrets were more numerous than Lie Sun Sect. Zong is even more exaggerated.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there would be such a thing." Huo Hai smiled and picked up a scroll with the three characters of Dream Shadow Technique written on it. What Huo Hai did not expect was that this Dream Shadow Technique was actually a holy level. Spells, and it's not a low-level one.

This dream shadow technique can be said to have been done by Yuehuazong who used the strange attack to the extreme. Even when Huo Hai saw this kind of magic, he still felt a headache, "I thought that with Jiuzhong Yuehua, no soul is needed. The defensive battle spirit art is now, it seems that it will still be needed in the future." Huo Hai felt a cold sweat coming out of his head.

This dream shadow technique is really weird and terrifying. It can be seen that this is a secret method that the Yuehua Sect master has absorbed and improved based on some soul secret methods of the Heavenly Soul Sect. It is a secret method specifically for the soul, which is similar to a curse.

This secret method is directly used by the opponent’s breath. When the opponent is practicing, the opponent will be like a dream silently. If the strength of the two sides is not much different, you can even make the opponent directly like a dream. Fortunately, the difficulty of this secret method is It is also very high, otherwise I am afraid that Yuehuazong would already dominate the entire Heavenly Soul Domain. This was the first feeling Huo Hai had after seeing Dream Shadow Art.

This dream shadow technique can bring the opponent into the dream, and then you can use various methods to kill or wound the opponent in the dream. Although it is in the dream, all the damage is directly effected on the spirit. In the soul.

This kind of damage is not immune to it, and it directly hurts the soul. If the soul dies, the opponent will die silently. Even if the soul is injured, it will have the same effect when reflected on the body. The most important thing is , There is no special secret method to repair the soul, this kind of injury can't be cured for a lifetime, it is very dangerous.

This kind of attack method is more secretive and more difficult than his own Soul Slashing Technique. The learning conditions are as difficult as the solar eclipse. It is impossible to learn without the realm of Spiritual Sovereign. Huo Hai suddenly discovered how lucky he is. .

If it weren't for the ancestors of the scorching sun, the ancestor Yuehua could directly use this method to penetrate the opponent's guardian formation and directly curse the opponent, and he had been hidden in the dark without appearing.

When the ancestor Yuehua attacked him last time, he just thought that he was not strong enough, so he didn't use this troublesome secret method. Otherwise, no matter how strong his escape ability, he would never want to survive.

Now that Yuehuazong does not have a spiritual master, no one can learn this troublesome secret method. Huo Hai thought for a while and put it away. You can't leave such dangerous things to others casually.

Anyway, Huo Hai is not suitable for himself. He will not learn this thing. There are only two ways to defend against dream shadow art. One is that his soul power exceeds the opponent, and it is far beyond, so that he can even kill the opponent. The other is that he has a powerful soul defense spirit art, able to protect himself from the attack of Dream Shadow Art.

Yue Huazong used to have spiritual masters, and now these people don’t know what happened after they entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Huo Hai doesn’t know if they will face these people, but once they do, they must prevent this ability. .

Sure enough, none of these large sects could be underestimated. Huo Hai took a deep breath and then searched. At this time, the killing outside had gradually ended, and there were constantly space items being sent to Huo Hai's side.

During this period of time, the collections of various major sects have been looted continuously. The collections of Huo Hai and Huo's family have reached an unimaginable level. Speaking of the background, now the Huo family says that they are second, and no one dares to say that they are the first. , One day all these things will be digested clean, then the strength of the Huo Family may be stronger than the original Heavenly Soul Sect.

In any case, lay a good foundation, and then you will be able to relax.

What Huo Hai didn’t know was that when he did it himself, Hui Hao Zong and the Feng Chou Sect also started to move. “Just received the news that many top masters in Yue Hua Zong died at the same time. People started."

Sect Master Hui Hao slowly got up: "Notify the people of the Feng Catch School that we have time to move. The people who do it don’t know how strong they are, so we will deal with them according to the specifications of the Spirit Venerable. As for the Yuehua Sect, they It's good for us to be destroyed." If Yuehua Sect perishes, then Hui Hao Sect will be the strongest sect in the Heavenly Soul Region in the future.

Relying on the speed of the body technique, and later find some battle spirit arts suitable for their sect cultivation, then the strength of the sect will definitely be stronger than the original Lie Sun Sect and Yuehua Sect. They will not worry about that Tianyang Sect. .

The strength of the Tianyangmen cannot be compared with them. This time the person who did secretly is eliminated. If it is not from the Tianyangmen, then the two sects will wipe out the Tianyangmen. The two sects have already been prepared. All right.

The sect masters dispatched one after another, and soon came around Yuehuazong. The two teams gathered from a distance and exchanged their opinions, "According to the spiritual power, that person is still in the Yuehuazong resident. , And it's a spiritual master." Hui Haozong's face became extremely solemn when looking at a spar.

The sect master of the Catch Feng faction was very pompous, and he came in for money. After hearing what Hui Haozong said, he lightly opened his lips: "If this is the case, then we will do what we have discussed in advance. Don't forget your promise afterwards."

The two sect masters glanced at each other, and then quickly separated. In fact, the two major sects were already ready. With this hands-on, everyone placed array tools and various rune spars in suitable places from far away. The spiritual power was stimulated, and the power slowly merged one after another, and finally, the power of heaven and earth was completely driven.

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