Evil Insect God

Chapter 1323: Seriously injured

The power of Fenghuo Phoenix tells Huo Hai that if it is hard to connect, it will definitely not end well. The most correct way at present is to flee immediately. Huo Hai's speed is not much slower than these Fenghuo Phoenix.

Although this thing is the power of the Spirit Venerable, it is not the Spirit Venerable that makes the move. After the move, no one can control it, and can only rely on this power instinct to attack. If it is outside, Huo Hai does not worry about this method. , Such an attack, in Huo Hai's view, was not as good as the previous giant Fire Phoenix, the speed of that thing was at least faster than his own.

But now, Huo Hai understood that he could not escape, and in this surrounded place, unless he could break the barrier in the shortest moment, he would still be caught up sooner or later.

"Damn it, it seems that I really can only fight." Huo Hai analyzed his situation in an instant. He stepped on, instead of retreating, but quickly rushed to the front. The next moment, Huo Hai was already fighting these wind and fire. The bird hits head-on.

Feeling the arrival of Huo Hai, Feng Huo Niao quickly gathered and launched a suicidal attack on Huo Hai. Although the attack power of each Feng Huo Niao was not strong, it was also the power of the Spiritual Venerable Realm. Today, Huo Hai does not have any. Cultivating the Heaven-level Defensive Battle Spirit Secret Art, if hit by these things, the consequences will not be much better, the first is strong, and the long sword in Huo Hai's hand has been pierced.

A sword turned, as if countless sword lights were surrounding Huo Hai. Several firebirds had been hit and then picked up and flew out. With Huo Hai’s technique, these firebirds kept hitting other firebirds and immediately triggered them. A series of explosions.

At the same time, Huo Hai's left hand continued to send out the star sword energy for emergency, and directly exploded the firebirds that had not had time to stop. A large amount of sword energy erupted from the spiritual cave around his body. In order to block the blow, Huo Hai had already ignored himself. The power is consumed.

Sword Qi rushed directly into the group of firebirds, annihilating a large number of firebirds, reducing his pressure, Huo Hai attacked, and kept backing under the pressure. I don’t know how long it has passed, Huo Hai suddenly felt something hit behind him. Without looking back, Huo Hai also knew that he had reached the defensive barrier at this time, "Damn it, the space is too small."

Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart, but the movement in his hand did not slow down at all, the long sword dance accelerated more and more, after all, it was a hard heavenly sword embryo, although it was not completed, the strength was still not bad.

Under the protection of Huo Hai's sword aura, the silver-white long sword was not damaged at all, but Huo Hai was uncomfortable. Every time a firebird exploded in front of him, the shock wave produced would make him feel blood boiling.

More and more firebirds exploded around him, Huo Hai was no longer as simple as blood boiling, but began to get injured, the injuries caused by the flames, the injuries caused by the wind blade cutting on his body, and the damage caused by vibration.

These injuries continue to invade, and Huo Hai’s own defenses can’t be resisted at all. He can only instinctively use spiritual power to form a shield. Seeing that his injuries are getting heavier and heavier, he will lose his combat effectiveness if he continues to do this. Huo Hai yelled: "Ah... Give me a break." The sword energy in his hand suddenly increased dozens of times.

The long sword was twisted into a whirlpool in his hand, and the surrounding firebirds were instantly drawn into the whirlpool. Even at this moment, Huo Hai had already used the spiritual power of his own spirit worm in the opposite direction. Huo Hai's own cultivation base is not high. A flaw.

The cultivation base is not enough, the spiritual power is not enough, even if Huo Hai’s spiritual power recovers quickly, but explosive use like this in a short time, it is still no different from an ordinary first-level and second-level spirituality, and it can be compared to the face. With the attack of the fourth-level spiritual master, Huo Hai volatilized his spiritual power all the way to death, and now only the last point is left.

"Boom boom boom..." The explosion sounded constantly, and even the people outside the barrier had no choice but to retreat constantly. Looking at the crumbling barrier, everyone could see some worry in their eyes.

"Well, I didn't expect this person to be so powerful, so he wouldn't die like this, what else can you do." Sect Master Huihao's face changed drastically, he had already seen it, and the remaining firebirds couldn't control Huo Hai. Kill.

The master of the phoenix-catching faction shook his head: "No, all the things left by the elders have been used up. It seems that we can't kill them today." At this time, no one would talk nonsense. If you don't have it, you don't have it. After all, you have offended this spiritual deity. Everyone is worried about this spiritual deity's revenge and can't kill him. The future will be difficult.

As for those almost disposable items, they won’t have much effect on Huo Hai. This time, I’m very sincere to bring so many precious treasures. Looking at Huo Hai in the barrier, everyone’s faces It's getting ugly.

Finally, after the last firebird was cut off by Huo Hai’s sword, Huo Hai could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and took a few deep breaths. Huo Hai’s eyes were murderous, if he hadn’t obtained it from Yuehua Sect and Lie Sun Sect. Huo Hai really wanted to protect himself from the scroll spar. Now, his injuries are not light at all.

Numerous spiritual veins withered and broken, causing Huo Hai to laugh bitterly, "Fortunately, he has reached the spiritual master, otherwise this kind of injury is really terrible." The spiritual master is different from ordinary spiritual masters. For the spiritual master, his inner world is talented. is the most important.

There is nothing in the inner world, and no matter how serious the injury is, it can quickly recover, but if the inner world is destroyed, then this spiritual sovereign can only wait for death. Such an injury should be quickly recovered under the scouring of the power of the world.

But now, Huo Hai's own spiritual power has been exhausted, and the injury is not light, it is difficult to move, if this is to continue to attack, without being so strong, it is not Huo Hai can resist, "Can't let them continue to do it. . "Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and quickly transferred his mental power. The Soul Slashing Technique had already been issued, but this time, the Soul Slashing Technique did not take shape.

In the void, only a huge sharp blade appeared horizontally, and only a few spirit emperors on the scene could see clearly, "No, flash." The Soul Slashing Jue sword hit the barrier fiercely, shaking the barrier continuously. .

After all, this layer of barrier is used to resist spiritual power. It is not effective in resisting spiritual power. The Soul Slashing Art has been weakened by more than 90%, but it is not what these spirit emperors can resist. Several people who have not reacted. , I was struck by the Soul Slashing Art directly, without any damage to the body, but the soul was already beheaded, and the corpse slowly fell down.

"What do you do now." Discovering that Huo Hai had the ability to attack through the barrier, everyone couldn't help but stepped back a lot. Just a dozen of the sword spirit emperors died, and the other spirit emperor spirit kings died and wounded countless.

A strong unwillingness flashed in the eyes of the Sect Master of the Catching Phoenix Sect, "We can only go back now. After returning to the sect, we will open the guardian array with all our strength, and we will be able to open it again after the spirits appear inside the sect. Shanmen."

Hearing the words of the sect master of the Catch Feng faction, although the sect master Huihao was helpless, he could only nod and agree: "There is only this way." Even if the sects are completely closed, in fact these sects still have their own methods and the outside world. Communication, otherwise, I am afraid that the low-level disciples inside the sect will starve to death. Everyone looked at each other and turned away.

"Damn it, leave after the fight, you guys...hmph, there will be absolutely no such good thing next time." Huo Haigang wanted to chase, but when he left, he found his whole body aches. This kind of injury must be treated quickly.

Huo Hai didn't want to cause his body to become mutilated because of his injuries. Even if he could recover with the power of the world in the future, it would still make people awkward. Now Huo Hai has exhausted his spiritual power and has no ability to pursue it.

The surrounding defensive barriers are very strong, and the barriers were weakened a lot because of my own confrontation with Firebird. Otherwise, my Soul Slashing Art really can't hurt the people outside, "Huh, Sect Master Huihao, Sect Soul just now The formula tastes good." Huo Hai saw clearly that his Soul Slashing formula had just slightly hit Sect Master Hui Hao.

It’s just that this guy has been enduring it all the time. In fact, the soul must have been injured, and the injury is not light. Huo Hai closed his eyes and slowly mobilized his power. With Huo Hai’s ability, his spiritual power was still quickly recovered. of.

A few minutes later, Huo Hai got up with difficulty, mobilized the power of heaven and earth, and supported himself in the air. With a little bit of his right hand, a sword aura issued, hitting the already shaky barrier, the barrier shook violently, and there was still no change, Huo The sea was not discouraged, and dared to use it against the Lingzun, how could this barrier be broken so easily.

Sword Qi followed by one after another. When the third sword aura was emitted, a crack appeared on the barrier, and the fourth sword aura was emitted. The cracks on the barrier gradually expanded, and it was about to collapse in a faint way.

Huo Hai then issued a fifth sword aura. The sword aura hit the crack and directly punched a gap in the crack. Accompanied by a rattling sound, the spirit formation quickly began to collapse from where Huo Hai attacked, and finally even the precious surroundings There are also many cracks on the array tool and the array base, and in Huo Hai's eyes, they have completely lost their value.

Slowly converging the fire of the stars, Huo Hai used the fire of the stars to absorb the fire bird's flame power to weaken the attack. If it weren't for this, it would definitely be impossible for Huo Hai to hurt so lightly, maybe it would hurt the inner world.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, Huo Hai floated up, and the Yuehuazong residence had completely turned into a ruin. No, it can't be said to be a ruin. Even if it is the Gobi Desert, many people would believe it.

There is no stone here that is bigger than a fist. Huo Hai shook his head, his figure flashed, and he flew towards the east, temporarily not suitable for going home. Who knows if he has any special marks left on his body.

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