Evil Insect God

Chapter 1322: Encircle and suppress

Huo Hai cleaned up things very fast. In less than half an hour, everything inside the Yuehua Sect was cleaned up by Huo Hai. This was because Huo Hai took the time to organize the gains of the Sky Star Sect.

Half an hour is nothing at all. In such a short time, the other sects may not even be able to get the news, but what Huo Hai did not expect is that there are always sects staring at Yuehuazong, the spies inside Yuehuazong. , Not only from the Liege Sect, other top sects, even super-class sects, also sent spies.

"Now there is only one sect of the Blood God Sect left." Huo Hai looked into the distance with a melancholy expression. The contract power in his body had been weakened to a quarter level, and Huo Hai had a special feeling faintly. .

But let alone a quarter, contract power is not something that humans can resist. Unless one's own cultivation exceeds the contract limit and can completely disperse the contract power, even if there is only a little contract power, it will kill people on the spot. .

Even if it’s an ordinary contract in the body of a heaven-level master, the effect is the same. The contract power seems to come from the core of heaven and earth, the deepest, is the most original force. Before truly surpassing the heaven and earth, nobody has heard of it. It resists the damage caused by the contract attack, so no matter how much is left, it is the same as everything is left.

Huo Hai shook his head and continued to lower his head to tidy up, but at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly raised his head: "Damn it, is there a way for Yuehuazong to die together?" Huo Hai waved his hand and took everything away.

His figure flickered and he had come outside the Yuehuazong resident. At this time, there was already an additional defensive barrier in the air. With a move in his heart, all the Star Gus had returned to their inner space. If they could not withstand the attack, Then these Star Gus that have not yet undergone transformation are completely unable to resist, what is going on.

Huo Hai felt this powerful defensive barrier, but found helplessly, this power, even if he wanted to break it, would not be able to succeed in one or two strokes. With a single finger, a star sword aura was already emitted.

The sword qi hit this barrier fiercely, and the entire barrier shook as a result. Unfortunately, there were no cracks in the barrier. The aftermath spread, destroying a large area of ​​Yuehuazong’s building, and the corpses stored on the ground followed this. The vibrations shattered countless, "It's a hard barrier, I don't know who made it." Huo Hai discovered that this force does not seem to be the force of Yuehua.

"Awesome, it is Lingzun as expected. Who is this person? He is actually using the stars' spiritual power. Is it a person left by the ancient Sky Star Sect or a hidden master of the Sky Star Sect." People outside noticed the blow. His face is also very ugly.

"It should not be a member of the Sky Star Sect. Just now we received the news that the Sky Star Sect has died. If this person is a member of the Sky Star Sect, it is absolutely impossible to watch them destroy. Maybe it is someone who inherited the ancient Sky Star Sect. Now I finally know why so many top sects were destroyed. These sects were all sects that participated in the fight against the Sky Star Sect in ancient times."

After hearing the words of the sect master of the Catch Phoenix faction, everyone thought about it, and it seems that this is really the case, "If this is the case, then it is even more impossible to let him stay. Our two sects also participated in the ancient times."

At that time, although the Phoenix Catch and the Hui Hao Sect were not top sects, they were considered to be the best among the super first sects. They had participated in the battle against the Heavenly Soul Sect and the Heavenly Star Sect. After the top sects are all destroyed, I am afraid they will be next. These people don't know that Huo Hai will not care about them at all.

"In that case, let's do it. This time we are taking the lead. The first attack will be handed over to us." Sect Master Hui Hao waved his hand, and an old man next to him who had been prepared for a long time was about to throw a short sword. Go in.

Huo Hai had already seen these hidden people outside, but he couldn't get out now. The short sword fell into the barrier and suddenly shattered. A cyan light burst out, forming a cyan great sword facing Huo. The sea pierced straight.

"Huh, I don't know who left it. It's not even the sword aura, only the power of the wind attribute." Huo Hai sneered, but his eyes were very solemn. This blue giant sword is indeed not a sword aura, nor does it have. The comprehension of the kendo, but the power of the wind attribute itself is very strong, leaving this attack, it should be the second and third heavenly spirits.

Huo Hai waved his hand and drew out his Luoxia Sword. At this time, the stars on the Luoxia Sword were dotted. This was caused by Huo Hai's polishing with his own sword energy. It is a pity that Huo Hai has just polished it soon, and this sword embryo has not yet been completed. Become an honorable sword.

With a stab of the long sword in his hand, with the help of the power of the long sword, a flashing silver sword gas quickly took shape. Two swords, one large and one small, collided in the air, and a wave of sound waves spread out. The loud sound was loud, and the sound waves were visible to the naked eye. , But could not hear.

"Boom" suddenly, under the vibration of the sound wave, the entire barrier vibrated violently. This vibration, even for people outside, was not completely untouched. Many of the less powerful spiritual emperors were directly shot from the air. After the shock fell, the combat power displayed by Huo Hai shocked the hearts of the people of the two major sects, and their faces were blue.

The ripples gradually calmed down, the light of spiritual power dissipated, and Huo Hai's figure was revealed, still in a long robe, but at this time the robe has been damaged a lot, "Damn, this person is not simple, maybe it is a figure in ancient times."

The people present are not idiots. The lifespan of the spiritual masters is unlimited, but the cultivation in the heavenly soul domain is very slow. Just now Huo Hai was able to withstand this blow, which proves that Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness is not the spiritual sovereign double heaven, or the spiritual sovereign triple heaven. , Such a master simply cannot be a recent one, at least a master tens of thousands of years ago, or even longer.

The Phoenix Catchers were not to be outdone: "Then let us try." The master of the Phoenix Catchers sent a signal. A young woman threw a spar into the defensive barrier. Just as Huo Hai blocked this attack, he felt behind him. It's hot.

Turning his head to see, a huge firebird took shape in the air. This firebird looked like a firebird formed by a gathering of thousands of birds, except that there were some beautiful tail feathers, and the whole body was burning with flames. This was obviously the shape of a phoenix.

"Damn, it's from the Feng Cultivation faction, so the only people who cooperate with them are Hui Haozong's people." In this situation, those who can cooperate with the Feng Cultivation faction are qualified to cooperate with the Feng Cultivation faction. , There were only Hui Hao Sect and Blood God Sect, but the Blood God Sect had been maimed by himself, and their methods were full of blood, it could not be them.

The people who use the power of the wind attribute are basically the people of the Hui Hao Sect. This sect has the fastest personal method because of its own wind attribute, but at this time, it is no longer possible for Huo Hai to think so much.

He turned around and condensed his sword aura again. Huo Hai turned around and cut out with a sword. He hit the flame phoenix in the neck between moments, "He..." a high-pitched and stern cry, and the phoenix exploded after being hit hard Come.

There was a little starlight under Huo Hai's feet, and quickly stepped back, looking at the faint three-layer brilliance of the phoenix, Huo Hai knew that this spar was left by the Triple Heaven Spirit Venerable, and it was the kind that was close to the peak of the Triple Heaven. The master, the "boom" huge shock wave followed, Huo Hai could not completely escape, being burned by the flame, the injury was not light.

Moreover, the clothes on his body have become tattered, and the image is very ugly, "Heaven-level battle spirit art, and there is not only one kind, it seems that it is really a person left by the ancient Sky Star Sect, this person can't stay."

Hui Hao Sect and Feng Catch Faction have determined that Huo Hai is the remnant of the ancient Sky Star Sect. He may have been recovering from his wounds in these years. He just came out to wait for an opportunity. No wonder the Heavenly Soul Realm is always in chaos during this period of time. It feels that someone is manipulating behind it, and the people who stayed back then will definitely not let go of those who have besieged the Sky Star Sect.

"The Sky Star Sect should have been destroyed long ago. This person should be the last master of the Sky Star Sect. No matter what the price, he cannot be allowed to survive." The sect master of the Catch Feng faction also nodded and said.

At this time, the surrounding barriers have been weakened a lot, and they are constantly shaking. The surrounding two disciples are constantly injecting spiritual power, stabilizing the operation of the entire spiritual formation. After the explosion, the figure of Huo Hai still exists, which makes the two schools even more troublesome. People are annoyed.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the Yuehua Sect and the Lie Sun Sect didn't do anything to me, but instead overturned the boat in this gutter." Huo Hai was a little depressed. How could this Catching Feng Sect and Hui Hao Sect also have third-level spirits left behind? Things, the masters of their sect stayed in the Heavenly Soul Realm for such a long time, this kind of foundation is only stronger than Lie Sun Sect and Moon Hua Sect.

The two sect masters glanced at each other and moved their hands at the same time. Hui Haozong’s people threw a disc into the barrier, while the sect master of the Catch Feng faction pulled out a hairpin and threw it in. Two things were just thrown in. , An amazing change occurred immediately.

The hairpin was red all over, and the flames burned bigger and bigger, and countless small fire phoenixes that were not too large flew out, like a hundred birds rushing towards Huo Hai. This power is stronger than the previous power. Damn it, it's the Phoenix flame." Special flames are always stronger than ordinary flames, making Huo Hai even more depressed, and it is still behind.

The blue light flickered on the disk, and the power stored in it was released for the first time. The terrifying wind blew silently. Numerous wind blades and fragments shot directly at Huo Hai, tearing the space apart along the way. Cracks.

The wind assists the fire and the fire uses the power of the wind. The two powers are released at the same time. The power is even more terrifying. This destructive power has almost reached the power of the four-fold heavenly spirit master realm. If it weren't for this power, it was only an additional power, Huo Hai He didn't even know if he could survive. Now facing this power, Huo Hai still has a headache and can only go all out.

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