Evil Insect God

Chapter 1325: Space King Worm

Regardless of the people above, Huo Hai has secretly integrated into the underground world. After all, this is his hometown. Seeing how these people respect him, Huo Hai is not embarrassed to let these people suffer.

Had it not been for so many people here, Huo Hai would have dug the ground directly, and soon, Huo Hai would pass through the place he was very familiar with, and once again came to that special area, "The insect of bright attribute , Ha ha, put it away first."

These beetles are the kind of spirit insects that their Star Gu used to purify their own devil qi, so that they can continue to improve and can control themselves. Huo Hai did not collect them at the beginning, and it is not too late. This is the ancestor of Tianhui Found in a special place, this kind of pure light attribute spirit insect is very rare in other places.

After putting it away, Huo Hai set his sights on the last space barrier, "Unexpectedly, this space king insect used its own power to create a secret realm abruptly. It's really not easy."

Most of the mysteries are naturally formed, purely natural types, and there is a kind of mystery, which is created by a sky-level expert. With Huo Hai's current ability, it can also create a mystery, but it is only the smallest and most useless.

How could Huo Hai deal with this kind of tasteless thing? Those forces that have masters of the spirits have appeared, there will be no secret realms inside the sect, because the masters of the spirits can easily tear the space into these secrets, if you stay Under the secret realm, when encountering a strong enemy in the future, it will give the opponent a chance, which is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, for the top big sects, the secret realm is only valuable if it has a special environment, or as a source of certain material resources, or has other special functions.

Just like the Holy Land of the Blood God Sect, that place was specially used to cultivate the saint children and saint women.

This kind of mystery is not difficult for Huo Hai. Huo Hai did not tear the space to pieces, but released the spirit of the spirit bat that had not been used for a long time. Under the power of Huo Hai, the spirit of the spirit bat, Easily enter the secret space.

"Fortunately, this space king insect has died, and the space barrier here is not very strong, and the external power is basically exhausted. Otherwise, it is really not easy for this spirit bat to enter." Huo Hai sighed. Then he communicated with the spirit bat, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in this special secret space.

"Oh my God, is this the Space King Insect." Huo Hai widened his eyes and looked at the insects that were at least a kilometer in size in front of him. Huo Hai knew that this insect must have enlarged his body, so it made Huo Hai feel The surprise is not the size.

What really shocked Huo Hai was the terrifying coercion on the Space King Insect. Even if it had been dead for so many years, this coercion still shocked Huo Hai. In front of this thing, Huo Hai could not afford to resist. idea.

"This Space King Worm is definitely not a Spiritual Sage, at least it is a Spiritual Sage." Huo Hai came to this conclusion, but who can severely wound the Space-attributed Spiritual Sage, even if he escapes, he can only When he died, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that the Heavenly Spiritual Realm seemed not as simple as imagined. The danger in the Heavenly Spiritual Realm was even more terrifying.

After a long time, Huo Hai took a deep breath and began to observe. Inside this space, there is nothing. The insects and beasts are different from human beings. Few people like to collect things. The light of space king insects circulates, and some special runes can be faintly seen. .

After Huo Hai's careful observation, he discovered the characteristics of these runes. This is a space law of the Space King. If you can understand it, it will be of great benefit to yourself, but it is a pity that Huo Hai himself It is not a spatial route, so these things can only serve as a reference for themselves.

Suddenly, Huo Hai felt waves of fluctuations in his inner space. Huo Hai's heart moved and found that it was Star Gu that was emitting the fluctuations, "What are you talking about, absorbing the power of this space king insect, you can form your own origin."

Huo Hai's eyes widened, and now Huo Hai has finally discovered that his Star Gu is actually a spatial attribute, otherwise, how could he use the Space King Insect to form his origin, but what is going on?

Shaking his head, Huo Hai whispered: "Don't worry, wait until I first copy all the space runes on this." These runes are very important, not only can handprints be used, but also in the spiritual formation. It is even more important. If you use these things to comprehend the spatial spirit array, and then bless it into your own star soul guide, it will not be said to be of great benefit to your own body.

It took Huo Hai a few days to transcribe the rune above. Huo Hai had no choice but to comprehend the remaining ones, and even these, they were incompatible with the power of heaven and earth.

If Huo Hai wants to use it, he has to transform it according to his own power between heaven and earth, as well as his own world power. "Okay, you can absorb it." Huo Hai gave an order. Gus suddenly became excited.

A large number of star worms swarmed up, opened their mouths, and the space power of the space king insects was swallowed bit by bit. As the space power was swallowed, a space seed gradually appeared in the stars of the star worms, and the seeds continued to expand. A special space is formed, in which space power is extremely strong.

"Is this the origin of the formation of the Star Gus? It is actually a space in itself. If the space power in this space is used, the space power exerted is definitely not simple." Huo Hai felt it, admiring it in his heart.

With the absorption, the remaining light power in the Star Gus began to disperse and disappear, and the gold on the Star Gus gradually began to dim. Although it was still golden, it was not as dazzling as before.

Now it seems that the Star Gus are very inconspicuous. "It seems that this is the real color of the Star Gus." Huo Hai nodded. After all, this thing is a Gu worm. Gu worms like to develop in a golden direction. It's normal, although Huo Hai doesn't know why this is, it seems that the golden color in the Gu worm represents a kind of nobility and respect.

When the power of light was completely dispelled, the Star Gus were already full of space power, and their previous abilities remained unchanged, except that it was no longer the power of light, but turned into a pure space power to attack.

Huo Hai finally understood why Star Gu had such a terrifying appetite before. There would be a huge space in his body to store spiritual power and various different things. It turned out that these Star Gus originally belonged to spatial attributes.

"It's weird. I obviously caught ordinary bugs casually. How could they become spatial attributes." Huo Hai didn't understand, because the spiritual worms with spatial attributes were not so easy to find. Until now, Huo Hai The space attribute spirit worm in his hand is only an accidental product like Star Gu, which he just knew.

But then, Huo Hai felt the cordial feelings of the Star Gus towards the Space King Insect. Gradually, Huo Hai understood a little bit. After many spirit insects and spirit beasts died, their own power was not useless at all.

This is the case with this space king insect. After death, its own spiritual power continues to radiate the surrounding area. Even if the inner world is destroyed, the space king insect itself is still a spatial attribute and can maintain a new space.

In this way, the power of the Space King Worm’s radiation range is very large. Almost all the southern countries are within the range. Not far away, the strongest space power has formed some space faults. These are the original Tianhui ancestors. The place that was used to create the spirit array, the original spirit array was so strange, all because of these spatial faults.

And those long-distance radiation powers will look for those spirit worms that are more consistent with themselves, and slowly transform them, but the spirit worm itself has its own power after all, so even if it is transformed, it will not be so easy to change.

However, the beetles that Huo Hai caught at the beginning were the most common insects, not spirit insects, so they were completely transformed. Because they were ordinary beetles, they didn’t stimulate their own power. Then, Huo Hai was radiated by this force. , The constant promotion and transformation of these beetles, every transformation will be affected by this kind of power that fits with their own.

As a result, one's own star gu possessed a certain amount of space abilities. Later, with the promotion of Huo Hai's sky-level source spirit stone, these star gu finally became a space attribute, which was simply an unexpected product. .

Now even if Huo Hai wants to make it, it is impossible to succeed, because the source of power radiation has been swallowed by the Star Gus. Huo Hai is a little upset. If he knew that, should he cultivate more Star Gus here first? .

Star Gu has very strong power and high ability. Although there are a lot of Five Thousand Star Gu, who is too much, "Hey, forget it, anyway, I don't have a heaven-level source spirit stone anymore." Huo Haitan After Tanshou, it would be useless to keep this space king insect. At this moment, the Star Gu, which first formed its origin, was already wrapped in the radiance formed by a layer of space.

The Star Gus, who hadn't changed for a long time, finally began to transform in the direction of the Spiritual Venerable. Huo Hai moved in his heart and quickly put them away. After that, Huo Hai put away the Space King Insect who had lost his power.

In the body of the space king insect, a special space crystal was formed, and Huo Hai felt it a bit. This space crystal is a heaven-level material, and as a heaven-level source spirit treasure, it is also the top one, and its value is very high.

If this is to cultivate a master of spatial attributes, this thing is really good, no matter what, put it away first, this thing is really too precious, the disappearance of the space king insect immediately shakes this secret realm, and it is about to collapse.

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