Evil Insect God

Chapter 1331: Gauntlet

I don't know how long it has passed, the blood flame aura in the distance gradually dissipated, and the movement of breaking through the sky level was very terrifying within a hundred miles. Those who did not reach the sky level would be directly annihilated by this heaven and earth pressure.

But hundreds of miles away, it’s calm and calm. Only the masters who are at the same level as the spiritual master can feel some of it. Therefore, when breaking through, the masters usually choose some hidden places to avoid enemies with the spiritual master. To make trouble, most people will choose the secret realm as the place to break through.

Blood Rose may already know that if there is only Huo Hai in the Soul Realm today, Huo Hai will not hurt her, so he dared to make a breakthrough not far from the Blood God Sect, but Blood Rose didn’t know, now there is one more. Xiaokui.

Xiaokui is now in retreat, so she won't release her perception at all, and naturally she didn't notice these movements. When her breath dissipated, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Yes, it didn't disappoint me. The breakthrough was very smooth and the potential was good."

Huo Hai's power to communicate with the world, after the power of the world dissipated, he could clearly feel the situation ahead, and the blood rose shortly after the breakthrough, although he felt a little distracted at this time, there was no major problem, even if it was an injury. I didn't receive a bit, but I don't know when the blood rose will come to him in this battle.

People from the Blood God Sect didn't know that they were on Floating Cloud Island, but Blood Rose knew that Song Muhua told her this.

When the Moon Huazong was destroyed last time, Song Muhua had already left the sect after receiving the news in advance. Later, Huo Hai was severely injured and did not go to Song Muhua, but returned to the southern countries of the Molian Territory while healed.

As a result, when I came back now, I found that Song Muhua had already joined Huomen. Because Song Muhua was pursuing rapid improvement, it once again caused major hidden dangers in his foundation, so that Song Muhua can cultivate to the peak of the spiritual emperor, and even in the future With a chance to break through, Huo Hai once again completely abolished all the aura in Song Muhua's body.

Song Muhua is now rebuilding according to the cultivation method of the Heavenly Star Transformation, and within ten years should be able to return to the spiritual emperor realm, but what makes Huo Hai helpless is that this is not the first time Song Muhua has hurt herself.

After several consecutive injuries, the hidden dangers left by his body are very serious. Although Song Muhua may reach the peak of the spirit emperor in the future, it is almost impossible to break through the realm of the spirit emperor. This is even the help of Huo Hai. Not busy.

A few days later, a disciple of the Blood God Sect delivered a letter, "Husband, did Senior Sister Blood Rose send it? What did Senior Sister say?" Feng Jiaojiao looked at Huo Hai with a sweet smile. A hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

Seeing other people’s gazes that seemed to look good on toys, Huo Hai smiled helplessly. The blood rose felt special to him. Huo Hai had known for a long time. In fact, during this time, Blood Rose also sent some letters. There are some feelings hidden behind, how could Fang Biya and others, who were past people, fail to see it.

So every time a letter is sent in the future, these people will gather around Huo Hai, and it's fine to make fun of Huo Hai.

Huo Hai shook his head before opening the letter. This letter was written in a secret language. I am afraid that no one except Huo Hai could understand it. As he watched it, the corner of Huo Hai's mouth was slightly curved.

"What did you say, do you want you to marry Senior Sister Blood Rose?" Qu Siyu suddenly said in Huo Hai's ear. Huo Hai took a deep breath and almost choked himself, coughing several times, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"You are not doing good cultivation, you see, the blood rose has surpassed you by how much now." Huo Hai took the letter, and no matter whether other people could understand it or not, Huo Hai calmed down for a while before he thought about explaining it.

"Blood Rose has already broken through to the Spiritual Venerable. In the next period of time, we will work hard to condense the light of the soul, accumulate the strength to break the crystal nucleus, and study the Heaven-level Battle Spirit Art of the Blood God Sect. Now, you haven't even reached the spirit emperor yet." Every time Huo Hai came back, Fang Biya and others would relax and practice.

Hearing Huo Hai’s words, Fang Biya and the others felt a little reddened. They were obviously dominant in every aspect. They did not expect that after reaching the Heavenly Soul Region, they were dragged down by the Blood Rose so much, and everyone was a little depressed. .

None of these people who are devoted to cultivation and want to help Huo Hai can reach the point of helping Huo Hai, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger, but Blood Rose, a person with amnesia, has gradually caught up with Huo Hai.

This really makes people do not know what to say. It would be good if the person who broke through to the Spirit Venerable was myself. A trace of determination and desire flashed in the eyes of a few people. After they decided to go, they would cultivate hard. Isn't it the realm of Spirit Emperor? If they couldn't break through the spirit emperor realm, wouldn't it be a waste of things for Huo Hai, they wouldn't allow this to happen.

"Then what does Senior Sister Blood Rose mean?" Suddenly, Ji Mu, who had recovered from his senses, asked.

Huo Hai sighed, and then said: "Blood Rose has to concentrate on cultivating these years, so I won't write to me." The people around didn't understand, Huo Hai shook his head. If you want to hide these things, you can't hide them. .

"On that day, I agreed with the Blood Rose that when the Blood Rose reaches the heavenly level, the two of us will have a match. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the Blood Rose will not pay attention to the Blood God Sect anymore, so I have not had this time. Do it."

Hearing the competition, everyone was shocked: "Hmph, Senior Sister is really annoying. My brother Mingming saved her so many times and gave her so many benefits. It's really annoying to have to do things with my brother. Yuner Don't hesitate with her either." Yun'er pouted and turned her head away with her arms in her arms. She was so cute that people didn't feel serious, but instead felt like she wanted to laugh.

Huo Hai naturally patted Yun'er's head. Yun'er could only shake Huo Hai's arm with a face full of irritation, "Okay, the blood rose is not easy to feel, after all, the Blood God Sect is also good to the blood rose. Rose’s character cannot be abandoned at will."

After a pause, Huo Hai raised the letter in his hand and said: "Actually, this is a battle book. The Blood Rose has now broken through and is about to challenge me. The time is five years from now." Huo Hai said slowly.

It seems that five years is the same as five days, but for a spiritual sovereign, there is really no difference between five years and five days. On hearing this, Fang Biya breathed a sigh of relief and said inwardly: "Huh. , If you have done a good thing, we won't blame you next time we meet you." Fang Biya's eyes flickered, but she didn't say anything.

Huo Hai didn't say how much they could think that once Huo Hai annihilated the Blood God Sect, he would probably leave. Huo Hai also understood somewhat that the original contract was for Huo Hai to destroy the other seven sects.

This destruction is not only at the foundation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but also those masters who entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm at the time. If those who entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm are not killed, the last eighth of the contract in Huo Hai’s body will never disappear. It may happen directly.

Five years after the blood rose was agreed, it would mean that Huo Hai could continue to live at home for five years and stay with herself for another five years. Fang Biya’s grievances towards the blood rose slowly dissipated. People can come back, and no one knows why, but everyone guesses that it is not easy to come back.

"Oh, there are still five years, huh, I think I should do it directly, so that my brother can defeat Senior Sister Stinky." Yun'er shook his little fist, cheering Huo Hai with an innocent and cute look.

"Don't worry, even if she was given five years, she would not be my brother's opponent. In these five years, only the blood rose will improve, and your brother and I will not improve." Huo Hai Said proudly.

Suddenly, Huo Hai said to the others: "Well, since there is a five-year buffer time, then you have to work hard for me during this period. Anyway, my Huo Hai's wife cannot be weaker than others." Huo Hai's words made Fang Biya and the others feel the blood boil. Everyone is a spiritualist, so naturally they don't want to lose to others.

From this day on, the people of the Huo family suddenly discovered that the enthusiasm for cultivation of several ladies had risen. Under the leadership of Fang Biya and others, the Huo family once again broke out a wave of cultivation enthusiasm.

The last craze had not subsided, but it broke out again. The strength of the Huo Family has been greatly improved in these cultivation crazes. Many people followed this trend and broke through their own cultivation base.

Huo Hai was not idle either. The power of his war spirit art did not reach the limit at this stage, especially the newly formed Star Sword Qi, which required Huo Hai to use the power of his own world and the power of stars to continuously refine and improve. With his own weapon, the Luoxia Sword, it would take Huo Hai to spend time to polish it, otherwise Huo Hai would not have a good weapon to use.

There is no contradiction between the comprehension of the spirit formation and the improvement of Huo Hai’s cultivation base. The more spirit formations you can comprehend, the greater the benefits for Huo Hai. If you give Huo Hai enough time to arrange the spirit formation, Huo Hai is sure to kill the spirits Master of the day.

The only thing that made Huo Hai feel helpless was that his cultivation was too slow. Whether it was broken crystal nuclei or spontaneous cultivation, his speed couldn't be faster. Without the help of external force, even though he was a wizard of heaven, he reached the heaven level. After that, he was struggling. Huo Hai had no choice but to continue to maintain the status quo and give pointers to others when he was fine.

With the passage of time, Huo Hai quickly cultivated the Xingchen sword qi to his own limit. If he did not break through, there would be no explosive improvement. The comprehension of the spiritual formation also reached a bottleneck state. Huo Hai felt that he had nothing to do. Done.

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