Evil Insect God

Chapter 1324: Nankai Empire

Huo Hai stopped and walked all the way, and from time to time he had to recover his injuries. In the face of the power of the world with absolute own rules, this injury was really nothing, and the power of the world had the ability to distort the rules of reality.

Under normal circumstances, the body suffered from such a trauma can not be recovered in a short time. This is a rule of the world. With the power of the world, it can be directly distorted. Huo Hai spent a few days. This kind of injury that was almost impossible to repair was completely restored, which is why it is said that the inner world of the heavenly master is everything.

Not to mention such a small injury, even if the head is completely destroyed, it can regenerate with the power of the world. Heavenly masters can no longer be regarded as normal people. Huo Hai has a feeling that he is not a human being. .

He shook his head and threw this thought out of his mind. Your own body is still very important. At least for those masters, their body is as important as their own inner world, and of course their body is not. So easy to get hurt.

A few days later, Huo Hai finally confirmed that there was indeed no mark on his body, because no one was tracking him, and through some gossip, Huo Hai also confirmed that the Feng Catch and Hui Hao Sect had now completely sealed off his sect. Door, it seems that it is not so easy to get in, Huo Hai doesn't care, but intends to finish his own business first.

All the way to the east, he soon came to the Molian Territory, but Huo Hai did not stay here, but went all the way south and entered the original place where he came to this world, which is the position of the southern countries.

When Huo Hai came here, he discovered that the changes here were very huge. The ground veins had been completely released, and the spiritual power was surging. In Huo Hai’s perception, many masters of the spirit king had appeared. You must know that before, it was impossible to produce spirits here. King's.

"I want to talk about our South China Sea Empire, but also about our South Sea prince Huo Hai. Back then..." Suddenly, in Huo Hai's perception, he heard someone talking about himself, and his heart moved, Huo Hai stopped at a distance and listened to this person. After listening slowly, Huo Hai discovered that this person seemed to be singing the praises of virtue, and this Huo Hai was indeed himself.

No matter who it is, as long as the status reaches a certain level, someone will sing praises for himself. Huo Hai developed with the Huo family all the way back then, and then entered the Molian Domain, but later entered the Heavenly Soul Domain, the people here are not clear. Up.

Huo Hai has left these years. For the southern countries, a generation has changed. The ordinary people who had an impression of Huo Hai in the past have now become the older generation, and many of them are not too young. It has been more than 20 years, even nearly 30 years since I left the southern countries. After such a long period of time, the development speed of Huo's original residence is not slow.

With help from the Molian domain over the years, at the beginning, sects such as Jiu Xianmen had good relations with the Huo family, and later, with the help of Huomen and many people from the Bajie Huo family, the family strength developed very fast.

After the destruction of the Haotu Empire, a large part of the position of the empire was occupied by Huomen, and the people here were even more afraid to face the Huo family. So among the southern countries, the Huo family, who had become the royal family of the South China Sea, took the opportunity to develop and grow. .

After years of conquests, most of the southern countries have now entered the Huo family’s sphere of influence. The South China Sea has changed from a kingdom to the current South China Sea Empire. In terms of resources, it is not as good as the previous vast empire, but in terms of area, it has exceeded Once the vast land empire continues to develop, the South China Sea Empire will soon become a major force in the Molian domain.

At that time, the Nanhai Empire and Molian Territory Huo Family were both in the Molian Territory, and their strengths would increase by leaps and bounds. Huo Hai knew that the word Nanhai was taken from his body by his grandfather.

"Unexpectedly, these guys can really toss." Huo Hai paused for a while, then left here and returned to the place of his family's old house. This place, as the ancestral home of the Huo family, has always had people here. guard.

As for the rest of the family, the imperial palace has been established close to the Molian domain, which is convenient for transportation.

Huo Hai didn’t alarm these people. After all, these people didn’t even know him. Xiaodie’s mental power was released and he immediately controlled these people who guarded the ancestral house. After that, no matter what Huo Hai asked, they would tell the truth, “Tell me, How is the development of the Huo family in recent years." Huo Hai suddenly became interested and wanted to know.

Under Xiaodie's control, several people were not sluggish at all, but they spoke to Huo Hai as if chatting. The Huo family had a powerful help, and it was not something other kingdoms could resist at all. It's normal.

Today, the Huo family residence has more than 20 spirit kings resident in various places. There is no one in the South China Sea and its surroundings. Even in the palace, there is a spirit king stationed here all the year round. This is the Huo Men faction. The master who came out.

The expansion of the Huo family back then can be said to be quite unreasonable. Perhaps because the elder was left behind, the grievances filled with it were vented on these kingdoms. It only took less than five years to expand. At the current level, most of the remaining small kingdoms outside today are in a harsh environment.

These lands are so bad that the Huo family didn’t look good, so they threw it there. The term southern countries has only existed in history. Huo Hai is also regarded as the ancestor of the South China Sea Empire, but Because Huo Hai was not old and had been alive all the time, he became the name Nanhai Young Master when it was publicized.

Huo Hai didn't feel much about how to call it, but it was just a title. What made Huo Hai feel depressed is that now this huge empire is almost about to become a tool for the Huo family to use for experience.

Huo family and Huomen, if someone wants to experience, many will come to the South China Sea Empire, or fight with the surrounding small kingdoms, or come to mix seniority. After all, it is still very safe here, and the Huo family is in the royal family. People, as long as they have attained a certain level of cultivation, all will leave, and being the leader of the country here has become a miserable job instead.

When there are no people here, someone will be transferred to the Cross Canyon and become the leader of the country here. This has also led to the fact that any country leader who comes here will not indulge in pleasure, but will be more strenuous.

Those who are capable will work hard to cultivate and strive to leave the South China Sea Empire as soon as possible. Those who are not talented will try their best to govern, find ways to do meritorious service, and leave here when the credit is great. This phenomenon really makes Huo Hai dumbfounded.

The host of the country whose eyes are red with the envy of others, has become a miserable job in the Huo family. It is said that a few years ago, the Huo family suddenly changed its form. Every time the country is elected by the Cross Canyon, every country director has a five-year period. Years or five years later, if you don’t do well and make major mistakes, then you will continue to be the leader of the country here.

If they do well, they will retreat and re-elect. Of course, they must be given some benefits. After five years of sitting down, they will be rewarded by the family and let them make up for the five years.

That’s right, the Heavenly Spirit Continent respects the strong. After seeing so many strong ones, who would be willing to be a country leader here, especially since the family has a lot of resources, and it’s just a matter of raising the family members to a higher level in batches. Even more so.

It is different from the previous earth. Here, the so-called power is only chosen when there is no choice. Everything exists for the sake of force. Even if many people fight for power and gain, they want to improve their status. It is also to obtain more resources and to improve one's own cultivation more smoothly.

Shaking his head, after understanding the current situation of the Huo family, Huo Hai ignored it. The old house of the Huo family remained as it was. At this time, it has become the holy land of the Huo family for the younger generations to pay their respects.

Huo Hai got up and took another look at his almost unchanged yard. The whole person rose into the sky. After Xiaodie left, these guards shook their heads and said nothing. It is not a glorious thing to be distracted while on duty. The matter, so this matter did not attract anyone's attention, and the whole experience was silent.

Huo Hai came to the south, not to go home to see, but to find the space king insect, the real location, the ancestor of Tianhui had already told himself, in fact, it was where Tianhui sealed the demon master. .

After Huo Hai arrived, he found that it was not without people here. On the contrary, there were a lot of people. Although it can't be called a sea of ​​people, there are also a lot of people here. Many people trek through the mountains and rivers and come to this place to watch.

"Look, we are here. This is the center of the evil disaster. Many people remember the horror of the evil disaster. Seeing that there is no big pit, this is the location of the magic pond. The devil is here to pollute our South China Sea. The people of the country and the earth were later found by His Royal Highness Nanhai Lord. After a fierce battle, he killed the Demon Lord."

Then there is a tribute, Huo Hai has a black line: "I didn't expect them to learn how to develop tourism." Huo Hai was a little helpless. There is always a big difference between historical records and reality, which no one can change.

The person who fought at the beginning was obviously a master of the Molian Domain. It was obviously when the Demon Lord was seriously injured at the end that he made a sneak attack to kill the Demon Master and the Demon Lord. A sneak attack and a fierce battle were completely different.

But no matter how much it is, first find the Space King Insect. Huo Hai’s eyes flicker. With the current cultivation base, Huo Hai can easily feel the abnormal space. There is a special space hidden near this piece of ground vein. This was created by the Space King Insect itself, and the large number of faults around it was the maze of formations that he had experienced back then.

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